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Stone Cold vs. The Rock


Pre-Show Stalwart
To start things off this thread is NOT about who would win in a match, or who is a bigger draw, or who is more popular, or who is better on the microphone, or anything like that. This thread is about Loyalty to the business. Seeing as Raw's 15th Anniversary is coming up in a few weeks i have been reading reports on Wrestlezone.com that Austin has been confirmed while the WWE has reached out to The Rock but he has yet to confirm anything. Even if he does confirm anything it may only be a taped video appearance and nothing live in the arena. So i guess what i am basicallyl asking is there really any comparing Stone Cold to The Rock when it comes to loyalty to the business. Whenever a big event needs some star power Austin is always there for the business that helped make him who he is today in society, whereas the Rock is nowhere to be found.

The Rock didnt make The Rock.
Vince McMahon didnt make The Rock.
...The fans are the ones who made The Rock. It doesnt matter how many times he siad "If you smell..." or "It doesnt matter..." and so cause if the fans didnt get behind him he would not be where he is today making money in movies.

All i am saying is i think he owes to the WWE to make an appearance at a very big milestone for the company. He does not need to wrestle but he should be there live and get in the ring and cut a promo. Think of the reaction if all of a sudden everyone hears "IF ya smell what the rock is cooking". The place would go absolutely nuts.

What are your thoughts on the Loyalty of these two mega-stars?
What are your thoughts and feelings about The Rock in this situation?
The rock yes he saved the WWE along with Austin in the attiude era , yes hes a future hall of famer. Yes he bullshited how he has WWE in his blood and how he loves this company to much. But to say The rock is Loyal to the company...well lookign at the thing at the moment any one would know that The Rock Doesnt care or give a shit about this company any more and he totally sold us out. Yes Austin walked out on us in 2002 but Yet wen ever we need him he always there , wether shooting a movie or not he's always there for us. I was a HUGE and I mean Huge Rocky fan but now that I realized that he doesnt give any shit about us. That's why I never would consider Rock the greatest Superstar to step in this ring.
the rock is a busy man, he cant always be around when we need him

stone cold isnt doing anything so hes got all kinds of time to make appearances

the rock has been working nonstop on his movie career

the rock has also had arguable the best career of any wwe wrestler: he won 9 world championships (including the 2 wcw championships) and went out on top

let him move on to bigger and better things

i highly doubt hes forgotten about all his fans
The rock yes he saved the WWE along with Austin in the attiude era , yes hes a future hall of famer. Yes he bullshited how he has WWE in his blood and how he loves this company to much. But to say The rock is Loyal to the company...well lookign at the thing at the moment any one would know that The Rock Doesnt care or give a shit about this company any more and he totally sold us out. Yes Austin walked out on us in 2002 but Yet wen ever we need him he always there , wether shooting a movie or not he's always there for us. I was a HUGE and I mean Huge Rocky fan but now that I realized that he doesnt give any shit about us. That's why I never would consider Rock the greatest Superstar to step in this ring.

Can ask you one thing here? Will you please explain to me how the Rock did not care about the WWE?

First of all from 02-03 he helped put over Lesnar in 02, he lost to the Hurricane in 03 i believe leading up to the Rock vs Austin showdown at WM. He lost to Goldberg at Backlash putting Goldberg over cleanly. Where Austin has continuously walked out when He didn't get his way, the Rock did not sell out to the fans, he did whats best for him and his family, by basically pro-longing his life, he makes more money while he is acting, he doesn't take the beating like he did when he was a WWE superstar, and he doesn't have the dreaded WWE schedule, and last but not least he spends more time with his family. Besides Didn't he cut a promo last year and i believe he asked for no money, where Austin gets paid every time he appears. Yeah the Rock is soooooo Selfish.

The Rock didnt make The Rock.
Vince McMahon didnt make The Rock.
...The fans are the ones who made The Rock. It doesnt matter how many times he siad "If you smell..." or "It doesnt matter..." and so cause if the fans didnt get behind him he would not be where he is today making money in movies.

