Success, Bust or In-Between [Legends]: Scott Hall

Success, Bust or In-Between: Scott Hall

  • Success

  • Bust

  • In-Between

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
With a relative success rate for these in the TNA and WWE sections, I figure it can't hurt to try an expansion into a larger market with a legendary series in the Old-School section as well.

Just as was done with the series in the other sections, legendary talents in the industry will be critiqued (by you) regarding their work over their careers. You can vote them either a success, a bust or in-between if you don't feel they deserve either extreme.

In addition to your vote, I'd like to know why you feel the way you do. Why was this particular charater a succes, a bust or in-between?

First in the Legendary Series is Scott Hall.



Scott Hall

Years in the industry: 26 (Jim Crockett Promotions, NWA, AWA, WWC, WCW, WWF, ECW, NJPW, TNA, JCW, TNA)

Number of titles runs: AWA World Tag Team Championship (x1), HWA INtercontinental Championship (x1), TNA World Tag Team Championship (x1), USWA Unified World Heavyweight Championship (x1), WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (x2), WCW World Tag Team Championship (x7), WCW World Television Championship (x1), WWC Caribbean Heavyweight Championship (x1), WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship (x1), WWF Intercontinental Championship (x4)

Notable Feuds:
• Dusty Rhodes (1984)
• Jimmy Garvin & Steven Regal via the "Perfect Combination" (1986)
• Tom Zenk (1991)
• Randy Savage (1992)
• Bret Hart (1993)
• Bob Backlund (1993)
• 1-2-3 Kid/Ted DiBiase (1993)
• Rick Martel (1993)
• Irwin R. Schyster (1994)
• Shawn Michaels (1994)
• Diesel (1994)
• Jeff Jarrett (1995)
• Golddust (1996)
• Sting, Lex Luger and Randy Savage via the Outsiders (1996)
• Steiner Brothers (1997)
• Four Horsemen (1997)
• Kevin Nash (1998)
• Goldberg (1999)
• Steve Austin (2002)
• Bradshaw (2002)
• Randy Savage, Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles via the Kings of Wrestling (2004)
• Jeff Hardy (2005)
• Angle Alliance (2007)
• Team 3D (2010)

Other Accomplishments:
• Broke into the business in 1984 with Championship Wrestling from Florida in a feud with Dusty Rhodes
• Original member of American Starship (with Dan Spivey)
• Original member of The Outsiders
• Founding member of the New World Order
• PWI Match of the Year (1994 v. Shawn Michaels in ladder match at WrestleMania X)
• PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year (1992)
• PWI Tag Team of the Year (1997)
• Began his own Internet TV show on YouTube called "Last Call with Scott Hall" in 2009.

Previous Polls:

• Scott Hall – In Progress
Great move IDR, happy to see you decided to follow suit with the legends part of it.

I think Scott Hall was a success, while he may never have reached the main event scene properly and won the big one, he's served as an incredibly successful tag team wrestler, singles wrestler, putting on great matches with many different people, especially Shawn Michaels, in an awesome feud.

I think Scott Hall, without stretching it too much, could even go to be considered underrated, due to the fact that he's a quite talented person, while I know he screwed up with the whole alcohol problem etc. I still believe that he could've reached at least one of the big ones.

Scott Hall.. A success.
Hall is one of the smartest minds in history IMO, and despite never really reaching that main event plateau and winning World Heavyweight gold like I still believe he undoubtedly should have had he not sabotaged his own careers with drugs and alcohol, as Ferbian noted as well, he's one of the most recognizable faces in pro-wrestling history and served as one half of one of the most famous tag teams in history.

