Tag Teams that you miss

"You Look So Good To ME" Billy and Chuck, their matches were great, their promos were even better, and lets not forget Rico and his amazing side burns.

Morrison and the Miz- Great promos, great matches, great skits on the Dirt Sheet.

Brothers of Destruction- Kane and the Undertaker, do I need to say more? Maybe well see them reborn when Taker comes back, so he can shake off his ring rust while teaming with Kane.

A.P.A. both when they were in the Ministry, and on their own.

Rated RKO. Oh the best two wrestlers in the business as a tag team, they were great, but they've both moved on to do so much more

The question I have is why cant we get good teams like these again?
London and Kendrick is my first choice, because they seemed over as anyone else combined, although maybe not so much individually. London's my all time favorite, so I kinda have to go with them.

Secondly I would have to say La Resistance, because they drew pretty good heat and they really carried their gimmicks well. Bring them back and create a stable with Maryse!

I would also have to go with the Bashams, simply because they looked like two wrestling *****s.
Does anyone else miss the days when it seemed everyone on the roster had an ally?
Im not talking being overrun with stables just the late 90s strong tag division. I could go on all day about the good old days

The Headbangers
The Hardyz
The Brood
New Age Outlaws
Droz and Albert
Jarrett and Owen Hart
Shamrock and Bossman
Too Cool
Get Rowdy
Kane and X-Pac
The Worlds greatest tag team
hell even midian and viscera look good compared to the division we have now

but if I had to go with one it would be the dudleys. They put on sick matches with E&C and the Hardyz and who could forget all the women they put through tables (Mae Young lol)
I miss...

Edge and Christian: E & C for me were the most influencial, awesome, and captivating tag team for me, because well Edge and Christian are my favorite wrestlers and there Canadian which is a bonus :P. Plus they just reak of AWESOMENESS! 5 SECOND POSE FOR LIFE!

Shawn and Diesel: Shawn's speed and technical abilities, and Diesel's power and size! They complimented eachother well, and Nash and Shawn are also two off some of my all time faves.
I was getting worried until I got to the last page because dvayne & tLight mentioned the APA. These guys were completely under-rated and were brilliant as a team, power, strength, charisma! Some of their backstage segments were brilliant, especially when their office was introduced. I think they were completely under-used but I found them so memorable! Amongst other teams as well naturally.
I miss The Rockers. They were an incredibly talented tag team, way ahead of their time in the WWE. They were never officially tag team champions, although that was more down to McMahon not trusting their style, which was different to a majority of the tag teams in the WWE at that time. I think if they'd have debuted around this time they'd have shot straight to do the top of the division.

They weren't the best team ever, and I'm not trying to say they were. But they had a lot of good matches and were incredibly entertaining to watch.
I grew up watching wrestling in the '80's when tag team wrestling was an art. The British Bulldogs, Hart Foundation, Killer Bees, The Rockers, Demolition, Road Warriors, etc. were tag team specialists and it added a different dimension to wrestling. That's what I miss. I miss REAL tag teams. The WWE has dropped the ball so much on their tag team division over the past 10 years, that I don't really think there's rehabilitation for it.
Very few tag teams over the past 10 years have made an impact. People have mentioned teams like The New Age Outlaws, Edge & Christian and Kendrick and London- who were all stellar teams. Unfortunately, aside from the Dudley's, they are the only 3 modern day tag teams that I can think of who were legitimate teams who were successful.
There are so many of the tag teams I miss. I just miss great tag team wrestling in general, but remember the original ECW. The Gangstas, The Enforcers, Dudley Boys (yeah I know they are still around) but you know what I mean. One team I miss is Lance Storm and Chris Candino just because of the angle they were involved in. How many times have we seen the "oh the tag champs can't get along so we'll each have the pick a partner winner takes all," or "singles match for the tag titles." No ECW played it out even after Triple Threat kicked Lance Storm out they forced them to stay together and if one delibrately caused the loss of the team he was fired. I loved that! Anyway I miss great tag team angles like that. Other than that I pretty much agree with most of the listings, Edge and Christian, British Bulldogs, and Hart Foundation would have to be the three I would really pick out.
The Tag Teams I miss aren’t actually teams, but concepts. The idea of the Two-Man Power Trip was a favorite of mine. The World Champ and the secondary Champ as Tag Team Champions was just interesting to me. Stone Cold and HHH, Big Daddy Cool and the Heart Break Kid, and that’s all I can remember?? Was there another Team like this?? Kurt and Joe doesn’t count, but in my opinion, Kurt should have gotten one of those Tag Straps when the beat Team 3D a few years ago.

I forgot, Owen and Davey Boy sort of counts as well, sort of, with Bret in their Stable.
In no particular order.

Harlem Heat
Hart Foundation
The Rockers
The Nasty Boyz
The Outsiders

There is one more no one cared to mention, and you would have had to be watching TNA early on to catch.


I loved The Naturals, they were great. I never saw anything I didn't like with them in the ring or otherwise. Then when they became "The Franchised Naturals" with Shane Douglas, that was classic. I saw them as TNA's answer to London and Kendrick and a damn good one at that. I couldn't say enough good things about the Naturals. Yo me they were exactly what a tag team should be like for the most part. They could have had more balance like the Hart Foundation, having one guy be the power and the other the technical skills, but as is they were still just perfect.
The idea of the Two-Man Power Trip was a favorite of mine.
Oh my God. That is the single most stupid idea I have ever heard. Can you imagine what a megaface team that would have the potential to be? The last damn thing the WWE needs is a crappy dominating team like DX was.

If they were to bring back a legit team, It should be the spirit squad. They were entertaining to watch, and it was even more entertaining to watch them be completely slaughtered.
Oh my God. That is the single most stupid idea I have ever heard. Can you imagine what a megaface team that would have the potential to be? The last damn thing the WWE needs is a crappy dominating team like DX was.

If they were to bring back a legit team, It should be the spirit squad. They were entertaining to watch, and it was even more entertaining to watch them be completely slaughtered.

Excuse me. Single most stupid idea?? Really?? Because the getting 5 no name, male cheerleading jobbers is a better idea than the Two Man Power Trip?? (Side note : DX wasn’t one of the names I mentioned, nor do they fit my description) So you’re telling me, the interesting thing about DX / SS feud was the Spirit Squad. I think IF my idea was the stupidest thing you ever hear, then your idea must be the stupidest thing you ever said.
Ok just because of how freaking hilarious they were. What about Kaintei or however you spell it. The gimmick was freaking hilarious! "We are evvvillllllll!" "Indeed!" I loved that gimmick.
So you’re telling me, the interesting thing about DX / SS feud was the Spirit Squad. I think IF my idea was the stupidest thing you ever hear, then your idea must be the stupidest thing you ever said.

Yeah. The DX spirit squad feud is one of the best TagTeam feuds since E&C and the hardyz and/or the dudleyz. It could make the entire WWE Universe laugh, and I thought that while the spirit squads gimmick is one of the worst in history, there's nothing like watching them get their asses handed to them.
I really miss E&C.

I thought they were awesome together, they were funny, talented and yes ... reeked of awesomness.

Their rivalry with the Hardyz is legendary and in my opnion one of the best Tag Team rivalries ever.
The Ladder matches they had with the Hardyz and the Dudleys were breathtaking and some of the best matches in WWE history.

But not only were they good as a team, they were both very talented competitors.
One could really see how good these too know each other and their teamwork was the best I´ve seen so far.

in my book E&C has to be considered one of the best Tag Teams in history and I´m serious about that.

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