All i am saying is i think he owes to the WWE to make an appearance at a very big milestone for the company. He does not need to wrestle but he should be there live and get in the ring and cut a promo. Think of the reaction if all of a sudden everyone hears "IF ya smell what the rock is cooking". The place would go absolutely nuts.
Alright now let me get back to the question here. How does the Rock owe it to us the Fans or the WWE as a whole? He has made the wwe tons of money throughout his career, he was a major star for most of his career, and he was part of probably one of the biggest Era in the history of professional wrestling. The Rock does not owe the fans or the WWE anything, he paid his dues, he took his beating, he made the WWE tons and tons of money, and lastly, without ever being in the WWE he wouldn't be the actor he is now.

Both Rock and Austin were mega stars for the company and they helped make Vince Mcmahon tons of money, they owe us and the WWE absolutely nothing by appearing at the fifteenth anniversary show.
The Rock is too big for WWE right now and returning may jeopardize his acting career which is blossoming as we speak. I may be in the minority here, but I always thought sports entertainers were meant to evolve into something better, not remain wrestlers forever.

The Rock is one of the few who was able to do that through movies. He doesn't need to come back. It's like a college freshman trying to go back and enroll for classes at the high school he graduated from.

That's my only quam with Chris Jericho right now. He did all he could do in the business. Then he went out and tried to go mainstream with Fozzy. When that bombed, he caved and returned to the ring. One step forward and the two steps back.
The rock yes he saved the WWE along with Austin in the attiude era , yes hes a future hall of famer. Yes he bullshited how he has WWE in his blood and how he loves this company to much. But to say The rock is Loyal to the company...well lookign at the thing at the moment any one would know that The Rock Doesnt care or give a shit about this company any more and he totally sold us out. Yes Austin walked out on us in 2002 but Yet wen ever we need him he always there , wether shooting a movie or not he's always there for us. I was a HUGE and I mean Huge Rocky fan but now that I realized that he doesnt give any shit about us. That's why I never would consider Rock the greatest Superstar to step in this ring.

So the Rock sold out cause he decided to make a career change, he decided to do something else he was successful at in acting, that made him as much if not more money than he made in WWE, he sold out cause he moved onto a career that allowed him to spend more time with his family, and if the Rock didn't give a shit about the company than why did he cut a promo last year right before WM (remember the Umaga stands for a Monkey penis promo) and didn't even ask for any payment, Austin gets paid for every appearance he makes, and to say Austin has always been there for us even when he's making a movie, well Austin has only made one movie where the Rock has been putting out movies year after year, Rocks movie schedule is far more busy than Austins, thus not allowing Rock to make as many appearances as Austin, what do you want, the Rock to forfeit millions of dollars he would make from a movie just so he could make a couple of appearances on Raw?, maybe your the one who is selfish, after all your the one that wants Rock to sacrifice, money, time with his family, and his health just to entertain you
Regardless of whether anyone believes the Rock "OWES" the WWE for his tenure, it would simply be a gesture of respect and loyalty on Rocks part to his FANS!!! Forget about his loyalty to WWE for a minute. The Rock is who he is today because of the fans in the WWE, and if he is now above all of them, then he truly is a hollywood piece of shit!!! Austin still realizes the importance of his fans and his relationship with the WWE. Rock seems as if he has completely detached himself from the WWE. I don't care how busy he is, this is where he started his hole career, if it was not for those WWE fans, he would not have the movie careeer he does now!!! nobody is asking him to rejoin the WWE road schedule, or even wrestle.. Just a simple Monday night RAW anniversary promo. Is that really too much to ask????
I dont want The Rock to get back on the road with the WWE. All i want is one night where he comes to Raw cuts a promo maybe a rock bottom and peoples elbow thats it. I just think if he were there it would make the thing so much more memorable. He doesnt owe anyone anything i just think it would be a great way to give back and step onto the show that he was a staple of for during hte most prosperous years of RAW. Thats all one night.
the rock is a busy man, he cant always be around when we need him

This is what I do not understand. No one ever asked him to be around often whenever he is needed. Whenever a late night show wants him, The Rock will hesitate less to make an appearance. When The Rock is asked to make a movie, he will do it. When The Rock is asked to be a guest on a radio show, he will be more than glad to do it, but The Rock wants absolutely NOTHING to do with professional wrestling. If he's very busy like claimed, I'm sure he would be too busy to make appearances on other shows on the television or the radio, and how many years was it already since we last seen The Rock? No, the taped segment from last year doesn't count.

