Tag Team Division in 2015 (and beyond)


Championship Contender
With The Usos winning the Tag Team titles for their 2nd time and The Ascension debuting on Raw, I think this is a good time to talk about the Tag Team Division in WWE going into 2015 (and beyond).

For many, we saw 2014-2015 as a good time for the Tag Team Division, a revitalization of sorts. There seemed to be conscious effort put into developing interesting and entertaining tag teams. In 2014 we had The Shield, Wyatt Family, Rhodes Brothers and Usos as main tag teams.

In 2015 we had the comeback of The New Age Outlaws, which was cool and gave The Usos a great bump by winning the titles off them. Then early 2015 there was still Harper & Rowan and Rhodes Brothers (becoming Dust Brothers). In 2015 there were some great tag team matches with The Usos vs Harper & Rowan and The Usos vs Dust Brothers. But even saying that it sounds pretty limited in scope and that brings me to the topic at hand.

The WWE Tag Team Division in 2015 is looking very limited! I mean I am a fan of The Usos and I like the style of the Dust Brothers but even I am tired of seeing The Usos vs The Dust Bros because I've seen it simply too many times already in 2014 and 2015.

So what is the state of the Tag Team Division going into 2015 and beyond? Here is my rundown of the teams and their potential, in my opinion:

The Usos (Tag Team Champions)

A really good tag team. They got a good level of size, strength and athleticism. They have a good move-set. They should add in a few new moves in 2015 to keep them fresh and keep that edge that we saw with their feud against Miz and Mizdow and they will be fine.

The Ascension

Very early for them but they have good potential with these characters. I've seen them in NXT and they are good in the ring so they have to show that for the main WWE audience. Big thing for them is that they need a bunch of good feuds in 2015. WWE cannot make them face The Usos a thousand times like the Dust Bros did or the fans will get worn out very, very fast. The Ascension vs The Usos can be a marquee match-up but if done too much it will be no more desirable than The Usos vs Los Matadores.

Gold & Stardust

I like their characters and they are good in the ring. The big problem for me is that they faced The Usos far too much in 2015 so any feud with The Usos in the near future won't be very interesting. I think they need to split up soon. Maybe it's time for Brother vs Brother at WrestleMania and then Stardust can find a new partner and continue in the tag division after WM.

Miz & Mizdow

Very entertaining ... while they last. I don't see them lasting more than between now and WrestleMania. They will basically be tag team jobbers between now and WrestleMania. I hear they might pair Miz with NXT star Tyler Breeze after Mizdow is out of the team. I think that would be a good match and it should be done but I don't think it will happen until after WrestleMania which means a bit of a wait for the Tag Division to grow.

The New Day

Still waiting to see how they develop. I know Kofi can go in the ring. Woods has ability but hasn't got much chance to shine. Big E can be good if used sparingly. I like to be optimistic but I can't really see The New Day being one of those tag teams that becomes classic and wins titles and has glorified matches. I might be wrong, and if so, that's fine because the Tag Division needs good teams, but it is still a waiting game for this team.

Tyson Kidd & Cesaro

Clearly just a thrown together team because WWE had nothing else for them. But the Tag Division needs teams so they will probably give these guys a push and see if they can get over. I like Tyson's character right now and Cesaro can go in the ring but I don't know how much legs this team would have. The thing about classic teams like Dudleys, E & C, Hardys, APA, MNM, Jeri-Show, and others, was that there was a clear level of charisma the teams had and they could be heel or face and you would be interested. I like Tyson's skills, I like Cesaro's skills but as a tag team they aren't that interesting.

So this is where we are at? It's a little discouraging. I left out Los Matadores and Slater Gator because they are obvious jobber-only teams.

Why can't WWE have faith in tag teams and develop a bunch of them over time so you have 5 or 6 tag teams that are over and can go at each other at anytime?

In the Attitude Era you had The Hardys, The Dudleys, Edge & Christian, Acolytes, New Age Outlaws as core teams who were over and could go at each other at anytime. They were all cool teams that could be taken seriously.

Right now in the WWE it's really bad. You could say The Usos are a legit team and that's about it because The Ascension, New Day and Kidd & Cesaro aren't over yet, Miz & Mizdow will split soon and Dust Bros have faced Usos too much to be interesting.

I really hope WWE is taking note of their sad state of tag teams heading into 2015 and have plans in place to develop even more teams if the ones they are developing don't go that well.

So the questions are:

How do you see the state of the Tag Team Division in 2015? Optimistic or discouraged?


What teams do you see being key in the division and/or which teams would you like to see put together or developed?
I'm pretty decently optimistic, maybe about a 7 out of 10. For the most part, there are some pretty solid teams overall and while it's obviously early to declare that anything grand will or won't happen, there's potential.

Personally, I think WWE is missing a genuinely strong team of high flyers/fast guys. Given the alternative of Adrian Neville being saddled with a Mighty Mouse inspired gimmick, reportedly, I'd rather see him paired with Tyson Kidd when it comes to the roster. If given a chose between those two, I'll definitely go with the latter as they'd have the potential to be an energetic, fun team.

