Stone Colds last match ?

Hourani777 gonna get GOT!
Sorry if this has been done I could not find it in the forums

Ok so everyone knows the history between stone cold and his neck problems that's why his last match was at wrestlemania 19 against the rock
So in an interview steve Austin was talking about hulk hogan and to never rule out the option of a last match
Here's the link:

So if steve does come back for that last match I've got 4 questions

Who against?
Where at?
how would you build the feud?
And how will you make the match go down?

I'd let Steve go up against Randy orton
At wrestlemania 28
I'd bulid it by stone cold being promoted for the raw before elimination chamber and when he makes his entrance orton attacks him after orton turns heel in the summer
Then by pouring beer over a laid out Austin then at elimination chamber ortons about to win via Rko then Austin appears from under the chamber Shawn michaels style and costs him the title or number one contenders spot. The next night orton comes out saying he's the only true snake in the wwe and Austin comes out amd challengs him to a match at mania and orton accepts and orton have a verbal fight like cena and rock are at the moment and the week before wrestle mania have the contract signing let Austin sign first and before orton signs it he jumps stone cold and hits him with an Rko then signs the contract and does the pose with the beer like Austin does mocking him and at mania have them have a classic bout full of Rko and stunners and after a Rko counter Austin sticks the fingers up and hits a 4th stunner for the win and after the match orton shakes austins hand and stone cold hands him a beer righ before stunning him and leaving the arena after the celebration over a beaten or orton this could easily be show steeler if done right
That's my turn out let's her yours

id love to see austin take on the streak, think about it austin has always had takers number in the past and if anyone can beat it austin can with his whoop ass style
I defintely would not want to see Austin against Randy Orton, Randy Orton cannot hang with Austin on the mic at all and if Austin was to come back I would not want his last feud to be hyped by simply a bunch of sneak finishers.

Stone Cold vs Rock

Stone Cold would be able to have one hell of a program with Alberto Del Rio messing with his cars, his ring announcer, making fun of his accent.

Stone Cold vs Undertaker i would love to see Austin flip the middle finger to taker hit him with the stunner and flip off at 19-0 or 20-0 sign
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock with Vince McMahon as the Special Guest Referee: Wrestlemania 28 The Last Encounter

Well I answered your first two questions there. When Austin returns, there is always a huge pop. When the Rock returned a few weeks ago, the crowned was stunned and the ovation was amazing. It was insane! So think about it, if this was to go down, it could get more buys than any Wrestlemania in the past. Both these men seem to be in shape and I think they could still pull out all the stops and have a good match. It would give them both a while to get ready for it, so they would be in ring shape and able to carry themselves. Around October or November, have the Rock and Austin talk trash through twitter or online interviews. Everyone would think it is real life heat. Austin can always bring up the fact that he defeated Rock 2 out of the 3 times they squared off at the grandest stage of them all. Then in December, at the slammy's we could have Austin present an award and then call out the Rock for a match at Wrestlemania 28. Rock comes back at the Royal Rumble and it would get them more buys for the Rumble too if they announce that Rock would returning to respond to Stone Cold.

Rock returns at the Rumble and rejects Austin's offer. Rock says he is sorry to all the fans who got there hopes up but Rock doesn't want to ruin his reputaion and when he retired from in ring work 8 years ago, he meant he was done for good. Vince McMahon then comes out and calls Rock a coward for not wanting to face Rock. Vince talks bad about Rock and says that he's a sell out and he left WWE for the money. Vince keeps talking trash and eventually Rock gets fed up and does the Rock bottom on Vince. Rock then hits a People's Elbow on Vince and the crowd is eletric. Stone Cold comes out and he gets beer and they look like they are going to celebrate over Vince with a beer bash when Stone Cold goes for a Stunner but Rock sees it and reverses it into a Stunner of his own. Rock then gets on the mic and says, Stone Cold better be ready for Wrestlemania because he has decided that he will return for one last match since Austin wants to do anything to get him in the ring. Rock says he will layeth the smacketh down one last time on Stone Cold's ass and that's the Bottom Line because the Brahma Bull said so!

