Pre-Show Stalwart
Most of you are missing the point. The best tag teams were the ones who had a common theme: Edge and Christian: So-Cal clowns, the Hardy's: high-flyers who looked like punk rockers, World's Greatest Tag Team: elite athletes, Headbangers: heavy metal fans, Cryme Tyme: gangstas.
There is no point and I mean no fucking point in lumping two wrestlers, who have already been established as singles wrestlers, in a team. It's just stupid. Look at MVP and Mark Henry for instance. What reason do they have to be teaming together - because they're black? Apart from that I can see NOTHING that these two have in common. Just because two wrestlers are heels or they are both faces it does NOT mean they will make a good tag team.
The majority of tag teams in the WWE are missing that common element that lifts them above being just a regular tag team that'll do for a couple of weeks to being a team that you just can't imagine could ever be apart.
It's pointless saying stick Chavo with Carlito or the Miz with Jack Swagger because people already know them as singles wrestlers. The WWE has to forget about trying to make band-aid tag teams to hold the division together for the short-term and focus on restructuring it for the long term.
Is there any reason why the WWE can't debut a tag team? Instead of lumping two singles wrestlers with nothing in common together, bring up some unknowns from the developmental roster and give them an obvious reason for being together, a credible backstory, attires that are at least semi-congruent and a decent name (I, for one, am sick of the laziness the WWE has in naming tag teams, who the fuck would want to cheer a team called 'MVP and Mark Henry', the BEST tag teams have their own team name).
You can't fix the tag team division by filling it with pathetic teams. Sure, Chris Jericho and the Big Show are doing a decent job at lifting it out of the rut it's been sitting in, but when they split up (and they will), what then?
Back in the day you could do that. problem is right now the tag divison in WWE is so disrespected it is almost imposible to get people to care about a new tag team where the fans dont no any of the guys. Look at Hawkins/Ryder they actually had the making of a good tag team but people didnt care because they were a tag team. Same can be said for the Highlanders people didnt care so WWE quickly turned them into comedy. I am sure their were a few other tag teams like this is the last 4 or 5 years but they were so meaningless i already forgot them. I do agree with you that the two guys need something in common. MVP/Henry works in my opinion because Mark Henry was suposed to be Jerichos partner or at least Jericho thought he was going to be. Well we no what happened. Then MVP got into a feud with Jericho but Jericho kept getting the better of him because of show. Well out comes Henry to help, now they have bonded and became friends so leaving them as a team would make since. I agree that Miz and Swagger doesnt work. Miz as a charachter has a huge ego. He just left a tag team that was world champs. The break up of Miz/Morrison was basically they wanted to see which of the two was better. Miz going back into a tag team with anyone would be like admitting defeat and make him look weak. Anyway storys are built tag teams dont have to start out togther but their does need to be a story to bring them togther. In my opinion the greatest and most underated tag team ever was Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard. They were both well established singles wrestlers and had even been singles champions. They were brought togther by membership in the Horseman so they worked. I also liked the way WWE put Rhodes/Dibiase togther they should use that formula again in the future.