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Styles replaced by Adamle

Styles replaced by Adamle. Good choice, or bad choice?

  • Good choice.

  • Bad choice.

  • I don't care.

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As much as I personnally feel Styles was the best commentator before he got completely censonered by WWE, he remained the best after aswell even if his heart wasn't as into it.

While I think his 'promotion' to WWE.com is going to end the same as Sandmans 'promotion' to RAW and I know how much of a disgrace this would be to wrestling, I am still going to give Adamle a chance and listen to him for about a month or two untill its clear how he'll end up.

Who here actually thinks there will be any change to WWE.com as a result of Styles, I think he could do it but you have to remember that everything gets passed by Vince first and he has never liked Joey which doesn't bode well for him.
Just when you thought WWE was done killing, and then urinating on the memory of ECW Mike Adamale shows up.
I did give him a chance, a 30 second chance at a neighbors illegal cable showing of The Royal Rumble. Even when i didnt pay for it, his commentary about "Jest Harvey"'s match that would give him a chance to "Win the Champion....the WW Chamionship"
Not many people noticed this, but he was being fed lines, and not only did he get them wrong, he said like half of Taz's lines and a few lines that were supposed to address him, Even saying "Reach out and Touch someone, Micheal!" And "You've got Some big shoes to fill", while speaking TO TAZ. I can't think of how he could be worse
Mike Adamle just needs to get used to the style of the WWE. He's been doing real broadcasting for so long that he needs to dumb his style down for "wrestling". All Joey Styles did was yell like a little girl.
I'm glad Mike Adamle is taking styles spot i'm watching ECW every week for now on just so I can hear him screw up. I hope he says things like The Tazz or The Duece or maybe even Jest Harvey. It so amazing Mike just started commentating and hes already made history for making the most screw ups in a debut. I've never heard anyone call the wwe title the wedf title before. Did anyone watch Miz & Morrison vs The Brothers of Destruction I think its probaly obvious that "Miz should touch Morrison's hand". Khali's wrestling is the equivalent of Mike's commentating. People who are saying give him another chance guess what I already gave him enough chances.
I'm glad Mike Adamle is taking styles spot i'm watching ECW every week for now on just so I can hear him screw up. I hope he says things like The Tazz or The Duece or maybe even Jest Harvey. It so amazing Mike just started commentating and hes already made history for making the most screw ups in a debut. I've never heard anyone call the wwe title the wedf title before. Did anyone watch Miz & Morrison vs The Brothers of Destruction I think its probaly obvious that "Miz should touch Morrison's hand". Khali's wrestling is the equivalent of Mike's commentating. People who are saying give him another chance guess what I already gave him enough chances.

Maybe they'll devote a whole Botchamania episode to Adamle if he does as bad or worse on tonight's ECW show lol.

I agree that, on his first day, a few mess-ups are ok, and that if he does better tonight, and better next week, then my confidence in him will go up...but so far, out of everything we've seen him do (last week's ECW and the numerous short segments on Raw), he hasn't given me any reason to believe that he's the king of all comebacks. Then again, the way kings are being thrown around recklessly in the WWE nowadays.....
Maybe they'll devote a whole Botchamania episode to Adamle if he does as bad or worse on tonight's ECW show lol.

If they seriously did that it would bring in high ratings. Crappy announcing=High Ratings.

No but seriously Mike did better this week then last but still he is crap IMO. So far nothings changed on wwe.com guess I better wait. I wonder what Styles is going to change. I have to admit I'm going to miss Styles strange voice. It always made me laugh but now I Mike who will hopefully make me laugh as hard as I did during his debut good times.
Just another stupid move by the WWE, they just seem to be not caring at the moment. How can you get rid of the only thing left that was ECW. Not only that he was a good commentator. Mabye i would understand if they replace him with a well respectable guy that knew what he was doing, but Adamle??? Cmon this is a joke the guy knows jack crap and just should be fired. I doubt anyway wwe.com will change that much with styles added, very bad move WWE, just like the KOTR, just shocking.
Man, this guy is freakin awesome. I never thought they would have an announcer so awful, that it made me want to watch Smackdown for the amazing banter between Coach and Cole. geez.

