"Stone Cold" Steve Austin reveals if he'll be at WMXXX


Championship Contender
Source: TMZ

WWE Hall of Famer "Stone Cold" Steve Austin confirmed he will be at WrestleMania XXX this Sunday. TMZ caught up to Austin at the New Orleans airport, who confirmed appearing at the event. As for what he'll be doing this Sunday, he said that you'll have to tune in.
"That's breaking news, I cannot tell you right here at the airport!" Austin said.

Another reason added to watch WM. It's gonna interesting to Austin's role at this one especially since he said he "predicts" Punk will be at WM 30.

Rock appearing too will be great, I really hope they set up Rock Vs. Brock for next years WM.
Oh Hell Yea!!! It's not wrestlemania without the Texas rattlesnake. So glad he's gonna be there. Wasn't really excited for the event but now I am.
This was inevitable and predictable but it doesn't mean I'm not excited. This Mania needs Austin. Andre, Hogan, Warrior, Austin, HHH, Taker and Cena all involved is pretty good going. Add maybe 2/3 big names for the pre-show and they have got almost everyone who is alive and worthy of being part of WM30.

It is hard to think Austin doesn't come out and give someone a stunner. Barrett is the obvious option but 3MB could work as well. Arrive, Stunner, drink beer, leave. Easy stuff.
For once OP made a thread that didn't make me want to suffocate a puppy but Rock, Hogan, Austin, Bret, and Shawn have to be there; it wouldn't make sense is they weren't seeing as it's 30th anniversary.
I don't care if Punk returns or not, but if he does I sure as hell hope Austin doesn't get involved in anything he does at Wrestlemania or in the WHC title match as some people around here have suggested. You've got the two biggest names in WWE history on the same show at the 30th anniversary of that show, Hogan and Austin - seriously do something with them and create a new epic moment for the ages. Maybe book a segment similar to Piper's Pit at Wrestlemania 21, where Hogan and Austin finally confront each other in the ring (maybe Austin could interrupt Hogan while he hypes up the show or the Andre Battle Royal), 3MB decide to interrupt, and both Hogan & Austin open up a can of whoop ass on all 3, before celebrating with some Steveweisers.

How about the next night on Raw, Hogan and Austin confront each other again, but this time Cena decides to interrupt them and join em in the ring. The 3 top stars of the Golden Era, the Attitude Era, and the current era, all standing together in the same ring at the same time.
This was inevitable and predictable but it doesn't mean I'm not excited. This Mania needs Austin. Andre, Hogan, Warrior, Austin, HHH, Taker and Cena all involved is pretty good going. Add maybe 2/3 big names for the pre-show and they have got almost everyone who is alive and worthy of being part of WM30.

It is hard to think Austin doesn't come out and give someone a stunner. Barrett is the obvious option but 3MB could work as well. Arrive, Stunner, drink beer, leave. Easy stuff.

That will get my guys in the 3MB some airtime, let's make it happen!
He'll probably just dole out a couple Stone Cold Stunners, call for some Steve-weisers and have a beer bash in the ring.

It would be awesome if they had Rock and Stone Cold in the ring with Hulk Hogan but that won't happen as I believe Rock's "appearance" will be pre-taped.
Pumped that the rattlesnake will be at Mania. Wouldn't be the biggest WM ever with out Stone Cold Steve Austin. In a perfect world where all my dream wrestling predictions come true, Stone Cold would come out start talking and then. . . . .static noise, cue cult of personality! CM Punk returns to set up a blockbuster match at WrestleMania 31! Sounds crazy, but hey Steve Austin is going to be at Mania, and he himself said he predicts that CM Punk will return at WrestleMania XXX. Who Knows what could happen?

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