Storylines and changes to characters that could improve WWE


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm basically looking for anything you think would change the WWE for the better with their product, not like ending the brand split or going back to a higher rating, though I agree with both of those, but instead things like changing characters, adding new stars, creating new matches and storylines you think would work.

I would personally...

make Chavo a serious character, have him lie, cheat and steal like Eddie, it's a brilliant gimmick and he's the only person the audience would accept it to be given to. He could have fueds with lower card wrestlers like Noble for a while, then gradually build up and have him as a dect midcarder.

When Legacy runs its course, push Ted hard with the million dollar gimmick. He's young and good looking, bring his dad in for a while, have him buy his way out of matches, arrive in a limo, pay people to help him win matches, bring back the million dollar title etc. This gimmick, if updated, could work amazingly. Even have him drop money from the roof, an instant way to get over with the crowd. He could fued with upper midcarders for a while and then get a title shot, winning from Cena or someone else over, possibly after buying the help of show or someone else.

Have MVP come out in suits a lot, cut more promos and ditch the ridiculous ring attire. MVP wont be the next rock, but he can easily be a future world champion.

trim from the roster.. alicia fox, duggan, festus, michelle mccool, curt hawkins, jimmy wang yang, mike knox, layla, ranjin singh, both bella sisters, dj gabriel, zack ryder. courtney taylor, tiffany, eve and Jilian.

Have a unified womens title, don't call it the divas title or have that ridiculous butterfly belt, it's just insulting to the female wrestlers. Having bikini matches or whatever is fine, but use maria, kelly kelly etc for them, not the actual female wrestlers. Have Katie Lea, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Melina, Gail Kim, Natalya all compete for the title and you can have a pretty amazing womens title picture.

Have a tag tournament for the unified tag titles (and make one belt!) and have legacy, dx, hart dynasty, wgtt, jericho and show, cryme time and ezekial johnson and koslov. If the final team entered, facing Jerishow in the first round, is a returning edge with christian as his partner, it would go over massively, begin the fued with edge with an extra dimension, having e&c beat jerishow in the match, but then having jerishow interfere in the next round, costing e&c the match. Christian can then fued with show, giving him something to do. Have hart foundation beat dx in the final, pushing them massively. This gives some great matches, ups the significance of the title dramatically, pushes a lot of teams and showcases otherwise unused but good talent like shelton and haas and cryme time.

Have PPV's with all good quality matches, not just filler like Kane and Khali.

Have Kane be burnt and return masked as the monster he was originally. Have a show of him destorying everyone, like when bearer left him before, have him unable to be hurt, sitting up at everything. He's willing to put people over, but rather than getting a cheap victory over a watered down Kane, build him up massively and then have an up and coming star beat him, this could also be a way to give him a short title reign as a thank you, while pushing someone at the same time.

Have edge return face and at some point fued with Punk as the rated r superstar, against the straight-edge gimmick.

Use the undercard of the show beneficially. Have some actual talented wrestlers compete in quick-paced matches to get the crowd warmed up, like wcw did with the crusierweights. Helms, Noble, Chavo, Bourne and more crusierweights the wwe brings in could put on a good show, better than jilian singing, hornswoggle running around etc.
I like the Million dollar man idea...

Although, isn't that more of a heel character? If he is to leave legacy, I'd think he would have to go face, because Orton isnt going heel anytime soon.
I like these ideas dude. What i'd do is as much as i hate Cena, i would make him my Tazz so to speak. I would make his character more believable, like give him that big fight atomosphere. What i'd do is write him off for a bit to give him time to train and hone his technical abilities and have him return to show off those skills to shut haters like me up that say he can't wrestle and get them on his side unless they complete haters. Make his promos back to the battle raps cuz the whole stupid champ is here thing is terrible.

Second, reinstate the cruiserweight division, bury the hell out of hornswoggle by having every cruiserweight destroy him with their finishing move. Let them call their own matches with the spots they wanna work.

Third, start a like year long brand war between Raw vs Smackdown. Have like a super awesome match on smackdown and then afterwards have the winner cut a promo saying i dare raw to have a better match. Then Raw has an equally as great match and then say something like smackdown just started having great matches and we been having them. And have the top performers just have great matches back and forth on raw and smackdown. Then have during a ppv the raw members jump the smackdown people during they're match and it'll start a war between the 2 brands. It'd be great for us fans.