So, here we are going to praise the greatness that is Mike Adamle. Here we can talk about some of his better whitty comments.

My personal fav, came from his very first match.
"Oh Kofi, Jamacian me crazy!" nuff said. and aprently that is something he wants to catch on.


*all the statments above are sarcasm. this dude is awful
Originally Posted by blackhart07
This is the biggest joke since they started back up the old ECW.

I don't think Styles will do that bad on wwe.com. I wouldn't call it a joke yet.

He will probally do a great job with the website. He did run the ECW website, not to mention 1wrestling.com. I never said it wasnt going to be bad for WWE.com. Its bad that hes not announcing.

Styles is hands down the best announcer in the WWE.

Not even close.

And your reasons are?

Yes better than Ross, and Cole isnt even close.


Cole has been full time on and off since 1999 and still isnt over.

Who cares? It's not his job to be a walking encyclopedia or wrestling moves. It's his job to sell the story of the match.

You should watch some Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura commentary to see how it's done.

I have watched plenty and Monsoon was hands down to be the best announcer of all time. I cant stand JR and King anymore. King hardly ever talks about actual wrestling anymore. He was great as a heel but now hes boring. I like JR, but its time for a change hes getting old, he should have past the torch to Styles.

If I wanted an encyclopedia of wrestling moves, I'd look at Wikipedia. A wrestling commentator is supposed to sell the story of the match, not know names of arbitrary and obscure moves.

Like i have been saying everyone has there likes and dislikes. I dont want to watch four very bad announcers that dont seem to be getting any better.

Mike Tenay knows more about wrestling and moves than Styles could dream of. What you just said is contrary to everything else in your post.

And you know this how? Not to mention Tenay is older, and seen more. Do you think Tenay, Cole, The coach, Lawler, Taz, even JR could call PPV's for nearly two years alone? Styles didnt have any help and always called them great to.

Styles is one of the most respected commentators and wrestling personalities in all of the fan community. Joey Styles is fantastic.

Only because he called that overrated mess that was ECW.

You must either have not been watching the original ECW, or just dont give it the time of say. There stuff was far from overrated. Im sry they didnt have huge pockets.

Really Sly? Really? You really think that fans want to hear Mike fucking Adamle? Really? ROFL

Give Adamle three years (which is about what Styles had in the WWE), and he'll be better than Styles.

And, at least he sounds like he wants to be there, unlike Styles towards the end. That's my point

Are you kidding me? Go listen to Styles early stuff from 1995. You wouldnt even be able to tell that he has been announcing for that long. There is a reason why everyone says Adamle sucks.Did you hear how bad he was? And you want to tell me in three years he could call a PPV alone, not only that but call it good. Because thats what Joey did.

Hahaha. You're so getting some rep for bringing those vids to my attention.

While watching the show, I tried not to focus too much on Adamle, as I wanted to see the matches, but now, being able to just listen to what he's been saying, its even worse than I thought.

I really hope this guy either continues doing horribly and becomes a running joke, like watching how badly some wrestlers botch things, or that he just seriously improves.
Yes, Adamle makes me laugh with his commentating, but to be a good commentator, you need to know how to tell a story, name the moves, and put the wrestlers over. There's more than that, but that's the general thing. Adamle can do none of that. Let's face it, JBL is a better commentator than Adamle. He knew what to do, granted the voice he used wasn't great, but he knew what to do. Adamle should leave before he makes things any worse.
Ugh. I really tried to defend this at first, but Adamle was absolutely fuckin horrible teusday night. Bad. Ignorant. Laborious. Really tho. He sucked LOL.

He did it all. flubbed peoples names, began to say things, and then never finished his sentance, just real really bad. He reminds me of those people who try to fit in with a crowd of people watching a show, wether it be wrestling or football, and just knows NOTHING about whats going on, yet tries to fit in by acting like he does. those people are exceedingly annoying.
Adamle was awful at backlash on commentary - got the ref's name wrong, wrong moves, even Tazz said he did 'an Adamle' when Tazz called Kane 'Chavo'. Unlike Adamle, at least Tazz notices when he makes a mistake.

