Superstar of the Year: What were they thinking?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
They announced the nominees for Superstar of the Year:
• John Cena
• Randy Orton
• CM Punk
• Daniel Bryan
• Big Show
• Brock Lesnar

Obviously, this list is kayfabe, and there's no possible way Lesnar should be nominated when he only got 2 matches, but I still am wondering what they were thinking with this list.

Here are a few issues:

1. Brock Lesnar only had 2 matches. Fine, I get that it's kayfabe and they can include part-timers if they want, but how do they include Brock Lesnar and not The Rock?? Brock Lesnar had 2 matches: 1 against Triple H at WrestleMania where he lost, and 1 at Extreme Rules where he won.

The Rock had 3 matches: 1 against John Cena at WrestleMania where he lost, and 2 others at Royal Rumble and EC where he won the WWE title and retained it. It's also important to note that even thoug he lost, The Rock main evented WrestleMania, which is still a big deal. If any part-timer has a claim to the title, it's him.

2. Big Show accomplished nothing this year. He has two jobs against Del Rio on PPV and two jobs against Orton. How does he get to be on this list? That's gobbledygook.

3. How is Del Rio not on this list? Del Rio retained the World title on 3 consecutive PPVs including Mania, won it back at Payback and continued defending it throughout the year until Cena came back. He probably has the best PPV record of the year.

4. Undertaker beat Ambrose, won a couple tag matches and beat Punk at WrestleMania to become 22-0. He also had a better year than Brock as well.

5. CM Punk had a fantastic 2012, but 2013? Not so much. He lost the title at the Rumble, lost 2 consecutive PPVs, took a hiatus, came back and beat Jericho at Payback, then he lost at MitB, SummerSlam, and NoC too. Sure, he's racked 3 more PPV wins since, but against small-time midcarders, not really anything to brag about. Rock probably had a better year than him too.

If I were to choose the nominees, they would be:
• Daniel Bryan (Tag Champ, WWE Champ twice, lots of PPV wins including big wins at SS and WM, and really over with the fans)
• John Cena (Rumble winner, Beat Rock at WM, WWE Champ, WH Champ, countless PPV wins)
• Alberto Del Rio (Best PPV record this year, WHC twice, some big feuds, retained the title at Mania and SummerSlam)
• Randy Orton (Mr. MitB, WWE Champ twice, "Face of the WWE")
• Dean Ambrose (US Champ, bunch of PPV wins, big wins over top guys)
• The Rock (WWE Champ, two big wins, main event of Mania despite loss, best record for a part-timer this year)
I totally agree with your point but with Lesnar returning soon maybe its a setup for his return. WWE could do a lot with the possibilities. One I wouldnt mind seeing is Punk winning then Heyman coming out asking how he could win and not Broooock Lesnaaar after he beat Punk at SummerSlam. Then at TLC Lesnar returns to help The Shield beating Punk and later reveiled that Heyman orchestrated The Shields attack on Punk and not The Authority. You can have Ryback and Axel turn face with Heyman berating them by saying that they failed at getting rid of Punk so he had to find guys who could. hence setting up the rumored Royal Rumble match between Lesnar and Ryback. Or you could have Punk vs Lesnar rematch and The Shield vs new face tag team of Ryback and Axel.
WWE just screwed up in every slammy category. Match of the Year has some great matches missing off the list. Diva of the Year has Eva Marie nominated. Extreme moment doesn't have Cena's AA through a ambulance roof on Ryback or any of Reigns' spears through the barricade. WWE clearly don't watch there own product and these candidates and the quality of storylines currently shows that
The Slammy's are the WWE's awards - they can do what they want with them. If they feel it is necessary to further a storyline than so be it.

It's a 2013 award, yes, but surely sheer ability is a prerequisite. Hence, why Punk is on the list. He is the "best in the world" and was around for 11 of the 12 months - he has to be on the shortlist.