Forth, bring back Heyman and Bischoff!!!!

Fifth, do exactly what they're doing now with Randy, and make legacy more believable! Get rid of Cody and get the Hart Dynasty instead. hahaha
That's all i got
I like these ideas dude. What i'd do is as much as i hate Cena, i would make him my Tazz so to speak. I would make his character more believable, like give him that big fight atomosphere. What i'd do is write him off for a bit to give him time to train and hone his technical abilities and have him return to show off those skills to shut haters like me up that say he can't wrestle and get them on his side unless they complete haters. Make his promos back to the battle raps cuz the whole stupid champ is here thing is terrible.

Second, reinstate the cruiserweight division, bury the hell out of hornswoggle by having every cruiserweight destroy him with their finishing move. Let them call their own matches with the spots they wanna work.

Third, start a like year long brand war between Raw vs Smackdown. Have like a super awesome match on smackdown and then afterwards have the winner cut a promo saying i dare raw to have a better match. Then Raw has an equally as great match and then say something like smackdown just started having great matches and we been having them. And have the top performers just have great matches back and forth on raw and smackdown. Then have during a ppv the raw members jump the smackdown people during they're match and it'll start a war between the 2 brands. It'd be great for us fans.

Forth, bring back Heyman and Bischoff!!!!

Fifth, do exactly what they're doing now with Randy, and make legacy more believable! Get rid of Cody and get the Hart Dynasty instead. hahaha
That's all i got

I agree with your views on Cena, and Heyman. Heyman is, IMO, the last of the great managers, and he's a hell of a booker.

My only problem with any of this, is the Smackdown vs. RAW angle.. It's been done to death. It could still be appealing I guess, but not for a whole year. Maybe more like 6 months. But then that brings up the question who do you pick to have those great matches? I don't know that either brand has the quality of main event wrestler to carry that out.
After reading this I felt the need to respond to some of the things you pointed out.
1. Why on earth would you keep Maria and get rid of Michelle McCool, Alicia, and Jillian? Alicia and Jillian are some of the better sellers of the womans division. Michelle just watching her matches over the last couple years is definately a work horse. She seems to be a quick study and updates her craft constantly from the wings of love to the brazillian heel hook and now the faithbreaker. As far as Eve goes. Eve has shown alot of progress from what I have seen in the ring in a short amount of time. Maria on the other hand does the same thing over and over and over with her matches and looks terrified each time.
2. I can understand everyone hating Hornswoggle but with the PG rating. They need a character that is going to appeal to the younger generation of fans.
3. The Kane being burnt again angle would fall flat on its face. Its been done ran its course and should stay the way it is. However I would make him a little more demented and stalks his opponents and what not.

I've spoken my case
I like your ideas for the most part but i personally would just make a clean start with the womens division. It has just gotten out of touch with actual wrestling.
I think that they should make the tag titles a bigger deal. We have some really good tag teams right now, and I think it will work out if we make a tag team tournament, like poster eariler. I think that if they do this, they need to bring back the Brothers of Destruction (Kane and Undertaker) Edge & Christian, and Charlie Haas & Sheldon Benjamin. Have the Heart Dynasty loose to Edge & Christian, Heart Dynasty run in on Edge & Christian making them loose. Thats a great match up that I'd love to see. Then have Kane & Taker vs. DX vs. JeriShow. That would be great to see. If nothing else, it would give us some really good matches to watch afterwards. Those 3 teams do well (besides Kane) on their own, so if they should loose, they can always go back to what they were doing before.
I also think they should make 1 womans championship blet, 1 tag belt, 1 united states (cruiserweight) belt, and BRING BACK HARDCORE MATCHES!!! If nothing else, then for PPV. Some of the best matches were from hardcore matches. and not this, "bring in 4 weapons".... i'm talkin in the street outside, in the fans face hardcore. That will bring alot of excitment in my oppinion.
Not bad ideas. I would definetly say Ted is going to take an almost identical road as Orton did we he left legacy. Also I dont know how true it is but I heard MVP hs offensive prison tats so thats whats up with the absurd attire.

Few things I would do would defiently cut down the focus on the divas. Use them more as show girls than wrestler. I mean does anyone hear really want to see half ass wrestlig and hear tons of loud ass grunts?

I would push Batista out the door...besides and amazing body what lse does he have? He sounds moronic on the mic and moves like a robot. tleast most robots can improve their own injuries.

