Street fighter X Tekken DLC Already on Disc


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last Night we had a major release of a highly anticipated game, no not Mass Effect, but Street Fighter X Tekken.

And just like they have in the past, the announced 12 characters for DLC. From Street fither we have: Cody, Guy, Sakura, Blanka, Dudley, and Elena. From Tekken: Lars, Alissa, Bryan, Jack, Lei, and Christie. And while this is all well and good, there has been a programming oversight. The completed characters are all contained on the disk already. Hackers have done there work and have been rewarded with 12 completely functioning characters. The subtitles for the character's quotes are incorrect and they do not have boxes on the selection screen, but the characters function just like all the rest.

Capcom has released this statement:
Capcom has confirmed that 12 new fan-favorite characters will be available as Downloadable Content (DLC) on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions of Street Fighter X Tekken later this year. The playable characters will make their debut on the PS Vita system when the game is released this fall, with the console and PC versions receiving them as DLC soon after. The character information and files were intentionally included on retail versions of the PS3 and Xbox 360 game to save hard drive space and to ensure for a smooth transition when the DLC is available, allowing players who choose not to purchase the content the ability to play against players that did. More specifics regarding pricing, dates and other additional exciting DLC plans for Street Fighter X Tekken will be shared at a later date. As a reminder, the retail version of the game will be the only disc-based version consumers will need to own and all future upgrades will come from post-launch DLC.

I understand how this makes the transition easier from pre-DLC to post. With the character data on the disc if you were playing against a team of Elena and Christie and you did not have the DLC your machine would not have issues registering their moves. It is certainly better than a massive mandatory patch released later. But never the less Capcom is taking quite the amount of heat, especially now that hackers have broken the code. So the Questions are:

What does this do to Capcom and Namco's image?

What do Capcom and Namco do now that people have access to these characters?
1. Nothing for Capcom. Ever since 2010, they've been looked at as pretty much the Japanese Activision with the cancellation of MML3 & the release of UMvC3. Namco on the other hand, they might get hurt by this. But they might not get any heat for it, since Capcom made the game, therefore, it's their fault.

2. Nothing. They wanted to fuck their customers without lube, so this is their punishment. Honestly, it's no worse than a mod for a PC game anyway.
What does this do to Capcom and Namco's image?
The base information for the characters would have to be built into the game in order for it to be opened up later on. The exact same thing happened when RE5 came out, a bunch of people cried, bitched, and moaned about it, but people still bought the game and still bought the DLC.

What do Capcom and Namco do now that people have access to these characters? Pretty sure they could patch the game, to block access to these characters if they feel the need to.

As for people bitching about DLC, get the fuck over it. Games cost money to develop and if fans of these games are willing to shell out the cash to buy the games and the DLC that's their business. I'm sick of hearing about people upset because they have to pay for bonus items for their games because they feel they pay to much already for the games.

Here's a thought get a new hobby if you cannot afford it.
Capcom is well known for this stuff as it is. Point black, asking people pay extra for something that's already on the damn disk is reprehensible and it ruins the entire concept behind downloadable content. And I'm not sure Capcom will do anything about the hackers- enough people are going to buy the unlocks for the "DLC" anyway. They'll make their profit out of people in ignorance, or hardcore fans that don't mind getting fucked.
What does this do to Capcom and Namco's image?

I don't understand how this can be reflected badly upon Capcom and Namco? The idea of having DLC already on the game disc makes it much easier for the game so that gamers that choose not to buy the DLC can easily play with someone that does. I remember how upsetting it was trying to play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 with the Hero pack and my friends with the villain pack. We were not able to play because I didn't own the Villain pack, and they didn't own the hero pack. It took the game company quite a while to release a patch to allow us to play on live without any issues.

If anyone's image is to be ruined, it would be the hackers who would rather break international law than pay $10 for a few characters.

What do Capcom and Namco do now that people have access to these characters?

The developers do what they can only do. Use the law to protect their product and continue to release more DLC so they can continue to create revenue from their fan base. A few sore apples are always going to find a way to get a free ticket to their revenue.

