tdigle's Greatest Mod Moments

You're ignorance and stupidity knows no bounds, so it's never safe to assume you know anything about anything.

Is that a bumper sticker?

Getting smarky again? Sheesh.

Sensitive much?

I'm a pretty smart guy... I'm not an honor student or a genius or anything, but I get by... but I can't make left or right of what you're trying to say here. How can a noun be to an adjective as a noun can be to a verb? It simply doesn't make sense.

Correct. So why are you continually making that comparison?
That memorable?

I've seen a lot of movies man. A whole fucking lot of movies.

What is unique or incredible about the storytelling?

Tarantino worked the storyline to perfection. Pulp Fiction is usually the film that people point to when they talk about time manipulation, but Reservoir Dogs did it too, and did it damn well. The transitions were terrific, and the drama and emotion wasn't lost for a second between switching scenes.

Additionally, the torture scene is famous for a reason. The use of Stuck in the Middle with you is superb. The scene is sick, but silly, disturbing but engrossing. That scene alone makes Reservoir Dogs worthy of the hype.
Haven't wasted this much time since I first watched the movie myself.

Anyway which part of that is unique? I assume the first part is why it is "incredible." So it is unique because of that one scene? That scene really isn't that unique if your palate extends beyond the mainstream, which is what I was getting at before we took this detour.

If there is one thing that is definitely overrated about Tarantino it is how he uses violence. More often than not there isn't anything creative about it in the least.
Anyway which part of that is unique? I assume the first part is why it is "incredible." So it is unique because of that one scene? That scene really isn't that unique if your palate extends beyond the mainstream, which is what I was getting at before we took this detour.

Don't act like you know me. I've seen more than my fair share of non-mainstream films. Fuck, I'd say more often than not I'm watching either a foreign or an independent film these days.

And if you know anything about film, you'll know that Reservoir Dogs is one of the best uses of time manipulation ever. Like I said, Pulp Fiction is what most people point to for great use of time manipulation, but this was the original beast.

If there is one thing that is definitely overrated about Tarantino it is how he uses violence. More often than not there isn't anything creative about it in the least.

You keep bringing up things that irrelevant. Still, I implore you to find a torture scene that is better than Reservoir Dogs'. I'm not saying they're not out there, but they are few and far between.
One thing needs to be stated here about Resevoir Dogs: regardless of whether or not Tarantino will admit to it, Resevoir Dogs was heavily inspired (i.e., it virtually plagiarized) Ringo Lam's City on Fire.

I'll give some final thoughts here on Tarantino to give people an idea of why I don't hold him in very high esteem. Tarantino supporters often claim that he "transcends" the genres that he pays homage to. I find this to be absurd. Besides better production values (exclusively due to relatively gigantic budgets), Jackie Brown is no better than the blaxploitation films of the 70s, Kill Bill is no better than the Shaw Brothers productions of the 70s and the sleazy spaghetti westerns a la Django of the 60s, and Inglourious Basterds is no better than the macaroni combat cheesefests of the 60s and 70s.

I've never once tried to argue that Tarantino does NOT make entertaining films. What I have always tried to argue is that Tarantino's name has no place among the great directors of the past or present. Simply put, if there were a director's hall of fame a la the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Tarantino's name shouldn't even be mentioned as a possible inductee. If I were to meet him in person, I'm pretty sure I'd have a great time shooting the shit with Tarantino about Italian splatter-meisters and the greatness that is contemporary South Korean cinema. However, I would never entertain the idea of asking about his inspirations and intentions as a filmmaker; I could learn the answers to those questions by filling up my netflix queue with horror, exploitation, and martial arts movies.
I agree and disagree with you there, TDigs. Tarantino is held in high esteem not because of his ingenuity, but because he's good at what he does, and that's making very entertaining films. He's truly a film nerd's director, as almost all of his films (ESPECIALLY Kill Bill) are heavily influenced by past films, sometimes nearly copying scenes from similar films within the genre. In that regard, he's a film auteur, though I hardly think anyone with any sense would put him in the same category as a Hitchcock, or even an Aronofsky.

As for the hypothetical director hall of fame, I think Tarantino would make it easily. As you said, he makes entertaining films, and that's generally the number one goal. Furthermore, he does have his own style and his use of intertextuality is pretty special. I mean, ABBA is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I think Tarantino has done more for film than ABBA has done for Rock and Roll.
Inglorious Basterds had too much talking for my liking. Brad Pitt and the lead actress was the only things keeping me from falling asleep.
Can we please just leave this debate? Jglass he has a different opinion that's all.
Tdigs, since you like British sit coms what is your view on black books?
Banning Dean Winchester. He mde every thread he posted/started worse just by being a part of it. As bad as he was in M&T, he was worse in the LD's.
I actually think I agree with shattered dreams... Whoa.

I mean, yeah, he's acting quite cunty about it, but I too was sorely disappointed with Reservoir Dogs. Just not my kind of movie.
Don't act like you know me. I've seen more than my fair share of non-mainstream films. Fuck, I'd say more often than not I'm watching either a foreign or an independent film these days.

I still am not sure why you think everything I say is specifically tailored to you and meant to be taken 1000% seriously. I have no problem with you liking the movie. I am sure there are plenty of reasons you could like it. My sole issue is with the perception of the film on a larger scale.

And if you know anything about film, you'll know that Reservoir Dogs is one of the best uses of time manipulation ever. Like I said, Pulp Fiction is what most people point to for great use of time manipulation, but this was the original beast.

So was it the best or the original? Usually those two are not the same thing. As tdigs has pointed out the movie isn't that original. Something I agree with. As far as being one of the best uses of time manipulation ever I disagree vehemently. That in a nutshell is why I think the movie is overrated. Take it for what it is worth.

You keep bringing up things that irrelevant. Still, I implore you to find a torture scene that is better than Reservoir Dogs'. I'm not saying they're not out there, but they are few and far between.

That is pretty subjective and like much of Tarantino's work I think this depends on your opinions on style vs substance. Tarantino never has been one I got much substance from. He can tell a good story but I personally like one with a "something else" factor beyond the actual plot when talking about highly rated movies. I rarely get that from him. Similar reasons lead to me finding the Departed somewhat overrated.
This thread has helped me discover that shattered dreams is actually IDR. Which means shattered dreams is also Lord Sidious.

Mind. Fuck.
On my planet we learned the difference between your and you're in elementary school, although all I really cared about was torturing womp rats to songs that would convince people I was great.
Can we please just leave this debate? Jglass he has a different opinion that's all.
Tdigs, since you like British sit coms what is your view on black books?

I loved the acting but it was a little too unstructured for my taste. I love me some Graham Linehan though. Father Ted is one of the greatest UK sitcoms ever made and The IT Crowd is one of the best things to come out of England since the new millennium.

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