Tag Team Wrestling Has Become The Big Show's True Calling

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Before Jerishow, the Big Show was just wandering in the mid card with no real purpose. He would constantly destroy Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne. He seemed like he might take the US title from Kofi, but it never happened. Now of course before all of this, he was feuding with Cena, but this feud was never really major, and Show didn't gain anything from it. Then came Night Of Champions 2009. Big Show was revealed as Chris Jericho's mystery tag team partner, and became one half of the WWE Unified tag team champions. For months Jerishow dominated WWE's tag team division, and Show was once again in the spotlight.

Jerishow would go on to lose the tag titles to DX at the TLC ppv. After the split from Jericho, Show once again seemed to be wandering in the mid card, until....he joined forces with The Miz. I don't know if WWE plans on going the distance with these two as a tag team, but once again, Show has been given new life because of tag team wrestling. Him and The Miz are a part of the triple threat match set to take place this Monday on Raw for the WWE Unified tag titles.

What I'm trying to get at here is, The Big Show and tag team wrestling seemingly have become a perfect match. Adding Big Show to a tag team instantly makes that team a threat because he is such a dominant force. Being in a tag team also allows Show to be in the spotlight every now and then, and gives him a chance at wearing championship gold. Show is probably to old to be given a consistent world title type push, so him being in a tag team is perfect for him because the all the focus doesn't need to be on him.

Do you think tag team wrestling is The Big Show's true calling? Thoughts?
Personally i think Big Show should never be in tag team wrestling.

It honestly made Jericho look a little weaker in my opinion. Because everytime he would just hide behind the Big Show. Now i know that was his persona and that is what he should be doing but mega tag teams just suck (cough *DX* cough).

But honestly SHow is a singles competitor. Always has been and always will be to me. They just dont know how to use him right so they just throw him into some stupid tag team.
It honestly made Jericho look a little weaker in my opinion. Because everytime he would just hide behind the Big Show.

This is why the Big Show is perfect for tag team wrestling. Pair him with any heel wrestler like Jericho or the Miz and Show can look dominant while his partner can gain immense heat by hiding behind him. It takes a lot of the stress off Show's body and we will get the opportunity to see him wrestle longer than if he stayed a singles competitor.
I for one whole heartedly agree. Show USED to be a dominant force, until WWE got to him. To many times has the big guy been used as the giant butt of a joke. He's jobbed to too many guys that he could probably kill without thinking about it. I just don't look at Show as a guy who could carry the top title anymore.
However, using him in a heel tag team is perfect. His partner can run his mouth then hide behind the movable wall. In the end Show jobs, puts over his partner who can then go on to bigger and better things. Lets face it, at this point in Show's career it's the best spot for him. He's always put guys over and I respect the hell outta him for it. This isn't a bad thing. I for one think Show is exactly where he needs to be.
I agree with the fact that Big Show has really helped out with the Tag Team Picture in WWE. We all know that Tag Team Wrestling in WWE has sucked since the Days of Edge/Christian, the Dudleys, the Hardys ect. Those teams were GREAT and recieved REAL pushes. (Side note: The thing I hate the most is when WWE throws two guys together in a tag team and have them win the belts their first night as a team, totally defeats the credibility of the titles. And something else they've done before is when they take a Guy like Brock Lesnar and have him beat the tag champs in a handicap match, ridiculous). So Big Show is great Tag Team competitor and instantly makes his tag team dominate just due to his size. I think it be interesting for WWE to do a Hulk/Rick Jones type angle with Show and Miz right now. BUT....in spite of all that.....I still believe in Big Show as a legitimate Maineventer/World champion. I personally would like to see him get another run with the belt. It still be fresher then Orton/Cena/HHH. Show was GREAT when he was ECW Champ last and I believe he could still do it with one of the World Titles. As always WWE just needs to book it correctly. Show is athletic for someone his size, and can work a match with the right partner. But if you give him a slug like batista or kane, then we'll get a crummy match. I promise you, Jericho and Show could put on an entertaining match against each other
Jerishow would go on to lose the tag titles to DX at the TLC ppv. After the split from Jericho, Show once again seemed to be wandering in the mid card, until....he joined forces with The Miz. I don't know if WWE plans on going the distance with these two as a tag team, but once again, Show has been given new life because of tag team wrestling. Him and The Miz are a part of the triple threat match set to take place this Monday on Raw for the WWE Unified tag titles.

Do you think tag team wrestling is The Big Show's true calling? Thoughts?

I wouldnt call it his true calling,but its what he can excel in. With knee issues and his size limiting him in the ring nowdays its more suitable.