I say once or twice per year wouldn't hurt at all. Reject appearing on the Jay Leno show and make an appearance on RAW instead. Stone Cold is still giving back to the fans that made him, so I don't understand why The Rock refuses to give anything back at all.

Overall, I feel Austin has more of a passion than The Rock ever did, not only because of Rocky Maivia refusing to appear on WWE for many years. When The Rock is asked what he misses from the wrestling business, he would usually say something like going on the mic and entertaining. Overall I feel that The Rock had fun as an entertainer for the WWE. He sure loved being on the mic and acting. I feel that The Rock got into the business only because of his father and his mother's father.

Steve Austin, on the other hand, differs from The Rock. Steve Austin expressed many times he is a wrestler (unlike The Rock which he would respond an entertainer). Steve Austin had a long road and spent many years paying his dues, moving from one promotion to another until he got what he deserved. It took him 8 years to just get on the top when it took The Rock only two short years.

Overall, there are major differences between The Rock and Steve Austin. Rocky sees it all strictly as entertainment. Steve Austin sees it as professional wrestling. Rocky left by choice to continue entertaining in movie theaters while he was still young and healthy. Steve Austin stepped out of the ring because of bad knees and a bad neck and was in no condition to wrestle anymore unless he wanted to live his final years all crippled. The Rock moved on with his life separating himself from wrestling, despite he knows that his fans would like to see an appearance. Steve Austin moved on with his life but he makes an appearance here and there because he loved/loves the business.

The Rock was the entertainer, and Steve Austin was the professional wrestler. Both former champions are still contributing to what they love which your answer can be found like that.
The reason why Rock shows up on these late night shows is because they get more exposure for his movies. Late night talk shows get more mainstream coverage then the Rock showing up on Raw.

Wrestling fans need to realize one thing, the business isn't as big as you like to think it is. It gets 3 and a half million viewers a week on it's flagship show. Very impressive considering that the population of the United States is floating somewhere around 400 Million people. So what does the Rock gain from exposing himself, and possibly injuring himself to less then 1% of the population, how about nothing?

The Rock doesn't owe anyone anything. He only wrestled full time for less then 5 years guys. Survivor Series in November 1996 to the week after Wrestlemania 17 in 2001. Sure he had a 6 month run, but that's it. He's been out of wrestling now longer then he was in wrestling.

The Rock isn't some wrestler that acts on the side. He's an Action star that happened to be a wrestler. In 20 years people are going to remember the Rock like they remember Arnold Schwarzenneger. They remember Arnold for starring in kick ass movies, not for being a bodybuilder, it's just something he happened to do before he moved on.

God forbid people decide to move on with their lives. He came back, jobbed to Goldberg, Jobbed to the Hurricane, jobbed to Lesnar. In 5 years he was a 7 time WWE champion and 2 time WCW champion, he had 9 title reigns in a little more then 5 years, tell me, what else does he have to prove?

People need to face facts, the Rock is done. Outside of the once a year promo, he's gone. If you haven't realized this yet, you need to turn the remote to off on Monday night and take a look at the outside world.
The reason why Rock shows up on these late night shows is because they get more exposure for his movies. Late night talk shows get more mainstream coverage then the Rock showing up on Raw.

Wrestling fans need to realize one thing, the business isn't as big as you like to think it is. It gets 3 and a half million viewers a week on it's flagship show. Very impressive considering that the population of the United States is floating somewhere around 400 Million people. So what does the Rock gain from exposing himself, and possibly injuring himself to less then 1% of the population, how about nothing?

