Tazz Gone from WWE?


For Reals!
seems that way...

according to pwinsider.com

Former ECW World champion and long-time WWE announcer Tazz left World Wrestling Entertainment last night after calling the matches for this Friday's edition of Smackdown. He is now officially done with the company as his WWE contract expires today.

He was shit, so it's safe to say I don't care. Matt Striker has long been (6 months plus) the best commentator in wrestling. It's about time he stepped up on the big show, Smackdown.

As for ECW, Jerry Lawler is already in the building, he'll do. Or bring back Scott Goldman, he's good. Or Elijah Burke. Or JBL. Fuck it, I could go on.
He was shit, so it's safe to say I don't care. Matt Striker has long been (6 months plus) the best commentator in wrestling. It's about time he stepped up on the big show, Smackdown.

As for ECW, Jerry Lawler is already in the building, he'll do. Or bring back Scott Goldman, he's good. Or Elijah Burke. Or JBL. Fuck it, I could go on.

JBL is about to retire. I thought he was going to end up being the General Manager for one of the brands, but maybe they'll just bring him back as a colour commentator.

I quite liked Tazz, largely because he didn't appear to have a clue as to what was going on.

If they don't go with JBL, Striker deserves a promotion, and they should bring the gu who used to do heat with Grisham back for ECW because their pseudo gay chemistry was quite good.
I don't about this, it just seems like you wouldn't quit right before WrestleMania. And it's so out of nowhere.

I don't remember reading Tazz has been unhappy. I'm sure he's not upset to be on SD! with J.R. Which is promotion from being on ECW. They have to feel somewhat OK with his abilities as a commentator or they would have left him on the C Show.

I fully expect to put on 'Mania and hear Tazz calling some of matches.

If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter because an announcer isn't making or breaking a show. But I don't think he's gone.
WrestleMania is probably a great payday for the commentators as well. If a guy is leaving then why would WWE want him to make some good money before he leaves. Also on the other hand, why would Tazz sign for another extened period of time just for one show.

It's possible that Mania starts off with JBL vs. Rey, then his announcement is that he's going to work on commentary.
i'll believe it when i see it. or hear it rather.

seems ridiculous to leave right before wrestlemania and miss out on a big send off and also a big pay check. maybe he wanted to stay one more week and vince wouldnt give him wm25 because lack of commitment.

infact vince may be onto something if im correct, have all contracts of superstars end the week before mania and if the dont resign keep them off the card and miss out on a big pay day whilst sitting at home unused.
i'll believe it when i see it. or hear it rather.

seems ridiculous to leave right before wrestlemania and miss out on a big send off and also a big pay check.

Not really, it says his contract expires today, WWE isn't going to sign him to a short term contract for one more event, that would stupid, and what the hell has Tazz done to deserve a send off?, they never gave Coach a send off and he did far more for the company than Tazz
If JBL retires soon I can see him going back to Smackdown or Striker moving to Smackdown from ECW. Tazz was okay but he didn't really contribute anything even when he was with Cole.
Not really, it says his contract expires today, WWE isn't going to sign him to a short term contract for one more event, that would stupid, and what the hell has Tazz done to deserve a send off?, they never gave Coach a send off and he did far more for the company than Tazz

It's not about Tazz having done so much for the WWE or about his contract running up, though.

I haven't heard a single thing about Tazz being unhappy in his role and I haven't heard a thing about WWE being unhappy with Tazz.

He recently got put back on a bigger show, which means they have at least some faith in him. As the truth is he's been doing this for a while and he's really not that bad.

So I can't imagine him not wanting to return, especially right before a big pay day. And I don't think WWE was rushing to not resign him.

Which is why I don't believe this.

The big difference between Tazz and Coach is simple. Coach wanted to leave, I don't think Tazz does.
I think there is more to this story than we know. I would like to try and figure out why he has left. Maybe he's just got fed up with everything the WWE is doing right now. Maybe he's made enough money that he decided to retire and spend with his family you never know.
If it is in fact true, then I will miss having him around. Tazz is likely my favorite guy doing colour in the company. True, he hasn't been all that great lately, but when he was doing SD with Cole and had a stronger "Heel" edge, I thought he was hitting things great.

It likely isn't a huge blow though, as JR can make almost anyone sitting beside him shine.

The one thing that WWE has to remember is that regardless of who they replace him with, even if it's a ******ed monkey with tourettes, they still have a broadcast team that has been scientifically proven to be more than 7.56 times better than Don West and Mike Tenay.
What's that saying about rumors and wrestling? They are like peanut butter and jelly, they go together. Just because the "internet" says Tazz quit or his contract expired or whatever does not mean it is 100% true. The night before Jerry Lawer returned in 2001 on his official website he denied he was returning. Everyone thought Jeff Hardy's attacker was Christian instead it was Matt Hardy. I say take what eve rthe internet says with a grain a salt. Wasn't there also rumors of Sable, Debra, Sunny and Hulk Hogan being at Wrestlemania but those are all false too?
Iagree with some of the posters before till I see him off of TV I do not believe in the rumors... The only thing if it is true is I will miss him not for his commentating... he was only ok but I will miss him because he does remind me of the good old days of EC Fin W. He was very good in ECW before its failure.. and even OK with WWE when he started.
Its time to bring back Joey Styles. Either promote Striker to Smackdown and bring Styles back to ECW or put Styles on Smackdown. Win/Win situation either way. Why? Because we get to hear, "CAT FIGHT!" and "OH MY GAWD!!"
If Tazz bows out of wrestling then it's a damn shame. He was a great, innovative but ultimately underrated wrestler (by WWE anyway). His commentating wasn't cutting edge but it wasn't bad. You didn't turn off Smackdown because Tazz was terrible, unlike the Coach and Cole pair.