He was great alongside Jericho and alongside The Miz could be the bigger player between the two (no pun indeeded).
Miz is very similar to Jericho in alot of aspects but this is not about the miz.
If Big Show was more over as a heel as well,then maybe he couldve been in feuds with Cena or the Undertaker on either show.But because he doesnt get enough promotime or recogntion as a top teer heel then its unlikely to ever happen,even as a face he didnt capture the title.

Hes not the Big Show of 96-01 ,but hes still dominant and a force within the squared circle.
Well the reason this is so fitting for him is because wrestlers that work the "Big Man" style always excel in tag teams. Take Shad for example, he excels at tag team wrestling, but if he were to go on his own it would be an epic fail.

They have tried time and time again to push Big Show as a singles competitor, but it usually doesn't end very well. The way he is utilized in WWE screams tag team wrestler. Paired up with a better worker, but when it comes time for him to get in there, he goes in dominates his opponents with a few power moves, and tags his partner back in.

Big Show is more enjoyable to watch as a tag team wrestler. When he is on his own he is not very good. But then again on his own he isn't terrible either.

The reason Big Show is in tag teams, is because he works better in them, and so WWE can keep him relevant in some way. If he were on his own he would simply get lost in the shuffle.
I tend to agree Big Show has found his niche. I would love to see him as a face again because he is really funny, but since his body has broken down quite a bit I hope he can do tag team for a bit to give himself a break and stay a bit in the lime light that I do feel he deserves. Maybe after sometime with a good tag team run he can get a singles title run, but for now Big Show in a tag team is definitely working.
i think big show is perfect for tag team rite now. his body and wrestling isnt what it used to be...and the big show is still great on the mic. lets have him team up with a good wrestler who isnt as good on the mic but is a better wrestler (ie mike knox or ziggler or someone who could use a push maybe) and have him in the tag division bc i certainly dont believe him as a WHC or WWE champ
I think that big show really need a tag member thats really his size.Being in a tag team really helps him out cause thats the only way he could get some tv time as for right now.Well as the miz being his partner for right now i dont know but the miz and show really dont go good together.
I wouldn't say that this is where he always should have been, but he's getting older and slower now, and this could be a good way of prolonging his career. His sheer size means that he is pretty much unique in the world of wrestling, and they should keep him around as long as possible. By putting upper midcarders in a team with him, it makes them look a bit better, but it also allows some character development for him. Show is always a decent losing title challenger, but now they have a reason to do something with him on the card at other times. Probably not his true calling, but what he is best served doing at present.
When they started teaming i was less than thrilled. Jericho is one of my all time favorites and Show is, well, not. I thought it would do nothing but bring Jericho down while he could have been fueding with Morrison or Punk or Taker or whomever. In all honesty however i was pleased with how Jerishow worked out, even if it was origanlly plan b after Edge was injured.

Big Show's age is going to be catching up with him and add to the fact he's huge and it makes for bad health news. He's had his time in the title picture on different occasions, played the role of comedic relief and played the unstoppable monster. There wasn't much to do for him at the time, and with the draft and such the title pictures were changing and they didnt involve him. So he was put in a tag team who had a great dynamic. Jericho talked adn then hid behind Show. He was still playing a similar role to what he was always meant to be, a 7 foot beast of a man. That was always his calling.
As The Big Show has grown older, he's even less mobile than a big man usually is. Because of that, when he has a younger, more active tag team partner he's allowed to play the role of a Ginat Destroyer far better. He's called upon in the match when it dramatically fits his role as a bigger man intimidating the other side and changing the momentum of the match.

Also, he allows the other guy to be a better heel by using him and hiding behind him. It works both ways and both look better because of each other. Also, because Show gets to preserve himself in the match, when he does get tagged in, he looks fresher.

It's a solid fit for this point in his career.
Yes. And the WWE has been wise to put him with guys with a lot of charisma, such as Jericho and The Miz. I get the sense that Show is a really intelligent and funny guy who can work best verbally working with somebody. Physically, it allows him to work half as much, yet do twice as much, giving him longevity.

Show and Jericho is a much, much better team than Edge and Jericho ever would have been. I still wish JeriShow wouldn't have broken up, but I suppose they did run their course and I do think Show and Miz have potential, maybe even more so. Miz will learn a lot working with Show.