John Morrison needs to be in a title hunt of some sort. To me he can be the next HBK but lets see where it goes.

I would defiently love to see Christian as a heel on Raw, the are very slim for good heels right now, and to me in his day he was one of the best.

I relly think the best thing for WWE would be soli compition, Vince is complacent and TNA would have been cool 15 years ago. The list on how TNA could be better, would be much longer... lose the lasers, its 2009!!
1. I'd bring Batista as a heel/face type deal. Where he's out for himself. And he just runs threw anyone that gets in his way

2. I to would get Hornswoggle the hell out of the picture. I know people think with the PG rating they need him. I would just have Santino be the goof ball. At least you can see him winning matches

3. I would have Shelton Benjamin a upper midcard heel. Keep him as the gold standard. But have him wear a lot of gold. Watches, rings, chains. Give him more of a mean streak. They could have him debut a new title on ECW. One that's gold.

4. Change back Mark Henry to a heel. Have him team with Ezekiel Jackson. With Tony Atlas as the manager.

5. Change the diva's belt so that it doesn't look like a Barbi toy. Give Mickie James & Gail Kim some time off. It'll give the other Diva's a chance to shine with them out of the picture.

6. Also do the same for John Cena. Give him some time off, to give some of the other guys a shot to take down Orton.

7. Back to the Divas. Have Stephanie come back to T.V. Have her strip the titles from the champs. And put them up for grabs in a tournament. At the end it could start new feuds. Maybe have them in a new type of match. Plus could help them debut new Diva's or return old ones.

8. Change Kung Fu Naki have him team with Jimmy Wang Yang. They could make this work. Move Yoshi Tatsu to Smackdown. Turn them all heel. Since Yang and Fu Naki have been Heels before. Make it like the new Kai En Tai.

9. Make Khali like Andre The Giant. The lovable giant that only gets beat when we wants to.

10. Whats left. Turn Kane BACK into a monster. Give Matt a real Push. With no Jeff, Matt can take the spotlight. Give Festus & Noble new gimmicks. And give Cryme Time the belts or a new gimmick. Or just touch up on what they got now. Have Cryme Tyme, Jesse (Slam Master J), John Cena, & R-Truth form a group. Like a WWE rap group.

11. One last thing. I'm a fan of Cody Rhodes. So what i would do is split Legacy. Turn Ted to a face. Have his brother Brett take his place with Cody. OR....I would have Ted leave Legacy and team with his brother. At the same time have Goldust drop his gimmick. have him go back to being Dustin Rhodes, And have him go back to being a heel. That way it could be Ted & Brett DiBiase vs. Cody & Dustin Rhodes. Plus have The dream & The Million Dollar man manage there sons.

Also after the end of Legacy. Have Orton loose the title and then go completely insane. Leave Raw for a few months and come back with a new gimmick. just an upgrade. He used to be a Marine so use that. Claim the he went AWOL. Make him three times as crazy, insane, sick & demented as he all ready is. Maybe have him use a new move. Or a modified RKO. Have him come back as a Marine hell bent on getting revenge on everyone that ever turned on him or got in his way. An he can start with his Former Legacy.

