Swagger's Open Challenge


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm sorry, I'm not really a huge Swagger fan, but when I saw Undertaker answer his open challenge I totally marked out! This match has been something I've wanted to see for awhile now for a few reasons:

1. Both men are similar in size

2. Swagger's the up and comer and Taker's the legend

3. Swagger's the best technical wrestler in WWE and Taker's the best pure striker so it's just a recipe for AWESOME!

4. The whole match had a ppv feel the entire time.

What do you folks think? I loved it. Pretty decent match. Swagger deserves kudos big time for delivering in such a big match and Taker did well as he always does putting over the younger guy even if he did beat him.
I agree 100% this match was awesome

Swagger and taker were both brilliant and i was very entertained
I think it also gave a hint to what we might see in the future, perhaps a fued over who is the best in the buisness etc etc.

Does this mean undertaker has returned from his wrestlemania break or was it just a 1 time thing
Does this mean undertaker has returned from his wrestlemania break or was it just a 1 time thing?

I was wondering that. If talent still aren't back for tonight's SD! taping, the i imagine that Taker will appear again, and THAT would be a perfect opportunity for them to set up a future angle for Swagger.

Have him defend the belt against Taker, lose by DQ, but not relent. Have him go to town on Taker and then let Taker go back off of TV. Let him have his WM recouperation time like he normally does, all the while Swagger can boast about ridding the WWE of the Undertaker, giving him more credibility, because let's face it, jobbing to every ME'er under the sun isn't going to do it, and then 4 months down the line, whether Swagger's the champion or not, they've got an instant fued for him to work in, with a fresh Undertaker, who we know will do all he can to put the guy over.

I haven't actually seen last night's match yet, but i'm streaming it now, and tbh i'm looking forward to seeing how these guys work together too.
yes im with you both. this match was great and it did have a big time feel to it. this was the first match that i've really enjoyed swaggers work and it made him look very good. ya he lost but not very many ppl can say they beat the undertaker the 1st time they faced him. i hope swagger retains at extreme rules and this builds into a feud. i would love to see more matches like this and i would love the see swagger be the undertakers next mania victim. best match of the night last night.
The match was definitely great. Taker may have won in the end, but Swagger came out of it looking like a true main event star. Proper way of winning yet still putting the other guy over. If you stand toe to toe with the Undertaker, even if you come out the loser, you still win in the eyes of the fans. Now, Swagger goes into Extreme Rules looking like a true champion instead of some fluke transitional one (ala Punk's first reign where he couldn't even touch anyone unless they were JBL and even then struggled). They just need to follow this up and not derail it. None of that "well, he looked good on Raw, so let's have him look like a jackass on Smackdown and then drop the title to Orton on Sunday" bullshit.

I'd like to see Taker/Swagger have an actual feud, now that I know they can deliver when it comes to the match standards very well. Assuming they both stay on Smackdown (and I'm wholeheartedly expecting neither to go to Raw) I could see that feud happening after SummerSlam.
I would love to see Orton go over Swagger at extreme rules but have them continue the feud with Swagger winning the title back at the next ppv. Or having Swagger go over at extreme rules and then Orton at the next ppv. Either way...I'd like to see Orton to smackdown then a Orton vs Swagger vs Taker somewhere down the road. On another note related to my original post, Swagger is looking better and better as he gets in the ring with more main event guys. It appears as though these guys see something in him and I can imagine that they are all giving him advice. By the look of it, it seems like he's taking that advice to heart because he's improving big time. I love that he dropped the cocky smile he had ALL the time and got more intense. It's easier to take him more seriously and he doesn't have that "kid" vibe to him now. That's the same reason why Sheamus is taken more seriously as a new guy because he looks like an older guy, not a "kid." The baby-face look is hard to pull off as a bad guy. Orton does it but he's crazy and doesn't smile so it works. Anyway, good move upwards for Swagger Monday, even if he lost.
I forgot to mention- I also though swaggers acting was brilliant before the match began, for starters his mic work wasn't that bad, and when he was about to leave and then heard undertakers GONG, the look on his face was priceless. The look said it all- Oh shit what have i done:(
Loved this match. Shame they took that commercial break cuz as soon as we came back they did the reeeaaallly long submission holds that were not going over well. lol you could see Taker talking to Swagger in the middle of one of them so they changed the camera. Liked how he pulled his ear at the end lol. really great match though. Maybe Taker will do one match a month or something like that. Special.
he is gaining confidence which is important for a young guy like him thats champion look at sheamus the same effect has happened to him he is confident and letting things roll smoothly swagger is coming off as a main eventer and the win at the pay per view will do him real good justice with even more confidence
I enjoyed it as well. It definetly was fresh to see something different other then the same matches all the time. Athough, was I the only one that kind of wished that Swagger won?

