Sting will lead to WWE Friday Nitro.


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
This is long but worth it if you miss WCW and the brand split.

So I got to thinking today and call me crazy but I think I have a pretty fun idea to change things up a bit in the WWE.

Let's say that The Authority starts dominating over everything starting after Extreme Rules. Once Evolution is done with The Shield, we can have Triple H insert himself into the WWE World Heavyweight Title scene once again. So at Battleground, Triple H beats Daniel Bryan to become the champion. He successfully defends the title (with help) the following night on RAW. The next week, Triple H announces that he and Stephanie bought Vince's share and are close to owning the WWE, however, there is still an unknown share holder who owns 50% somehow. Triple H demands that the mystery owner comes out. The lights go out and when they come back on, Sting is standing in the ring across from The Authority.

Sting tells them that he managed to go around and purchase shares off of different people in order to become a 50/50 owner. Triple H says that there is no way in hell Sting is getting half of his company to which Sting responds by challenging Triple H to a match at SummerSlam. He says he doesn't want the WWE championship. However, he does want the WCW Heavyweight Championship that Vince McMahon stole from WCW. Triple H agrees but says if Sting loses, he gives up his half of the company.

So SummerSlam comes along and Sting beats Triple H to become the World Heavyweight Champion, thus splitting the main titles up again. The next night on RAW, Triple H comes out to complain. Sting comes out and reminds him that he owns 50% of the company, therefore he is taking Friday Night Smackdown and turning it into Friday Nitro. He is also taking half the championships with him and decides to take the World Heavyweight Title (since he won it), and the US title. He says that the tag titles and Diva's title will be split amongst the brands.

This brings us to a draft lottery the following week on RAW where both Triple H and Sting will draw names the same way it was done for the original Draft when WWE bought WCW. Once the rosters are set, Sting can relinquish and vacate the World Title and announce a tournament to crown a new champion.

So now we have 2 brands, RAW led by Triple H & Stephanie, and Nitro led by Sting. We now have 2 world titles, 2 mid card titles and the tag/divas titles split between the brands. The tag/diva's titles can be a big deal since it would mean something if a certain brand held them.

This is just a crazy idea really, but if you guys like it then feel free to comment. If you'd change anything, or hate it completely, let me know. Thanks!
The problem is that the Brand Extension is now one of those things that Vince despises and wants to pretend never happened. The odds of this happening are absolute zero.

But if it did happen, it should be RAW and SmackDown again, not RAW and Nitro. WCW is too far gone and it wouldn't have any viable impact.
This is long but worth it if you miss WCW and the brand split.

So I got to thinking today and call me crazy but I think I have a pretty fun idea to change things up a bit in the WWE.

Let's say that The Authority starts dominating over everything starting after Extreme Rules. Once Evolution is done with The Shield, we can have Triple H insert himself into the WWE World Heavyweight Title scene once again. So at Battleground, Triple H beats Daniel Bryan to become the champion. He successfully defends the title (with help) the following night on RAW. The next week, Triple H announces that he and Stephanie bought Vince's share and are close to owning the WWE, however, there is still an unknown share holder who owns 50% somehow. Triple H demands that the mystery owner comes out. The lights go out and when they come back on, Sting is standing in the ring across from The Authority.

Sting tells them that he managed to go around and purchase shares off of different people in order to become a 50/50 owner. Triple H says that there is no way in hell Sting is getting half of his company to which Sting responds by challenging Triple H to a match at SummerSlam. He says he doesn't want the WWE championship. However, he does want the WCW Heavyweight Championship that Vince McMahon stole from WCW. Triple H agrees but says if Sting loses, he gives up his half of the company.

So SummerSlam comes along and Sting beats Triple H to become the World Heavyweight Champion, thus splitting the main titles up again. The next night on RAW, Triple H comes out to complain. Sting comes out and reminds him that he owns 50% of the company, therefore he is taking Friday Night Smackdown and turning it into Friday Nitro. He is also taking half the championships with him and decides to take the World Heavyweight Title (since he won it), and the US title. He says that the tag titles and Diva's title will be split amongst the brands.

