Stone Cold should beat Seth Rollins

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Stone Cold should beat Seth Rollins in a money in the bank contract.

When Stone Cold beats Seth Rollins, we can have Stone Cold against Lesnar "who never shows up".

And that could take the feud from 2002 when Austin left the company because he didn't want to job to Lesnar.

Seth Rollins doesn't draw and he is not as good as Austin.

Honestly no one wants to see Ziggler and Seth because they are not good.

And if Austin wins the title no one can say that The Rock and Undertaker were better then him, And that he was just a product of late 90's, Jerry-Springer show, like Dean Ambrose said about Attitude Era, and it was terrible crap.

Dean Ambrose is more like terrible crap, and nothing compares to Austin.

Austin saves wrestlemania and owns all the fans as he always does like bitches.

So set up for Austin vs Lesnar "the worst wwe champion who never shows up"
So, according to you, Rollins and Ziggler are no good, but Austin is a great worker? Check my name, son!!

Austin was a good worker, don't get me wrong, but his draw was his personality and brawling.

You do understand, OP, that wrestling is predetermined? Austin beating anyone, much less Rollins, kills the guy he beats? Further, you understand that Austin is not coming back to wrestle and certainly not to be champ? Finally, you do understand that doing that at Mania and having Lesnar "not show up" in a Main event who be the death nail to the Network, PPV, and possibly the WWE, right?


Just for the record, Stone Cold would probably be broken in half by Brock given his condition, and doing a story from so long ago makes no sense whatsoever because they actually did have a face-off after 2002 anyways.

As for the crap about Rollins and Ambrose. They are the future. Austin is the past, and his time is gone to be headlining Mania. No use going back when the company needs to be going forward.

Cheers. :)
I agree with the OP. Stone Cold clearly hates pro wrestling and especially his fans. He shows up when he needs a few bucks but is still too good to wrestle because he is above it all.

Beating Rollins for the MitB briefcase would be a great opportunity for Stone Cold's fans but he hates his fans and he hates wrestling. He wouldn't even show up for Raw's 20th Anniversary Special.

Amazing idea OP. Vince should hire you to book but I don't think you should have to deal with snobs like Stone Cold.
Stone Cold is great. He don't need to do anything more..He has been there and is the greatest..

Now SETH is doing a great job in my opinion. He will surely be the WWE champion soon..

Randy should be the one to face Brock at WM 31 where Brock wins but Randy drops him with an RKO in the end and SETH should cash in and win the title so that Brock could leave WWE..

PS: Stop smoking that bud you crackhead..
Thank you OP for bringing back the serious thought provoking truth to these forums. Austin not only should but must return and save wrestling. By the time WM rolls around he should unite all the titles. With him as the single glorious champion he can then turn his attention to North Korea, Isis, White Cops, Homo Life Unions, Imported Beer and other items bothering America.
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