I really don't need to explain Cena, Bryan or Orton. Admittedly, The Big Show and Lesnar are a little strange. For Brock I would say that if all the superstars on the roster were to compete in a tournament - who would bet against Lesnar. Hence, why he could be classed as "superstar of the year".

I have no idea why The Big Show is included. Do they honestly think they need to show him in a good light. If they are having the WWE Universe vote for the award then I suppose the Big Show is popular and will therefore, make people interested.

Alberto Del Rio deserves to be on the shortlist but he is a heel, that just lost to Sin Cara. He isn't going to win or get many votes so who really cares. They can use the Slammy's to promote certain wrestlers; create feuds and use it to tweak gimmicks. It doesn't really matter all that much and the WWE can pick who they like.
Alberto Del Rio deserves to be on the shortlist but he is a heel, that just lost to Sin Cara. He isn't going to win or get many votes so who really cares. They can use the Slammy's to promote certain wrestlers; create feuds and use it to tweak gimmicks. It doesn't really matter all that much and the WWE can pick who they like.

You actually think the fan vote has anything to do with who wins. HBK presenting superstar of the year and Bryan is a candidate, hmm that seems like a bit of a coincidence, ohh wait no its WWE advancing a storyline. HBK may refuse to give Bryan the Slammy or SCM him and leave on his Ko'ed body but whatever happens its fixed and WWE has already picked so don't waste time voting
You actually think the fan vote has anything to do with who wins. HBK presenting superstar of the year and Bryan is a candidate, hmm that seems like a bit of a coincidence, ohh wait no its WWE advancing a storyline. HBK may refuse to give Bryan the Slammy or SCM him and leave on his Ko'ed body but whatever happens its fixed and WWE has already picked so don't waste time voting

Firstly, you acknowledge here that they want to further storylines but above you question if the WWE watch their own product. Are you trolling or just an idiot?

Secondly, I meant like voting on Twitter, the WWE APP/.COM. If a popular wrestler like The Big Show is involved ( I think he's popular) then people will be more willing to tweet a hashtag relating to the Slammy's or download the app. Same in relation to Lesnar.
Firstly, you acknowledge here that they want to further storylines but above you question if the WWE watch their own product. Are you trolling or just an idiot?

Secondly, I meant like voting on Twitter, the WWE APP/.COM. If a popular wrestler like The Big Show is involved ( I think he's popular) then people will be more willing to tweet a hashtag relating to the Slammy's or download the app. Same in relation to Lesnar.

I think the ones who look like they are going to win shows they want to advance storylines but some people who are nominees who are unlikely to win have me questioning if they watch, for example Eva Marie nominated for Diva OTY makes me question whether they watch divas matches
I think the ones who look like they are going to win shows they want to advance storylines but some people who are nominees who are unlikely to win have me questioning if they watch, for example Eva Marie nominated for Diva OTY makes me question whether they watch divas matches

Now, I don't watch Total Divas but I imagine Eva Marie being on the shortlist makes for more compelling TV. They can build on the fact that, presumably, the Bellas won the award instead of Eva, The Funkadactyles and Natalya. Something like Cena's AA on Ryback not being a nominee is probably because they thought the spot with the stage was more extreme and didn't think it was necessary to feature the same combination twice.
You actually think the fan vote has anything to do with who wins. HBK presenting superstar of the year and Bryan is a candidate, hmm that seems like a bit of a coincidence, ohh wait no its WWE advancing a storyline. HBK may refuse to give Bryan the Slammy or SCM him and leave on his Ko'ed body but whatever happens its fixed and WWE has already picked so don't waste time voting

Of course the Slammy Awards are fixed. Do you honestly believe most people don't know that. It's fixed because they aren't real awards, they have no real meaning or substance because it's a fictional sport featuring athletic men & woman portraying fictional characters engaged in fictional feuds culminating in fictional fights. It stands to reason that if just about everything else that they see and hear in regards to WWE is fictional that the Slammy Awards are as well. Some of the awards will be used as a means of furthering storylines regarding some current feuds going on. If it can be done in entertaining ways rather than coming off as lame, half ass attempts at humor that hardly anyone but Vince thinks is funny or segments that are as exciting as watching paint draw, then I'm all for it.