As for Cesaro, I'd pair him up with Bad News Barrett. Both guys are big, strong, can brawl and I just think they could be a great powerhouse tag team. Barrett's obviously the stronger of the two on the mic, though it's possible that he & Cesaro could play off one another. I'd avoid going the route of making them a couple of pissed off foreigners though. Maybe give them a bit of a chip on their shoulder, but I'd lay off any USA vs. Europe stuff.
The WWE should do everything in their power to sign the Young Bucks. They could be the Hardy Boyz of the modern era.

The Uso's are currently the best team, hence why they've been given the titles again.

I think The Ascension will be the next number one contenders.

I'm optimistic overall, the tag team division produced some great matches in 2014.
I think by the start of June 2015, the Tag Team Division in the WWE will be better than it has been in a very long time as there are a few more tag teams down in NXT that will most definitely make an impact in the near future in the WWE. This is how I see the Tag Team scene about 6 months into 2015:

The Uso's

I think the Uso's will be around for a while as a tag team. They'll be the go-to tag team for years to come much like The Dudley's were in the late 90's early 2000's so no real threat of them splitting anytime soon.

*The Dust Brothers

Well, the Dust Brothers will be a tag team at the start of 2015 no doubt, however I highly doubt they will still be together going into 2016. I'm a little iffy on how much longer Goldust can, or wants to go. As for Cody, I think we'll see him shun Stardust after the split and end up as Cody Rhodes again.

Miz and Mizdow

I'm not so sure WWE plans on breaking Miz and Mizdown up anytime soon like the original plan seemed to call for. I think WWE realizes they are hurting on Tag Teams right now, and Miz/Mizdow are an over team that still have legs to go. I'd be ok with this as Mizdow really glued himself into the comedy role, and sadly, I don't see a huge push in the near future.

The New Day

Something will happen with these guys... either a heel turn or a complete gimmick overhaul is needed, but I think they have great potential as a 3- way tag team. It would be cool to see all of them switch roles as Tag Team Champions where one week it's Big E/Kofi, the next week it's Kofi/Woods, and the next week it's Woods/Big E. These guys are all solid workers and have potential to be memorable.

The Ascension

I see these guys as the breakout team of 2014. I see them having a really long title run similar to The Uso's in 2014, or a few short title reigns... either way I think they'll be Tag Team champs this year.

The Vaudevillians

I see potential in Aiden English and Simon Gotch as a tag team even though they haven't been doing too much lately. I mean sure they've had some matches for the NXT Tag Titles but I feel like their momentum has slowed down a bit later in the year. Once they make it to the main roster though, I feel that their gimmick has enough depth to get over with the crowd. I wouldn't be surprised to see The Vaudevillians and The Ascension battling for the Tag belts at the end of the year.

The Lucha Dragons

The next team to come up to the main roster imo, and it will happen sooner rather than later I think. Once The Ascension get comfortable and the crowd gets used to them, I see the Lucha Dragons debuting not long after.

Colin Cassady and Enzo Amore

The sleeper team of NXT may get their opportunity on the main roster if the WWE loses some Tag Teams like The Dusts and Miz/Mizdow. These guys are great workers and I think with a little re-packaging they would be a solid team to have in the division.

Who knows what other tag teams will be formed this year as well? We can see another powerhouse team come out of nowhere this year. Maybe WWE hires a few indy Tag Teams. I think the future is bright and I'm optimistic of not only the Tag Division, but the product as a whole.

Edit: I left out Cesaro and Kidd because I don't even think they will be teaming together again as both seem to be going separate ways. WWE didn't seem to give too much of a crap about them anyways which is disheartening to say the least.
There are only two real tag teams. Usos and Ascension.
They need to bring up more tag teams from NXT. Id love to see Kalisto and Sin Cara come up.
Or create some new legit tag teams. Balor and Itami would be cool but id hate to miss their single matches.
Rose and Fandango could team up. Maybe someone else but they need some more real tag teams.
I'd like to see Bad News Barrett and Adrian Neville form a team. I like Cesaro & Kidd so far so hopefully WWE doesn't pull the plug on them too soon...Ascension (without facepaint) are awesome, Dust brothers, Usos and New Day aren't going anywhere. Lucha Dragons are a promising team as well. Miz & Mizdow are most likely breaking up soon so we shouldn't include them.
I think the tag division right now is poor. It's like they have two separate tag divisions but there's only one titles. When I say two, I'm referring to, the serious tag teams that will compete for the championship, then you got your tag teams with comedy characters that will only face tag teams like them.

Maybe there will be 3 teams competing for the titles now, with the Usos recently winning the titles back, Miz and Mizdow who should get a rematch and now you got The Ascension who beat the former champs. It just comes down to what the powers-that-be do.

You got legit talented tag teams like Tyson Kidd/Cesaro, Los Matadores and New Day but they don't even use them seriously.

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