Brilliant wrestler and a pretty good commentator. Overall it's a loss for WWE
It is a real shame if he has gone, he was always a very good company man (whether that was ECW or WWE) and was a true lover and scholar of wrestling. His commentary was always entertaining and insightful for me.

It is strange, I was only watching the Rise and Fall of ECW dvd today and the extra where he told a story about asking for Heyman's blessing prior to his Royal Rumble debut (99 or 2000) vs Angle at the Msg was extremely moving. He wrestled and commentated with a passion and for one will be missed by me.
Thank God Tazz is gone, I despise his commentary. He says dumb things all night long, and he studders like a complete fool. He can't even get his thoughts together properly. His commentary doesn't sound natural, and it doesn't flow. He'll say one statement, then contradict it in the very next sentence and not even realize. Then he'll try to sound like he knows what he's talking about by describing a submission hold and how it affects a certain part of the body but just comes off sounding like a moron.

I hope JBL or Striker get to call matches with JR, or that they team JR and the King back up and go with Michael Cole and JBL. When JBL did color for the Rey match last week, King didn't even really talk, he just let Cole and JBL call the match. It was great, they have the best chemistry together, and if they get a good run together like JR and the King they will be in the Hall of Fame (JBL already will be in the Hall of Fame, but Michael Cole will get to go in as an announcer.)
I haven't been able to watch smackdown for years and don't know if he was any good.

If he's gone he will probably show up in TNA, either as an announcer or as a team mate for team 3D. They did mention him on Impact last week.
A good move. Tazz has been an average commentator for a number of years and it will really be a nice change to see someone else on SD. Striker would be a good pick to be his replacement. He has showed on ECW to be the best colour commentator out of the whole bunch. The WWE being short on good commentators, he'll probably end up working both shows, much like how Grisham also does interviews on RAW.

Another name I hope could replace Tazz would be JBL. I loved JBL when he was a commentator. There is talk once again about JBL retiring and I'm sure he will shortly after Wrestlemania. Most of the announcers in WWE today are all faces. JBL was the last great heel commentator and he'll add more opinion and views to the matches which we know JR will strongly support the face. I think him and JR could make an excellent pair. Both wear stetsons and are state rivals. They'll picker and argue with each other and should make the SD shows more entertaining. Or if the WWE wants, they could use this to move JR back to RAW and pair JBL with someone he used to work well with in Cole. Cole's best days were with JBL and maybe he'll get less abuse from the fans if he commentated with JBL again. We'll see what the WWE does.
Maybe Tazz is getting an offer to wrestle in TNA. If all will remember, Tazz was told shortly after his arrival that he was too small to be a big name for WWE. He could either be an announcer or compete only for the lightweight title. I could see Tazz being utilized well in TNA.
I say big whoop. Better wrestler than commentator, and he never really brought much to any of the shows he was on. He's moving on for whatever reason and he won't be missed by me at least. Get Matt Stryker on Smackdown, or if JBL does retire he and JR could be quite entertaining, or completely annoying. I mean poor front row fans no one could see over that much cowboy hat.
Man, I really hope this is true. I couldn't stand Tazz on commentary. His whole vocabulary consisted of stuttering and saying "I'm a big fan of this guy".

Not sure what type of replacement shuffle they could do, though. They've got a few options. Striker definitely needs to be promoted to Raw or Smackdown, though. But they could do JR/Striker with Cole/King or they could go back to JR/King and have Cole/Striker. As for ECW, that's just a matter of filling in the hole. Its the 1 hour show so the guy doesn't need to be as good. JBL could fill in the spot, but I'd rather him be a General Manager type character as he could still get heat and work the managerial role quite well. WWE needs the rest of their performers as performers, I think, so I wouldn't want them to take someone out of the roster just for commentary. Shame they can't find a woman that would be good for the role, just for something a little different.
I actually liked Tazz. I didn't have a problem with him announcing, but I think it held him back a bit. He was gold on the mic in ecw, but that was more "r" rated. He stopped wrestling because of a neck injury, so I'm not sure about going to TNA. His career would have been longer and more successful, but the injuries from ECW days caught up to him.
If this is true, it's both good and bad. I happened to enjoy Tazz, but this means they may finally bring back Joey Styles.

But, as others have said, I'll believe it when I see it.
jbl's announcement is hell beat mysterio and be the first person to retire with the IC belt and become the new commentator. He's wrestling Mysterio because he was the one to originally retire him and when he beats him he could now retire on " his terms" . I mean this writing isnt hard to figure out lol.

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