As far as using social media to vote, all it does is generate buzz and have people talking about WWE and what's going on that night. How's that different from any other form of entertainment on television? Dramas, sitcoms, sporting events and reality shows all use social media to for the same reason as WWE. Besides, since when do people actually need any genuine, legit reason to use social media for anything? There are endless droves of people who post practically everything they do during their day, where they are, where they're going and what they're going to do on Twitter each & every day. Why? Damned if I know why, but they do. The WWE brass figures that since people spend so much time with their noses buried in their phones texting this or Tweeting about that, then they might as well give them something to talk about that's of benefit to the WWE.

As for the nominees for the award, a lot of it also goes straight into social media aspect. As has already been pointing out, this particular award has big names and people Tweet about big names. For example, I'm sure a good deal of people will be posting Tweets and votes either for or against most of these nominees. People always talk about Cena for one reason or another while Bryan & Punk are possibly the two most universally over faces on the WWE roster right now There'll probably also be a ton of buzz on Twitter with people wondering if Lesnar being nominated is an indicator that he MIGHT make an appearance on Raw and, if so, what'll happen if he does.
I understand all your points, but one thing that really pikes my curiosity me hasn't been addressed: Why isn't The Rock nominated?

Some of you have said that they preferred to nominate Lesnar due to his imminent return, but why would that stop them from nominating The Rock?

And as for Del Rio not being nominated because he's a heel, I don't think that's the main reason, Orton is nominated after all.
I figure they're hoping that if people think Brock Lesnar might win and show up, it'll boost some ratings. Just a weak marketing ploy, no more than that. Any opportunity they get to mention Brock Lesnar, or tease an appearance, they'll take it. In fact, I'm pretty surprised that the Rock isn't on the ballot. If WWE mentioned him as a possible winner, that might bring in a naiive viewer or two.

But no, don't take this seriously. It's not good for your mental health.

Daniel Bryan for Superstar of the Year. Yes, I'm an unashamed Bryan mark. High match quality, part of the biggest angle of the year (thought in no way the best) and he's super over.
The list is always gonna be iffy...Big Show is only on it for the past couple of months and how relevant hes been...Del Rios not on it because WWE obviously doesnt see him as a big time star, which he isnt..yea hes great in the ring blah blah blah but they messed him up by turning him back heel..Daniel Bryan is easily superstar of the year because of his momentum..Brock DID NOT have just 2 matches, he had 3 as well if you payed attention. 2 against Triple H and one against Punk..Rock could be nominated but then again we already know he wont show yea it should be Daniel Bryan but Im guessing they pick Cena, just like the year Orton shouldve won in 2009.
Because in the end the Slammys just like the Grammys are a damn popularity contest and at least in my eyes doesn't matter who wins because I see the truth but Cena is clearly superstar of the year.

John Cena (Rumble winner, Beat Rock at WM, WWE Champ, WH Champ, countless PPV wins) not to mention returning from injury where he had a baseball protruding from his elbow to become WHC and also his MOTY candidates and great match against Sandow on RAW the night after returning from aforementioned injury and retaining the WHC and he's competing for the Unified Championship
superstar of the year goes to bryan. But bryan refuse to get the award from michaels so michales scm to bryan and leave. Thats end their small fued. I think michaels done his wrestling carrier bcos he lost his carrier against taker in a match.
I am not quite sure with the authenticity of these awards. Though if had predict it would be either between Daniel Bryan or John Cena. Daniel Bryan has given some good quality matches in past one year & probably someone who got pushed into the Authority angle which I suppose is Triple H's brainchild. John Cena as for the same reasons posted earlier by some of the members.