I think a lot of this could work.
I agree with jscthegreat: 1st of all, turn Cena heel. NOW! OMG, the fans hate him and he's not even trying to generate heat. If they take Cena off TV for say, 6 to 8 months, the fans will more than likely forget about him. And let's not just take him off TV, just stop advertising him period. Other than those snot nosed kids who pump his sales up due to their parents, Cena's merch. needs to cease as well. Then, lke he said, bring him back. Stop the "champ is here" one minute and the "Marine" crap the next. The Marine came out like what, two years ago? Let it go.
Get rid of Cody Rhodes. He's like the Syxx of Legacy. He needs a complete make-over, so ship him over to ECW to have him learn his craft just a little more. Let's be honest here, if he wasn't Dusty's son and Goldust's brother, do you honestly think Vince would have given him the time of day AND put him in such high profile spots? Not saying he's not good, he's just not anywhere near being great.
Next: Stop having those damn worthless diva matches. I know someone else mentioned this and I'm not trying to steal your idea, just agreeing. I want to see class matches on Raw, not those horrible boxing glove matches or bikini matches. I'm never gonna bang them, so in all honesty, I wanna see something that doesn't make me upset because I can't sleep with them.
Turn Vince either heel or face and KEEP IT THAT WAY! Damn, I'm so sick of seeing Vince one month a super heel and then 4 months later a damn face. I personally love Vince as a heel, he's more believable that way.
Also, KILL the Horns/Chavo angle asap.
Stop with the freaking Guest Host shit. The line is being crossed bringing in Bob Barker. Sooner or later the WWE is gonna look up and it's going to be 1993 all over again (indeed, history does have a way of repeating itself).
Bring back the Raw GM, but to spice things up, make it an election. This would be perfect since Nov. is usually voting time. Have each week for a month four canidates (my choices: Stone Cold, Flair, Heyman, Bishoff). Have them each debate each other on why they'd be better suited for the job and have the fans at the end of the month (right before Survivor Series) vote online. Then, at SS reveal the new Raw GM. It would generate interest in the ppv and also bring back more establishment to the GM position after this farce called the Guest Host spot.
And finally: Disban DX and turn HHH heel. He needs to be heel. I know there's not going to be a big enough face on Raw (save Shawn Michaels) which is fine. This is where you bring Ted DiBiase Jr. in as a face. Have him win the WHC from Randy Orton and have HHH gradually become jealous because he (HHH) couldn't do it. Have it set up the way that he did Orton when Orton won the title. Have HHH come out the week (or two) after Ted Jr. wins. Have him congradulate Teddy on winning the title and finally stepping out of the shadow of Orton. Then out of nowhere have HHH go ape shit with the Pedigree and sledgehammer (because I don't think w/o it the fans would really buy into a heel turn). I know the WWE doesn't do blood anymore, but have him bust Ted wide open (BTW, has either Ted or Cody ever bled?). Have him viciously assult Ted, then have a backstage encounter with Michaels, he asks HHH what happened, HHH starts to walk away, Michaels grabs his arm and HHH then just goes ape shit again, attacking Michaels in similar fashion and so we now have two major heels (Cena & HHH) and two faces (Michaels and DiBiase Jr.)...Sorry this was wayyyyy long lol
I like your ideas. But I don't think Ted should break off yet though of Legacy. I like the idea of doing the Million dollar gimmick but i think maybe he could find a way to do it and still be with legacy. IMO Legacy still has potential to be one top stables of all time if they do 3 things:
1. Add another member...a muscle guy. Some like how Batista was to Evolution. I was hoping it would be DH Smith but that didn't happen.
2. They need to make Cody and Ted Dibiase more individuals than just Randy's goons. I love how they had them compete against Orton (at least with Ted) for the title. And I like how they are now focusing a little on Cody (although i really hope this doesn't cause him to split off). But they need some more side feuds and individual ring time.
3.They need to have Legacy actually be the 3 of them. Not Orton and Legacy.That means they come ringside to Orton's matches and he comes ringside to theirs. Like how DX and "Legacy" have their upcoming match. They need to have Orton in the corner or involved some kinda way. Basically it needs to look like Orton has their back like they have his. Also i know its too late for this but would have loved for Legacy to have their own theme music and use that for their entrance together instead of Orton's ring music. I mean thing that made stable like Evolution successful IMO was the face that they actually seemed like a team/group....There own music, always helping each other out, not always just helping HHH out. The same needs to happen with Legacy.
1. First thing i would do is turn John Cena from being marky mark to being Mark Wahlberg. By doing this instead of being the super clean cut white boy wanna be i would give him a little more edge. He needs a total change in ring attire first off, maybe just putting him in pants would help him look a little more hardcore. I wouldnt have him grow an all out beard but sport some stubble. I would have him grow his hair out somewhat and I would have him be a little more like the wise cracking smart ass he used to be who had no fear and thought he was better than every other wrestler on the roster. My favorite John Cena moment ever was when he worked the ECW ppv against Van Damm and threw his shirt to the crowd, then when they threw it back at him he threw it right back out to them kinda like he was saying FU to them. That John Cena could be huge.

