Strowman VS Big Show- The Ring Collapses

Either or both is possible. Show and Strowman weigh nearly 800 pounds between the two of them. Add the momentum of a 5-6 foot drop and a genuine ring collapse is possible. At the same time, the same happened around 15 years ago when Lesnar and Show did the exact same thing, and since Lesnar is nearly 100 pounds lighter than Strowman, they probably knew that the ring wouldn't hold up. Draw your own conclusions.
Pretty damn obvious it was a work. Big Show is actually lighter than when he did it the previous two times. Both of those were works as well.

Notice how the ref, Strowman and Show all knew how to act after it? Strowman knew to get up before Show. Strowman knew the match ended. Show knew to wait. If I was in a match and legit broke the ring, I might pop my head up and look around. I might break character and stop selling. My reaction would not be continue selling and then know to do my pose as the match is over. It would not be let Strowman pose and then get up. It would be holy shit, the ring just freaking broke.
It was definitely a work. The camera panned out from the balcony a number of times before the superplex spot, as if they were teasing it. It was a very similar camera angle to the Lesnar/Show and the Show/Henry spots in the past.
One thing that did appear real, the ring sort of tilted down on the far end,
and the ref actually fell out of the ring in that area.
One thing that did appear real, the ring sort of tilted down on the far end,
and the ref actually fell out of the ring in that area.

How in the blue hell does the ring tilting make it appear unplanned?

The ref happened to stand in an unlucky spot. Got off balance and fell. You can't exactly 100% predict the motion of the ring despite being controlled.
Yea someone mentioned on the Live Discussion thread that they were using the old ring so when it did happen it made sense. Using the new LED ring could have been a catastrophe, not only in possible permanent damage to the ring itself, but to the people in and around it.

It was a great spot none the less. I burst out laughing at the way the ref flew off the side, poor guy I hope he's alright. But yea loved the ending don't care if it's a work or not. It did the job of entertaining me and that's why I watch. Crowd loved it as well by the pop it got.

You know you've got problems when the ring or an ambulance gets the pop of the night.
Yea someone mentioned on the Live Discussion thread that they were using the old ring so when it did happen it made sense. Using the new LED ring could have been a catastrophe, not only in possible permanent damage to the ring itself, but to the people in and around it.

It was a great spot none the less. I burst out laughing at the way the ref flew off the side, poor guy I hope he's alright. But yea loved the ending don't care if it's a work or not. It did the job of entertaining me and that's why I watch. Crowd loved it as well by the pop it got.

You know you've got problems when the ring or an ambulance gets the pop of the night.
Jericho made LIST so much over. It's awesome to see non-living things get over. Almost every "thing" of Jericho is over.

About the thread, It was obviously a work. Using the old ring doesn't make sense if it wasn't a work. It was awesome nonetheless. Last week, it was an ambulance and now the ring itself. Who's next for Braun?
The old ring is a great example of them tipping their hand. Another point is.. why in the hell would Strowman/Show be the main event if not for this?
Like someone else said, they teased it twice earlier in the match as well. Before those teases, where I realized what was coming, I hadn't been watching Raw at all and assumed I stumbled onto a retirement match for Show. I could not figure out why this was closing the show, until I realized the ring was about to have a bad day. I was happy for the crowd, as they seemed to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. And even though I knew it was coming, it's still a cool thing to see. We have seen it before, but it is very rare. Cool way for Strowman to get some heat against Show who, despite his wonderful job getting into shape recently, is not a fan favorite. I think he deserves more respect than he gets, but that is a whole other post. I think it was done well.
Pretty sure it's a work, though I suppose it's possible that it wasn't. The odds are extremely small that it was legit, but that's highly doubtful. WWE should play it up as though it wasn't a work no matter what, that means keeping people who may or may not have been in charge of doing whatever is necessary to collapse said ring quiet as to how it was done. How about a hand for John Cone huh? The guy took the bump of the year and I admit that I laughed my ass off when he took it. What with the ring collapsing and Big Show selling it like he was dead, it just...I dunno, looked funny.

When the ring collapsed back in the 2000s during the match between Show and Brock Lesnar, Show was legitimately a good 450 lbs. while Lesnar was hovering around 285 or so. All in all, it was a lighter weight when the ring collapsed than what we saw last night. I don't know if Strowman is actually 385 lbs. but I bet he's pretty close and that's what Big Show was billed at last night, so that's a combined 770 lbs. coming down from off the ropes.

