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Styles replaced by Adamle

Styles replaced by Adamle. Good choice, or bad choice?

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  • Bad choice.

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A Post Is Worth A Thousand Words
Source: PWInsider.com

It was just announced at today's Smackdown/ECW Taping in London, England that Mike Adamle is the new announcer for ECW. He is set to call tonight's entire broadcast.

The word going around backstage at the show is that Joey Styles will be moved to another area within the company.

Bit of a shocker to me. I'm not the biggest Joey Styles fan, but I'd prefer him over Adamle who lacks enthusiasm and doesn't remember the guys names (Jeff Harvey lol).

Your thoughts on this, guys?
What a shame, Joey Styles is the voice of ECW. No matter what his detractors say, he adds passion to his commentary and his exchanges with Tazz are quite funny.

I just hope he replaces Coachman on Smackdown, as Coachman is useless and is no replacement for JBL, who is sorely missed.
I'm actually glad Joey is not on the announce team since he's not allowed to call the matches like he did in the old ecw. They allow Michael Cole and Jim Ross to call holds and not Joey and that's just mind boggling. I understand Joey Styles got an announcing job because of the good job he did at ECW One Night Stand. So if they liked how he called ONS then why the heck did they have him change the way he announces? I wonder what he will do now?
I completely don't get this move by wwe. Styles actually commentates on the matches instead of just putting over the storylines like all of the other announcers. Adamle is nothing more than a puppet to have lines fed to him to say. Styles was one of the few things wwe had done right. He was one of the very few reasons to keep the old name. Now just turn it into some wwe produced named show. I think I'll keep the show muted from now on.
God forbid someone actually pays attention to what is going on in the ring instead of plugging a T-Shirt every chance they get. Poor styles, truly one of the best announcers out there. Simply put, there was no way in hell he was going to last in the McMahon Circus, quite frankly, he's too smart for the job. Adamle is fucking terrible, beyond Coachman terrible.
adamle is just horrible he sucks on the mic and his voice is just boring. in his 30 seconds of mic time per week on raw for the last 2.5 months he has nearly forgotten his lines about twenty times. also styles was exciting and fun to listen to and most of all i will miss the comments on nunzio's feet.
for heavens sake?, the show was getting better and better and what did they do?, get rid of styles, no we dont need ecw to become a good brand we need to get rid of one of the two credible anouncers that we have that will increase ratings

honestly i dont understand why wwe has made this move, the brand was building into something amazing, adamle has no clue how to anounce wrestling and joey styles is being placed in a position where he will get buried for something else to do, seriously im really getting sick of the vince mcmahon power plays this really is annoying
ECW is gonna be really shit now.
i thought Joey styles was a really good commentator he was funny, clever and creative and he made ECW watchable. And now there replacing him with Mike Adamle who just seems so boring compared to Joey styles, and he has messed up a lot already. However this could actually make ECW quite funny, especially if Jess Harvey gets drafted there.
Latest update: Styles is heading to wwe.com. Wow. Who did he tick off to be sent there? This makes no sense at all. Why would you let a guy that has the wrestling expericence on tv of one of taker's druids become lead commentater for a show? What Vince, or whoever made this move is thinking is completely beyond me. I can't wait to see what happens when Adamle completely bombs. Could be funny for a few weeks though.
What i don't understand is why didnt they just make it a three man commentary team like with coach, jr and king did back on raw?, the move to completely eliminate one of the most experienced broadcasters for a guy who has as much wrestling experience as a chin chiller on heat boggles the mind

