Storm's Promo Work Last Night and the Future

Mr. Wrestling 513

Dark Match Winner
Last night I saw the future, and in this future, I see Cowboy James Storm standing over Bobby Roode with the strap in one hand and the other hand held high. Storm's mic work with Kurt Angle last night, was nothing less than great, and shows that he definitely has what it takes.

We already know the Cowboy is pretty good in the ring, even if he is using a finsher that the Gentleman Chris Adams, and then Shawn Michaels used and ade famous, but his promo last night showed me something more. He is on the way up.

But I DO NOT think they need to have this feud with Angle wrap up after this PPV, and immediately be thrust into the title scene. I think you need these guys to feud for a couple of months, perhaps three. Couple streetfights, couple clean victories for each, until Storm finally overcomes Angle, and Angle puts him over.

In the meantime, Roode could be doing the same thing to Hardy, screwing him out of the title at every opportunity he gets, and dodging him, until Jeff finally gets his shot in a cage or something to that affect. And Roode gets over Jeff.

In my opinion, you have to put Storm over with Angle, and you HAVE to put Roode over with Hardy. Both Angle and Hardy are proven vets, with track records, and the only way the TNA world is going to buy Storm & Roode as main eventers is if they get over big names like this. Then after you have built these guys up, you put Roode/Storm into a feud that goes on for 3-4 months, and have these guys beat the absolute hell out of each other, and have Roode always pull it out somehow, until Storm finally gets his victory, and gets the belt.

This does sound quite realistic. Here is what I see:
Booby Roode will defeat Styles at Final Resolution.
Jeff Hardy wins to become #1 Contender for the title, and ends up winning... maybe?
James Storm, as I see it, will take the title back in early 2012, either from Roode or Hardy.
Complete agree with Storm's promo...excellent work with him and Angle. I really do hope they will continue to build on this fued a bit longer as I can see Angle putting over Storm and Hardy putting over Roode.
Have to admit, that Roode is pushing the heel character a bit too far...AND I'M LOVING IT!!! This is the direction that he needs to stay on to become one of the top tier wrestlers in TNA. And with Storm playing off of his character, you'll have a fued for the ages with these two. But Storm needs to continue to build on his chase a bit more to get them both to that top notch. Really have been enjoying what all four have been doing with each other in their respective fueds.
James Storm definetly has it. I enjoy his ring work and mic work. But I find it hard to believe that Kurt Angle is gonna put anyone over. He said he wanted to wrestle for 3 more years. I appreciate everything Angle has done for wrestling but he seems to be a bit greedy. Maybe he will change my mind and put Storm over.
I agree, he has been on an amazing roll as of late and he's really turning into the face of the company, everyone loves the guy and wants to see him be the one to come back and take his title back from Bobby Roode. At Final Resolution Roode will retain his title and Jeff Hardy will become the number one contender, they will feud for a while and Roode will come out on top again. Storm is going to lose at Final Resolution but I believe he and Angle are going to stretch their feud out while Roode faces Hardy and then in the end Storm comes out on top and will be in hot pursuit of his World Heavyweight Championship. I've always liked Storm but he has become my favorite guy in the organization with his passionate promo skills and outstanding ring work, he has a special charisma that you don't see very often and I love it. I think that this feud is going to be one of the best we've seen in a long time and it is going to cement James Storm as a true champion and legend of TNA.
Yeah his promo last night was one of his best, he left Kurt Angle looking foolish somewhat and that's no easy feat. More than that he's got a real persona he can mold and shape, and he developed it all by himself.

I'll drink to plenty more of where that came from.
Last night I saw the future, and in this future, I see Cowboy James Storm standing over Bobby Roode with the strap in one hand and the other hand held high. Storm's mic work with Kurt Angle last night, was nothing less than great, and shows that he definitely has what it takes.

We already know the Cowboy is pretty good in the ring, even if he is using a finsher that the Gentleman Chris Adams, and then Shawn Michaels used and ade famous, but his promo last night showed me something more. He is on the way up.

But I DO NOT think they need to have this feud with Angle wrap up after this PPV, and immediately be thrust into the title scene. I think you need these guys to feud for a couple of months, perhaps three. Couple streetfights, couple clean victories for each, until Storm finally overcomes Angle, and Angle puts him over.

In the meantime, Roode could be doing the same thing to Hardy, screwing him out of the title at every opportunity he gets, and dodging him, until Jeff finally gets his shot in a cage or something to that affect. And Roode gets over Jeff.

In my opinion, you have to put Storm over with Angle, and you HAVE to put Roode over with Hardy. Both Angle and Hardy are proven vets, with track records, and the only way the TNA world is going to buy Storm & Roode as main eventers is if they get over big names like this. Then after you have built these guys up, you put Roode/Storm into a feud that goes on for 3-4 months, and have these guys beat the absolute hell out of each other, and have Roode always pull it out somehow, until Storm finally gets his victory, and gets the belt.

This is exactly how I would book this feud. TNA has actually been really smart with their booking of angles recently despite what any haters will say. BFG turned out to be the start of something really amazing and they seem like they know what they're doing as proven by not rushing Storm straight into a feud with Roode for the title. Storm and Angle can have an awesome rivalry as we already saw on the mic on Impact and we know they can both go in the ring so I'm excited for this to go for a while with Storm coming out of it looking like a true star and ready to get revenge on his former best friend Roode.

BTW Don't want to go off topic but Roode's promo work has been awesome since he turned heel. He just has so much more charisma and personality than he did as a face. Him and Storm have potential to have one of the feuds of the year and could permanently cement them as the top dogs of the company.

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