The Rock doesn't owe anyone anything. He only wrestled full time for less then 5 years guys. Survivor Series in November 1996 to the week after Wrestlemania 17 in 2001. Sure he had a 6 month run, but that's it. He's been out of wrestling now longer then he was in wrestling.

The Rock isn't some wrestler that acts on the side. He's an Action star that happened to be a wrestler. In 20 years people are going to remember the Rock like they remember Arnold Schwarzenneger. They remember Arnold for starring in kick ass movies, not for being a bodybuilder, it's just something he happened to do before he moved on.

God forbid people decide to move on with their lives. He came back, jobbed to Goldberg, Jobbed to the Hurricane, jobbed to Lesnar. In 5 years he was a 7 time WWE champion and 2 time WCW champion, he had 9 title reigns in a little more then 5 years, tell me, what else does he have to prove?

People need to face facts, the Rock is done. Outside of the once a year promo, he's gone. If you haven't realized this yet, you need to turn the remote to off on Monday night and take a look at the outside world.

At the same time, this thread is more about who is or was more loyal to the business because Steve Austin can admit that he loved being a WRESTLER. If you go back 7 years, The Rock would admit that he loved being an ENTERTAINER. I always felt The Rock had more passion for being an actor on the camera whether it was for the Scorpion King or WWE SmackDown! and getting on the mic making an impact on an audience from his performance. Even if this question was asked in 2001, I would still be able to admit that I feel that Steve Austin's is greater than The Rock's.

The reason why many people would get pissed off that The Rock moved away from wrestling completely is because 90% of the time a wrestler would claim that the business is in his blood and would stay loyal as a professional wrestler or as an ex-professional wrestler until the day they die. You would see Steve Austin making appearances on Monday Night RAW. You still see Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker in the WWE after many years, even if there's nothing left to prove other than the love for the business. Harley Race can be spotted backstage or sitting in ringside at shows here and there. The expectation would be the same for all wrestlers and the assumption would have been The Rock would do the same as all other wrestling legends does, but like I said, it's rare for a major star like The Rock to be able to completely move on with his life away from wrestling because it's not common. The same expectations would be the same as other legends of the business.
But you also have to remember to, Austin and McMahon have a very tumultuous relationship at best. Austin is known on walking out on events if he isn't booked properly, that's not very loyal. Say what you will about the Rock, but as far as I can remember, he's never no showed an event, while Austin has at least twice. That's breaking the cardinal rule of the business. Unlike Bret, Austin didn't have creative control over his character, so if the WWE wanted him to job to Brock, he should have. The Rock on the other hand did what he was asked, and put Brock over, that's a big difference.

The Rock understands this business, because his father went through it. The Rock was probably pretty damn familiar with what happens to guys if they hang out in the business too long. Sure, the Rock is an entertainer, so why should he be considered any less loyal? The Rock could do nothing else in the business. He did everything he needed to. He rose to the top, made a lot of money, and put over younger talent on the way out the door. He didn't pull a Hogan and refuse to put anyone over, he didn't pull an Austin and walk out when he was asked to job to Brock. The Rock did what he had to do, and did it with class.

Austin, I like him and all, but I think he doesn't have anything else left. He is a wrestler, through and through, the Rock isn't. The Rock has branched out, and has found success that few in the business can outside of being labeled a wrestler. Austin has nothing else to do, plain and simple. I simply don't think you can question the Rocks loyalty, he was loyal, he simply moved on, and he doesn't owe anyone anything.

Hell, even the Rock suggested that if he were to come back, he would love to play a heel against Rey Mysterio and put him over. That's a guy that simply gets the business.
But you also have to remember to, Austin and McMahon have a very tumultuous relationship at best. Austin is known on walking out on events if he isn't booked properly, that's not very loyal. Say what you will about the Rock, but as far as I can remember, he's never no showed an event, while Austin has at least twice. That's breaking the cardinal rule of the business. Unlike Bret, Austin didn't have creative control over his character, so if the WWE wanted him to job to Brock, he should have. The Rock on the other hand did what he was asked, and put Brock over, that's a big difference.