5. CM Punk had a fantastic 2012, but 2013? Not so much. He lost the title at the Rumble, lost 2 consecutive PPVs, took a hiatus, came back and beat Jericho at Payback, then he lost at MitB, SummerSlam, and NoC too. Sure, he's racked 3 more PPV wins since, but against small-time midcarders, not really anything to brag about. Rock probably had a better year than him too.

Sorry but I would disagree on this. If win or loss is a criteria then Daniel Bryan should not be in the list & John Cena should be the only nominee. Though CM Punk had lost many matches this year - he had lost against big names - The Rock (RR), Undertaker (WM) & Brock Lesnar (SS). Punk had a fantastic match against Undertaker specially. The one against Brock Lesnar at Summerslam was not bad either. Although, the Heyman-Punk rivalry was indeed boring post Summerslam as it ended with many matches with Axel & Ryback at PPVs & RAW/SD included.
Well first off several of the statistics stated in the orginal post are inaccurate. Undertaker went 21-0 this year at Mania, not 22-0 & Lesnar had 3 matches this year so far; co-main eventing Mania in a lose to HHH, beating HHH in the cage at Extreme Rules & beating CM Punk in the co-main event at Summerslam.

Secondly this is the Slammies we're talking about. CM Punk held the WWE Title for the entirety of 2012 & was arguably the biggest star in the entire company at the time & he didn't even win Superstar of the Year last year. Not to mention the Slammies haven't really meant anything to me personally since Owen Hart won multiple Slammies & made it a huge part of his gimmick. So I really don't think the Slammies mean a thing in todays WWE Universe & they are usually just used to push a new storyline these days or as an excuse to hold another "special" RAW to get more viewers.

Also I don't think WWE's list of Superstars of the Year is as bad as some make it out to be. I agree Big Show shouldn't have even been considered & Punk hasn't really had that good of a 2013 but Lesnar for example has had some fantastic matches, was a huge deal anytime he appeared & we know he will be coming back & making an impact in the not so distant future. I don't think Lesnar should win but I actually think it is much more appropriate he is nominated than The Rock. Almost the entire return run of The Rock's was a disappointment. His main event match with Cena was awful & one of the biggest wastes of a main event in the history of Wrestlemania & his Rumble match with Punk was extremely lackluster & the ending was atrocious. In fact the only match I really enjoyed of Rocky's since his return in 2011 was his rematch with Punk which is forgotten by most since is took place on a B PPV.

As for other nominees, I agree that Del Rio should be on the list simply because of how much of the year he held the World Heavyweight Championship. Also I think The Shield should be nominated as an entire unit. Some people complain cause they're not a single superstar but they fight as one, won the rookie of the year award on WWE dot com as one & have been the most dominant force in the entire WWE this year. Not to mention they won their debut match at Wrestlemania, held multiple titles with Ambrose still being the US Champion & as a unit they are still undefeated on PPV.
Of this year, Id say DB. He did it this year. Even if just for a second.
But people like Lesnar, UNdertaker and the Rock should not even be on there. Only full time roster.
Well first off several of the statistics stated in the orginal post are inaccurate. Undertaker went 21-0 this year at Mania, not 22-0 & Lesnar had 3 matches this year so far; co-main eventing Mania in a lose to HHH, beating HHH in the cage at Extreme Rules & beating CM Punk in the co-main event at Summerslam.

Secondly this is the Slammies we're talking about. CM Punk held the WWE Title for the entirety of 2012 & was arguably the biggest star in the entire company at the time & he didn't even win Superstar of the Year last year. Not to mention the Slammies haven't really meant anything to me personally since Owen Hart won multiple Slammies & made it a huge part of his gimmick. So I really don't think the Slammies mean a thing in todays WWE Universe & they are usually just used to push a new storyline these days or as an excuse to hold another "special" RAW to get more viewers.