I was close to voting in-between in his case, but I'm too much of a Hall mark to let any more logic apply here. Scott Hall is a success.
Calling Scott Hall a "bust" is moronic. The only reason he didn't win a world title was because he was on the same side as the guys who already had it. If he'd been a good guy battling the nWo like, say, Macho Man, Luger, Sting, DDP, etc... he'd have won the belt just like those guys each did. He's one of the single most influential people in pro-wrestling of all time, and even your parents know who he is.
his career has had some real low moments, and that's definitely hurt his legacy. but ultimately, i think his career will be looked at as a success.

even though he was very green in the awa, and curt angle was carrying him, their tag team was very successful and very popular.

as razor ramon, he was very over. when he held the i.c. belt, it actually meant something. his first wwf feud (that i can remember) included legends like randy savage, ultimate warrior, ric flair, curt hennig, and bobby heenan. go back and watch wm 10, razor gets a louder pop than bret hart or lex luger, who they were pushing as their biggest babyfaces at the time, or randy savage, who was their biggest name at the time.

and the nwo.. my god the nwo changed wrestling, and a large part of the nwo's success, and to some extent wcw's success, can be attributed to him. a lot of what made the nwo "cool" was because of scott hall. he came up with the "4 life" and the "2 sweet" stuff. it was his idea for sting to change his look to the crow gimmick. it was his idea to have goldberg to on an undefeated streak. i was just watching superbrawl '98, and that california crowd is just as behind him and the nwo as any crowd was ever behind steve austin or the rock.

as for the fact he never won the world title.. i don't think that matters too much. he's said in shoots that he didn't want the strap, and i believe him. with all of the backstage power that the kilq had in wwf, and with all of the stroke he had with hogan and nash in wcw, i think if he really wanted a world title, he could have gotten one. hall's biggest influence was curt hennig. and hennig was, no pun intended, perfect. unlike hogan, bret hart, shawn michaels, triple h, etc, hennig wasn't a mark for himself, and didn't need the world tittle to validate his spot. hall was hugely influenced by hennig and didn't have a problem laying down for anyone.

he was (and still is) great on the mic. he eventually became really good in the ring. and he had the "it" factor that only a few wrestlers have. not to mention, he probably has one of the biggest followings of any active wrestler. he was a success.
at his absolute lowest, in and out of the ring, this guy is an in-between.

however, his success as a whole, again both in and out of the ring, is a success. his accomplishments speak for themselves and his influence on wrestling is undeniable.

this guy has given so much of his body and his mind to the business and is one of the most recognizable, respected and remembered personalities in the history of the sport.

the Outsiders were of course awesome, but man i loved his Razor Ramon stuff. just a genius gimmick and he played it so well. everything he did was great in the ring and on the mic.

great thread! i'm looking forward to many more of these.
Scott Hall was great. I know he never won the big one but lets face it he had major success in WCW and WWE to big national companies. He got just as many pops as any from the fans. He was on TV about as much as Hogan in the NWO days. Oh yeah and add TNA tag champion to his In any event Hall is so over with the fans that TNA even brought him back despite his physical appearance and well known problems. I hope Hall gets back in shape and maybe gets a TNA title I know that will never happen and it probably shouldn't but I am a Hall
Scott Hall was most certainly a success.

He was an excellent heel and a great face too. Whether as Razor Ramon ('Chicas are for fun') or just as Scott Hall, he was always excellent. Several of his fueds were very excellent and his matches were usually solid at there worst. Had he not hit the bottle, Hall could well have become world champion. He was always very enjoyable on the mic too. Those Razor Ramon vignettes were great and the 'Hey Yo' catchphrase is still very popular today. Hall is a great wrestler and it's a shame he had the personal problems that he did otherwise, he could well be a multiple time world champion right now.
While Scott Hall's career isn't something to look back on in a most positive light, I gotta admit that overall, Scott Hall's career was a success. After all the years he spent in the business, winning championships and creating infamous moments that changed wrestling history, Scott Hall was a success for all these things although that IMO he's only scratching the surface as far as being taken seriously into being inducted into a Hall Of Fame one day. He may be one of the most controversial wrestlers of all time, but he deserves respect for his contributions and I guess alot of people can agree with me on that.

Scott Hall wasn't always a big draw as well, even in his heyday. He was a "good wrestler with a good look" kind of guy who doesn't care if you like him or not. I'll also give Hall credit for at least not trying to be too much of a "cookiecutter" wrestler as well. He was one of the most unique and charismatic wrestlers back in the 90's. Although I also feel he should've retired about 5 years ago, overall, he was a success for helping with revolutionizing the business and paving the way for charismatic wrestlers as well. So to summarize:

Legacy: Success
Wrestler: In-Between
Accomplishments: Success
Impact in wrestling: Success
Attendance and merchandise draw: In-Between
I've got to go with success with Scott Hall's career.

