Stone Cold - Rock Confrontation WM27


Dark Match Winner
Anyone here excited at the possibility of The Rock and Stone Cold facing each other at Mania 27 probably a backstage segment...

The Rock being the host will most likely do a LOT of backstage segments and I believe this will be one of them.. that would really give me the chills..

even though it is just a backstage thing, i would still mark out.. this is the rivalry i had passion with back in the days..
I don't see it. The Rock and Stone Cold in a stare down would be a nice site to see for the older fans who witnessed their matches at Mania, but their last match was back in 03, that rivalry has been dead for a long time.

Furthermore, that would release some of the tension between Rock and Cena. I'm not saying that it would totally ruin everything that Rock and Cena have been doing, but do we really want to see two angry confrontations in one night with The Rock? Let him save all his star power and energy for Cena and Miz, and Stone Cold will lend his star power to Cole and Lawler.
Zero interest in that.

In-character The Rock and Stone Cold settled everything in the ring. Rock finally beat Stone Cold at WrestleMania.

Out-of-Character- they have zero heat between then. Austin put over the Rock in his final match, and there is total respect for each other. One of the final moments after The Rock pinned SCSA was him tucking his head so the camera couldnt see, and thanking Austin of the "job".

Unforunately, mutual respect is not quite as enticing and entertaining as covtroversry. So I would have no interest in Austin and Rock confrontation, because there is nothing to confront each other with.
i would love to see that, it doesnt need to be an "i hate you" stare down, they can just be in the same room looking at each, they smirk and its over. i think something like that needs to happen for awesomeness purposes
I can see them doing a backstage thing where they meet, or I could possibly see them meeting the night after RAW, as for some reason I can see Stone Cold being there, with the first episode of Tough Enough airing but I can't see it coming to anything except a memory of the past.

Still, I won't complain if it happens.
i can totalty see them having a confrontation and it doesnt mean its going to be a bad one. Austin could help rock or vice versa. These 2 are the 2 biggest icons(fuck hogan) in wwe history and anyonewho said they wouldnt want see them together isnt a true fan. I woud get goosebumps seeing them togethr.
They should just drink beer together and someone will come in the ring to stop them and then out of no where a Stone Cold Stunner. As the person is laying on the mat here comes a peoples elbow and they drink more beer and leave the ring.

Thats the only think I would like to see with those two. That would make a true wrestlemania moment.
Don't know about you but is anyone else gunning for a SCSA "What" vs Miz "Really" at WM? It could be played off a Rock and SCSA meeting backstage...

Miz and SCSA go toe-to-toe (!) in a battle of, quite literally, 2 words... Sounds like a memorable WM moment to me, don't you think?

I like meeks' idea of beer drinking, it could involve CM Punk who completely owns SCSA and Rock for drinking beer and then eats a mouth full of SCSA's Stunner and a backstage People's Elbow! *what... -.-*
Rock and Stone Cold have no reason for a "confrontation," nor does the WWE for that matter.

However, in no way, shape or form is WWE going to pass up on an opportunity for the two to interact. I'm sure there willl be some sort of Rock making fun of Cole and maybe even Austin saying something about Cena/Miz. They'll shake hands and probably tell a couple jokes, say a couple funny lines and that'll be it. That's all I want to see.

Although, the beer party does certainly sound delicious.

DZone - if Wrestlezone had a LIKE button, your first sentence would get plenty of hits because that sounds funny as hell.
Austin and Rock delivering an "attitude" ass whoopin to Cena and Miz would be awesome, they could do their own mini invasion angle, where it's "new age" vs "attitude", you get Rock/Austin/Taker/HHH/Kane/Big Show/Edge on one side, Cena/Miz/ADR/Sheamus/Barrett/Punk on the other.

It will never happen but i can dream.
The Rock and Stone Cold should have a confrontation. It would be Epic if the camera man got a shot of both of them talking to someone, walking backwards and they ran into each other. When they both turned around, they realized who they just bumped into.

And while we all think they are gonna Stare at each other and talk trash, they end up shaking hands and saying "Long time no see" or something like that.

It could be a segment that lasts 1 minute and would be cool to see, not take anything away from the younger guys, and not take time away from anything else. Totally money for the Attitude Era fans. I would love it and it could all go down at no one else's expense.
The Rock and Stone Cold should have a confrontation. It would be Epic if the camera man got a shot of both of them talking to someone, walking backwards and they ran into each other. When they both turned around, they realized who they just bumped into.

And while we all think they are gonna Stare at each other and talk trash, they end up shaking hands and saying "Long time no see" or something like that.

It could be a segment that lasts 1 minute and would be cool to see, not take anything away from the younger guys, and not take time away from anything else. Totally money for the Attitude Era fans. I would love it and it could all go down at no one else's expense.

I would like to see that. I am not a fan of the "Long time no see" bit, but the two of them bumping into each other and then staring each other out, before eventually shaking hands and walking away, showing the mutual respect they have for each other would be great to see.

I really hope we see the 2 icons (sorry HHH you arent quite there) of the Attitude Era together on screen again. As they are both part of the PPV I think its likely to happen, and I hope it does.
I don't see it happening either, unfortunately. I would absolutely love to see them bump into each other backstage, stare down and shake hands as a few others have said. But like has already been said, that feud is over. 'Mania XIX said it all. Besides, it would totally ruin everything between The Rock and Cena. No one would care about that if Austin and The Rock collided. Also, recently the Rock tweeted about Stone Cold and him being friends and wishing him good luck with Tough Enough.
Wow i saw someone on here saying they dont want this...Are you kidding me? I dont care who you are or how you view the Rock and SCSA but this would be one of the most epic moments in WWE history in my opinion. I agree it doesn't have to be a confrontation or anything like that but seeing as the Rock is going to be the host anything is possible! Seriously just picture the Rock and SCSA having a stare down in the middle of the ring on the Grandest Stage of them all! That would be one of my favorite moments! I would love it if they just beat the crap out of somebody TOGETHER!!! like a previous poster said have Rock and Austin drink beer and then someone come down like they are a big shot and telling them their time is over blah blah blah....and then STUNNER!!! PEOPLES ELBOW!! and a party to end the night with Austin and the Rock in the ring celebrating together!
I would love it if they just beat the crap out of somebody TOGETHER!!! like a previous poster said have Rock and Austin drink beer and then someone come down like they are a big shot and telling them their time is over blah blah blah....and then STUNNER!!! PEOPLES ELBOW!! and a party to end the night with Austin and the Rock in the ring celebrating together!

Except that's not how Wrestlemanias end. Wrestlemanias are supposed to end with huge victories or crushing defeats, epic moments of sorts. While having The Rock and Stone Cold close Wrestlemania together would definitely be a sight to be seen, it would not be an epic moment, and it would also be taking a huge shit on the WWE roster. It would basically say that the WWE doesn't trust John Cena and Miz or Taker and Triple H or Edge and Del Rio to close the show on their own, when all 6 of these men are more than capable of finishing off Wrestlemania right.

Seeing The Rock and Stone Cold together at some point wouldn't be bad, but there's really nothing that can come of it. If they share a handshake and a hug, that's fine, but kind of pointless. If they have a staredown or something, that's equally pointless because nothing will ever come of it.

Best case scenario: After one of the matches they show a backstage segment where The Rock runs into Stone Cold and they have a friendly chat where they brag about who had the best Wrestlemania moment and they both drop all of their catch phrases. It's simple, it'll be entertaining, and it'll make everyone happy.

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