what's next for styles?, is he going to run wwe.com or something?, who did he piss off to get this opportunity, i see him back on ecw within weeks coz adamlee is going to mess up too many names, like calling the underraker or bane, or bm spunk, the guy doesnt know what wrestling is and i dont see why hes even been given this opportunity, why not give him heat or something not wwe's c show, do they really want to kill the brand off?
Just when ECW was showing signs of greatness with Kane and Taker appearances and CM Punk winning MOTB, they go back to being amateur hour. I would like to hear what the reason is behind Styles being pulled from the booth before completely tearing this decision apart, but there had to be a better choice for a replacement. I could name at least three people who would be better and still not hurt wherever they are being pulled from/ Even throwing Maria in there would have been a better option.
This was an horrible decision for a couple of reasons. First of all Joey Styles is the voice of ECW and is not that bad of an announcer. Second, now they replaced him with a piece of crap, who they are paying too much and cannot announce for shit. Every time Mike Adamal comes on the screen, I want to mute the television because he obviously has no idea what he is talking about. I seriously dont think this will last because WWE/Vince will realize how horrible Adamle is and they will eventually move Styles back to the role. Basically, the only reason they are doing this is because they are paying Adamle so much money, for no reason, now they look like they have a reason. Bad Move.
That's just it though. We've seen him on Raw. He can't handle even remember the wrestlers names when all he has to do it talk for 30 seconds in something that he's can simply memorize. How is he going to handle an hour long show which is sometimes live? The whole thing just doesn't make any sense. It's not like Styles was bad either.
Thank God they got Styles off the commentating team. I've never in my life seen a broadcast journalist (thanks Bobby) so unenthusiastic about the show he was calling. Seriously, every time I listened to Styles, I thought about how mopey he seemed.

I don't know anything about this Adamle guy as a head commentator, but he's got to be better than Styles.

Thank God. Let Styles go mope somewhere else.
This i s just plain wierd move. I think its probs just a tester to be honest to see if Mike can do it, they want him to try out something different and having him do it on the low key program of ECW isb better than trying and sucking on something like Raw and Smackdown. But if its permanent I thinks its a bad move Styles IMO has great calling skills and his in the original ECW was outstanding. I cannot see why WWE has done this nor what Joey is going to do now, but I shall miss him at the table!
Im sorry, my jaw whakced the floor when i heard this news, Joey styles a superb announcer and of course one the few remaining ties to the original ecw and mcMahon is moving him to wwe.com, that terrible news but then that his replacement is that immobsil Mike Adamle,im shocked and appauled , i love tazz and joey on commentary, they were my favour annouce team due to coachman on sd and lawler whos gimmicks is a stale as val venis, utter disgrace
This is, quite literally, unreal.

Adamle is an atrocious announcer. He does absolutely nothing to augment or enhance WWE broadcasts in any way, shape or form. He seems clueless all of the time and has no charisma.

Even through all of their trials and tribulations, Joey has continued to stick with ECW. He eats, lives and breathes that company - and then they go and do this? This couldn't have possibly been his choice.

Totally absurd. First WWE Kids, now this. Vince McMahon needs his frickin' head examined.
Way to go. Leave it to the World Wrestling Entertainment corp. to figure out a way to kill off one of the last remaining original factors that made up E.C.W.

Joey Styles was, is and always will be the 'voice' of E.C.W. - Taz(z) is horrible as an announcer. I've never liked that decision, and sadly due to an apparent career ending injury, its all the guy can do. Styles is likely nothing to the W.W.E., and they feel more or less that people don't tune in on Tuesdays to listen to him.. so much as watch the action.

Congrats again to the W.W.E., they've managed to somehow make the announcing duo of Coach & Cole to look like the combination of Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan, when comparing them to the utterly horrible announcing team of Taz(z) & Adamle. :disappointed:
I don't even know what to say. Styles was amazing, an ECW origional, one of the last remaining things to the origionals. Mike Adamle sucks at his job, plain and simple. It won't change ratings for the WWE, it will only piss of the fans, and unfortunatly, the WWE will think of non changing ratings to equal success, and leave the change as is. This sucks big time. Words cannot describe how bad this sucks.
Thank God they got Styles off the commentating team. I've never in my life seen a broadcast journalist (thanks Bobby) so unenthusiastic about the show he was calling. Seriously, every time I listened to Styles, I thought about how mopey he seemed.