IMHO (which I could be wrong) there was a difference. Back in 2002 I'm sure The Rock knew he was on his way out of the business. He had to lose the title so he could take another hiatus to start filming for another film, and The Rock payed his dues while he walked out of the door (okay, I give him credit for that). I'm sure that Steve Austin (in the other hand) felt he still had power left in him to still be in the top, but this goes beyond just jobbing to Brock Lesnar. It started from WrestleMania X8 timing when he was in a match against Scott Hall when he felt he should of been in the main event or at least the second high profiled match. At the time, Scott Hall didn't want to work the match either because he already got tired of the WWE life style and suggested Kevin Nash to face Austin instead which I'm sure did not mentally help Austin at all.

After being very successful from 1998 - 2001, the WWE slowly started to drop his stardom and massively incorrectly pushed Brock Lesnar since the day he made his debut which would piss me off too and would be very unfair. At the same time, the assumption was Steve Austin was messed up from "roid rage" by attacking his wife the next day and running away. One way or the other, I'm sure all of these actions didn't happen at the same time from a coincidence. There had to be something else going on in Austin's life at the time.

The Rock didn't have a lengthy career and experienced such a time like Steve Austin did. It took Austin 8 years to get to become the champion when it only took The Rock 2 short years. You would think after doing your profession for that long working very hard, failing time after time again it would hunger you up even more until you reached the point of success which Austin did at WrestleMania 14, when The Rock never experienced all what Austin did which many wrestlers would normally get "married" to the business after a career Austin did when The Rock got the push quickly and accomplished the main goal; to defeat the biggest name ever, Hulk Hogan which was probably the point of success for The Rock. The Rock accomplished so much in such a short time and found success else where that was easier on him, especially seeing he did everything he had to in 4 short years which one would assume there wouldn't be as big of a connection as Austin's after his lengthy career.

The only problem was Austin had a ego. It's just like Kurt Angle [in a way]. Angle did the ultimate thing by leaving the business after getting suspended numerous times and for his massive ego backstage because he didn't want to put new talent over int he ECW roster and was more about his own stardom and wanted to be the spotlight of the show and he felt his stardom was slowly sinking, but how can one claim that Kurt Angle doesn't have such a great passion or loyalty to the business? The only true problem/s are egos.

The Rock moving on in Hollywood is his choice and I respect it, but I'm only explaining why I feel Austin was more of a loyal wrestler.
even if austin is the more loyal wrestler i dont think anyone should have any hard feelings towards the rock. when we look back on the rocks wrestling career we will remember him as the guy who could keep us entertained like none other and accomplished so much and left the business on top to find success elsewhere

he really had nothing left to do in wwe and in all likelihood he has added years to his life by moving on so just let it go

and besides, this makes his rare appearances all that more special
even if austin is the more loyal wrestler i dont think anyone should have any hard feelings towards the rock. when we look back on the rocks wrestling career we will remember him as the guy who could keep us entertained like none other and accomplished so much and left the business on top to find success elsewhere

he really had nothing left to do in wwe and in all likelihood he has added years to his life by moving on so just let it go

and besides, this makes his rare appearances all that more special

yea it does make his rare appearances all that more special i agree but how special is just a video on the titan tron. if he came live for one night the place would go nuts i guarantee it and everyone on here would be the same way. he doesnt havve anything left to do in the wwe i agree but whats wrong with giving back one night to the company and fans who made you who you are today. Especially on a big anniversary for the wwe like this is going to be.
Well whose to say that the Rock won't show up though? He did manage to put a promo out there this year for Wrestlemania, even though I think that was mainly done to help put over Umaga, which I think they are related?

Anywho, people also have to remember with the Rock, he's third generation. He has been surrounded by the business his entire life. It was just a simple thing for him and an almost guaranteed job for him if all else failed. Football was his first passion, and he wasn't good enough, therefore he did the job he was breed to do, and was very successful in doing it.

