Tazz Gone from WWE?

Why are people assuming Tazz didn't want to leave? Maybe it was a mutual decision. To be honest, I never really liked Tazz as commentator anyway. It's a role he was just thrown into in 2001 because they had nothing else for him.

I'm hoping that JBL will beat Rey clean in the opening match of 'Mania, then retire as IC champ, and immediatly take over as colour commentator on Smackdown. JBL and JR would be an interesting combination at the announcers table, although I see Good Ol' JR moving back to Raw in the draft. It's okay though, JBL seems to click with Micheal Cole, and I can't say the same for Jerry Lawler. He only seems good when he's paired with Ross.
well this is actually good timing.
with the draft in a few weeks, they can legitimately swap broadcasters around.
while Striker is good, i feel that his entire career (active and announcing) was ECW and perhaps he should stay there.
As to who will replace him until the draft and afterwards........I wouldn't mind a program where one of the shows has a guest announcer for every day or even every match. It'd give some of the young wrestlers a chance to develop their talking skills. That'd probably be best for ECW, although putting that on Smackdown might be better because they can learn and improve with J.R. much better than with Grisham.
Here's what I think will happen:
Lawler goes to Smackdown
Striker goes to RAW
Joey Styles returns to ECW.
Todd Grisham goes back to interviewing and WWE Experience stuff and JBL or Regal could commentate for ECW
i have to throw my 2 cents in...WWE needs Jesse "The Body" Ventura back in the broadcast booth! he was great! entertaining and funny. him and gorilla monsoon and him and mcmahon was pure gold!
As reported earlier, SmackDown announcer Tazz is gone from World Wrestling Entertainment. His WWE contract expired today and he will not be at WrestleMania on Sunday.

The buzz in the WWE locker room last night was that Tazz gave WWE officials notice a few weeks ago that he would not be renewing his deal. He is leaving on good terms.

Tazz reportedly had been telling friends that he is burnt out and needs some time to recharge his batteries. That said, the door is still open for him to explore other options, including TNA Wrestling, Ring of Honor or even UFC.

With Tazz gone, there will now be an open spot at the SmackDown announcer's table. One name that's been talked about is John Bradshaw Layfield, who is looking to retire from the ring this year and is a former SmackDown announcer himself.

Source: Rajah.com

Not suprising, I'd heard before that Tazz was thinking about leaving, but I thought he'd wait untill after Wrestlemania. Althrough he wasn't the greatest colour-commentator, I enjoyed some of the stuff he did on Smackdown and I thought he was far better than Jerry Lawler and some of the others in WWE. I don't think that TNA or ROH can really offer him anything at this point, so I think he'll return to WWE in some capacity in the future.
i have to throw my 2 cents in...WWE needs Jesse "The Body" Ventura back in the broadcast booth! he was great! entertaining and funny. him and gorilla monsoon and him and mcmahon was pure gold!

I rank Jesse Ventura as being behind only Bobby Heenan in the Broadcast Booth on color. And Jesse would definitely add something to today's bland commentators. He had a style that couldn't be mimicked. He was enthusiastic, took the Heel point of view 98% of the time (although did stick up for Macho Man as a Face), always gave McMahon or Gorilla Monsoon a hard time, and had a gift that really got the viewer to care about the feuds.

For any of today's fans not familiar with Jesse's work, I highly encourage you to check out some of his stuff in the broadcast booth, as the guy was a riot. It's just a shame him and Vince aren't on good terms, as he is what is needed in the booth today.
You could always have Kennedy fill a temporary roll as commentator until he is 100% cleared to wrestle.

Or you could have Kennedy just stay at the booth, because as ok as he is on the mic, he wasn’t that good in the ring and he was always gets hurt, so put him in a suit and put him at the booth for good like they did with Striker. People call Tazz overrated, Kennedy is overrated, all he ever did was do his own intro, that doesn’t mean he is killer on the mic. So put him in the booth to replace tazz or move striker up and move Kennedy to Smackdown, but please don’t put a diva on commentary. PLEASE DON”T!!!!
if tazz is gone then i always thought scott hudson from the last couple of years in wcw before it was bought was a gud commentator an i also thought when jerry lawler left in the early 2000s an paul heyman replaced him alongside j.r. heyman an j.r was a gud team i thought i always rememeber heyman goin GORE GORE GORE!!!!!!! or BRRRROCKK LESNAR!!!! but the best moment when heyman was announcing was when the whole invasion started an he introduced the wwf audience back then to the ecw group. or they could always go with santino marella alongside j.r now that would be entertainment.
anythin is better then listenin to cole every week goin "OH MY" an "VINTAGE"
or they could move striker up to smackdown an move dreamer to sit alongside grisham an do what lawler does an wrestle occasionally
well...our WrestleMania 25 announce team is officially: Jim Ross Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole. we're getting a 3 man team Sunday night
he was way better than matt striker and joey styles and matt striker probaly my very faveorite smackdown announcer but really what is there to do with tazz he hasnt fought in a a match since ECW one night stand 2006 and is just plain out boring so i say fire him
Does it really matter? Its Tazz. The only thing ANYONE ever got any entertainment out of him, was for the simple fact that they were making fun of him at the time. I've never once honestly heard a complement, outside of SOME decent matches with Sabu back in their hayday. Tazz is pathetic, his highlight of his career was defeating Jerry Lawler, whos like 59 years old now was like 55-57 during their match. Obviously you guys see how much I care about ECW and what its EVER done for anyone. (Talking about the old days) So who honestly gives a crap if Tazz is gone or not? Not a dadgum soul.

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