It is made official and they have two months to hype the match up. On Raw the next night, Vince announces that he will guest referee the match and it will be both Rock and Stone Cold's last match. They do promos back in forth until Wrestlemania and everyone knows Vince will play a major role. Some people think he will screw the Rock like how he got involved in there match at Wrestlemania 17 and some think he will screw Stone Cold.

At Wrestlemania, they have a great match and at the end, Stone Cold Stuns Vince and Rock hits the Rock bottom on Austin. Vince is knocked out and Rock hits the People's Elbow on Vince and Austin. Rock grabs Vince's hand and counts to three. The bell rings and Rock wins in his and Austin's last match.

After the match, Rock raises Austin's hand and they celebrate in tears while drinking beer. This would make Rock vs. Austin 2-2 at Wrestlemania and they would both never wrestle again.
I would disagree about the Rock and Stone Cold both being in shape. I don't think Stone Cold is in ring shape. And it wouldn't be the best match either, I don't think. Because the worst of their three WM matches was at 19... You could tell neither wrestlers, especially Rock at that time, were in top shape, and they were both winded early. If they had another match it wouldn't be up to that level, in my opinion. I don't think Stone Cold should have another match and I think Rock should only have 'one last match' with John Cena. And only at a WrestleMania.
Steve Austin already has his last match eight years ago against The Rock at WrestleMania 19. Notice how it was the last time he wrestled and if he was going to wrestle again I'm sure it would have happened it least once more between then and now. Steve had to let his career go do a few serious injuries. The most severe one being the neck injury which at this point anything that can potentially damage it further can cause possible paralysis to Steve, which is nothing he should have to potentially risk just for the sake of having one last match. Austin's injuries were at their peak in 2003 and due to all the risks taken in that match he hasn't wrestled since and nor do I think he should ever risk his health to such a degree ever again.
I would disagree about the Rock and Stone Cold both being in shape. I don't think Stone Cold is in ring shape. And it wouldn't be the best match either, I don't think. Because the worst of their three WM matches was at 19... You could tell neither wrestlers, especially Rock at that time, were in top shape, and they were both winded early. If they had another match it wouldn't be up to that level, in my opinion. I don't think Stone Cold should have another match and I think Rock should only have 'one last match' with John Cena. And only at a WrestleMania.

Have you seen Rock and Austin lately? They look like they are in better shape now then when they wrestled. They might be a little slow but damn they got the look. Both have gotten bigger and in better shape. I think they would be slow to start the match because of ring rust but once they got going everything would clique. I disagree about your second point because there match at Wrestlemania 19 was better than there match at Wrestlemania 15. Sure Wrestlemania 17 was the best but Wrestlemania 19 was not bad at all. Plus if Vince was the ref, it would make it seem that much bigger and more un predictable because nobody would know if he was going to screw either Rock or Stone Cold. Now I will back up my opinions with these:


Better than


Both classic matches but 19 had more emotion because everyone knew it would be the last encounter between the two in there careers. It also had some funny parts. It might of started off slow but it got better. Rock finally got the victory over Austin.

As far as you saying they aren't in shape, take a look at this.



They look like there in shape to me.
I have two top choices for people that I would want Stone Cold to face in his last match. The two choices are Undertaker and CM Punk. His match against the Undertaker would take place at Wrestlemania and the two just have promos and fights to build up to the match. Videos would be shown showing how great Stone Cold is and how great 'Taker is. I could see the match being a No Holds Barred match or something. I would want Undertaker to win to keep the streak going, but let stone cold come extremely close to defeating him.

