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Styles replaced by Adamle

Styles replaced by Adamle. Good choice, or bad choice?

  • Good choice.

  • Bad choice.

  • I don't care.

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Good God.

I understand this is his first night calling play-by-play, but from everything I'm hearing, Adamle is terrible. As I said earlier, he has no charisma. He sounds terribly fake and uninterested. And clueless. Totally clueless.

Way to go, Vince.
Actually I was pretty impressed. He wasn't gordon solie part 2, but it wasn't bad at all. Far better than what I expected. He did mess up a few calls but it didn't take anything away from the show for me. It was his first time in front of a live mic in the wwe. He has experience in this area from American Gladiators so at least he's not completely new. I'll give him 3 weeks then I'll make my judgement.
Adamle sucked. Its pretty bad when TAZZ outshines you by a mile lol.

"Kick to the chest" - Adamle, when Undertaker does the "boot to the face"

"...applying the figure-four leglock." - Adamle / "Well its not really a figure-four." - Tazz

I'm not sure, but I think Adamle referred to Burke as Benjamin at one point in that match.


Are you fucking kidding me, those fucking morons replaced Joey Styles with Mike Adamle!?!?, OMFG, they replaced one of the best commentators in the business with a guy who couldn't even fucking pronounce Jeff Hardys name right!?!?!? good fucking god, WWE I'm begging you just pull the fucking plug already, you clearly don't give a shit

Yeah I'm pretty sure I won't be watching ECW anymore, the one bright spot in all this is that at least they didn't replace JR with this douchebag:lmao:
GOODness, so here we go with everyone piling on Adamle, because its the super cool awesome smarky thing to do, ESPECIALLY since he replaced the OH so overrated Joey Styles. Calm down guys.

Firstly, he didnt do bad at all. He may have mispronounced some names/moves, but chill the fuck out, it was his first damn night. And personally, I didnt hear what everyone is talking about. Me thinks people were just listening REALLY hard, waiting with baited breath to tear down anything they possibly could about his preformance. He fucking SHOCKED me, As I felt he did VERY well, especially compared to the first live promos he did. I think it really gives the show a more real sports feel, as he sounds more like a traditional announcer, and not a wrestling announcer. He doesnt oversell the shit outta everything, and I found that part at least, pretty refreshing. Im sure he will continue to get better. Everyone stop being so mad that one of their favorites got replaced. Tazz and Adamle fucking OWN coach and Cole (who are outright abysmal)
My problem with Mike is, he doesn’t know wrestling he really doesn’t know what to call, because did he actually call a wrestling move is whole time at the desk. I know its a work in progress, but the guy is not fit to call wrestling and they could of did better with Coach or Todd Grishman. Mike made the show more boring as it seemed like he never got into the show, and I doubt overall they could of found someone better than mike. But the WWE did accomplish one ting by taking away Joey and that is finally ending the old ecw-new ecw connection as it is now a WWE-ECW show with no real memories of the past.
Well, I am not quite sure what to think of this new "Calm down and talk about storylines" approach to announcing. Quite frankly, I don't like it. While I don't find Adamle the best, or as good as Styles.

For me, at least Style was the great. Absolutely hilarious and fantastic to listen to. "OH MY GOD", etc etc. I like Styles alot, and I am not sure why they are replacing him. I also find it stupid that they are going for this new form of broadcasting.

Mike Adamle was ok, when I heard him on Raw. He made quite a few mistakes though, I also found it funny when Jerry and JR had a little smug look about this new announcer lol. To be fair, he is pretty decent. How many of us can say we talked on live television, as a WWE worker, that wasn't acting up or overly nervous.

When I listen to this tommorrow (Different broadcast times in Australia), I will decide what I think of him for the first time.
I hate the move and think it isn't fair to the fans who love Styles. Styles is a part of the infrastructure that is ECW or what was left of it. Mike was horrible, I mean terrible. You can tell that i was killing Taz to the show with him. Taz carried him the whole way. I hope that Vince sees that Mike isn't cut out for the job and they bring Joey back. What is Joey gonna do, Heat? What an insult and a slap in the face. Mike doesn't have what it takes to call ECW, Old, New, or whatever the show is now.
If TNA has the money to make a move ... Styles would bring them insta-credibility.
Mike Tenay is far more credible, and much better, than Joey Styles ever thought of being.

