Taz Sucks


I'm all out of bubble gum!
I don't know if anyone else gives a shit, but Taz is absolutely awful! I could eat alphabet soup and shit better commentary then the drivel this bozo spews every Thursday night. I mean seriously, what the hell does this doofus offer? He makes watching Impact every Thursday a chore.

Give me Don West. Give me Jeremy Borasch. Hell, give me Todd Pettingill. Give me any other voice but his. Every Thursday I watch Impact eagerly anticipating what is going to happen next. Then I hear Taz's voice and it makes me not care about ANYTHING!!! The dude plain sucks. I don't know where or when anyone thought he had anything to offer in the way of commentating but his last few years in Impact have shown that he is absolutely worthless. WWE saw it years ago, I see it now, and I hope TNA sees it tomorrow.

Human Suplex Machine...debatable. Top notch performer...debatable. Good commentary...there is no doubt, this dude SUX!!! I know someone out there somewhere understands where I am coming from. It's no wonder that Vinnie Mac had to feed lines through the headset. When you got complete stiffs working for you and a seven year old can add more insight to the action, then someone has to step in, right? This guy can't call the action that he is literally watching. I mean I watch Impact every week. I try and get into the action. I really try. Taz fucks everything up! The dude blows. I know Mike Tenay isn'y exactly Howard Cosell, but Jesus, Taz is one guy who could fuck up singing the alphabet. Just this past Thursday we all had to listen as this complete and total Jadrool try and stutter and stammer his way through two hours. There is big shit happening. Aces and Eights, BFG series. Roode vs. Aries. Yet this joker manages to fumble every single opportunity to put someone...anyone over, he stutters and stumbles his way to giving no insight whatsoever. Please get rid of this bum! At the very least give JB his shot at commentary and make Taz a manager. I don't even know if Taz would be good at that, but at least I won't have to listen to his bullshit every Thursday.

Maybe I am off my rocker, but this dude just straight sux. What do you guys think? Does Taz offer ANYTHING as a commentator? Is he worth keeping around? Has JB's time come?

First of all, bashing Taz's commentary is one thing, everybody has there opinions. However, you can't tell me that Don West or Borash would be better in the booth then him. No f'n way! Come up with better names to replace him and you have yourself an argument.

And you are out of line knocking Taz as a wrestler. Have you ever seen the original ECW??? I'm guessing you haven't, you probably only saw Taz wrestle in WWE. Taz was a legit badass with his gimmick, and he could work a match with anyone. He carried ECW for a few years.
I don't watch much TNA because with 5(soon to be 6) hours of WWE, that's enough wrestling for me for a week. However, I rather enjoyed Taz on commentary on Smackdown. He's much better than Booka T. I like how he would put the science behind the move over. He was a suplex machine and a great wrestler, but WWE didn't know how to use him.
I watched him do commentary on a SS DVD I was watching ealier today and I dd find him quite annoying. Mainly his voice and the fact he shouts so much, though I prefer him over Heyman's more annoying voice. Of course Don West and J.R. yell all the time, but their voices are a bit more tolerable and I love the stuff they come up with. Still, I find Booker T. more boring to listen to than Tazz. Heenan is even more annoying than Tazz so I'd say Taz is in the middle. I don't love him or hate him.

If I could only listen to four commentators, they would be Lawler, J.R., Shivone, and Tenay.
I watched him do commentary on a SS DVD I was watching ealier today and I dd find him quite annoying. Mainly his voice and the fact he shouts so much, though I prefer him over Heyman's more annoying voice. Of course Don West and J.R. yell all the time, but their voices are a bit more tolerable and I love the stuff they come up with. Still, I find Booker T. more boring to listen to than Tazz. Heenan is even more annoying than Tazz so I'd say Taz is in the middle. I don't love him or hate him.

If I could only listen to four commentators, they would be Lawler, J.R., Shivone, and Tenay.

That's the exact moment where your opinion lost all value.

Heenan was the greatest color commentator of all time. I don't think Tazz is the worst, but he's certainly worse than Heenan.

I can take or leave Tazz... I'd much rather have JB commentating, but Don West? Hell no.
Taz is the only saving grace of Impact's announce team. He adds alot of humor and general wrestling knowledge to the show. If anything, this topic should be an anti Mike Tenay one. This guy seems arrogantly assured that he knows everything about everything and his commentary skills are severely lacking. Honestly, I was laughing my ass off at Don West when he shot on Tenay and called him an ass kisser. Ahh, the good ole days of drunken Don West, the angry announcer. Now that was entertaining.
I actually don't mind Taz. I never minded him on Smackdown either. He isn't the best, but is not the worst by far. He adds humor, and wrestling knowledge to the broadcast which isn't ever a bad thing.
Don West was horrible. I hated him on commentary. His voice just grated on my nerves, I was glad when Taz replaced him. And I actually like Taz, he's not the best, he's not the worst. I'll take Taz commentating over, "shucky ducky quack quack" any day. :)
Taz sucks so bad. It's a toss up between Taz and Booker for WORST commentary ever. The 2 things I hate about Taz the most is that FAKE ASS LAUGH/CHUCKLE thing he does 50 times an hour. "Huh huh huh", it sounds so scripted and fake which it may be but that's his job, to make it sound real and believable. The second thing I hate is how he has to throw a damn "R" at the end of every word that ends with an "A". Like Angelina Love, he calls her Angel lean-er. He just sucks. I liked him a good bit as a wrestler back in the original ECW and I probably wouldn't mind if he became a manager but as a commenter, just no.
Compared to what the WWE has to offer in the same role (Booker T/Josh Matthews on Smackdown and Jerry Lawler on Raw), I would take Taz over the trio in this day and age simply because he does provide more knowledge as a former wrestler turned commentator
Taz is one of my favorite commentators. Taz's commentary is way better than Don West.