But yeah, I'm going with a work because it just seems to fall in line as another example of Braun Strowman having freakish strength. He manhandles guys, he can toss guys as big as Roman Reigns like a shot put and he "overturned" an ambulance last week. They're building Strowman as this freakishly strong monster and it's working to a degree I don't think most of us, or any of us for that matter, expected. After all, when's the last time in pro wrestling someone as heavy as Strowman had the sort of build he has? When's the last time you saw a guy his size able to move and run as fast as he can? Hell, when's the last time you saw a guy his size do a kip up? Strowman had to slow himself down in his matches with Big Show so that Show could keep up. As others have pointed out, they were also using an older ring, which is something I didn't really bother to notice.

WWE has a helluva thing going with Strowman am I the only one who has that cold, queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me Vince is going to do something to fuck it all up or, at the very least, take the wind outta Strowman's sails?
OF COURSE IT WAS A WORK. the ring was on hydraulic lifters. If it was a real ring break the ring posts would have fallen INTO the ring not OUT, and the side they landed on would have dropped farther than the opposite side, but as we saw the opposite side dropped farther than the side with 800 pounds on men on it.
There is no doubt to me it was a work. They want Strowman to look absolutely, phenomenally dominating. And they're doing a great job with it. The ring collapse was supposed to show his brute force and strength (I guess). And then the fact he was able to stand was supposed to suggest he is freakishly capable of withstanding that sort of punishment, which is ironic considering the way he lost at Fastlane to Roman Reigns. Anyway...

I like what they did with this. They're doing a great job with Strowman. This week the ring, last week the ambulance. It's good stuff. Also, the referee bump as fantastically done. Laughed a lot at it, but it served its purpose.
Was this a work or did the ring actually give way from the force?
No it wasnt a work, it was real. Ring that can withhold 20 superstars couldnt withhold Big Show and Strowman because Big Show weights 10000 pounds and Strowman at least twice that much. Also Strowman could easily lift ambulance car last week because they weight that 10000 pounds. Ergo, Big Show = Ambulance car. (sarcasm intensifies)
It was definitely a work. The camera panned out from the balcony a number of times before the superplex spot, as if they were teasing it. It was a very similar camera angle to the Lesnar/Show and the Show/Henry spots in the past.

Exactly right. Too many camera pannings, the ring steps "conveniently" used so that they were out of the way.

Being a work isn't always bad. The build up to the work was good, the match was decent. I was ok with it.
work or not a work I think having the ring collapses is something you would expect with two big guys like show and strowman, having strowman getting up and standing tall after all that is building up strowman because if you remember strowman interrupted Brock to show interested in the title, clearly they are building up strowman as being unstoppable and props to Show for putting him over like that, they are probably setting up a Strowman vs Lesnar maybe summerslam main event once they feel Strowman is right for it, not sure just my opinion, if it was a work the ref looked like he took a pretty convincing fall out of the ring either way
Turned out to be a really big deal for WWE.

I think most news outlets dont know it has happened before.

I was at the gym and they have a bunch of TV's, and it came on both
ESPN and CNN while I was working out.

And Braun Strowman was the number one search on Yahoo that same

Paul Wight HATES inanimate objects. He's a stupid jerk who deliberately breaks stuff just because he was bored and likely being controlled by ass-hat Thetans.

Exhibit #1 (skip to 8:12 (IF YOU DARE)):


What the fuck was that Paul!? You have horrible depth perception and it's the ring's fault!? You know what normal people like me do when Kevin Nash mercilessly antagonizes us!? Us normies count down from 10 and breakdance.

Exhibit #2 (skip to 0:17(or don't, whatever)):


DID YOU JUST SEE WHAT HE DID!? He crashed his stupid looking semi right into those garbage cans. Those fucking cans were there for a humane purpose, and Big Show just kept on driving knowing full well that Duke the Dumpster Droese is going to have a long night.

Ringboys forgetting to double-bolt the ring aside, Big Show broke that fucking ring, and he probably broke wind all over the ring while he was laying there. He's a bad person and he should feel bad.
It's very obviously a work and a pretty awesome work as well.

Strowman is a monster, and Shows gets one last moment.

Of course until Reigns returns and beats him clean... again.

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