Stone Cold Podcast


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the network subscribers dropping and with them so desperate to attract new subscribers does anyone really want to see paige on the austin podcast no offense to her but nobody cares since its near summerslam could they not have had sting on a top draw name that people would be interested in seeing. Paige has done nothing in the wrestling business and has been in wwe on the main show for about a year now, who in there right mind wants to see paige on the podcast?
Word on the street is that Paige was a replacement for Hulk Hogan. Additional words from the street say that the podcast may be delayed due to Piper's unfortunate passing, as they want to run a tribute special to him.

Paige is a popular wrestler right now, I'm sure plenty of people want to hear what she has to say. At only 22-23 years old, she has been skyrocketed to the top of her industry. I'm sure her talking about that journey will be a good listen.
I enjoy listening to the podcasts regardless of the guests as its a insight into there journey to the top. It's always interesting aswell when you get 2 guys on there such as Cena on Jerichos podcast a few weeks ago then you hear some awesome stories.

Jericho passing out after him and Cena had drunk loadsa alcohol and Jericho woke up in bed all tucked in by Cena whilst Cena just sat in the corner all night listening to Jerichos ipod.

Give Austins podcast a listen tonight. You may enjoy it.
yeah she was Hogans replacement, and shes a popular diva now and it does make sense, with Divas Revoultion, shes a judge on tough enough, shes pretty over with crowds. if you dont like it, dont watch, no one is forcing you too. some people may want to see it, including me.
I enjoy Austin's podcast and think his relaxed but direct style of interview is enjoyable but I do agree that Paige is a bad choice. I don't enjoy her when she talks as a wrestler or a judge on tough enough and I just find her irritating. For me I would like to hear Austin interview Reigns, I think to hear him speak as himself and hear him speak about his year would be interesting. Other good choices would be younger guys like Owens, Rollins, Wyatt about how they got where they are or veterans like Taker, Kane and Big Show to hear their stories from the past.
To say she's done nothing is ignorant considering she was born into the business and has worked hard to make it to America and more specifically the E. As for the podcast, it was meant to be Hogan, and Vince likes to stage manage these so he, or an advisor, probably thought "Just throw in Paige. Tough Enough judge, participant in a potentially big storyline, easy."
Not sure who realistically would increase Network subscribers, especially during the month of August when they should do decent numbers with the SS PPV.

This is probably a chance to feature and discuss the Divas Revolution and Tough Enough. Not exactly a home run but far from a failure.
I don’t know how desperate they are for subscribers right now, but I doubt Austin’s podcast is going to do a whole lot for that number. If you’re not subscribing for the monthly PPV’s or the WWE Library, is Austin’s podcast going to budge you? If your answer is yes, more power to you, but everyone and their brother has a podcast and Stone Cold’s is hardly groundbreaking entertainment, although I guess it’s a fine supplement for the already ravenous wrasslin fan.

Paige isn’t really a bad choice. The Diva’s Revolution, her family’s wrestling history, her career are all fine topics. Also, Austin could touch on how big of a waste AJ Lee was, Paige’s real last name being “Bevis”, and if she liked being with another woman. If the show still is running a little thin, Austin could always address how he got a dieing man fired.

I admit, I was being kinda snarky.
you gotta think just how difficult that would be on short notice. as much as they like to make you think austin can ask whatever, you can guarantee all questions and answers are at least discussed before hand. even just austins own research is going to take up some time
another problem on top of that is if you take a sting or an undertaker they need to remain at least somewhat kayfabe, kind of ruins it if austin asks him about mean mark or behind the scenes stuff while the match is upcoming but it would be insulting and fairly boring to ask things like "so how are things with you and your brother at the moment"
As mentioned hogan got bumped and paige was probably already in the pipeline to be a regular non network podcast guest so had the questions and research set up ready.
still should be pretty fun to hear stories from someone who grew up a fan and traveled half way around the world to chase a dream and also timely set up to talk about the diva revolution.
Not many people want to see it, everybody has been criticizing it..It would a been better if Sting was the guest because he's a bigger name and Austin only has big names on his podcast.. Paige just doesn't seem like it's that important.. I won't be watching it.
I know that The Undertaker is going to do the Austin podcast soon, but I hope that at some point they put Brock Lesnar as a guest on Austin's Network podcast. You want to bring in subscribers? That's how you're going to bring subscribers in. What a hell of a podcast that would be
I know that The Undertaker is going to do the Austin podcast soon, but I hope that at some point they put Brock Lesnar as a guest on Austin's Network podcast. You want to bring in subscribers? That's how you're going to bring subscribers in. What a hell of a podcast that would be

That won't happen unless Brock wants to do it and Brock doesn't do shit like that. They had Heyman, people seem to enjoy him more anyways.
With the network subscribers dropping and with them so desperate to attract new subscribers does anyone really want to see paige on the austin podcast no offense to her but nobody cares since its near summerslam could they not have had sting on a top draw name that people would be interested in seeing. Paige has done nothing in the wrestling business and has been in wwe on the main show for about a year now, who in there right mind wants to see paige on the podcast?