Man,this is horrible,Adamle is forgeting everybody's name and shit. Tazz has corrected him like three times. Bring back Styles. I know he isnt as good as he used to be back in original ECW since they put restrictions on him and how he calls the match. At least he knows how to call a match. Does this dude even watch wrestling?
Good point. Because, after all, if a guy isn't Bobby Heenan after being told he was going to call his first show mere hours before it happened, clearly we need to get rid of him.

Good God.

I understand this is his first night calling play-by-play, but from everything I'm hearing, Adamle is terrible. As I said earlier, he has no charisma. He sounds terribly fake and uninterested. And clueless. Totally clueless.

Way to go, Vince.
How was he terrible? His commentary sounded much more real and he was so much more into it than Styles ever was.

Adamle on his first night > Styles on his last night


Are you fucking kidding me, those fucking morons replaced Joey Styles with Mike Adamle!?!?, OMFG, they replaced one of the best commentators in the business with a guy who couldn't even fucking pronounce Jeff Hardys name right!?!?!? good fucking god, WWE I'm begging you just pull the fucking plug already, you clearly don't give a shit

Yeah I'm pretty sure I won't be watching ECW anymore, the one bright spot in all this is that at least they didn't replace JR with this douchebag:lmao:
I'll say it again.

Mike Adamle on his first night > Joey Styles over the last few months.

GOODness, so here we go with everyone piling on Adamle, because its the super cool awesome smarky thing to do, ESPECIALLY since he replaced the OH so overrated Joey Styles. Calm down guys.

Firstly, he didnt do bad at all. He may have mispronounced some names/moves, but chill the fuck out, it was his first damn night. And personally, I didnt hear what everyone is talking about. Me thinks people were just listening REALLY hard, waiting with baited breath to tear down anything they possibly could about his preformance. He fucking SHOCKED me, As I felt he did VERY well, especially compared to the first live promos he did. I think it really gives the show a more real sports feel, as he sounds more like a traditional announcer, and not a wrestling announcer. He doesnt oversell the shit outta everything, and I found that part at least, pretty refreshing. Im sure he will continue to get better. Everyone stop being so mad that one of their favorites got replaced. Tazz and Adamle fucking OWN coach and Cole (who are outright abysmal)
Amen NorCal. Amen. Rep coming your way if possible.

My problem with Mike is, he doesn’t know wrestling he really doesn’t know what to call, because did he actually call a wrestling move is whole time at the desk. I know its a work in progress, but the guy is not fit to call wrestling and they could of did better with Coach or Todd Grishman. Mike made the show more boring as it seemed like he never got into the show, and I doubt overall they could of found someone better than mike. But the WWE did accomplish one ting by taking away Joey and that is finally ending the old ecw-new ecw connection as it is now a WWE-ECW show with no real memories of the past.
Vince McMahon almost never called moves by their name. Hell, even Gorilla Monsoon rarely called name moves.

Adamle did a very solid job.
Adamle had his ups and downs on his first show. There were times when he sounded really good and I was thinking i will be able to live with him as the announcer, then there was times were I was left this, "WTF?" He does need to raise his wrestling IQ if he is going to be doing this job, he needs to know the names of the wrestlers at least, and the names of most moves. You can be calling Morrison and Miz MNM, and he cant be calling Miz simply holding on to somebody's leg to make a tag an attemped figure four, you have to know what a figure four is. He has potential to be good, are there better people for the job yes, but it is Adamle's for now, they could have chosen somebody worse, so everybody is going to have to live with it and stop complaining, Adamle is the new ECW Announcer whether you like it or not, learn to live with it.
i actually can't believe its happening, not only is styles being punted over to WWE.com, but he is being replaced by an absolute douchebag!
what the fuck, why would you replace joey styles with someone who has NO commentating experience within wrestling? it just doesn't make sense, at least push that guy up from heat? as least he can call a wrestling match.
I don't care what anyone says, this guy was horrible. Its obvious he knows jack shite about wrestling. I don't care if people are defending him, he could have atleast done some research before he went out there. He made alot of mistakes during the programme:

''The Tazz''
''The Deuce''
Calling Miz ''Michael''
''Mike The Miz''
''The ECW on Sci-Fi''
''Jimmy''......*Long awkward pause*......Tazz: ''Jimmy Wang Yang''
''Kofi is from Kingston.....from Jamaica''
Calling a simple Leg Lock the ''Figure Four''

They could have atleast brought in somehow who knows something about the business he's working in.
I don't care what anyone says, this guy was horrible. Its obvious he knows jack shite about wrestling. I don't care if people are defending him, he could have atleast done some research before he went out there. He made alot of mistakes during the programme:

Yes, obviously, because he messed up a few things, he obviously just knows nothing. The things people are saying here are incredibly dumb. Doyou guys REALLY fucking think he just doesnt know peoples names??? You think he hs been with the company for about 6 months now, and really doesnt even know peoples names??? What in the fuck do you think he does backstage every night, fucking watch ninja turtles???