Also I don't think WWE's list of Superstars of the Year is as bad as some make it out to be. I agree Big Show shouldn't have even been considered & Punk hasn't really had that good of a 2013 but Lesnar for example has had some fantastic matches, was a huge deal anytime he appeared & we know he will be coming back & making an impact in the not so distant future. I don't think Lesnar should win but I actually think it is much more appropriate he is nominated than The Rock. Almost the entire return run of The Rock's was a disappointment. His main event match with Cena was awful & one of the biggest wastes of a main event in the history of Wrestlemania & his Rumble match with Punk was extremely lackluster & the ending was atrocious. In fact the only match I really enjoyed of Rocky's since his return in 2011 was his rematch with Punk which is forgotten by most since is took place on a B PPV.

As for other nominees, I agree that Del Rio should be on the list simply because of how much of the year he held the World Heavyweight Championship. Also I think The Shield should be nominated as an entire unit. Some people complain cause they're not a single superstar but they fight as one, won the rookie of the year award on WWE dot com as one & have been the most dominant force in the entire WWE this year. Not to mention they won their debut match at Wrestlemania, held multiple titles with Ambrose still being the US Champion & as a unit they are still undefeated on PPV.

I think for Superstar of the Year, you have to be in the "singles division". Dean Ambrose's work ever since he won the US title should count, and the dude has been on a roll, so I would count him in.

I apologize for the big botch about Brock's third match with Punk. I actually had written something paralleling Brock's 2 big wins and a loss at Mania with Rock's 2 big wins and a loss at Mania, but I scratched and restarted and somehow forgot to include his match with Punk. Oops.

I agree Lesnar had a good year. And while Rock's matches weren't as good as Brock's, he still got a WWE title run and a WM main event out of it. They both should have been nominated. I think they should have a "Featured Superstar of the Year" category or something like that, with Lesnar, Triple H, Rock, Undertaker, Jericho and RVD all nominated though.

As for Alberto Del Rio, man, not only do I think he should be nominated, I would give him the award. A big World title win on SD, retained against Big Show on two PPVs, retained the title at Mania, immediately took back the World title once Dolph cashed in, defended it against Ziggler, Christian and RVD at 4 consecutive PPVs and had two top title matches with Cena. All the while being consistent winner on Raw and SD all year.

Only other guy with such a good record is Cena, and while Cena did beat Del Rio twice on PPV, he also suffered some other losses to SHIELD and Bryan, plus he was consistently beat down by guys like Ryback and Henry on Raw and SD. I'd give my pick to Del Rio.
I'm going for Cena he beat The Rock,Won the RR,WWE Title,Headline Mania,won the WHC.Came back from an 4-6 month injury in 2 months.Passed the torch until HHH gave it to fellow legend Orton.Only for them to give it back to Cena.But also worked SD for about a month or 2.Did a reality show.Got a new catchphrase,etc.But I know their giving it to Bryan to setup HBK vs D-Bry
Have they ever acknowledged what qualifies an individual as Super Star of the Year? It seems everyone is assuming it is about in ring victories but I am not sure when that has ever mattered one damn bit to the WWE. It is about name recognition, drawing power, being perceived as a larger than life figure, public relations, moving merchandise and when you bundle it all up it is about moving the WWE. The names on the list make complete sense. The reason behind including Brock and not Rock has to do with the upcoming schedule. Brock will be at WM and Rock is a major question mark. Out of those nominated the award should go to Cena or Bryan. With the current story lines I would guess Bryan takes home the award. He then somehow gets humiliated lessening his accomplishment. It plays to him getting screwed all year, sets up an interaction with HBK and gives the Wyatt Family fuel to convince Bryan to embrace the evil within. Giving it to Cena seems like it would give him a significant edge in the title vs. title match at TLC. Right now it makes no sense to bury Orton any more than they already have.

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