Tag Teams You Would Like To See Formed


Occasional Pre-Show
I've got two.

Michael McGillicutry/Joe Hennig & Ted DiBiase

And my new dream team...
Alex Riley & Zack Ryder
I didn't really think of this one until today, but their last names just fit together. Riley & Ryder, R&R. They could bring them together using Ryder's current story with Vickie's Boys. Have Ryder win the belt, then have him feuding with Vickie's Boys, and during a match with either Dolph or Jack, they will team up and beat Ryder down, and that's when Riley will make the save (having previously feuded with them himself).
I think Riley & Ryder, R&R, should be their team name. It follows the rule for the Straight Man/Funny Man order, as I see Riley more as the Straight man and Ryder as the Funny Man.
Is it totally racist of me to want to see a R-Truth/Booker T tag team? Apart from their obvious racial similarities, I just think their characters and personalities would mesh into a ball of hilarity on a weekly basis. And they're both incredibly solid in the ring... "He's gonna get got! NOW can you dig that...SUCKAA!" I think it has potential.

The only way I would want to see Ryder and Riley together is...you know, it's dumb enough that it actually might work. I could see the two of them being Broskis. At the very least it would give Riley something to do! But it's a really good way to waste Rider's massive crowd reaction. Once Riley comes within 10 feet of him people are just going to stop caring... Plus, let's face it: I'm a lazy motherfu--er. If Ryder and Riley become a tag team, I'm going to have to keep backspacing every time I accidentally say Ryder instead of Riley, and vice versa. I'd have to start using their full names so I didn't get redundant, and that shit takes time! Neither of them are worth my 10 seconds it would take to re-write a sentence... Hmm, sentence...seconds...now THERE is a good team!
I've always had an idea for a stable between Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre, and maybe a guy like David Otunga...I hate Otunga too, but he's already aligned with ADR, as it is.

Even if it's just ADR and Drew McIntyre, I think it could work. They could call themselves Those With Class, or The Destined Ones, or something stupid like that. Lol. I do think they have similar characters.

I'd like to see Drew get back in the mix. I wasn't crazy about him when he had the Intercontinental Title on Smackdown, but I think he just just needed time to develop.

Unfortunately, this team/stable would probably cut some all-time boring promos. I mean, I'll even admit that it would probably not work. But, ADR is going to need something to do once he's done in the main event, for a while, and Drew needs someone to give him a good rub (tee hee,) so he can become relevant, again. Maybe someone like Wade Barrett could join up, if he needed something to do. I'd rather see Wade on his own for a long time, though. I'm sick of that guy and stables.

On an unrelated note, I'd love to see Kane form a cult-like stable similar to the Ministry that Undertaker had. You could even bring in new guys for that. I honestly think that a guy like Seth Rollins could come up and be a part of it. He debuts with a good minor character and his look fits the situation. He could be like Edge was to the Brood. I just think it would be cool to see Kane come back with like, you know, worshipers who treat him like he's some kind of demon god...which sounds really f'ed, now that I've typed it out. Nonetheless, I think it would be a pretty cool way to make Kane a dominating character, again.
Drew McIntyre and Sheamus = ?
Cody Rhodes and Goldust = American Dreamers or Rhodes
Ezekiel and Clay = ?
Mason Ryan and Ryback *Skip* = ?
Flair and Hogan = Ancient or Extinct

*These are tag teams already but these are the names that they should have*

Epico + Primo = Los Hermanos *meaning brothers* or Los Carnal *meaning cousins*
Epico + Primo + Hunico = Los Extremo *meaning extreme or dangerous* or Los Locos
Swagger + Ziggler = Perfect Americans
This thread again. I'm going to do it before any of you do.


I like guys who are two pieces of a puzzle. this isn't the 80s where you have 2 guys without personality who look alike and you dress them the same and call them brothers/cousins/lifelong best friends and give them a hokey team hand shake. You need to create a "brand".

I like Gabriel and a big guy. A big guy who can talk though. Maybe Big Show after he goes back down to the mid card? You can even get your FLIPZ with like a 450 off Big Show's shoulders. If you want some sort of team name, iunno, let the WWE universe decide.

After the WWE realizes that Mason Ryan needs more personality and after he breaks someone important's collar bone, I say pair him with Santino. Santino needs some muscle and the formula worked well is Koslov. Maybe call them the European Express since they're both European. Maybe the european union and have them always running up credit card debts as a joke? Like little vignettes where Mason takes the "team card" and buys too many protein shakes and so Santino can't fill the car up with gas so he makes Mason carry him to the show. Stupid comedy shit that they could write a lot better than me.

Or I guess we could just pair a bunch of guys who are somewhat similar and give them a team name that mixes up their two singles names.
Zack Ryder and Chris Jericho

Heath Slater and Johnny Curtis called the Two Man Rock Band
I'd love to see Kane form a cult-like stable similar to the Ministry that Undertaker had. You could even bring in new guys for that. I honestly think that a guy like Seth Rollins could come up and be a part of it. He debuts with a good minor character and his look fits the situation. He could be like Edge was to the Brood. I just think it would be cool to see Kane come back with like, you know, worshipers who treat him like he's some kind of demon god...which sounds really f'ed, now that I've typed it out. Nonetheless, I think it would be a pretty cool way to make Kane a dominating character, again.