At 30 years of age when he left, he had been in the business or around it for all of those 30 years. I for one would get sick of doing or being around the same thing for 30 years.
The Rock had a passion for the business. But he simply wanted to move on in life. What probably happened is he agreed to do "The Mummy Returns," just for a brief thing, and he rpobably fell in love with it and decided he wanted to do more of it.

The Rock didn't forsake his fans, or sell out, or any of that; he moved on. Plain and simple. He still cares for his fans, but as far as wrestling goes, he's done. He wanted to retire quietly, and he did that. He's not asking for anything, he just wanted to move into another direction in his life.

The Rock didn't have to come back after WrestleMania X7. Rock was set for life, for his new career as an actor, and everything in 2001. But The Rock came back for his fans in mid-2001, in mid-2002, in early 2003, and even for a little tiny bit in 2004. The Rock DID give back to the fans. He didn't have to come back at all after 2001, but he did because he wanted to.

So, basically: I believe that The Rock had a great, great passion for the wrestling industry, but somewhere int here he found a new passion. So what? That's life. If you were a sacker at Wal-Mart, and then got bumped up to a Manager, would you go back to being a Sacker just because your bosses liked you as a sacker? No. Rock moved on, not selfishly. We can't expect anymore form him.

As for Steve Austin, I too believe he has a great passion for the business. He still does. But even Austin has admitted that he would like to move onto a full-time movie career. The point is, people move on. They are grateful and happy for their past, but they also want to do new things for their future. We, the fans, shouldn't be so selfish and demanding.

But all of that is just my opinion.
The reason why Rock shows up on these late night shows is because they get more exposure for his movies. Late night talk shows get more mainstream coverage then the Rock showing up on Raw.

Wrestling fans need to realize one thing, the business isn't as big as you like to think it is. It gets 3 and a half million viewers a week on it's flagship show. Very impressive considering that the population of the United States is floating somewhere around 400 Million people. So what does the Rock gain from exposing himself, and possibly injuring himself to less then 1% of the population, how about nothing?

The Rock doesn't owe anyone anything. He only wrestled full time for less then 5 years guys. Survivor Series in November 1996 to the week after Wrestlemania 17 in 2001. Sure he had a 6 month run, but that's it. He's been out of wrestling now longer then he was in wrestling.

The Rock isn't some wrestler that acts on the side. He's an Action star that happened to be a wrestler. In 20 years people are going to remember the Rock like they remember Arnold Schwarzenneger. They remember Arnold for starring in kick ass movies, not for being a bodybuilder, it's just something he happened to do before he moved on.

God forbid people decide to move on with their lives. He came back, jobbed to Goldberg, Jobbed to the Hurricane, jobbed to Lesnar. In 5 years he was a 7 time WWE champion and 2 time WCW champion, he had 9 title reigns in a little more then 5 years, tell me, what else does he have to prove?

People need to face facts, the Rock is done. Outside of the once a year promo, he's gone. If you haven't realized this yet, you need to turn the remote to off on Monday night and take a look at the outside world.

NO he's a Wrestler that happend to be a movie start. Just watch both and you will see what I'm talking about. Yea I alright People have a point on why The Rock it's better for him to do movies that Wreslting but what bothers me the most is the promo he did in 2002 after Austin Walked out and how he doesn't want do anythign with the Wrestling buisness anymore , wtf is that all about ?
Um, because Austin walked out when he was contracted and signed to a WWE contract. He walked out because is ego in 2002 was being put into check because he didn't get the match with Hogan at Wrestlemania, and that he wasn't the man anymore. He couldn't handle that Brock Lesnar was becoming hotter then him and that he was asked to lie on his back and job for Brock. The business passed Austin by, and he didn't realize it.

You know why the Rock and Austin are different, because the Rock announced that he was leaving to Vince McMahon. He didn't walk out because he had to job someone, it's really just that simple. The Rock came, he saw, and he conquered the business, and he moved on.

