

Staff member
If you are reading this, PLEASE COME BACK. We miss you.

Tdigs is one of my favourite posters on these boards and when I started out, he was the one guy who gave me a shot. He was understanding to a great extend and gave me every opportunity to prove myself. He is a knowledgeable poster and his Puro thread was a great read from start to finish. He could have Independants and International mod if he had stuck at it. He is one of the best posters on these boards and the forum will miss him if he doesn't decide to return.

I hope he does for one and continues to give us a look into his great knowledge about the Japanese wrestling scene. I knew that if I had a problem or a question with Japanese wrestling, then Tdigs would be there to help out. You should come back because what you are leaving for is not even a blip on the radar, it is not even notable. You are a great poster and it would be a shame to see you leave for this.

Again, Please come back.
Has it even been a day yet? Chill man. He said he needed some time to cool down or something like that. TDigs is the shit, don't get me wrong.
The last thing I read was him saying that he was leaving. Not permanently, but to "cool down" or some shit like that.
Came back to get my puro stuff.

You know, klunderbunker, I wouldn't have had a problem with what you did here if double standards didn't persist when it came to the rules. We, as regular members, are told categorically that we will be perma-banned for alts and for anything that presents a threat to the security of this forum.

CCS, before he admitted to all of his alts and was still a regular member of this board, got put into prison for the exact same stunt you pulled tonight. I tried to argue for his release, seeing how it was just a joke and how staff had just broken the rules with their "Luther in prison" joke (didn't Luther create something like 10 alts that day?), but IrishCanadian25 explained very clearly to me how what CCS did should not be taken lightly. And, I told him sorry for complaining about it.

But, now you have done something on this forum that your boss said should always be taken seriously. He informed me of how it could mean the leakage of my email and other information should someone with malicious intentions hack into this forum. So, what makes what you did tonight any different from what CCS did earlier? You tried to present yourself as a threat to the security of this forum. Of course, you could argue that, being on staff, you have the regular members' interests in mind, but I think the lengths that you'll go to deceive us show that this is not true.

In the end, I like way too many people on here to let what you did ruin my enjoyment of these forums. Also, there are some people that I truly do trust on staff, and I know that they would never do anything that would be harmful to my privacy on here. But, some cooling off time is needed. Furthermore, I think what I said here in this post is pretty reasonable, and I hope IrishCanadian25, Shockmaster, and Luther take it into consideration in deeming what pranks are allowable in the future.

This is what I'm going off of.
Damn, he needs to come back, we need all the good posters, or else the idiots are going to take over the forums

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