Show by himself, sadly, is about as relevant as the Great Khali.
I dont see y they even bother keeping with these random joinings of guys. TNA rit now is has the best tag teams in the buisness! WWE needs to get tag teams who can work well together and create spots that people cant wait for, now that the Hardys, London and Kendrick, MNM, Haas and Shelton, and Edge and Christian, (THe DUdleys) are all gone, does anyone really care about the tag team division in WWE, it might be a good way to push some guys, but half the time when there pushing one guy they squash the other, and thats wat they did with Jeri-show. or tried too. they tried giving all the hype to Jericho trying to comebac on Raw all the time making Show look like the idiot he is, and then Jericho gets knocked out by Tyson who gives him a "black eye" that last half a week! and now there scrooing Jericho on Smackdown! thus making the entire title run a waste of time!!!!
I agree that Show has been helpful in the tag division, but I disagree with everyone saying that he hasn't or can't be a successful singles star. He was dominant in WCW, and great in WWE when they first brought him in as well. Not to mention in 2003 when Heyman was backing him, they REALLY made him out to be a fucking monster then. Before that he was low/midcard, but he had some great feuds with Undertaker/Lesnar/Cena
I think the current problem with Big Show is that the WWE has (basically) gone away with the notion of an unstoppable "monster". Kane is another example of that. These 2 used to just destroy everyone and everything. You used to believe that no matter who they went up against (HHH, HBK, The Rock, Austin, Undertaker) whoever, they had a great chance of winning. I think it is also pointless to put Big Show in a new tag team right after leaving one. Jeri/Show ran it's course. Even Big Show hinted to Jericho, so why join up with someone right away? Besides, he's the Big Show. The 7 Foot 500 Pound monster. Why does he need anyone. Plus it seems silly to team him with The Miz since he seems to be heading in the right direction with his program with MVP. So Again, where does that put Big Show. I think it's only 50/50 that Big Show will even have a match at Wrestlemania. If he does, they don't seem to even starting working on it and it's only 2 1/2 months away
I agree that Show has been helpful in the tag division, but I disagree with everyone saying that he hasn't or can't be a successful singles star. He was dominant in WCW, and great in WWE when they first brought him in as well. Not to mention in 2003 when Heyman was backing him, they REALLY made him out to be a fucking monster then. Before that he was low/midcard, but he had some great feuds with Undertaker/Lesnar/Cena

I think what should be kept in mind is that after his 2003 era with Heyman, there weren't really that many big guys left for him to face. The brief resurgence in 2006 with ECW starting up again gave him something new to do, but for the most part in the past few years, he hasn't been doing too much.

I don't have a hard-line stance on the notion of two singles wrestlers being thrown together into a tag team, because sometimes I've enjoyed it, sometimes it hasn't. Big Show with Jericho offered up quite a few great comedic moments, and teaming with Miz is a logical progression from that point as he is good on the microphone and has some good timing too. Wrestling wise, I like the balance that a big guy and an average sized guy has more than 2 big or 2 average guys, especially for a heel team as the little mouthy one having a big guy to hide behind is a solid enough tactic to build heat.

Whether it was his true calling? I don't think so. However as he has wrestled just about everyone in the company and paid his dues, it seems a good fit for the big man at the moment. And at least he hasn't resorted to jobbing to Hornswoggle so that's something
I agree, pretty much. Big Show is in that awkward place where he's not good enough to be in the main event and yet he's too experienced to be in the midcard title picture, like Kane. Speaking of Kane, I remember that one of times Big Show was most entertaining was when he and Kane were the dominant tag team champions. That was a good run inbetween years of the tag titles not meaning much.

Jericho kept Big Show relevant during their tag title reign. Jericho could carry the Big Show, and did so quite well. Whether the Miz can carry the Big Show as well and whether or not it lasts more than a month or two is yet to be seen. But Big Show just seems to work in tag teams. Remember when Big Show was announced as a participant in the World Title match? People shat all over it. There was a similar reaction when Show started attacking Kofi. But as part of Jerishow, he was accepted again. So it seems to be what the fans want and it makes Show somewhat entertaining. So I say keep him there, where he seems to belong.
I would agree that at this point in his career, Big Show's best options is being in tag teams. He no longer really has the credibility to get a world title but also just seems to be too good for the IC or US titles. I was a big fan of his tag team with Kane, as well as JeriShow which exceeded many fans' expectations. Miz-Show might be an interesting team, although they will probably not get anywhere near as impressive as JeriShow were. I find Big Show to be more entertaining when he is in a tag team and I know I'm not alone in that opinion so perhaps he truly has found his true calling.
I like Show in Tag wrestling, the guy is getting older he needs somewhere where he can rest himself through a match which is good for him to do plus that punch of his is awesome

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