Taker VS Sting dream match at WM 31 rumors


For all you humanoids out there...
Just read on an "insider" report that said "The Undertaker is currently slated for WrestleMania 31, and that the current plan is for him to have the dream match with Sting."
At this point, this can be viewed as just a rumor, but the possibility of this should excite any Wrestling fan.

What do you guys think? Will it happen? Who should win?

I personally, like Taker best and hope he wins. But, it's a shame they can't both win, lol. This really could be Taker's last match, it would be a shame for him to just put Sting over and retire. It would also be not good for Sting to go out that way too.
There have been pictures surfacing of Taker advertised on the WWE trucks alongside WrestleMania. I say let it happen... do I particularly care to see it? No. I'd rather Sting go with HHH who would make him look good and I think Taker is well past wrestling great matches and hasn't appealed to me in years. I respect Taker and I know I'll be crucified for saying it but I feel odd watching the long winded entrances with the druids and big silly jackets. A blown out Undertaker with the shaved head and MMA gloves doesn't do it for me. But I digress, I know Taker and his entrance are a huge part of WrestleMania.

Sting has repeatedly mentioned Undertaker as the guy he wants to wrestle, and I have an inkling to believe that his contract included getting in the ring with The Undertaker. I think it will probably go down.
WWE have blown the cover of by advertising taker next to the WM31 logo, if obviously he was a no go-er this year he wouldn't be on it. There was no other wrestlers on the artwork with him, some of the material was just him by himself and the new WM logo, so that's been purposely done to get fans excited.
I think takers mania match has already been decided and booked. We will get Sting vs Undertaker at Mania31.

Just because the streaks broken doesn't mean his career is over.
Also you have got to understand as soon as fans see Taker they will ask for Sting. This match just needs to happen now once and for all.

I predict a build around RR time. Maybe after his first match the Icon goes over HHH and Taker comes out. HHH could even be the bridge to link them both to start the rivalry having now things to settle and history with both legends.
This really could be Taker's last match, it would be a shame for him to just put Sting over and retire. It would also be not good for Sting to go out that way too.

It's the type of conundrum I'd love to see pro wrestling face more often, on the theory that the more the fans talk about the possibilities, the more interested they become in seeing the event.....and this one surely qualifies as an event.

One possibility that gets in the way of Undertaker-Sting is that Undertaker is done already and won't be coming back for one more match. Another is that Sting is in the same boat. Still another says the match at WM31 will be between Sting and Triple H. Additionally, some have mentioned the notion of Undertaker facing Brock Lesnar again, avenging his defeat and shuffling off to blissful retirement.

Okay, so there's all that in the way of 'Taker vs. Sting. Personally, I'd rather see these two tangle, and have felt that way for several years.

To further the puzzle: who wins? You don't want either of them to lose, right? Yet, we certainly don't want to see a non-decisive ending. So what do they do?

My guess is that Undertaker wins cleanly. To have him lose twice in a row, the last one being (presumably) his last in-ring action in WWE, would be unbearable. On the other hand, where's the big problem with Sting losing? He has no real legacy in WWE to defend; if it's the only match he ever has here, so what if he goes down, as long as it's to a legend like 'Taker?

Considering the contest would take place in Undertaker's territory, would you want to see a WCW-TNA guy like Sting come in and defeat him in his last match?

I sure as hell wouldn't.
Undertaker isn't going out a loser. If he kicked out of 3 sweet chin musics, he will kick out of the weak Scorpion Death drop. The will let Sting kick out of the tombstone once ..maybe twice...to show he has heart. But there is no way Undetaker will be remembered as a guy losing 2 WMs in a row...just aint going to happen.
Hope it turns out true, and considering how this year has gone with regards to the 'impossible' becoming 'possible', I have high hopes for it happening.

Who wins? The fans who have waited so patiently for this Ultimate Dream match of the 2 greatest Characters in Pro-Wrestling history going head to head. Past their prime indeed, but I'd still take it even now. I am sure with their experience, they will tell a brilliant story in the ring anyways.

the Undertaker vs Sting? Bring It On!
Just read on an "insider" report that said "The Undertaker is currently slated for WrestleMania 31, and that the current plan is for him to have the dream match with Sting."
At this point, this can be viewed as just a rumor, but the possibility of this should excite any Wrestling fan.