2. I would have no plans at all to end Legacy. Actually at this point i think Rhodes and Dibiase are good enough to be singles wrestlers. So I would actually have Legacy and The Hart Dynast unite, eventually having Orton remain WHC Dibase would wear th IC title, since I would want them all on the same brand Cody would be left out of the gold picture but he could be their hitman that way he doesnt have to be worried about being stripped of his title for doing things like attacking people in the parking lot etc, Nidea would be womens champ, and The Dynasty would have the tag crowns. I would also make Orton start actually caring about these guys and putting them over to make them look more like a unit. I rember back in The Horseman days Flair would interfere if it would help Tully and Arn win the world tag titles so I would do stuff like actually have orton come out and help them as well. I would also put a manager with the group. Ted Sr. would be great but i dont think he really wants to do it or i am pretty sure they would already have him out there so I dont no who you would use but I am sure their is someone worthy.

3. I would push all the lower titles to mean more and actually build storys around them instead of just random challenges like they do now.

4. I would build up the tag division. The WWE has the people to do it right now and it has been so long since we really saw tag matches featured that they would be almost new and refreshing at this point.

5. I like the Kane idea above. My idea however would be for Paul Bearer to come back and be the one to burn Kane. He would be bitter because both Kane and Undertaker have forgot him. I would build a group around Kane sort of like a new oddities/ministry of darkness type group. This would give Hornswaggle something to do he was much better as an evil midget so make him mean again. I think Mike Knox is underated and could thrive in a group like this. Also include Festus as a darker charachter. A Knox/Festus tag team could be interesting have it where say Paul Bearer found a way to just unleash Festus,s dark side all the time. Khali could possibly be in this group as well. It would lead to Bearer saying he would not allow Undertaker to walk away from the sport since Undertaker is suposed to leave at the end of the year. Paul could do something where he is mad because he guided Taker to fame and then Taker is just going to walk away and leave him on the sidelines forever. This could lead into building Kane back up to take Takers place when he retires and also give taker a great story leading into his retirement.

6. I would bring Hulk Hogan in as a Mean Gene Okerlund like role. Hogan needs money and it is always good to have him on WWE t.v..

7. I would bring Ron Simmons back as a manager who wants to rebuild The Nation Of Domination. He would pick MVP to be leader. The group would have Shelton Benjamin, Koffi Kingston as I dont think he is doing all that great as a baby but he is a hell of a worker, Mark Henry, Ezekial Jackson, and either Cryme Tyme could be made more serious and be inserted as a tag team or The Colons could make up and work as this units tag team either would be great imo.

8. I would keep DX as a tag team and put them into a long feud with Jericho and Show I no this would lead to great promos and great matches for a long time and keep these 4 something to do other than always chasing the WHC so younger guys could get more shots at that spot.

9. For Smackdown I love the idea of a long Edge/Punk feud when Edge gets health. For now though i would push Morrison to the sky while their is no other real babyface star their other than Taker. I might also consider a Jack Swagger baby turn and send him to Smackdown. He has the size the look and the ability I just am not sure if he would have the charisma to work face but it would be worth a shot.

10. For the women I would get them involved with men as valets and such. The reason for this is even though they are pretty to look at most guys either leave the room when they come on or just ignore their storylines. You could interweave their storylines with the mens storys that way maybe if guys actually new the story they may have more interest in the matches other than just hoping a boob might pop out.
Like the thread. Though the Million Dollar gimmick is a heel thing. Sr. had to stop handing out cash cause it was getting him over instead of having the fans hate him...enter the basketball challenge. Aside from that I that's a great idea. With his brother coming up there is room for several different directions that could go. Nice.
I don't think it's a matter of changing any one gimmick but more of a give us better reasons why.
The titles should mean everything. They could do well to take a page out of the MMA book and have standings. While there aren't weightclasses perse there is a pecking order. Please don't argue the weekly top 20 or whatever..that's just bullsht.
I feel the audience will invest more in a character in his/her climb to the title than just about anything else. The angles and story lines should revolve around this, not the other way around.
ECW I think is evolving nicely. Really. I'd like this show to further itself from the other two. Maybe even get a crusierweight division rolling.
More wrestling based, solid veterans, great newbies, and a decent commentating team (give Striker n Matherws a chance, they're babies still).

To increase the WWE's cash flow position and generate interest again, I have pages to share but I will just give you my top 5 for now. This is based upon order of importance and based on the roster he currently has active:

1) Cut the PPV's down because your buy rates suck. Way too many and there is no anticipation anymore. Plus, this will force Vinny to produce better TV and not save everything for PPV's. Go with January (Royal Rumble), March/April (Wrestlemania), Move Summerslam to early July, November (Survivor Series) back to Thanksgiving night.