Let me ask you all something. Are you perfect?? When geting ready for a test for a school, do you all score 100% each and every time you take a test?? Well you MUST, since I mean you do your "research" and all RIGHT???

He DOES know their names, and he DOES know the moves, and probably does a SHIT TON of reasearch backstage. Doesnt mean he will be a little off when he first starts out

''The Tazz''
''The Deuce''
''The ECW on Sci-Fi''

And this is the kind of frivolous shit I was talking about earlier. And really. "The ECW" kind of really makes sense, since ECW is based off of an entire seperate promotion. And really who the fuck cares??? I didnt notice him even say the above....you know who did?? People who WANTED to here him fuck up, and pick apart each and every little last thing that was "wrong" so they could cry about their favorite, Joey Styles, going away.

Calling Miz ''Michael''
''Mike The Miz''
''Kofi is from Kingston.....from Jamaica''
Calling a simple Leg Lock the ''Figure Four''

Micheal is The Miz's actual name. He first appeared in WWE as Mike "the miz" Mizanin. Maybe YOU should do YOUR research. Would everyone flip a bitch is JR refferd to Triple H as "Hunter Hearst Helmsley"...no I dont think so.

Kingston is a major city in jamacia. People may not have known that. Whats wrong with clearing that up for people? And he called the move an "attempted figure four leg lock"...which it couldve been. Like I said, I didnt even notice it, since I was too busy enjoying the wrestling instead finding little frivolous tick tack things to bitch about on an announcer his first night on the job.

You guys are seriouslytrying to say that the WWE, and Vince Mcmahon, sent this dude out there knowing nothing, not knowing names, not knowing any moves, with no research whatsoever....do you all understand how ignorant and stupid that makes you sound??? Seriously???
I watched ECW, knowing this guy was going to be announcing. I went in with an open mind, but after watching it, I have to say that I wasn't impressed with Adamle at all. The man seemed to not know wrestlers names, the names of any moves, and he just seemed nervous and completely out of it (which is understandable, seeing as it was his first broadcast). Tazz even seemed to be a little annoyed trying to correct him. It just seemed terrible from the very beginning. I hope this guy learns quickly, because it will really bring down the programming if he doesn't.
Firstly, I have NO CLUE who this man is that is replacing Styles. Maybe it's because I normally don't watch WWECW.

It's a shame because, besides Taz, he is the last reminant of the original ECW. Styles is a great announcer, and I have always been a fan. He really brought the original ECW to life, and was largely a part of its success.

His "Oh my GOD!" and "CATFIGHT" were akin to JR's catch phrases, and that helped greatly in putting guys over.

I really don't get the point of this. It seems like Vince wants to eliminate every last vestige of the original product.

From removing hard core rules matches to basically turning the ECW title into a meaningless pile of tin, Vince is keeping his track record of destroying the old competition, which is strange since he now own ECW/WCW.

Hope Joey makes a soft landing somewhere, as I think he still has a lot to give to wrestling. :(
Joey Styles Still Works For Wwe. He Is The New Managing Editor Of Wwe.com.

Seriously, His New Job Has Ton More Prestige And Responsibilities Than Being The Announcer For Wwe's C Brand Show.

Vince Does Not Give A Damn About The Old Ecw. The Ecw Brand Has Zero To Do With The Old Ecw And That Is How Wwe Wants It.