In my opinion, if Adamle doesn't improve, they really need to bring in someone who actually knows what they are doing. The likes of Grisham are awful as well, but at least they have a feel for what's happening. Maybe it's just because he's replacing STyles he looks bad, but he needs to improve quickly
I had to rep you for those videos. I was laughing for like an hour. It just shows how bad he really is. I mean, it's kind of biased because if focuses on just his mistakes, but there were so many that you can't help but focus on just his mistakes.
Polley:wanna_cracker said:
Adamle was awful at backlash on commentary - got the ref's name wrong, wrong moves, even Tazz said he did 'an Adamle' when Tazz called Kane 'Chavo'. Unlike Adamle, at least Tazz notices when he makes a mistake.
He was terrible. I can't believe they let him announce live, after all the mistakes and corrections they had to make when he was taped. If he doesn't improve in the next week or two, WWE will have to get rid of him. I'm begging them to bring back Joey Styles.
To be completely honest with you ECW is shit, seeing people like Chavo Guerrero fighting in main events is crap and stupidly boring.
But then came the almighty Mike Adamle!!
Genuinely before i couldnt watch ECW without falling asleep, now i cant wait to watch it!
I seriously now am a fan of ECW just because of Adamle, everyones crying about Styles leaving but its soo funny hearing the ******ed babble that comes outta Adamles mouth.
Cummon seriously saying things like "Reach out and touch someone Michael" and "Mike the Miz" is very funny and actually entertains me greatly watchin a complete muppet talking for an hour whilst "The" Tazz basically tries to carry the rest of the show. Its Hilarious!
WWECW is horrible and it has only gotten worse. This guy is horrible. Hearing him talk makes me want to shove sharp objects in my ears to distract myself from the pain. I never thought i would say this but Coach needs to go back to the announce table and Vince (or whoever does it) needs to fire this guy.
I don't have any bad opinions on this guy, I believe hes learning and he will get better. Personally Joey Styles can be very annoying to listen to. Adamle can be entertaining, and the fact he listens to tazz on various things during commentary is a good thing in my opinion. But I say good luck to him.
Christ, my younger cousins would do a better job than Adamle, and they're 9 and 12. Sure, they may not carry the maturity, but at least they actually watch wrestling. Anyone else notice that Adamle's called the company website "WW".com twice now?
Yea Adamle is pretty bad but he has to get better though becuase he can't get much worse. Even though he has gotten better recently, i think it is gonna take some hard work to get this guy comfortable on a microphone.
Just a question guys, since the main site isn't reporting anything yet, was Adamle's walkout on ECW last night genuine. He didn't give a speech before it, just got up and left, the cameras didn't pan to it until Tazz followed suit. So was he genuinely upset/annoyed and decided enough was enough?
WWE has an article regarding the walk-out on their main page, So I'm guessing it has to be a work of some kind. Though what they are trying to set up is a complete mystery to me.
Its a work like the RAW situation on Monday, the wwe are trying something different working on shock value IMO, i feel that the situation works but i dont think it will make adamle any more credible, he needs time to grow as an anouncer but i dont think that people want to give him that time, yes hes terrible, yes they have to edit everytime hes on the broadcast booth, whose problem is it, well IMO the problem is Mcmahons, he thinks that this will generate more viewers but it wont, it just makes the product look bad
If u ask me i think that he may actually be a good commentator but is actin bad just for a storyline knowin WWE i wouldn't be suprised but sayin that i wouldn't be surprised if he was really shit and there just tryin to make a quick cover story for him and Tazz walkin out
If u ask me i think that he may actually be a good commentator but is actin bad just for a storyline knowin WWE i wouldn't be suprised but sayin that i wouldn't be surprised if he was really shit and there just tryin to make a quick cover story for him and Tazz walkin out
I was actually thinking that when I heard about him walking out. While it's kind of unlikely, it is possible. I just don't know why they would do something like that, instead of just having him be a normal announcer. Obviously he probably is bad, and they're trying to generate some kind of interest in him by doing this storyline. I just hope that something good comes out of it, and maybe he'll learn how to announce a little bit. Otherwise it's just a waste of air time.

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