
Hey, that's a geography joke! No geography jokes in the Prison.

And no dumbass with the idea to come up with the name stuzilla is amazing.
You clearly didn't understand what I was saying. Which actually further proves how much of a dipshit you really are.

I find it hilarious that you got put in prison even though you have no chance of getting out.
Careful. If you don't specify that you're being sarcastic, they'll think you're actually complimenting them.
that was low! even for you

im fed up with you, everyone was told to stop annoying the prisoners and so you dont take it out of context that wasnt the exact words said/typed
kieran's having a go at you here. I was merely winding up my fellow country-man...and saying one of the recently arrived prisoners is an idiot
okay lets be honest the sentence is getting to me and the lack of prisoners that can hold a discussion is amazing

to quote waynes world "lets be frank... can i still be garth" i want on the main forums but if i have to work at it fair doos, i can help a lot of people in here if they want, like im willing to discuss and have banter with people.
at least devlin tries. Draven's given up and is currently having a guy tattoo his name on his ass, mcmuffin and mozerrella are probably in solitary and the newbies are idiots.
sometimes i think i really seem stupid when i go back and look at the stuff i posted in the prison, you know that way where it makes sense to you but it dosnt come across right?

i had a good stone cold DVD thread and another few threads i think so
at least devlin tries. Draven's given up and is currently having a guy tattoo his name on his ass, mcmuffin and mozerrella are probably in solitary and the newbies are idiots.

lol (i found it funny mostly because it was extremely random)

I havent given up so much as i just havent been online much at all due to not really wanting to go online

Dont get me like to get out of the "big bad prison" but im not going to for a long time and i've pretty much figured that out and i've just come to the relazation that i should just make the best out of the situation.
Kinda does matter. I mean if he IS really drunk, then it means that it was more the alcohol than your own merits. Kinda makes it a puric victory of sorts.
Its a victory nonetheless and i think that either way im going to have to work hard because if i dont next time its boot-a-rooney for me from the forums if i fuck up.

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