G-Mods and Admins: Rate the following mods in how well they are doing their job


Excellence of Execution
I am going to list every regular moderator we have, and I want all G-Mods and Admins to give a grade on how effective they are doing their job. Please treat this like a non-spam forum post, giving reasons for your grade.









Steamboat Ricky

Seems to have vanished as of late. I understand the concern of some of the G-Mods getting much of th spam deleted and infracting done, but he doesn't post much ether. If you don't do one, at least do the other.

Mysterio_Fan, right? He's fine. Not great, not poor. He contributed an average amount.


Outside of Lee, I think he's the strongest mod in terms of posting and activity we have. He truly takes the "own your section" idea to heart. He may get by vote for best mod in the EOY Awards.

Where did he go again? I can't speak much on him outside of what Lee tells me from the e-fed, but he's dropped off significantly.

See: FTS. Does fantastic work with the MMA section. I got some flak from people when I made MMA its own section - jmt has thankfully saved my face for me.

Phenominal. Future G-Mod. His last 4 months have shown amazing maturing.

To early to tell, TBH.


He's NWS, right?

Steamboat Ricky

Caught in a tough spot. He knows his spot is a bot of a joke, but he wants to stick it out.

I like the guy, but I haven't understood why he's been a mod for the last few months. He doesn't actually do anything. He'll come on once a week, maybe give out a warning, make two posts in the WWE section. He's not doing a bad job, but he's just not needed.

Again, I like M_F, but I didn't really think we needed a TNA mod to begin with (Sam usually takes care of the TNA stuff). He's done a fairly good job though, especially when you consider how few posts are left to warn or infract after me and Lee have gone through them ;)


Great job, has done even more with the Cigar Lounge then I think any of us expected. His Cigar Lounge Newsletter alone shows how much passion he has for that section, great mod.

As far as I know his internet has been screwy, so it may be unfair to criticize him, but he has been on a lot less lately and hasn't done very much. I don't know about when it comes to the e-fed, but he hasn't really done much with the wrestling sections he was given.

Agreed with IC, the man is the MMA section. Great MMA mod.

He's the only person that can compete with me in terms of warning/infractions handed out :lmao:

Seriously though, Lee does a fantastic job. He's always posting in different sections, he's always on top of his moderating game, great mod.

Too early to tell really, but he's an e-fed mod...so you'd have to talk to someone who's involved in the e-fed, because I wouldn't know if he's needed or not.


As much as I absolutely love Shadowmancer...he just doesn't do anything. He hasn't since I returned to the staff over the summer. The only place I ever see him post anymore is the Bar Room. I think there isn't a single more intelligent poster on this forum and I love him as NWS mod, but really, he doesn't serve a purpose any longer. He's not needed.

Steamboat Ricky

I love Ricky as well, but let's face it, the only reason he's still a mod of the spam sections is because no one really wanted to de-mod him because we all like him. Humorously enough though he HAS brought more traffic to the spam sections then there was previously though, so hey, he has done a good job in that regard. Not needed really though.

Hope my opinions helps.

Suffers from a severe case of too many mods. Also, he's never here. He was the perfect pick for the job 7 months ago, but now he might as well be any other poster. I'd drop him as I thought we had warned him already about picking up his output.

Slacked a bit lately, but TNA has gone up a lot lately as well. I'd say he's ok for now.


Excellent job. No issues at all as he's the undisputed king of the Cigar Lounge and would be up there for a promotion or additional load to me.

Erm, where is he? He hasn't been around for awhile now and while he's fine I guess, he's just not ever here. Keep an eye on him for now, but he's still got some grace period left in my eyes.

About as efficient as possible. This guys just gets his stuff done, plain and simple. He's the best MMA guy we've got and the perfect choice for that section. No issues at all.

Excellent as well. He's gotten more and more work asked of him and hasn't slacked at all in any section. He's also calmed down a ton and gets a ton of work done. No issues at all.

Won't grade him because it wouldn't be fair. FAR too early to tell. No issues that I know of and he even got an infraction on someone the other day.


Uh...yeah. Like everyone else says, Shadow doesn't actually do anything. He makes the most random posts in the world and that's about it. I think we brought him back when we just needed someone we knew would be stable on staff. That time is over. Shadow certainly isn't a bad poster or anything, but there are others that would be much more active.

Steamboat Ricky

He's a lot like Shadow, but he does more. Like IC said, he's in a tough spot as those zones need more or less zero modding. He's certainly not bad, but again: unnecessary. I mean there's just no need to have him on staff that I can think of.

If Ricky and Shadow go, they should be considered for spots again in the future and be honorably discharged. They've done nothing wrong at all, but they're just not needed.
Here's a question though - demodding people because they are "not needed?" Has the economy gotten so bad that the wrestlezone forums are going to lay off unpaid volunteer supervisors?
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Here's a question though - demodding people because they are "not needed?" Has the economy gotten so bad that the wrestlezone forums are going to lay off unpaid volunteer supervisors?
I would say to de-mod people in favor of others who could do something with it. I pretty much agree with everyone so far, especially about Ricky and Shadowmancer. They're not doing anything, and as FTS has shown, there CAN be mods that do something with it.

And if we had a discussion starter in the WWE Forums, that would be good too.
NoFate and Shadow shouldn't be mods going by the list IC once put up about the expectations of moderators.

Ricky has a tough job in the spam sections, he rarely gets to infract in his area, but I think he's taking the position seriously and wants to stay a part of the team. If we're going for no spam mod at all, then obviously he needs to be de-modded, but if you were simply going to replace him, I'd say stick with Ricky.

FTS is a brilliant Cigar Lounge mod, the place has never been as full of such great discussion and traffic. While we can't attribute that all to him, his ownership of the section is one of the best I've seen and he has definitely contributed greatly to it.

Lee is our best mod now X is a G-mod, no complaints about him.
I am going to list every regular moderator we have, and I want all G-Mods and Admins to give a grade on how effective they are doing their job. Please treat this like a non-spam forum post, giving reasons for your grade.

like most have said already, he's barely ever on
he's doing ok
has done an awesome job w/ the cigar lounge

havent noticed him a lot lately
tries to get discussion in the MMA forum

probably the best mod now that X is g-mod

I'm not sure I dont really know about the e-fed

havent notice him in a while, just see him make random threads in the bar room
Steamboat Ricky
tries to get discussion in the spam zones, but not really needed
Ricky's position isn't that tough, just gonna throw this out there. I once had the same position as Ricky, except I only had the Bar Room, but I went out and infracted in every other section so when Jonny came to choose a new wrestling mod, he had no choice but to choose me. I don't see why Ricky can't do the same.
That's true but when there's far more mods now than then infracting (namely X who gets probably at least 80% of them), it's more difficult to do so. I rarely infract anymore. Not because I don't want to or ignore rule breaking, but simply because it's been done by the time I get to it.

Haven't noticed him. I'm guessing it's because, like others have said, he's rarely on.

I thought M_F was doing pretty well.


Who did that used to be? Doing decently, I believe.

Don't really pick up on Harthan.

Tries hard to push an unpopular section.

Earned his stripes.

Um, dunno.


Uh... dunno either.

Steamboat Ricky

Doing OK with what he has.

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