Wcw Is Dead And So Is Heyman's Old Ecw.
This is the biggest joke since they started back up the old ECW. Styles is hands down the best announcer in the WWE. Yes better than Ross, and Cole isnt even close. Joey knows every move there is. He knows the backgrounds of people. He messhed well with Taz, and made Taz a better commentator. And for the people saying this is a promotion? Are you kidding me Stlyes has three months on his contract(correct me if im wrong). The WWE will probally let go of him. So they needed to build a new announcer. Styles was watered down from day one. HE couldnt shoot like he did back in ECW, he couldnt even call the dam moves, whats a wrestling match w.o moves? You could tell that he wasnt happy with his spot he had no passion calling his matches. I just hope he goes to TNA just so i can listen to him, he was my second favorite of all time next to Moonson.
This is the biggest joke since they started back up the old ECW.
I don't think Styles will do that bad on wwe.com. I wouldn't call it a joke yet.

Styles is hands down the best announcer in the WWE.
Not even close.

Yes better than Ross, and Cole isnt even close.

Joey knows every move there is. He knows the backgrounds of people.
Who cares? It's not his job to be a walking encyclopedia or wrestling moves. It's his job to sell the story of the match.

You should watch some Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura commentary to see how it's done.

He messhed well with Taz, and made Taz a better commentator.
Taz is terrible. Always has been. JBL with no announcing experience came in and was three times better. Using Taz as an example is poor debate form.

And for the people saying this is a promotion?
It's a promotion for WWE fans. Now we got rid of Styles, maybe we can get someone who actually sounds like they give a damn to be there.

Styles was watered down from day one.
So, what you're saying is that he cannot adapt his style like the good ones can, and instead can only do one form of announcing? And you call that good?

HE couldnt shoot like he did back in ECW, he couldnt even call the dam moves, whats a wrestling match w.o moves?
If I wanted an encyclopedia of wrestling moves, I'd look at Wikipedia. A wrestling commentator is supposed to sell the story of the match, not know names of arbitrary and obscure moves.

You could tell that he wasnt happy with his spot he had no passion calling his matches.
Which is why McMahon has removed him TWICE from announcing duties.

I just hope he goes to TNA just so i can listen to him, he was my second favorite of all time next to Moonson.
Mike Tenay knows more about wrestling and moves than Styles could dream of. What you just said is contrary to everything else in your post.
Who cares? It's not his job to be a walking encyclopedia or wrestling moves. It's his job to sell the story of the match.

You should watch some Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura commentary to see how it's done.

Sly man, it's not the 80s anymore. No matter how hard Vince has tried to shape the last year or so around similiar 80s-styled sports entertainment kayfabe-o-rama, it hasn't improved their ratings.

Maybe I'm crazy in that I personally enjoy Joey Styles mode of calling matches. You apparently don't like it. That's fine, thats your opinion. That doesn't make your opinion gospel. Styles is one of the most respected commentators and wrestling personalities in all of the fan community. Joey Styles is fantastic.

It's a promotion for WWE fans. Now we got rid of Styles, maybe we can get someone who actually sounds like they give a damn to be there.

Really Sly? Really? You really think that fans want to hear Mike fucking Adamle? Really? ROFL

If I wanted an encyclopedia of wrestling moves, I'd look at Wikipedia. A wrestling commentator is supposed to sell the story of the match, not know names of arbitrary and obscure moves.

Damn, I guess Gordon Solie was a terrible commentator then.

Mike Tenay knows more about wrestling and moves than Styles could dream of. What you just said is contrary to everything else in your post.

I would not go that far at all Sly. Have you ever spent a good amount of time listening to Style's old commentating style? He has an extensive knowledge of wrestling history, and of it's moves and holds. Probably just as much as Mike Tenay, who you seem to be overrating because he was the only guy in WCW to know what a plancha was.

As for Adamle...meh. It wasn't great. It wasn't terrible though. He's on par with Macho Man in my book I'd say. Not exactly a fantastic commentator, but he's not unlistenable like some were (Who the fuck decided to give Steve "Mongo" McMichael a microphone?)
I think it was a very bad idea on WWE's side Joey was one of the best and the second that Mike got on he screwed up very very very bad bad bad idea!!!!!!!!!!
Sly man, it's not the 80s anymore. No matter how hard Vince has tried to shape the last year or so around similiar 80s-styled sports entertainment kayfabe-o-rama, it hasn't improved their ratings.
Who said anything about the 80s? Does Jim Ross not use the same play-calling NOW?

Maybe I'm crazy in that I personally enjoy Joey Styles mode of calling matches. You apparently don't like it. That's fine, thats your opinion. That doesn't make your opinion gospel.
Neither is your opinion gospel. In fact, if there was a "gospel" as far as wrestling in America goes, I would say Vince McMahon would be as close to it as anyone.