You make it sound like that subscriptions are dropping like flies. Last week, it was announced that there are 1.156 million paid subscribers to the network. While that's down from the 1.3 million or so of the first quarter of the year, it was entirely expected since WrestleMania took place. When it comes to stocks and investing and all that, I'm clueless, but WWE's stock has gone up somewhere in the neighborhood of about 25% since the second quarter earnings were announced last Thursday, which means that WWE's stock will be worth well $1.5 billion when the market opens tomorrow. Those who do know about such things in regards to the business side of the product are obviously quite pleased about how the network is performing.

As to nobody caring, I don't know that's all that true as I'm sure she has lots to say about what's going on with this "Divas Revolution" angle and it'd be interesting to hear her talk about her life in wrestling prior to coming to WWE. The girl's been wrestling pretty much since she got her first training bra and I think it'd be interesting to hear her talk about her life prior to WWE. Besides, look at how many years people have been bitching about the lack of relevance of women's wrestling in WWE so, the way I see it, maybe it's just another step in that direction. If it's gonna happen, it's gotta start somewhere.
Not many people want to see it, everybody has been criticizing it..It would a been better if Sting was the guest because he's a bigger name and Austin only has big names on his podcast.. Paige just doesn't seem like it's that important.. I won't be watching it.

but Sting would be the same, not much to talk about. I doubt they would let him talk about WCW since Vince wants to bury it. Paige is doing it cause she was a replacement and the whole Divas revolution thing.
You make it sound like that subscriptions are dropping like flies. Last week, it was announced that there are 1.156 million paid subscribers to the network. While that's down from the 1.3 million or so of the first quarter of the year, it was entirely expected since WrestleMania took place. When it comes to stocks and investing and all that, I'm clueless, but WWE's stock has gone up somewhere in the neighborhood of about 25% since the second quarter earnings were announced last Thursday, which means that WWE's stock will be worth well $1.5 billion when the market opens tomorrow. Those who do know about such things in regards to the business side of the product are obviously quite pleased about how the network is performing.

As to nobody caring, I don't know that's all that true as I'm sure she has lots to say about what's going on with this "Divas Revolution" angle and it'd be interesting to hear her talk about her life in wrestling prior to coming to WWE. The girl's been wrestling pretty much since she got her first training bra and I think it'd be interesting to hear her talk about her life prior to WWE. Besides, look at how many years people have been bitching about the lack of relevance of women's wrestling in WWE so, the way I see it, maybe it's just another step in that direction. If it's gonna happen, it's gotta start somewhere.

You said "bra".

Now, thinking about Paige's bra gets me interested.

Can Paige do the podcast in her bra please? Then I will definitely watch!;)
I wonder what the Hogan one would have been like, especially considering that Austin isn't the greatest mark for Hulk Hogan, and Austin twice turned down the chance to have a match with Hogan at "Wrestlemania".

I think one guy who would be very interesting (and is a good friend of Austin's) is Bret "Hitman" Hart. He would have so much to talk about. His family growing up, the Dungeon and Stampede wrestling, the Hart Foundation, his match with Austin at WM13, the Montreal screwjob, his stint in WCW, Owen, his troubles since leaving wrestling, and his return to WWE.

But I wonder if Vince would want Bret to be a podcast guest, as he might say things against Vince, Triple H etc that WWE won't like.

Another great guest would be "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.
Oh wow i had no idea Paige was Hogans replacement not a bad one at that! Its incredible at such a young age what paige has achieved in her career and what awaits her. She possibly could go down as the greatest diva ever when its all said and done..

I enjoy Austin Podcast regardless of the guest as he always shoots from the hip and holds no punches.. I cant wait to listen to it and will listen to paige journey to the top..
I watched the podcast and was quite surprised with some of what I learned. I had no idea she's been in the business for so long. She started 10 years ago when she was 13. Her whole family was in the wrestling business, and she used to wrestle her mother. Also the people she listed off as having stayed with them in Britain in amazing.

She's very knowledgeable about the business, much more so than someone like the Bella's are. Paige came in the hard way, and it shows. I also like the kudo's that she gives to HHH, and makes the distinction between Diva's wrestling and NXT women's wrestling.

Shout out as well to Austin, who really did his homework beforehand and asked a lot of good questions. I found it very entertaining, but Paige has a bad habit of speaking too quickly at times and her playing with her hair is distracting. But all and all it was a very good interview, and much more interesting that I thought it would have been otherwise.

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