Like I said, the Rock will be remembered by most as an action star that wrestled before he was an actor, much like Arnold isn't remembered for being a body builder, it's just something he happened to do.
I seriously doubt that people will remember The Rock as an action star over being a wrestler. I mean, yea, Arnie's remembered as an actor and not a body builder, but that's because he's... y'know, made a fuck load of movies and got lucky with the odd few, i.e. Terminator, Predator... um. The Rock was a massive wrestling star and now he's a mediocre actor. I can't even think of a movie that could be described without some sort of condition that it was an action movie. Besides, they all suck. It's nothing against him, well, I guess it is, it's just that I think he'll be remembered as a wrestler over an actor.
Um, because Austin walked out when he was contracted and signed to a WWE contract. He walked out because is ego in 2002 was being put into check because he didn't get the match with Hogan at Wrestlemania, and that he wasn't the man anymore. He couldn't handle that Brock Lesnar was becoming hotter then him and that he was asked to lie on his back and job for Brock. The business passed Austin by, and he didn't realize it.

Actually Austin turned down the chance to fight Hogan. He prefered to be in a mid card match with Hall than to face the Hulkster. Austin was on the slide in 2002, but Hogan/Austin would still have been a bigger match than Hogan/Rock. While The Rock was huge star he was always second to Austin.

And I think Austin was right to refuse to job to Lesnar. The match was happeneing on Raw. That match should have been on PPV. I think Austin had every right to say no. I'm not saying he shouldn't have lost on PPV, but promoting a Raw match between the two would have been a waste of money. That booking decision was almost as stupid as booking Goldberg/Hogan on Nitro.
Actually Austin turned down the chance to fight Hogan. He prefered to be in a mid card match with Hall than to face the Hulkster. Austin was on the slide in 2002, but Hogan/Austin would still have been a bigger match than Hogan/Rock. While The Rock was huge star he was always second to Austin.

And I think Austin was right to refuse to job to Lesnar. The match was happeneing on Raw. That match should have been on PPV. I think Austin had every right to say no. I'm not saying he shouldn't have lost on PPV, but promoting a Raw match between the two would have been a waste of money. That booking decision was almost as stupid as booking Goldberg/Hogan on Nitro.

I wasn't aware of the first part. I always was a little mystified as to why Rock got the nod over Austin to face Hogan? I wonder if the WWE was afraid of trying to reestablish Austin as a face against Hogan wouldn't have worked? The Rock stole so many of his phrases and style from Scott Hall, that just seemed like a better fit.

And onto the Lesnar thing, I get the no hyping, but it's still what the company wanted. And unless Austin had character control written into his contract, then he should have done what was asked for him. If the company wanted to throw away a big money match for Monday Night Raw, then that's on them. I think that show was in Atlanta, and the WWE was still trying to establish itself in WCW territory, so it made sense to have a big match like that.
I wasn't aware of the first part. I always was a little mystified as to why Rock got the nod over Austin to face Hogan? I wonder if the WWE was afraid of trying to reestablish Austin as a face against Hogan wouldn't have worked? The Rock stole so many of his phrases and style from Scott Hall, that just seemed like a better fit.

Rock was a better opponent in the end anyway. Austin would have built up heat by stomping on Hogan while he was posing. Rocky built it up more by posing back and forth.

And onto the Lesnar thing, I get the no hyping, but it's still what the company wanted. And unless Austin had character control written into his contract, then he should have done what was asked for him. If the company wanted to throw away a big money match for Monday Night Raw, then that's on them. I think that show was in Atlanta, and the WWE was still trying to establish itself in WCW territory, so it made sense to have a big match like that.

I feel that wrestlers should job to whoever that are told to, but I also don't think that big money matches should be given away on TV, unless it is a rematch. The match was announced at the beginning of the show, it wasn't even promoted for a week.

But I think Austin wanted a reason to walk out, and that was his. I read or saw that he needed time off/ Why he couldn't ask for it, I don't know.

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