Sting's Best Moments


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1985-2010 Sting is no doubt an icon to the buisness. And has left us with countless moments that we love. I liked his matches with Ric Flair and Vader. And he's been just about everywhere exept WWE. He was in Jim Crockett Promotions, WCW, NWA, And TNA. But i wanna know what you think out of every promotion...

What is your Favorite Sting Moment?
my favourite Sting moment was War Games 1997 (think it was 97). It was the NWO (Hogan, Nash, Hall and NWO Sting) vs WCW (Flair, Anderson, Luger and Sting). everyone thought Sting had jumped ship to the NWO. He came out as the fourth man for WCW and cleaned out. He beat up everybody and confronted the fake Sting. After he cleaned house he yelled at Luger; "was that good enough for you?" and left the ring. Thus beginning the 'Crow' Sting and the great mystery in WCW for months, which side is Sting on?
nice topic. well, it's kinda hard to pin point just one moment as sting has had countless classic moments throughout the years. But I must say, sorry for being so obvious but mine would be the hogan vs. sting match at starrcade after stings long hiatus. the build up was insane and he (sort of) beat hogan.It was a good moment and in my eyes (since I didn't really know about sting too much at that age) made him one of my favorite wrestlers of all time.

other favorites of mine were his feud with vampiro. I think they put on some great matches and had a really heated rivalry.And when sting joined the wolfpac. he was wearing the black and white nwo shirt, had everybody shocked and then ripped off his shirt, revealing the red and black wolfpac shirt, that was fucking awesome! wolfpac is one of my favorite stables of all time as it was composed of a dream team of my favorite faces at that time. Man I miss wcw!!!:wcw:
This is indeed an awesome thread. Sting's body of work is excellent, and I don't think anybody can go wrong with any great moments. I have a couple favorite Sting moments. The whole buildup to Starrcade 1997 was pretty cool with Sting being the one man embodiment of justice in the company. It was one of the more consistent things WCW ever did as they didn't make Sting talk, wrestle, or show much facial emotion. He was stoic, yet fueled with anger. You could tell what he wanted for months until finally on this episode of Nitro, Sting let the dimwitted J.J. Dillon and Mean Gene know exactly what he wanted...

Secondly, I personally enjoyed Sting's 2008 tear through the TNA roster when the Main Event Mafia storyline was in its infancy and hadn't officially formed yet. Sting was beating up wrestlers like A.J. Styles and Samoa Joe trying to prove that they didn't have respect for the industry. I thought that this whole storyline revitalized Sting's career, and I really enjoyed Sting's mic work during this time, including this promo hyping his match with Joe at Bound for Glory:

From a standpoint of watching old wrestling DVDs, I always enjoyed watching Sting and Vader go at it. Those matches were physical, brutal wars where both men, in my opinion, came out smelling like a bouquet of flowers at the end. They both helped make one another in my opinion.
My favorite Sting moment was when and Anderson and Blanchard bolted to the WWF and Flair wanted the Roadwarriors in the Horseman. So Crockett had the Roadwarriors turn on Sting he got the pin in a six-man match. The fans cheered the Roadwarriors, pure awesomeness.
Sting is who really got me into NWA with his feuds with Flair in the late 80's. But to be honest with you, my favorite Sting moment was the last match on Nitro between him and Flair. Was it a garbage match with out of shape Flair? Yes. When they embraced after the seven minute squash did every WCW fan get choked up? Yes. Is there any other way that WCW could come to an end? Nope. Not in a million years.
Sting has always been my favorite wrestler, so I have many great memories of him!

One that always stands out is ten days after Starrcade 97 when JJ Dillion stripped Sting of his title and vacated it. I was 8 when this happened and I remember I was so mad when this happened. I was screaming for Sting not to give up the title and then when he threw down the belt and finally spoke I went crazy. It will always be one of my most favorite moments of Sting.

Another one was when he came to ring and revealed a NWO white and black shirt to Hogan and the Giant. i went crazy when he hugged Hogan only to clothesline him and scoop slam the Giant!!! Then he ripped off the NWO white and black shirt to reveal the Wolfpac shirt!! Nash has always been a favorite of mine so it made it so much better when he finally joined.

This brought me back to the good days of wrestling!! Great thread!
The Vader feud was one of my favourite Sting moments. that really made him imo, he was a main eventer after the flair feud, but the Vader one sent him up a notch and you knew he would stay on top of the top.
Im going with when nWo were in the ring parading...and SUDDENLY...all these Stings start showing at a time, two at a time...etc..they were all fakes...until the final 3 came down(One was real)...and then Bagwell I think it was hit him...expecting him to fall down..when he didn't we all knew he was the REAL Sting...and then he cleaned house(Most of the nWo members got scared and ran out....

That was a great moment...Sting was WCW throughout its history...He was one of them characters...the Crow character especially..he just owned nWo....very mysterious...

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