And he's taken Styles off TWO announcing jobs now.

Styles is one of the most respected commentators and wrestling personalities in all of the fan community. Joey Styles is fantastic.
Only because he called that overrated mess that was ECW.

Really Sly? Really? You really think that fans want to hear Mike fucking Adamle? Really? ROFL
Give Adamle three years (which is about what Styles had in the WWE), and he'll be better than Styles.

And, at least he sounds like he wants to be there, unlike Styles towards the end. That's my point.

Damn, I guess Gordon Solie was a terrible commentator then.
Gordon Solie could call the story of the match, and did. Joey Styles could never do that.

I would not go that far at all Sly. Have you ever spent a good amount of time listening to Style's old commentating style? He has an extensive knowledge of wrestling history, and of it's moves and holds. Probably just as much as Mike Tenay, who you seem to be overrating because he was the only guy in WCW to know what a plancha was.
Yes, I've heard styles, and no I'm not overrating Tenay. Tenay was regarded by MANY in the business to be the most knowledgeable mind in the business, as far is it came to general knowledge.

Styles only has the reputation amongst ECW fans.
I didn't think there could possibly be anyone worse at doing play-by-play than Kris Kloss of XPW. and then along comes Mike Adamle. I don't mind Joey Styles being replaced, b/c he and Taz never seemed to have much chemistry anyways. I agree with the guy above me, Cole and Coach are just gawdawful!
So I finally got around to watching this past Tuesday’s ECW. Having taken a break from the internet last week, I didn’t know going in about the skake-up at the announce table. It took me several minutes to get past my initial shock and disappointment. Joey Styles remained an enjoyable reason to continue watching the ECW ‘brand’ for me and I will miss him. I truly hope this move is a ‘promotion’. But part of me can’t help but think this is a way to get Styles off TV so we’ll forget about him and then they can simply release him in a few months.

Now I didn’t watch the show with the intent to scrutinize Adamle and though he hasn’t really impressed me in his previous PPV and RAW work, I don’t think he was as horrible as some people have said. Sure he made his share of mistakes. In fairness, it was his first night on the job in an unfamiliar role on an unfamiliar show. I think it’s somewhat unreasonable to expect him to be some wrestling expert or great commentator after only a few months with the company. I mean wrestlers spend many months in developmental before they’re ‘ready’ to be brought up. I think with time he can improve, and if he does we should be willing to admit that. In the meantime, hopefully Tazz can pick up the slack.
With joey being off of 'ecw' it puts the final nail in the coffin for this bastardized version of the original E C DUB. Joey is a fantastic announcer, but after the 'One Night Stand' PPV's he hasn't been the same. There has been no 'OOOOOOOOOO MIIIIIIIIII GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWDS!!!' Or any of his catch phrases. Taz is as bad as Jerry Lawler, but at least Lawler has an occasional one liner he can throw in. Mr American Gladiators mike adamle shouldn't be anywhere near a live mike. He'd be great on the WWE 24-7 channel since he has a great voice over voice, OR he should have been started on some PPV pregame shows where no one cares if he is bad, but can still learn. Give him a segment where he interviews wrestlers back stage or whatever, just not on a live camera.
The only positive thing about mike adamle taking over for Joey, is so that Joey doesn't need to continuously relive the funeral of the original ECW ever night he is on, and NOONE will mistake the current ecw for the real version.
Good luck Joey and I hope you make WWE.com a bit better. Mike Adamle, clean up your resume because the constant travel that you will be going through is gonna take a toll on you real quick.
Mike Adamle SUCKS! I can't believe the douche-bag that does sunday night sports on NBC replaced Joey Styles! If they wanted a new announcer why not just throw in Todd Grisham? He's nowhere near as bad as Adamle and at least he knows the moves and the wrestlers names. If Coachman caught heat for doing a bad job on Smackdown replacing JBL than Adamle is TORCHED. I wonder if they will punish Adamle like they did Coach by making him take finishers from the wrestlers. He deserves a chokeslam and a Jamaican Buzz-saw after his horrible job. Hopefully they realize how big of a mistake this move was and replace Adamle asap. At least give us Grisham if we cant have Styles. He doesn't stand out as anything special but at least does good enough to not make you wanna smash your TV with a bat. Maybe they will give Scott Hudson a call. I always thought he was a pretty good commentator.

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