

Master of the Aussie kiss
Can suck my left fucking nut. Ordered subway today, hadn't been charged for pineapple in like three months so I assume it's free again. guy says it's extra for pineapple. I remember why I stopped going to Subway. I don't get it could somebody please explain, WHY THE FUCK did they remove pineapple off their menu for a few years Because it was making the roll go fucking soggy, only to bring it back but charge. You're going to now charge me to make my roll go soggy? Get fucked.

Subway shouldn't charge for pineapple.
Is this a serious question? It's a limited time product, it's done by every single food establishment in business within the last 50 years. You introduce something either for free or an specially low price to introduce it and bump it up to the price that will make you money once it's caught on. Don't get mad at Subway because you eat sick nasty sandwiches.
Along with D-Man's statement there's a real chance that just like every other citrus crop that has taken a severe seasonal battering these past few years, the pineapple has had bad crop turnover and it simple costs Subway more to offer it on the menu. To help ameliorate the extra costs they pass a bit of the price on to the consumer and make it an option for those willing to pay.
Usually I'd go to my old place for a sammich or something of the sort but a quick meatball sandwich from Subway does hit the spot sometimes. We have a 24/7 one right down the street from my place that's a godsend when you're drunk and everything else is closed.
Hang on. You have pineapple on a sandwich? I'll never understand Australians.

At my place we did a teriyaki kobe bbeef burger and a teriyaki chicken sandwich so it's SOMEWHAT understandable on stuff like that or maybe a ham sammich. Anything else sounds weird though.
Subway sells pineapple on their sandwiches? I've never, never, ever seen/heard/smelled about it and I've been working there for five years. Anyway, who wants pineapple on their sandwiches? Beetroot is much, much better.
I can see that. Although, to me, pineapple with anything savoury is wrong.
It goes great with roast ham.

As I said, I guess I'm just still sore over them removing the Satay chicken range. I love subway, I'm just pissed off that they remove something because it made the rolls soggy only to bring it back but charge people 60 cents for it.

It's not the fact they charge it's the fact that they charge after they removed it because it affected the rolls. If you don't like soggy rolls, don't get the pineapple.

I only eat the pineapple out of habbit now, but I used to have it because the rolls where always too dry because I didn't eat any of the sauces.

Of course now I love the fucking honey mustard.

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