What do you guys think? Will it happen? Who should win?

I personally, like Taker best and hope he wins. But, it's a shame they can't both win, lol. This really could be Taker's last match, it would be a shame for him to just put Sting over and retire. It would also be not good for Sting to go out that way too.

I think they should wait until WrestleMania 32. Neither one are in a position to lose.

I'd just go with Sting/HHH, have Sting win so Sting looks credible going into his match up with Taker and it'd be a bigger deal. It just seems out of place this year.

If I had to pick a win, I'd go with Sting. It doesn't make sense for Sting to lose his first WWE match, just be sure there's a rematch at WrestleMania 32.
The way I look at it is this. Taker v $ting WAS a dream match. Many years ago when they could both go. That ship has sailed. One thing is that the streak has gone. With the streak on the line the match may at best bare relevance. The other thing is why would $ting wrestle his " only " Wrestlemania match but to lose? Plus added to that. Should Taker elect to have a match with $ting, is he prepared to lose potentially 2 Wrestlemania in a row? That would truly mess up his Wrestlemania legacy. Plus. Can he even go one more round? Na. I don't think so. Help please!!!
The way I look at it is this. Taker v $ting WAS a dream match. Many years ago when they could both go. That ship has sailed.

That's a reasonable way to see it, but only if the company was trying to put them over as performers still in their prime. But that would be too difficult to believe and I don't think WWE would do it. Instead, it would be essentially a nostalgia match, yet one we can be sure would never occur unless both men knew they could give the world a good match.

Both Undertaker and Sting know what they have left in their bodies, a point that must be considered along with the fact that both are consummate ring performers, knowing they could work together to bring us a fine looking match without causing too much damage to themselves. Even at this stage, they'd tell us a story in the ring; heaven knows both of 'em know how to do it.

Do you remember Ric Flair's WWE Hall of Fame ceremony? When Ricky Steamboat came out to honor Flair, the two immediately locked up in an authentic looking collar & elbow, which made me think that.....even at their ages, while wearing tuxedos, if they were told to engage in a wrestling match for the fans in attendance, it would come off great, even after all these years.

That's how I feel about Undertaker wrestling Sting. No, it won't be the classic they could have put on in their primes.....but if they do it at all, it would be a contest well worth watching.......and truly appreciating for the sight of two master workmen doing what they've always done best.
As a big fan of taker, and someone who didn't watch wcw so have never been invested in sting I don't want to see it.

Taker vs lesnar is the way I think taker should retire, because no one gains anything from any other scenario he put the guy over in a sun par feud in a bad match, I don't want to see that repeated every year anymore, I'd rather see Wyatt given a mania moment, or ambrose, Rollins, ziggler because other than Bryan and cena no one on the active roster have a big moment at mania (not even on the level of edge spearing hardy off the ladder) that's horrendous and more stars need a chance to make themselves known on the big stage otherwise the rest of the year looks like the B squad
Agree completely with kadroan.. can't do it this year, both need big wins right now and I read a rumor just now that Bray Wyatt vs Taker is planned for this year and HHH vs Sting this year is perfect. Do we really want them to retire or do we want another year to enjoy them?? And don't say Bray losing is bad for him WRONG!!! Being in that match is awesome it means he made it!! SHEAMUS WISHES.. nothing against him he's really good but he entered at a time that we didn't believe anything wwe brought us especially that they were gonna take the title off cena and truly push them. . We watched but we didn't expect them to stay with Khali or Alberto.. but they might have started something here.. all w/ a great pipebomb.. #trustthefans haha miss ya punk but thanks for throwing fuel on the fire bc it should mean SOMETHING NEW

I don't know who I want to win. . Great question.. it doesn't matter as long as we get it. . Wouldn't it be hard for Vince to let his biggest treasure lose his last match. . Taker? Right?
Anyone read the article about Sting that has recently surfaced? By "surfaced" I mean it's circulating on YouTube and wrestling sites. It states that Sting is a convicted pedophile:

Omaha World-Herald newspaper, May 9th, 1984

Steve Borden of Omaha, Nebraska has been jailed again after pleading guilty on Wednesday to three counts of breaching conditions of his probation from a 1982 conviction for misconduct against a minor.