2) Call Dixie Carter and ask for a "working agreement" where they could both own thier own and call thier own shots, but can also help each other make money.

3) Cut the roster by 50%. There are so many useless pieces of crap that never make it on TV anyway or always get hurt.

4) Run a divorce angle and make it appear real, by referring to HHH on live TV as Paul everytime the people talking think the camera is off. Then have a camera "inadvertantly" pick up a brew ha-ha between him and the McMahons firing him for fabricated reasons to protect Stephanie's portfolio in the company. It has to be real and make people think. Then he needs to be completely written off TV, his page be taken down of the site, a press release should be issued, and hence......where the TNA working agreement comes into play; maybe have him sit front row at some events as a guest of Nash. That will create a buzz.

5) Kurt Angle must be retained and become the top babyface on Raw.

Coming soon:

Why to............
Send Orton on a 1 year hiatus
Move Cena To Smackdown and stay face
Disband the women's division
Tell HBK and Taker to go away again until WM
Make Legacy Rhodes, DiBiase, Natlie Neinhart and DH Smith only
Make ECW a legitimate player again
Bring Back Bischoff and Heyman
How's this for an idea?

Have John Cena join up with Triple H and Shawn Michaels in the New DX!!!!!!111!!!!!
All of the kiddies would freak out because their heroes are together in one WICKEDAWESOME faction, man they could have Hornswoggle join in on the fun too. A midget coming out to the ring pointing to his genitals and saying "suck it"- that's entertainment. Triple H could then make a bunch of midget penis jokes adding a whole new dimension to his character. I'm pretty sure all of the kiddie fans wouldn't be kiddies anymore because they would cream their pants at this angle and then officially hit puberty. And could you imagine the sales of a John Cena/DX T-Shirt!!!1111!!!

On second thought, they probably shouldn't do that.
i like a few of the ideas.

Like the trimming of the roster. They haven't released Slam Master J? Really?

As much as people are going to hate this idea, i thought it would be kind of cool to have a 2nd belt on ECW, bring back the hardcore title.
A lot of the wrestlers get their start doing those types of matches (CM Punk). If they did them in WWE, they could get a lot of interest from fans and it could eventually get them over. Ladder matches are awesome, other stuff that would excite people about the wrestler and their abilities.
Just an idea. Unifying it with the IC title was stupid, imo.

Or even bring back the Cruiserweight. i've read a lot of people agree to bring that back, so they could for ECW and give the smaller guys like Chavo matches that aren't him jobbing to a dwarf.
At breaking point they should have cena be attacked backstage by a mystery person so Cena cnt win the match so he can stop saying i will not quit. They should reveal the mystery man as Batista and make batista a heel to help ortan.just like when randy kicked ted in the head and how ted retured and became heel by turning on snuka and manu..batista should unmask after the match do a couple on power bombs and then have him fued with cena for a couple months.Then ortan dosnt have anyone to fued the next night ortan says tht he needs a partner to face cena and mvp for ex....ortan says anyone who wnts to be his partner to come out and jack swaggers music hit and he comes out and oncce ortan wnts to hit the rko on cena..swagger turns ortan around hits the gutwrench powerbomb and then theres a fued with swagger and with chavo and hornswoggle have them have a loser leaves raw and have chavo win and then chavo can have a fued with evan bourne with the lie cheat a steal wins and then have them both get pushes and have title riegns ..
Personally I would bring back Chyna and get her to be the "Locker room leader" for the Divas. I'm sick of women in Wrestling being portrayed as skimpy women who only interview or go in Bikini contests. Now Beth Phoenix is a great example of this generations Chyna.

With Kane I would like to see him bring the mask back but personally I doubt it will happen again, but maybe if the WWE digs up more of Kane's past he could go really psycho and maybe even get put in the Asylum again that would be interesting. I also think that if anyone was to end Takers streak it should be flesh and blood.

I would turn John Cena heel I know many fans who would love to put Cena in the bad guy spot and stop making him so PG. I would keep Triple H the same I really do like him face for now.

Now onto the topic of Undertaker I would like to see if the WWE has any more persona changes for the deadman. As good as he is the Deadman I think a goodheel turn would be the way to go. If we could make him as scary and evil as he seemed to be as his "Ministry" Persona WWE could higher the ratings and make Wrestling seem as real as it used to be.

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