Taz is a way better commentator than Josh Matthews and Booker-T.
I think some of you have been watching too much Botchamania. Not everyone can be Heenan or Ventura or King but to say Taz sucks is just asinine. You expect everyone to be flawless but that's never the case even the best screw up. Taz on the mic is not terrible, as pointed out there are worse he has his good moments and his bad moments.

Besides Taz has given us a Holy Shit moment within a Holy Shit moment. Big Show vs Lesnar, when that ring collapsed and he screamed Holy Shit that was a moment nobody could ever forget. Holy Shit! WWE let Taz say Holy Shit live on the air after Lesnar and Big Show made the ring collapse HOLY SHIT!
Well, it's clear that you don't like Taz, that much I got. As far as his commentating, I was very surprised when he started doing it on Smackdown as his back injury worsened and his career winded down rather rapidly (and far too soon). I am like mo]any on here and don't think he's top 10 of all time, but with the right play-by-play guy to keep him on track he is better. You are certainly entitled to feel how you do, as I'm sure you aren't alone and I could see why people wouldn't enjoy him on commentary.

Now...as far as Taz sucking as a wrestler; again, you are entitled to your opinion-but in this case your opinion sucks. It's not like we are discussing a marginal performer like Henry O. Godwyn or Ahmed Johnson, this is fucking Taz, homie. Do a little homework before you stamp the closing of your thread with such a ridiculous statement. Other than the latter, your first argument is a good.
Good to see all the Taz support on here. I kinda like the guy myself, too.

I also love the occasional mark out moment they give him every now and then when he stands up to somebody. Those are always fun to watch and spontaneous enough to make it exciting. Little things like that (with no warning) take me back to the old days of not knowing what's going to happen.

I have noticed quite a few Booker detractors on here, though, and that just disappoints me. I know this is not a Booker thread, but had to mention it.

Booker T is fun on commentary also. The "Booker-isms" we have been graced with, like it or not, are memorable. Shucky ducky quack quack, fave 5, mah boy, oh my goodness, oooooooooohhhh, here we go, etc. etc.

He also lightens the mood, whether intentionally or not, and truthfully, that is what helps to make the show more enjoyable. A lighter mood/mindset. How much more fun is the show when you're smiling or feeling a bit more upbeat as opposed to simply sitting there and analyzing everything? He helps with the overall mood of the show.

But, back to Taz. Long story short, he's "real", just like Booker, and seems to be actually enjoying himself out there. Unlike Tenay, who looks like he has a board up his ass (or is constipated) and is trying too hard. Personally I'd much rather Tenay be replaced than Taz.

But that's just me.
Taz is the only saving grace of Impact's announce team. He adds alot of humor and general wrestling knowledge to the show. If anything, this topic should be an anti Mike Tenay one. This guy seems arrogantly assured that he knows everything about everything and his commentary skills are severely lacking. Honestly, I was laughing my ass off at Don West when he shot on Tenay and called him an ass kisser. Ahh, the good ole days of drunken Don West, the angry announcer. Now that was entertaining.

That's because Tenay does know everything about everything which is why he is so good. Best commentator going round today afaic, although one could argue that doesn't say very much.
Okay, forgive me if I sound off, and I'm going to try and keep calm.

I've had the pleasure of doing both commentary and play by play for 12 years and it's not as easy as it looks on TV.

Here are the duties of sitting in the booth. You not only have to focus on calling the action, but you have to also get over the matches alter on the card, the angle of the current match you are calling (especially if there is a gimmick like a title defense, loser leaves town, and so forth) and you have to get the audience into the match. You can have the most amazing match in the ring, but if the announcers aren't top notch, no one is going to pay attention to the product in the ring.

Does Taz tell too many jokes? Yes he does, but so does Jerry Lawler. Atleast with TNA, the focus on the moves in the ring. In the WWE, Cole hardly calls any of the spots, more times than not, he's usually offering a compliment on the move, or himself bantering and mocking Booker T about his use of the english language.

I'll put down real money that if the writer of the Tazz sucks post actually was put in front of a live mic, and told to call the match, he'd freeze like a deer in headlights, and sound more like Bob Uecker's play by play man Marty in the movie Major League. The person who started this post may call a move like "Into the ropes...........Drop kick." and say it like he was Ben Stein.

Calling the action in a wrestling match (or any live event, like baseball for football for that matter) are not as easy as it seems on TV. It's not just about sitting there, talking. It's about knowing what to say, what not to say, and how to say it.

