Summer of Punk 2011 VS Brock Lesnar's Return 2012?

I am Mr. Excitement

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So both of these men have both kind of embarressed WWE in different types of ways. CM Punk going out on a rant saying Vince Mcmahon is selfish and all of that shit about John Lauranitis and Hogan, Rock, Cena kissing ass in the business. I dont need to explain myself here. Were all familiar with this. If u dont know about the Summer of Punk 2011 then u dont need to watch wwe right now. In all honesty thats the only reason why wwe is in the shape its in now its causing a buzz around the world.
Now you have Brock Lenar returning who was mentioned in CM Punks famous promo shoot. Comes back basically dominates John Cena at Extreme Rules with UFC, MMA, Brazilian Ju-jitsu like attacks. I mean he literally beat John Cena up and u could tell that eveything going on in that match was legitamite. But my point here is which guy between Brock and Punk caused more of a buzz/ real life situation in WWE?

Think. Discuss. Please dont delete.
I'd have to go with Punk in the long run. I mean, Brock did bring more attention and notoriety to the WWE with his badass little run. But I would have to say Punk, because alot of the things he was saying was trut even though he was claerly allowed to say them. I believe most of what he said has kind of come to light directly after he said them. It really guided WWE's future from them on. The only problem is now its back to it's boring old bullshit that we were used to before the shoot. The same can be said with Brocks sitch. Everyone tuned in to see what the former UFC champ would do and was happy as fuck to see him attack and own CENA, but look whats happening now? Back to the boring old shit, so that's why I chose Punk's shoot, because at least the surface of the WWE was changed completely and alot of the things he said afterwards came to light.
well honestly at this point Brock's run has not even got started so i'll wait to say witch 1 is better in the long run but if i hav to pick right now then id hav say punk cus almost everything he said came true n really changed everything in the E at least 4 a little while lmao
well honestly at this point Brock's run has not even got started so i'll wait to say witch 1 is better in the long run

Long Term Punk , Short Term Lesnar

I agree with the guy who posted before me. Brock Lesnar's run has only just started, so it's hard to compare which is better as of now. Punk's shoot stuff is done it seems.

I will say The Brock Lesnar return was better just because i can't remember the last time someone got a Pop as good as he did. When his music hit, with Cena stood there in the middle of the ring the Arena went nuts. Three huge pops in the space of 5 minutes - Music Hits, Brock appears from Backstage to Ramp, F5 to Cena.
Firstly, how exactly has CM Punk been an embarassment to the WWE? Punk's rants on Twitter as well as the various "shoot" style promos he's given here and there have all been part of an elaborate work to draw attention. Punk "disrespecting" everyone from Vince to Cena has helped been only one of the tools that've elevated him to main event status. If Vince ever truly thought of Punk as an embarassment, he wouldn't have spent the past 6 months as arguably the best and most talked about WWE Champion for many years. Hell, he wouldn't have even been given the title.

As for who will cause the most buzz, Punk will in the long run. If Lesnar was going to be working something akin to a full time schedule, it'd be him by a long shot. Lesnar's first run was among the most dominant periods any wrestler has ever had in WWE. Even though he was only in WWE for slightly less than 2 years, he damn near established a legacy for himself that fans & insiders have talked about right up to his return. However, fans now truly know that Lesnar is all about the money. He's something of a diva in terms of his attitude and doesn't particularly care about anything he does. He was getting paid lots of money during his first WWE run and going over some of the biggest names in the history of the industry. He loved those parts of it but he wasn't so wild about actually having to earn his money due to the intense WWE touring schedule. The fact that he'd show up to fight maybe once or twice a year in the UFC had a lot of appeal to Lesnar. Not counting all the various endorsement deals he'd get, I read Lesnar was getting close to a million dollars a fight. In 2012, Brock Lesnar is a special attraction that's going to pop up every so often for the purpose of giving a boost to big WWE ppvs. Most likely, after WM is ove with, Lesnar will be done with WWE.