This brings us to a draft lottery the following week on RAW where both Triple H and Sting will draw names the same way it was done for the original Draft when WWE bought WCW. Once the rosters are set, Sting can relinquish and vacate the World Title and announce a tournament to crown a new champion.

So now we have 2 brands, RAW led by Triple H & Stephanie, and Nitro led by Sting. We now have 2 world titles, 2 mid card titles and the tag/divas titles split between the brands. The tag/diva's titles can be a big deal since it would mean something if a certain brand held them.

This is just a crazy idea really, but if you guys like it then feel free to comment. If you'd change anything, or hate it completely, let me know. Thanks!

Sting going around and managing to get shares off of other people to become a 50/50 owner is just silly and not believable in any way though.
I don't see them signing a legendary wrestler with huge money making potential and tucking them away on Smackdown.

I also don't see nor I want them to change Smackdown to Nitro.
Smackdown is the 2nd longest running episodic television show in history isn't it why tarnish that for a name that will forever be synonymous with failure. Past is Past for a reason.

I wouldn't mind a brand split again, but not like that.
As much as I'd like to see a brand split - a genuine brand split with brand exclusive PPVs, completely exclusive titles on both brands, wrestlers never appearing on both shows, brand vs. brand matches at WrestleMania, and a draft lottery every year...this isn't how I would go about it. I don't want to see Triple H win the WWE WHC, I don't want to see Triple H vs. Sting in the main event or for the title, I don't want to see Sting beat Triple H, I don't want to see Sting be a World champion even temporarily, I don't want to see Sting as 50% owner of WWE, and I don't want to see Smackdown! change to Nitro.

If you want to bring in Sting as some authority type(not owner), then have him battling Triple H for control of the WWE(maybe have Vince on Sting's side, battling Steph and Triple H), and somehow that leads to the shows getting split up, but with SD! still being SD!, I'd be cool with that.
id be for a brand split, but only a true split, putting the tag titles on both shows just muddies the waters already. right now smackdown is just the filler matches that get cut off raw, and if any match is good on smackdown wwe just does it again on raw. the split would change that, but i agree with above as i would rather see raw and smackdown split
Sub out Sting for Flair and Triple H for Vince and you have how the whole brand extension started to begin with back in 2001. Been done before and won't happen again. Sting is here as a legend and if he does wrestle it will be at 31 vs the Undertaker.
People hated the brand split when it was around and now people want it back. This is a topic that fans will always be fickle about.

The idea screams the stories in wrestling that were popular back in the late nineties, early aughts. The trend today is to tell a complete story instead of filling it with swerve after swerve. Let's not forget that the WCW brand is damaged beyond repair. When people think WCW, they think incompetence. It's a waste of Sting, and a waste of our time trying to revive a dead product.
Ive always said that for the Invasion angle to have worked...Smackdown should have been Nitro. Same look, same feel...just on a different channel.

For them to turn Smackdown into Nitro now...about 13 years too late. Although the old school fans (the minority) might enjoy it just for the look of it
People hated the brand split when it was around and now people want it back. This is a topic that fans will always be fickle about.

The idea screams the stories in wrestling that were popular back in the late nineties, early aughts. The trend today is to tell a complete story instead of filling it with swerve after swerve. Let's not forget that the WCW brand is damaged beyond repair. When people think WCW, they think incompetence. It's a waste of Sting, and a waste of our time trying to revive a dead product.

i beg to differ, wcw dvds still are among the best selling dvds wwe puts out. maybe kids today who have never seen wcw save a clip or two like the shockmaster think of wcw that way, but the people who watched wcw when it was still around remember it for the years of great wrestling, not the last two years of russo booking
Ive always said that for the Invasion angle to have worked...Smackdown should have been Nitro. Same look, same feel...just on a different channel.