Sorry if this was an extremely long post, but I felt it needed to be said.
Wow OP you buried Taz completely lol but I kinda agree with you I much preferred Don West to Taz especially heel Don West.If Taz was a full blown heel I would probably like him more but his tweener character just bores me.

Now while I like JB on commentary, he's too similar to Mike Tenay, both are play by play guys. So my choice for colour would've been heel Eric Bischoff but since he's been written off he can't either.

Al Snow is pretty awesome on commentary and would be a good replacement IMO.

Simon Diamond under his real name Pat Kenney has been doing colour on Xplosion along with JB. He started out shit but he's now turned full heel and is much much better I would want him to replace Taz on Impact.
Ok, everybody is entitled to their opinion and as far as TAZ goes as a commentator I totally understand where you are coming from. His voice is a bit over the top and he just waffles any old shite…..not as badly as Booker T does, but some may debate that it is acceptable when Booker T does it.

However, when you can’t bring up a decent replacement for the man it kinda makes your argument a little invalid. And when you complain about Taz and not Mike Tennay….some eyebrows have got to be raised.

And another thing…..Taz was a great in ring performer. Nothing special but he could go! ECW never became a real threat to the WWE or WCW but it was still kept alive for much longer than it should have, and garnered such a cult following because of people like Taz, who were able to take the company to the next level. And you can’t tell me that even when he was in the E, when he locked on that Tazmission….you didn’t think “Oh shit, its OVER”.
I can accept your comments about his commentary because that is an opinion which you are entitled to, but when you comment on his wrestling and saying he sucked as a wrestler….that’s an infringement on facts, and the fact is you are wrong and either never watched ECW or WWE when he was an active member on the rosters or his commentary has pissed you off so much that it has clouded your judgement on the guys entire career.
I'm not sure why Taz is how he is in TNA. He was always a great announcer when commentating for WWECW & SmackDown. The only reason I can think of for his current style is relaxation. He doesn't have Vince McMahon screaming in his ear, there's less eyes watching him as there was in WWE. Maybe he just does better as a commentator under pressure. Personally, I want him to just go back to being a heel manager.

Also, what does Taz's wrestling career in ECW have to do with his commentating career in TNA
Taz sucks so bad. It's a toss up between Taz and Booker for WORST commentary ever. The 2 things I hate about Taz the most is that FAKE ASS LAUGH/CHUCKLE thing he does 50 times an hour. "Huh huh huh", it sounds so scripted and fake which it may be but that's his job, to make it sound real and believable. The second thing I hate is how he has to throw a damn "R" at the end of every word that ends with an "A". Like Angelina Love, he calls her Angel lean-er. He just sucks. I liked him a good bit as a wrestler back in the original ECW and I probably wouldn't mind if he became a manager but as a commenter, just no.

Lmao, omg dude, at that "R" at the end of every word that starts with an A, you're sooo right. I personally find it a lot more humorous than annoying, but I love the fact you pointed it out XD
I love Taz as a figure in wrestling, but the truth is, he is absolutely terrible at the commentary desk. I'd be more interested to see him in a different role, perhaps as a backstage interviewer, a manager, or a D-Lo/Al Snow type role. Taz does not make the audience care about what's happening on screen. The most recent example is with the Aces and Eights attacks. If a JR or Don West were commentating when these attacks happened, they would have painted a picture like World War 3 was breaking out.

Whether people want to admit to it or not, having someone who can commentate well plays a huge part in being able to sell storylines, make moments memorable, and draw viewers into tuning in the next week.
Personally I always preferred the basic 2-man style of play-by-play and color commentary. Tenay and Taz somewhat accomplish that, but I've noticed in the past that they both don't want to be confined into an annonucing type. Taz tries to call moves sometimes and Tenay tries to be funny, but neither announcer is "great" at color or play by play.

I think it would have been very interesting if Jeff Jarrett and Eric Bischoff became TNA's commentators. Jarrett has wrestling knowledge and a clear speaking voice, as well as charisma and name value. Bischoff could handle the color commentary and basically side with the heels. They could even work a feud between the 2 after some time if they decided to. Also I think those two would do better at attracting wrestling fans to TNA as they're pretty well known.
I think what drags Tazz down these days in TNA is Mike Tenay. Tenay is HORRIBLE as the lead Announcer. Check this out,Series of Stirkes,he's gonna go for this move,Here's 1,Here's 2,Got em,and whatever else he says. He also tries to be the master of the obvious as well IMO.

Tazz was so much better on Smackdown & ECW with Micheal Cole & Joey Styles. I would take Gorilla Monsoon,Bobby Heenan,JR,Tony Schiavone,Cole,Josh Matthews,Booker T,Tazz,King,Joey Styles,and whoever else over Mike Tenay.
I agree with most of what the OP said about Taz on commentary. He is pretty bad and his humor isn't funny and I don't like how he buries people on commentary with lines like "Well that sucked." I could be wrong but to me Taz just comes off like he doesn't care.

Also count me in as someone who prefered Don West to him. I feel DW was just getting good before they decided to replace him with Taz.

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