I think if Swagger won, it would have made his match with Orton, more interesting.
The only thing that ould have made the match better would have been Sqagger wiggling out of the tombstone attempt and hitting a gutwrench but having taker too close to the ropes or something so that taker could then hit the tombstone and win but i wanted to see swagger come a tad closer to winnign or cheating to a win/ dq
ok, I have been hating on Swagger (yes I said Swagger and not Thwagger) for awhile now, but I must admit he put on a damn great showing with Taker last night. Fun match, lots of back and forth, good hard hitting spots. I think having a good match with the Undertaker, even though he lost, makes him come out looking much more credible. Good show Jack, I won't mock you anymore.
I like the idea of losing by DQ or the possibility of reversing a tombstone, hitting the gutwrench powerbomb and having taker close to the ropes or, hell it's taker, just kick out. But I don't think he lost anything the way the match ended, but I agree more could've been added with finished like those.
ive always believed in Swagger, and i hope after last night all you ass clowns will too lol, no but all kiddin aside it was match of night....hell match of the month....Swaggers been havin great matches lately and hes only gettin better....he will definitely beat orton this sunday.....
I have to agree swagger vs. taker did have a ppv feel to it.I was very impressed with swagger i think ever since he won the title his showing us what he is capable of doing in the ring and great job by undertaker making swagger look good.
I thought the undertaker was taking time off as well, i think this was a one-time only appearance for now just so they could add some star power since the RAW roster was absent, i mean, people payed to see RAW, and the only way not seeing RAW and still being happy with the show is smackdown bringing its best. the undertaker. but the match was great, im a huge swagger fan, even before he won MITB, i marked out when he did, and i marked out when he successfully cashed in. and the undertaker is the perfect opponent for him, a guy who is willing to put a guy like swagger over, but at the same time looking strong himself, leading to some pretty competitive matches, and all-in-all a possibly great fued, swagger vs. undertaker @ wm26? who knows? maybe. maybe we have the next randy orton type push with his undertaker WM fued.
I had a chance to watch Swagger vs. Undertaker earlier today since I tape WWE and watch TNA. And I was surprised at the quality of the match all things considered. Swagger vs. Undertaker was a very good match. I was impressed with the fact that Swagger held his own against Undertaker, and therefore, Undertaker didn't have to carry the load in the match. I like the fact that the match sort of emphasized Swagger's technical wrestling abilities. The match put Raw over the line from ok to pretty good. I don't know if I would say that the match felt like a PPV match since nothing was on the line. But for a TV match, it definitely had a great novelty of the cocky young champion facing the battle-tested veteran. In the end, I think the match will only help Swagger's reputation. Even though he lost, he held his own and gave the Undertaker fits. I would definitely shell out money to see the two go at it on a future PPV.
In my opinion, the reason Swagger is in all these high profile matches as of late is because WWE wants to see if they made a mistake by putting the gold around him. Think about it, first he's on RAW, has a good match with Orton. Then has the Triple Threat with Edge and Jericho which was also a good match. Then he has a match with Undertaker, in my opinion a great match for him. Yes I realize the RAW roster was not there but it gave Vince and everyobody a chance to see how good he could do against Taker, I think he passed with flying colors. I forgot who said but someone on this site said that Swagger is a poor mans Brock Lesnar. Swagger is in for a decent title reign as long as he keeps getting heat on himself, which he is doing, as his mic skills are getting better every week.
First off great match, and one of Swagger's best showings aside from his one-on-one with Orton a few weeks ago. But, I still think that the wrong guy won. I mean a lot of people have said that Taker put Swagger over in that match, but why does Taker of all people need to win this one. Taker could have easily taken a DQ victory in this one to make Swagger look like an even stronger champion. Still a great match
What do you folks think? I loved it. Pretty decent match. Swagger deserves kudos big time for delivering in such a big match and Taker did well as he always does putting over the younger guy even if he did beat him.

It was a very good match, but Taker didn't seem to be glad to have his vacation interrupted, and he was noticeably moving slow in the ring. He needs more time to rest before coming back for any length of time, but for being called in to cover for the Raw roster at the last minute, he delivered as usual. Swagger is probably their best technical wrestler right now and he is a big man too, much bigger than Angle, Benoit, etc.

His mic skills can improve and eventually they'll get tired of making fun of his lisp once he's respected enough. I find that whole thing pretty dumb. Ric Flair has a major lisp, much worse than Swagger's, and he was one of the best promos in the business. And Swagger shouldn't beat Taker yet, they booked it right. Taker just retired HBK at WrestleMania. Swagger has been champion for a few weeks.
I see them both feuding in the future, as for Taker, obviously if asked, he would help out, like he did since the Raw crew was stuck in Ireland. Taker looked good in the match, and Swagger could have been put over big time, but I don't think that night was the best night for Swagger to beat Taker.

Good match overall, kept me interested at all times. Im thinking during this match, most viewers watched this rather han TNA. Speaking of which there has been no sign of ratings on the website for Raw vs iMPACT this week?
No. He looked revived. If you noticed half way through the match he realized Swagger wrestles in a similar style and so began to "enjoy" the match if you will. Or rather he had to work harder. It affected his personality. If you watch a lot of wrestling you'll notice that. The same thing happened to Jericho when he faced Christian. He yelled at the audience with passion. Not boredom like most times.

A feud would work wonders for his career. I also loved this match.

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