But where is this so called heat coming from? Gamers just need to realize people are going to exploit games, that is a common fact. But gamers get so upset they fail to realize that the issues they have with a game doesn't actually come from the developers, but from the community itself.
For all you that are bitching, I'm finna post this


BY OWEN GOOD MAR 10, 2012 3:00 PM 41,012 1234 Share


‘Stop Thinking You’re a Producer,’ Former Mass Effect Designer Tells Gamers
Christina Norman worked for BioWare on Mass Effect. She's with Riot Games now. But she must have felt pangs of sympathy when BioWare got raked by gamer complaints about day-one DLC in Mass Effect 3. Because she basically gave them a double-barreled middle finger in a rant at GDC.

"There's no point in releasing DLC a year after your game has come out when most people have already sold your game back to GameStop three times," said at a GDC panel, reported ShackNews. "That means getting it out early; that means even day-one DLC. That is a terrible thing to some players.

"Players rant—they know nothing about this DLC that's coming out except its name. But then it's 'oh this game must be incomplete, the game must be ruined.' Game developers are not evil. (Some are evil.) But most are not evil.

"We just want to release awesome stuff. Players please, give us a chance. Judge our games based on what they are. Judge the DLC based on what it is. Stop thinking you're a producer and telling us when and where we should be building our content."
For all you that are bitching, I'm finna post this


BY OWEN GOOD MAR 10, 2012 3:00 PM 41,012 1234 Share


‘Stop Thinking You’re a Producer,’ Former Mass Effect Designer Tells Gamers
Christina Norman worked for BioWare on Mass Effect. She's with Riot Games now. But she must have felt pangs of sympathy when BioWare got raked by gamer complaints about day-one DLC in Mass Effect 3. Because she basically gave them a double-barreled middle finger in a rant at GDC.

"There's no point in releasing DLC a year after your game has come out when most people have already sold your game back to GameStop three times," said at a GDC panel, reported ShackNews. "That means getting it out early; that means even day-one DLC. That is a terrible thing to some players.

"Players rant—they know nothing about this DLC that's coming out except its name. But then it's 'oh this game must be incomplete, the game must be ruined.' Game developers are not evil. (Some are evil.) But most are not evil.

"We just want to release awesome stuff. Players please, give us a chance. Judge our games based on what they are. Judge the DLC based on what it is. Stop thinking you're a producer and telling us when and where we should be building our content."
Well wonderful. Basically we are wrong for saying we feel ripped off? Street Fighter X Tekken came out and literally as soon as it was out, totally new material was online for sale. Separately. To make it worse, the content is just hidden within the disc. Why the hell isn't in some bundle? The game released WITH the added content and a cheaper version without it? It's a damn rip-off.

A game like Batman: Arkham Asylum or Mortal Kombat did this DLC stuff more appropriately. A little after a year, all content plus extra one's were bundled with the game. Not to mention said DLC was released little by little. Though a full pack like this one that has 12 characters would be nice, doing it as soon as the game is out with the content being in the disc but locked away with no bundle option on market just screams rip-off. It's not fans thinking they are producers, it's fans who are conscience of what they spend their money on.
Well wonderful. Basically we are wrong for saying we feel ripped off? Street Fighter X Tekken came out and literally as soon as it was out, totally new material was online for sale. Separately. To make it worse, the content is just hidden within the disc. Why the hell isn't in some bundle? The game released WITH the added content and a cheaper version without it? It's a damn rip-off.

A game like Batman: Arkham Asylum or Mortal Kombat did this DLC stuff more appropriately. A little after a year, all content plus extra one's were bundled with the game. Not to mention said DLC was released little by little. Though a full pack like this one that has 12 characters would be nice, doing it as soon as the game is out with the content being in the disc but locked away with no bundle option on market just screams rip-off. It's not fans thinking they are producers, it's fans who are conscience of what they spend their money on.

Games get a final build, they go gold, they go into mass production before they ship. Between when they are gold, mass produced and shipped the game developers have time to finish working on loose ends, like first day DLC and all that jazz.

So I mean you can keep crying about it, but its not going to change the fact that the shit will continue to happen as long as they can keep making money off of it.

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