It would be quite simple to build up a match between Austin and Punk. Austin attacks Punk while Punk is talking about being straightedge. Austin pours beer on him afterwards and all that stuff. The build up takes off from there with Punk attacking Austin at times and Austin attacking Punk at times. Punk has to cut alot of Promos aimed at Austin. The match would take place at Wrestlemania.
Stone Cold has already wrestled his last match PERIOD

just go watch his OF induction speech from WM25 he shut the door pretty tight in that speech, its not gonna happen let it go people. The man is one bad bump from being paralyzed the risk isn't worth it
Truthfully, I don't think there is anyone in the WWE I would like to see Austin have a match with. (Other than The Rock as someone already said)
The match that has the most probability is Austin vs Orton,which is a shame because I am not a fan of Orton at all, never have, and probably never will be. There is no denying how popular he is with people. I just could not see him interacting with Austin like Rock or Vince could, and unless Austin just whooped him all over an Arena at Mania or something, I don't think I would be very interested.
On the other hand Rock vs Austin w/ Vince as ref is ultimately the dream scenario but seems like just that. I've always heard about Austin's injuries and at this point, considering his last match was at WM 19 seems a little far-fetched. In the far-off possibility it does happen, I would even throw Taker in there, and have an ultimate send-off so to speak.
To everyone saying Stone Cold had his last match already etc the OP Said IF!!! Use your fucking imagination!

Right now thats done I can post in peace.

I'm going to be a bit different and say I want:
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania 28

The reason for me not choosing the obvious fan favourite SCSA vs Orton is because of the opportunity to have an epic fued (Beer Drinker vs Straight Edge Messiah anyone?) and the fact that I think Orton doesnt need the rub, but Punk needs that one fued that will cement him in the main event for life.

Both are great on the mic, both are good in the ring and their gimmicks are absolute opposites. This would be a bit like Hardy vs Punk but to a larger scale mainly around the beer.

I can imagine the match to have good spots like SCSA trying to drop beer on Punk's face and then Punk tries to drop Pepsi on SCSA as a mockery (which Punk does oh so well). I dont know who i'd want to win, Punk for the rub most probably.

EDIT On another note I swear at one point Austin's injuries were so bad he couldn't do a stunner...he did two to JBL, conspiracy theories are go!
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk
WrestleMania XXVIII

Why? Perfect mix. The Straight-Edge superstar CM Punk vs the only Alcohol fueled wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin. Complete opposites.
I think scsa vs cm punk would be great. it would fit well with scsa being a beer drinker and cm punk as a straight edge crusader. cm punk would do well saying how austin is the worst roll model ever, and that he can prove that straight edge can beat the beer drinking icon in scsa.

but i think his last match was perfect. it was against the rock, and he put him over after the rock put him over twice. perfect finish, going down after 3 rock bottoms. i dont think any other match could be as great as that. not just the match, but the rivaly is one of the best ever.
A great finish to the Stone Cold/Orton match - After either wins, they shake hands, Austin kicks Orton in the stomach and goes for the Stunner, while Orton counters with an RKO. I mean, he can counter everything else with an RKO. Ever.
If it had to be against any legends, just from their past feuds, it would be Ricky Steamboat or Bret Hart. Perfect world = Randy Savage.

If i had to choose anyone from today, maybe someone like the miz or wade barrett. i like both of them on the mic, they're not bad workers at all, and austin is not as "old school" as the king, or the other legends who fell at the hands of the nexus. simply put, austin would be the one to show these guys that he was the attitude era, but he'd never have to say it.

the building blocks of the feud would be austins crazy, outrageous antics from the attitude era: kicking the crap out of people, destroying property, defying authority, and drinking more beer. show that he's more reckless than they are.
I think JBL vs SCSA would be a good program if they both came out of retirement. They seem to work good together in the couple of segments theyve been in like the Beer Drinking contest and last weeks announcement of Coles special referee. JBL could say he left the dump that is Texas and became a millonaire in New York city.
Stone Cold vs C.M. Punk would be good if he could have a last match. The Straight Edge Messiah vs The Texas RattleSnake Beer Drinker, that would sell millions.
Austin vs orton would work if orton was still legend killer but hes not no more it could still work though stunner vs rko just austin mic skills would be more better, but austin vs taker yes cause taker never really got a fair chance to be austin in the past like with shawn and taker finally got that chance at wrestlemania 25 and 26
I don't think Austin should ever wrestle anymore. But maybe a Austin/Taker match at Mania would be cool. I don't think Austin should win it by any means. No point in having Austin end the streak. That would be more for someone to elevate their career and become the next big star, but not for someone like Austin or Rock or HHH. Other than that, I wouldn't mind seein a Austin/McMahon match either.
Austin will not wrestle again, he already had his last match, we should all take it as an honor to even be seeing him on WWE tv. musta needed money again or something.
Austin is too banged up to ever have a match that would live up to the hype generated. His knees and his neck are too far gone.

