After a Two-Week Absense, Does Anyone Miss Taz?


The dirtiest player in the game.
Taz hasn't been at the broadcast table for the last two episodes of Impact. I'm hoping since his little trip to visit WWE, that TNA has decided to take him off camera and use him as an agent. To me Taz is nothing but a distraction with his stupid ass jokes and A & 8's bullshit. JB is much better than Taz will ever be and I'm hoping he will stay in the announcing spot. Does anyone really miss Taz? Now if they could only do something about Tenay ,,,

It's been a massive, massive improvement since Taz has been gone... :lmao:

All joking aside, I really couldn't care either way. I've started tuning out most of the commentary during wrestling. Truth be told, Taz is one of the more entertaining commentators out there today. Not because he's good, but because he says some of the stupidest things sometimes it's funny. To listen to him fumble over his own words trying to correct himself can be fun.

I really couldn't care either way.
It's been a massive, massive improvement since Taz has been gone... :lmao:

All joking aside, I really couldn't care either way. I've started tuning out most of the commentary during wrestling. Truth be told, Taz is one of the more entertaining commentators out there today. Not because he's good, but because he says some of the stupidest things sometimes it's funny. To listen to him fumble over his own words trying to correct himself can be fun.

I really couldn't care either way.

Precisely. Taz is great for those who find his stumbles funny, like myself. I do wish he gave more of a shit and tried harder to be coherent, but that incoherence works in his favor too.

Now, The commentary is smarter, more coherent, and much less hostile. The downside is that JB isn't funny and Tenay never was.
I don't really pay attention to TNA commentary a lot of the time anyways because there is usually nothing of importance. JB taking over is an improvement to the commentating team though, the only downside to it that I don't really care for is the fact there is no former wrestler on commentary. For the major wrestling shows I think at least one commentator should be a former wrestler just for the experience and a more believable conversation.
Fuck that overated fat piece of shit. Who's balls he took on his chin to get that job, I'll never know.

I can't stand TNA's product, but try and watch (as long as I can) to give it a shot and help the ratings. I can honestly says that without his rapidly aging adolescent, forced, "it's only funny to me" humor, the product has been MUCH easier to watch.

The only thing more annoying to hear, is Mike Tenay (or if you know baseball, Michael Kay of the NY Yankees).
I haven't really "listened" to wrestling commentary since Bobby Heenan was still behind WCW's desk. No matter who is there, they get roughly 10% of my attention over the course of the entire broadcast, and usually only really right at the top of the broadcast and then again at the end. I tend to tune them out almost entirely during the middle.

I actually had to think to remember that Taz was gone the last two weeks, so did I miss him? I guess not, but I certainly wasn't cheering in the streets over his not being there either.
I have a couple of hypothetical questions: so is Taz's absence a result of the taping schedule? Or is this a permanent situation? I'm personally leaning toward favoring the latter. To be honest, I used to like Taz as a commentator...back in the SmackDown days with (shudder) Michael Cole. His insight was fresh, and he actually shared his extensive knowledge of holds and moves.

At some point, his material got dumbed down, and he became the Taz we are all familiar with today. I personally haven't liked him since he has called matches for TNA. Then again, it seems Mike Tenay has dumbed down his "Professor" act too..but that's only recent, unless I tune out the commentary more than I realize.

I like Jeremy Borash in there. He's passionate, knowledgeable, and refreshing. So was Todd Kenely, but it was unnecessary to have a 3-man booth in TNA. I like the 2-man combination of JB and Tenay.

I'm hoping since his little trip to visit WWE, that TNA has decided to take him off camera and use him as an agent.

Agreed. Make him an agent. He could contribute more that way.
Well i guess i am the only one who loves Taz yes i do miss him. His mumbles,stumbles,and just rambling piss a lot of people offf and i get that,but he is universes more entertaining than Borash. JB just gets on my nerves something terrible and taz while not great isnt bad either. Tenay just doesnt give a shit anymore too bad,he once upon a time was good. But yes i do miss Taz
The problem I think is that Borash and Tenay are too similar. I like both on commentary but together I just don't feel they gel. Both are play-by-play guys. I'd ideally want a colour prescence on there, they don't have to be heel. Taz just doesn't seem to give a shit and botches a lot too. And he just says the same old shit, talks about himself whenever you see a suplex, always harps on about Angle's surgically repaired neck. I miss Don West, I really do.
It's either or with me. I think he should've been there when Bully lost to Sabin. Can't say that I missed him, but I knew there was a void, so to speak. Truthfully I don't mind his or Tenay's commentary, or Borash for that matter. They're all interchangeable to me.
do i miss him, no, Borash is better, but would i mind him being back no. i personally think they should keep Borash there and have a 3 man booth which would help both Tenay and Tazz as Borash is very good at commentary and Tenay seemed more motivated when they had Todd helping. Tazz is there to be the heel commentator and he's ok at it, though admittedly he's no JBL who is one of the best.
DangerousDave said:
Taz hasn't been at the broadcast table for the last two episodes of Impact. I'm hoping since his little trip to visit WWE, that TNA has decided to take him off camera and use him as an agent. To me Taz is nothing but a distraction with his stupid ass jokes and A & 8's bullshit. JB is much better than Taz will ever be and I'm hoping he will stay in the announcing spot. Does anyone really miss Taz? Now if they could only do something about Tenay ,,,


I think you have missed the point of a commentator. THEY ARE MEANT TO BE INTERESTING! Taz is vecause of hia jokes and aces and eights. he provides a different perspecrive and unlike jb actually knows what he is talking about. without him I would rather mute the commentary alltogether. so yes I miss him.

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I don't really pay attention to TNA commentary a lot of the time anyways because there is usually nothing of importance. JB taking over is an improvement to the commentating team though, the only downside to it that I don't really care for is the fact there is no former wrestler on commentary. For the major wrestling shows I think at least one commentator should be a former wrestler just for the experience and a more believable conversation.

I would have to agree with you, TNA could still do with a former wrestler as a commentator and with JB being a far more popular choice then Tennay, TNA should now think about dropping him and maybe bring in a former tna star like Raven to take his place.
You always need a good Colour guy to an even better Play-By-Play guy, so by taking Taz off of Commentary TNA have got part of the equation correct, an even better PBP guy in Jeremy Borash. Now all they have to do is get rid of Tenay and bring back Don West and finally we will have a good 'Colour' guy and an even better PBP guy.

Jeremy Borash & Don West > Mike TeNAy & Taz. :worship:
i went back and watched impact (i was on strike till taz wasnt on commentary anymore.) and i have to say tenay was carrying boarsh. but stilll its a way better improvemnt than taz, because atleast we got out there who cares what hes doing un like taz who would mess up moves spot and names regularly on just about every segment and really made you feel like he really didnt care about what was going on.

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