Punk, on the other hand, is someone that genuinely loves wrestling. I think that Vince finally realized how valuable Punk is and can be, otherwise he wouldn't have even tried to sign him to a new contract last year. Punk is someone that's in things for the long haul, someone that can potentially help to carry WWE for another decade or more and I think people know that. In the long run, I think Punk will ultimately become a legend. In his own way, so will Brock Lesnar, but he won't be as revered as Punk.
I definitely think CM Punk's shoot promos and resulting angle were a bigger deal than Lesnar's return. People did not know if he was going to stay and win the title or lose and leave. Then he shocked us by leaving (kayfabe) with the title after winning! Cena became an interim WWE Champion then Punk returned with his new theme and delivered more pipebomb promos. They ended up both walking into Summerslam as WWE Champion. This was a huge deal.

Lesnar's return was a rather big deal too, although it was only a month or so ago. It's too early to say if it will end up being a bigger deal than Punk's pipebombs. The chance is there, although I doubt Lesnar's return will be bigger in the grand scheme of things because while we got the dream match with Cena it still has not have the huge amount of uncertainty surrounding it like the Cena/Punk feud did.
This isnt even a fair comparrison due to the fact that Punk had an entire summer to get over while all Lesnar got was about two appearances and a shitty match with Cena. And even with the summer of Punk not having the end results everyone was hoping for, it still trumps Brock lesnar busting Cena's lip, kicking his leg, losing to him, then leaving.
All punk's promos did was get him over. it didnt change shit. and you saying that it was the thing creating buzz when you had the rock returning shows how little you know about the situation.

Lesnar coming back is bigger because he is bigger. Not so much for your iwc smark, but for the casual viewer and the main stream audience. If Punks promos actually changed anything, then i would agree with you. As of now, it simply put him almost at the top of the wwe.
Had Lesnar been returning for a full-time schedule this would not even be close. Lesnar's crossover appeal is evident in everything from the PPV buys to his constantly being followed by everyone in the MMA community.
BUT ... it was not a full-time return.

So, in the long run ... Punk's move is more important. It took Punk from legitimate title contender/holder and occasional main eventer to THE MAN to challenge Cena. And Punk is not going anywhere for a while. He is going to be at the top of the card for a long long time ... and it is all traced back directly to one promo and one summer.
Punk's shoot promo was definitely the one thing that changed the landscape in the long run. All Brock Lesnar did was get some ratings pop, but he's not a full time wrestler like CM Punk. What Punk said in his promo not only shocked the wrestling community, but it also brought some mainstream attention (other than The Rock's return in 2011).
All punk's promos did was get him over. it didnt change shit. and you saying that it was the thing creating buzz when you had the rock returning shows how little you know about the situation.

You're 100% correct. It was The Rock's return that brought the buzz back to the WWE last summer. That's why Bill Simmons wrote columns about Punk for That's why Colin Cowherd offered CM Punk a slot on his radio show to finish his rant. That's why ... ah hell, who are we kidding? You've already completely forgotten the buzz Punk's "shoot" promo brought to the WWE time last year.

That isn't to say that The Rock's return didn't garner a buzz of its own, but to completely dismiss the attention Punk received last summer is ridiculous.

In response to the thread, I would say that Punk garnered more "positive" buzz while Lesnar's return generated more buzz overall. UFC is the "it" combat sport right now ... just like boxing was 25 years ago and the WWE was 15 years ago ... Because of that, Lesnar's departure from the UFC and return to the WWE is automatically bigger news and more sports media personalities are willing to talk about it. However, a lot of those sports personalities have chided Lesnar, saying that he failed as a "real fighter" and needed to return to his roots as a "fake wrestler."
Punk's shoot and that summer was great, but I'm not going to judge until the end of this summer. Give Lesnar a shot, it's not even June yet.
For me it's too soon to judge. I wouldn't say either was a disappointment seeing as both generated a lot of interest in the product. Punk/Cena was entertaining as hell, but then again I thought the same about Lesnar vs Cena, although it was such a brief feud.
Definitely Cm Punk lets look at the reasons:

Cm Punk defeated John Cena and Won the Wwe Championship, he was in the Main Event at Summerslam and retained the Wwe Championship and since then he has gone on to headline Many more Pay Per Views including a thrilling Triple Threat Match at Tables, Ladders and Chairs and he headlined WrestleMania and also walked away with the Wwe Championship still around his waist.

Brock Lesnar returned totally unannounced he came in attacked John Cena, then missed the next Raw, come in fought with Cena then disappeared and all you saw him do is sneak attack people like Cena and Josh Matthews. Then at Extreme Rules he loses his first match back and then the next night on Raw he sneak attacks Triple H, then leaves again.

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