That said, IF it was ever to happen that he were to have "one last program", I have to agree with the people that say CM Punk. Punk would have been great to have during the Attitude Era or the original ECW. His "Straight Edge" schtick would have worked so well against so many people - Austin, the APA, the Sandman, RVD, ...

Randy Orton would be a close second. The Stone Cold Stunner vs. The RKO. Who wouldn't want to see that?

One person I would not want to see him against is The Rock. They had enough matches back in the day - including THREE WrestleMania matches - that we don't need to see them go at it again. If Austin were to return, it should be for a special once-in-a-lifetime matchup, not to rehash a program that's been done.
Austin is too banged up to ever have a match that would live up to the hype generated. His knees and his neck are too far gone.

That said, IF it was ever to happen that he were to have "one last program", I have to agree with the people that say CM Punk. Punk would have been great to have during the Attitude Era or the original ECW. His "Straight Edge" schtick would have worked so well against so many people - Austin, the APA, the Sandman, RVD, ...

Randy Orton would be a close second. The Stone Cold Stunner vs. The RKO. Who wouldn't want to see that?

One person I would not want to see him against is The Rock. They had enough matches back in the day - including THREE WrestleMania matches - that we don't need to see them go at it again. If Austin were to return, it should be for a special once-in-a-lifetime matchup, not to rehash a program that's been done.

I wouldn't mind seeing austin vs. rock, orton or triple h. I think austin vs. punk would have the most appeal. Austin for a long time, esp when the hogan/austin rumors were going around, was saying that his neck and knees were gone, he'd never wrestle again, especially not against hogan. however in 2010, after the expendables was released, austin said he's been feeling great, in great shape, his neck is better than its been in many years and that his knees aren't their worst. he also said in regards to wrestling again: never say never. don't rule it out.
If Randy Orton re-adapted his 'legend killer' gimmick that would be a perfect match.

Can't really think of another match I'd like to see. Watching him shit on Cena would be pretty entertaining, though.
Austin isn't going to come out of retirement for Orton or CM Punk, I'd bet my house on it. The only match you might see him in is a squash match where he doesn't have to bump (vs Michael Cole for example), I don't even think he'd come back to wrestle hogan. Who would carry who? it'd be an awful match. Hogan is way too far gone anyway.

And of course Rocky and Austin look better now, they aren't on the road 300 days a year, are probably free from injury and can rest/eat/work out at their leisure. Oh and of course there's no wellness policy in hollywood.
Have you seen Rock and Austin lately? They look like they are in better shape now then when they wrestled. They might be a little slow but damn they got the look. Both have gotten bigger and in better shape. I think they would be slow to start the match because of ring rust but once they got going everything would clique. I disagree about your second point because there match at Wrestlemania 19 was better than there match at Wrestlemania 15. Sure Wrestlemania 17 was the best but Wrestlemania 19 was not bad at all. Plus if Vince was the ref, it would make it seem that much bigger and more un predictable because nobody would know if he was going to screw either Rock or Stone Cold. Now I will back up my opinions with these:


Better than


Both classic matches but 19 had more emotion because everyone knew it would be the last encounter between the two in there careers. It also had some funny parts. It might of started off slow but it got better. Rock finally got the victory over Austin.

As far as you saying they aren't in shape, take a look at this.



They look like there in shape to me.

Well we can assume that both Rock and Austin are at LEAST in movie shape, but RING shape is a whole other ordeal... Can they both perform a suplex or samoan drop and nip up like nothing just happened? I just wonder.
Those were just my opinions though... You may be right, however, I don't see it happening, nor do I want to see another Stone Cold match. It's been too long, he has his neck to worry about, and I doubt he'd have incentive enough to risk it. The Rock on the other hand has nothing holding him back but his movie career, and his incentive would be demand for Rock vs Cena. Wrong?

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