Super Mods?

Normal moderators can only moderate one forum or one section of the forum, ie: I can only moderate the Wrestling section of this forum.

Super moderators on the other hand, are moderators of all of the sections on the forum, and have other powers like the ability to ban someone.
Yeah,i have been a Smod so many times. On little small forums. Its fun to ban little assholes who think they are above the rules.
Super mods are mods that can mod every forum but it is different than an admin. An admin has an Admin CP that cna change the forum and do stop to it.

Mods can only mod one section.
zero said:
Normal moderators can only moderate one forum or one section of the forum, ie: I can only moderate the Wrestling section of this forum.

Super moderators on the other hand, are moderators of all of the sections on the forum, and have other powers like the ability to ban someone.

zero you said your a moderator but it says your a senior member
ergh no point in talking bout mods or smods here no offense

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