Swine Flu


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
I may have it. That, or a terrible cold. Either way I'm fucking pissed. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I probably won't be able to taste anything because of all this congestion.

Thanks God, that was quite nice of you to do for the holidays. I can't even taste this cough drop.
Sucks to be sick at Turkey Time. I had a flu a couple of years back at Thanksgiving, and didn't feel like eating anything.

I was really pissed because my one of my aunts made pecan pie. Damn, I can still remember the smell.
X - I got tested for it today, I might have it as well.

If that's the case, no high school reunion for me Friday.
It's weird, all my friends seem to be getting sick.

Well, I know how to cure it:

Now that I think about it, vapor action cough drops really only provide temporary relief for congestion.

So you'll probably go through the whole bag, and the congestion won't go away for good. That's how they get you to keep buying more...assholes
Well it sucks that you're feeling this way and that cartoons talking about swine flu can't cheer you up.
Lots of fluids X...lots of fluids. Go to bed and stuff too. If you can...venture out to a grocery store and get some Echinacea tea and drink the entire package. Vitamin C too.
Lots of fluids X...lots of fluids.

Does whiskey count?

Go to bed and stuff too.

Doesn't help when you're an insomniac. Plus I've got to get up semi-early to head over to my mother's house for Thanksgiving. Hopefully I can taste things by then.

If you can...venture out to a grocery store and get some Echinacea tea and drink the entire package. Vitamin C too.

Sounds delicious.

Pot has Vitamin C in it, right?
I have to take extra Vitamin C, and it's this flavorless powdered shit. So I put it in my beer...It says put in Liquid. It doesn't specify..
Whiskey...maybe one shot would do some good if you have some throat problems, but otherwise, you're just dehydrating yourself and are going to make your body less able to fight off whatever you got.

If you want to taste things tomorrow...you should try em out.
Ugh, on top of possibly having swine flu, some kid who I graduated with that I despised (hack "comedian") landed a Best Buy PS3 commercial.

No I'm not bitter.

Just checking because I think that guy is actually pretty humorous.

Yeah the Best Buy kid looks like a chump. Too bad you won't be there to give him a noogie and a wedgie.
Actually that whiskey comment you mentioned could help X. Over here, when we have headaches, stomachaches or flu's we drink pitorro (the moonshine Steven mentioned in a previous thread). It actually works pretty well. I guess its the degree of numbness you get from being buzzed. Other than that I would suggest Vitamin C, some honey and soup.
Whiskey obviously isn't going to make me better, but it sure makes me feel better for the short term. The warmth in my chest is delicious.

Blah I'm so tired, but I still have to finish burning this DVD before I can pass out.
I may have it. That, or a terrible cold. Either way I'm fucking pissed. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I probably won't be able to taste anything because of all this congestion.

Thanks God, that was quite nice of you to do for the holidays. I can't even taste this cough drop.

You've got the sniffles, be a man.
If you're using cough medicine, i.e the syrup then don't. They're useless, which is what my doctor told me.

Better off using honey & lemon.
That's great.

Only every other doctor I've ever gone to has never said that and has actually encouraged using Robitussin and the like to me in the past.

I'll trust my own doctor's advice over some hack in England. Thanks.
I thought I had the swine a couple weeks ago. I got over it. Now I'm sick again and it seems even worse.

Even if it's not the swine, I've had a shit month.

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