If Kane does indeed return with the mask (they say it can always change)...he shouldn't go into any stable with followers like The Undertaker did for one simple reason - HE ISN'T THE UNDERTAKER! The ministry was a divine concept to try to escalate the idea of The Phenom being the Lord of Darkness...Kane has nothing to gain from it. His character is designed to walk through hell on his own with a deranged mind, not to order people to perform abductions and that kinda stuff that the ministry did.
Santino and Yoshi (this would be hilarious)
Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan - Could form a very destructive power move tag team. A modern day Acolytes or something along those lines.

I used to want WWE to sign Magnus from TNA and pair him up with Wade Barrett but now I just want Wade to continue developing as a singles wrestler.

I think Ted Dibiase should team up with sombody and work as part of a tag team again for a while. I think he is decent as a singles wrestler but there are others ahead of him right now and I like him and can see him being a future star but also going the other way and getting lost in the pack.
I like things like this. One of my favorite divisions back in the day, was the tag team division, but this stable would be sweet! It would be really cool if they take the idea from the new WWE 12 game, and put Sheamus, Regal, McIntyre, and Barrett, together on TV and call them " The United Kingdom "(just like in the game). That would be awesome! Have Layla as the other member if needed. Man that would be cool to watch. What do you guys think?
"United Kingdom" from WWE 12.

Sheamus, Barrett, McIntryre, Regal, and Ryan.

This would be an awesome heel stable, but it won't happen anytime soon since Sheamus and Ryan are faces.


Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd.

They had a great match about a month ago on Smackdown, and I'd like to see two good technical wrestlers in a team again.

Most of all though... please WWE, sign The Kings of Wrestling and The American Wolves. Those are two badass tag teams.
I'd like to see Hennig turn face and therefore lose the McGillicutty persona and start a trio stable with Ted DiBiase and his brother Brett. They could be called The Blood Brothers and use their heritage of families being former legends as their reason for why they are aligned. They could battle with Hunico, Epico and Primo for a while.

By the way if you're thinking of making this a tag team in WWE '12 i'd use the Flamboyant theme and Legacy's motion.
I love the responses.
I have seen this thread a few times... but these are some new ideas.

Here are mine:

Ryder, no.
Santino, yes.
Sheamus, no
Barret, no
Jackson, yes
Ryan, yes.

See the pattern?
If done right any pairing may work!

A lot of people complain about "put" or "thrown" together tag teams.... But I say if they both superstars benifit from it.... HAVE AT IT WWE.

Look at Swagger and Ziggler... Miz and Truth... Beth and Natalya...
Those are/were all put together. But it kept all superstars relevant. Where would Truth, Swagger, or Natalya be with out these teams?
See what im saying?

A few picks would be Big Zeke and Ryan, Bourn and Gabriel, Miggilicutty and McIntyre.
I hope I don't get called for too much of a racist for saying this, but. I would like to see a guy with very dark skin (Ezekiel Jackson) pair up with a guy with very light skin (Sheamus (And by the way, I love Sheamus' pail skin, I just wish he had blue eyes, so that he would naturally be Red, White and Blue)) With both of them being about the same size.

Also, another wrestler that I wouldn't mind seeing Ezekiel Jackson paired with is Michael Tarver (If he's the guy I'm thinking about). Every time I see him he reminds me of Ezekiel Jackson.

Thirdly, I wouldn't mind seeing Air Boom turning into a stable comprising of just high flyers. At the very least, when Sin Cara returns, add him to the group, and they can take on Hunico, Epico and Primo.
Another team I would like to see formed, in some way, is Alberto Del Rio with Jinder Mahal. They both have the rich snob gimmick, and even though Alberto Del Rio is a singles guy, I personally believe that every superstar should have a history of being in at least one tag team.

Also, I know they are supposedly building the Miz back up as a single's competitor/world champion, but I would really like to see him form some king of a stable with Vickie's Boys, even if it is something like the Angle Alliance, the Christian Coalition, La Familia or Legacy.

With that being said, if R&R (Riley and Ryder) ever happens, I would like so see them in a similar teaming with John Cena, except they would be good guys. I can see Alex Riley having respect for John Cena, for overcoming all that he and the Miz have put him through. Also, another possible way for the formation of R&R is to have the Miz attack Alex Riley, and either Zack Ryder come for the save, or to John Cena come in for the save, and have them because allies in much the same way that John & Zack or allies, and eventually leading R&R to team up.
Depends on how they're formed. If we are just mashing two people together for the sake of it, then fuck you. I like real tag teams like the Hardy Brothers or E&C and I find tag teams like Air Boom and the Brothers of Destruction acceptable, due to the fact they've wrestled together numerous times. So, if we are talking about a tag team that should have happened from day one, Sin cara and Rey Mysterio.
I always team up Justin Gabriel and Chris Masters on SvR 2011.

Chris Masters is gone? Ah, fuck!
Mcintyre and Barrett - The nightmare barrage.
Slater and A-Ri - No1cares.
Bryan and Kidd - Tap&snap.
Hunico and Epico - Whirlwind.
Kane and Tatsu - Twisted moonlight.

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