I don't know anything about this Adamle guy as a head commentator, but he's got to be better than Styles.

Thank God. Let Styles go mope somewhere else.

My god, we shouldnt be questioning taking Styles off the announce team so much as putting Adamle on (which im sure Sly agrees with).... we thought that Coach was shit, jesus christ! Anyone else would have been better.... ANYONE. Todd Grisham, the kid from the Tim White bullshit, Val Venis, Steve Blackman, The Zombie, Khali and Umaga, id rather listen to Jillian sing commentary for an hour than listen to Adamle's fucking voice.

As far as Style's sounding uninspired while commentating, remember that you wouldnt be the same man if you got your balls detatched and then fed piles of shit to commentate on. Of course its his job, but if I hate my job, I probably wouldnt give it 110% either. I bet that is how he feels. To prove my statement just listen to his commentary even as recently as ONS, its like night and day compared to now.
Way to go. Leave it to the World Wrestling Entertainment corp. to figure out a way to kill off one of the last remaining original factors that made up E.C.W.

Joey Styles was, is and always will be the 'voice' of E.C.W. - Taz(z) is horrible as an announcer. I've never liked that decision, and sadly due to an apparent career ending injury, its all the guy can do. Styles is likely nothing to the W.W.E., and they feel more or less that people don't tune in on Tuesdays to listen to him.. so much as watch the action.

Congrats again to the W.W.E., they've managed to somehow make the announcing duo of Coach & Cole to look like the combination of Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan, when comparing them to the utterly horrible announcing team of Taz(z) & Adamle. :disappointed:

Hokey smoke I hadn't even thought of that part of it. The only time Taz does anything worthwhile is when he's bouncing off of styles. What in the name of all that is good and made of cheese is this commentary going to sound like? Adamle will botch more than Jess Harvey after a party, while Tazz rambles on about absolutely nothing. Great team.
So I just realized that I never said one of the things I wanted to in the first post, lol.

I forgot to mention that I think the reasoning behind this is the whole "anti-TNA commentator" thing that we've heard about. I remember hearing, I think it was from one of JR's things, that the WWE wants to go for a more calm way of commentating as opposed to the "scream at every moment like you're an idiot" Don West method, which I personally find appalling. We've seen instances of this ever since hearing that comment. Lawler and JR aren't freaking out as much and are trying to do the "quiet and solemn, wonder if its serious" thing lately. Styles has been almost monotone lately, especially in times when he would do just that - flip out like a ****** lol, which a lot of people like (myself not included, but it was better than when he tried to be serious). WWE most likely feels that putting Adamle in the spot will make it so Tazz is the funny man and Adamle is the "straight man" to the duo. Putting Styles on WWE.com is probably, in their twisted mind, the way to "breathe life" into the failing website. The visitors to WWE.com have been dropping, so they probably think that adding an energetic interviewer or whatever might make it a more exciting site to go to.

Of course, its going to fail...but that's beside the point.
Adamle is horrible on the mic. His voice sounds boring, he always mumbles, he always makes mistakes, and he forgets the names of the wrestlers even in a limited time of talking. If he forgets the name of one of WWE's top stars when he only talks for 30 seconds (Jeff Hardy) how is he going to remember all the guys on the ECW roster? This is a huge mistake and he'll likely be replaced or the ECW brand will just fall apart.
I am totally confused by this move. I know that WWE loves its storylines and such being promoted in a match and Styles is a great "move" caller, but this makes very little sense considering Adamle has seemed off whenever he has been on camera. I mean I will watch and see how it pans out, but I know I will miss Styles. If TNA has the money to make a move ... Styles would bring them insta-credibility.
Man,this is horrible,Adamle is forgeting everybody's name and shit. Tazz has corrected him like three times. Bring back Styles. I know he isnt as good as he used to be back in original ECW since they put restrictions on him and how he calls the match. At least he knows how to call a match. Does this dude even watch wrestling?

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