He was very popular in the 90s as Razor Ramone, "Tha Bad Guy" was an original gimmick that Carlito would eventually take and convert into a more modern angle, and he had possibly the most over catchphrase before Austin's and after the Hulkster's:

"Hey Yo."

He could light up a crowd with those two simple words. He will always be remembered as the guy that won the first Ladder Match in the WWE at 'Mania against Shawn Michaels, and he was a main guy in the NWO- Hell he was an Original.

If anything this man led a storybook career that many stars even in WWE and TNA are not priviledged to have.
Complete, total success.

Early NWA: Not familiar with his work here.

AWA: Guy was a great Face tagteam champion with a completely different 'Magnum PI' look (it was the 80s, after all!) than now. Had unsuccessful shots at individual world titles...but I still think his AWA days were considered successful.

WWF: I don't see how anyone can call his WWF/E days anything but successful. He's got at least one legendary Ladder Match in addition to holding several titles at some point.

WCW: Had some of the best promos. "One more for the good guys!". When you think of (IMO) the best angle of all time...the can't help but remember Scott Hall.

Guy's been a champion title holder in 2 federations and has been great at being both Face and a Heel. He's one of the most memorable wrestlers I can think of.

Scott Hall/ along with Kevin Nash are a couple of my favorite all time wrestlers
I would consider Scott Hall carrer a success, based on the impact he has left on bussiness. He is one of the most charmastic, well-known wrestlers of all time. Like others have said great heel or face. Should he have had at least one world title run? Yes but he like Mr. Perfect, or Rick Rude did not need a world title run to define their carrer. And hey since he is in TNA, it just might happen after all.

Scott Hall a success all the way!
Certainly a success. The guy has been in all the big promotions at a top level.

Agree with the previous poster when stating he probably deserved a world title but didnt necessarily need one. The guy was always at the top during his first wwe run, during 1993 he had a title shot at the royal rumble and had a good showing against bret at king of the ring the same year.
Some of his feuds regarding the IC Title were legendary, vs Michaels and JJ, also putting over 123 kid (waltman).

Many, and I would be one of them, would argue that what he is doing right now could possibly ruin his legacy, but time will tell on that one i guess.
Even though his personal issues did cause problems in his career and kept him from reaching his full potential. He still had a successful career overall he hasn't done much in the last several years other than make a mockery out of himself. He was a major player in the NWO , and a multiply time champion. He could of been a world champion, but he's still one of the biggest names in wrestling.

On a side note I have been impressed with him in regards to his latest run in TNA. Hopefully he keeps it up and stays out of trouble.
I was close to voting Success, which he most certainly has had throughout the years, but I went with In Between.

I wish the drugs and booze didn't hold him back as much as he let them. He had so much potential. Towards the end of his Razor Run and even into the late 90's I seriously thought the guy would finally win the WWF or World Title.

The guy won World War 3. I'm sure at some point WCW was thinking of giving him the strap until he got in his own way.

So Inbetween, but only because of the limitless amount of potential he didn't live up to.
Success, no doubt about it. first ever ladder match with Michaels. One of the main people in BOTH nWo's. Member of one of the most dominate tag teams in history (Outsiders). Just because he hasn't won the big title doesn't mean any thing. He wasn't out for it. He was more interested in hanging with his friends and helping them. Not sure why he didn't get the push in WWE after the ladder match, probably drinking. But still a VERY successful wrestler in his own way.
Scott Hall is definately a success. He was one half of arguably the most popular tag team ever and one of the 3 main members of the biggest and most important faction in wrestling history. He had (and still has) amazing charisma and mic skill. He was also one of WWF's biggest stars in the early 90s and was in what alot of people consider the best match ever in the ladder match with HBK.

The only thing really missing for him was never winning the World Title. But at the end of the day who cares? It's just a prop. Hall certainly made more of an impact on the business and has alot more fans than some guys who did (or have) become World Champ. And he's one of my 3 favorite wrestlers ever alongside DDP and Kevin Nash.

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