Superbowl winner?

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Panthers may have the second best defense next to the Bears. If they play the whole season like they did down the stretch last year, they're going to be one of the best in the NFC.
Blizzard said:
I no it early but Im just wondering does neone have a wild guess towards who will be superbowl champs this year. Maybe the Colts and The Giants The Colts will win IMO.

yes they will win for sure
The New York Giants! Tiki will have a MVP season, the defense has gotten better, and Eli will have a great season.
In most fantasy magazines, the Seahawks are the highest rated team. Unfortunately, many of those same magazines feel that the SuperBowl jinx is too strong for them to make it again. However, the three key guys they lost are Marquand Manuel, Steve Hutchinson, and Joe Jurevicius. I understand that Hutch is the best LT in the league, but him leaving doesn't all of a sudden invalidate Shaun's MVP trophy. Shaun's a top 3 RB (no longer the best due to Hutch's leave), Hasselbeck's a top 5 QB, their top three wideouts are fabulous (D-Jack, Burleson, Engram), Walter Jones IS THE BEST offensive lineman in the game, Mack Strong is a top 3 FB, the DL looks solid with the DT's going 5 deep, they run about 3 deep at CB, adding Julian Peterson - a top 5 outside linebacker - only strengthens an up-and-coming linebacking core with Tatapu and Hill, and Boulware is still there in addition to Ken Hamlin's return from injury. I truly believe that this year's team is better than last year's.
There is no way that Steelers are gonna repeat... I honestly think its way to early to pick a SB winner... But I think the Ravens and Bengals are sleepers this year... But Panthers I think have the ebst chance of takin it..
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