Provincial court Judge Richard Jones sentenced Borden, 25, to eight months after agreeing to a joint submission admitted by prosecutor Samantha Henderson and defense lawyer Rebecca Thompson.

Henderson told the judge that Borden was living in a trailer in July of 1982 when he asked another female resident if he could babysit her daughter.

She said Borden admitted to drugging the unnamed child and committing acts "too reprehensible to mention in court."

Henderson said Borden acted out with malice and knew fully what he was doing in the process.

The residents found out who Borden was when they read in the newspaper about other breaches he allegedly committed in Omaha and called police.

He was arrested on August 11th and denied bail later last month on 19 counts of breaching probation and court orders related to his 1982 conviction.

He is currently incarcerated at the Douglas County Corrections Facility.

Not saying it's 100% legit, but has anyone heard of the story? I guess we'll know it's true if Sting strangely doesn't appear for a match with Undertaker or anyone else...
Anyone read the article about Sting that has recently surfaced? By "surfaced" I mean it's circulating on YouTube and wrestling sites. It states that Sting is a convicted pedophile:

Not saying it's 100% legit, but has anyone heard of the story? I guess we'll know it's true if Sting strangely doesn't appear for a match with Undertaker or anyone else...

Do we know for sure that this is the Sting in the WWE, or another person with the same name? Not condoning it but it's hard to believe that the guy has been in the spotlight for this many years and it's the first time it's been heard of.

If true he's an asshole.
It's the type of conundrum I'd love to see pro wrestling face more often, on the theory that the more the fans talk about the possibilities, the more interested they become in seeing the event.....and this one surely qualifies as an event.

Exactly. A person who is a pure wrestling fan will love this match and will be torn by their love of both of these superstars. No fans want either of these guys to lose a final match.
This will without a doubt be a big draw. Fans that have left will come back for this match.
Anyone read the article about Sting that has recently surfaced? By "surfaced" I mean it's circulating on YouTube and wrestling sites. It states that Sting is a convicted pedophile:

Not saying it's 100% legit, but has anyone heard of the story? I guess we'll know it's true if Sting strangely doesn't appear for a match with Undertaker or anyone else...

Until I see anything to prove the legitimacy of this I'm not buying it. I just don't see how something like this could be kept secret for so long, especially given the popularity of Sting throughout the years. Do you really think the parents would remain silent during his run in WCW? The guy was a massive star for that company.

It just seems a bit odd to me and like Navi said, it could be purely coincidental that a man sharing the same name committed these acts.

However back on topic, I personally think the ship has well and truly sailed for this match. Don't get me wrong I would have loved to have seen this, maybe three or more years ago. But I just think it's not such a good fit anymore, personally I think I'd rather see Triple H and Sting go out it. It's perfect, Crow Sting began his run as being anti-authority/NWO, so it just makes sense to me.

Of course if Sting and Undertaker do go one on one at Wrestlemania I'll certainly watch it... I just hope it doesn't suck.
Sting is currently training with the undertaker at undertakers' personal wrestling ring so they put on a performance. McMahon wants this as the main event because he still doesn't have faith in reigns. As for pedophile rumour. Its a different steve Borden. Who ever thinks he is should wake up and stop being stupid. I guarantee these two legends will put on a show and I personally hope there is plenty interference with attitude era stars. Perfect way to close that chapter and concentrate on future. This is the last bug match of that era. I hope triple h, mankind, hbk, Steve Austin, edge, christian and masked kane help taker(no rock because he is busy during this time. While Hogan, flair, nash, hall, Bret hart, ddp and Goldberg help sting. Plenty finishers and close calls .be really entertaining with all the stare downs. Hope next year main event is bray Wyatt as champ

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