For them to turn Smackdown into Nitro now...about 13 years too late. Although the old school fans (the minority) might enjoy it just for the look of it

It also didn't work because they couldn't bring over any of the top talent WCW had at the time. Benoit and Eddie, while the WCW crowd knew they were great, they weren't over as big stars in 2001. That invasion angle couldn've been so much better if the original NWO, Goldberg, Flair, and Sting would've all been able to come right away. Austin never would've "turned heel" at WM 17, could've gone a bunch of different directions in that case. It's too bad all that legal mumbo jumbo got in the way of what would've been one of the best professional wrestling storylines that could've ever happened.
And then, Paul Heyman gets ALL his former Paul Heyman Guys and they all pitch in money for the "rights" to ECW!

That's not all! CM Punk will return shortly with some ownership papers to a certain indy company after aligning Bryan, Cesaro, Rollins and Sami Zayn together to form the ROH squad!

This will all lead up to the mega War Games blowoff match at Battlegrounds for complete control of all the companies!

See. I know how to play pretend too dog.

Let's just grow up and hope Sting just gets at least one last match that doesn't suck and makes sense with a good build. That's it.
Wouldn't work.

Why would Vince want to resurrect a dead brand like WCW when it's been a rotted corpse for so long? I know that sounds morbid and all, but Sting's not a viable contender to win a title at his age and the whole story about acquiring shares of the company doesn't seem very logical.

The brand split aggravated me, too. They're one company. Wrestle as one.
Like many have said, it wouldn't work. They tried this in 2002 with Ric Flair and only got so far, eventually going back to basics. Sting returning to face Triple H is also a major disappointment and a match no one really wants to see. Sting does not fit the role of a manger either, so it would be kind of odd seeing WWE ran by a man who wears face-paint. Ratings wise, Friday Night SmackDown can't compete with RAW and will always be the second tier show, regardless of what they change it's name to. Sting should return to a pursue a high-profile feud and retire, nothing more, nothing less. Just my opinion.
Sure thing! Then after that they can have some ECW guys invade both shows & take over Main Event as a victory prize, then bring back the ECW title. Hell while we are at it, lets get Russo back & then dig up the corpse of Eddie to restart the Cruiserweight division.

Seriously? Why do some people think a brand split would be a good idea? When it happened before, there was a large talent pool that was getting lost in the shuffle so a split somewhat made sense, but ultimately failed. Now, things are running pretty well how they are & there is no reason to thin the herd further & hand out belts again like candy.

Plus giving Sting a belt, splitting the unified titles & having him drop it is terrible. The Friday Nitro idea just opens a door for people to start expecting old WCW talent to show up that never will because Vince has no desire to hire any of them. The man has NXT up and running, ensuring he never has to rely on outside talent again to fill the roster.

Things are going pretty damn good right now, so there is no reason to shake it up with a crazy brand split or putting the spotlight on a dead promotion. You want WCW? Get the Network & soak in some nostalgia because that is the closest you will ever get.
It also didn't work because they couldn't bring over any of the top talent WCW had at the time. Benoit and Eddie, while the WCW crowd knew they were great, they weren't over as big stars in 2001. That invasion angle couldn've been so much better if the original NWO, Goldberg, Flair, and Sting would've all been able to come right away. Austin never would've "turned heel" at WM 17, could've gone a bunch of different directions in that case. It's too bad all that legal mumbo jumbo got in the way of what would've been one of the best professional wrestling storylines that could've ever happened.

WWE jumped the gun in my opinion and did it a year too early. I understood they wanted to strike while the iron was hot but the WCW/ECW alliance was weak.

Hogan, Nash, Hall all joined WWE in 2002 - they should have done the Invasion angle then and the wrestlers like Booker T, DDP, RVD etc could have 'turned' then.

The Invasion angle didn't only suffer from the absentees you have mentioned, but Rock, Triple H and Benoit missed all of it apart from Rock at the end.
There is no way WWE will re-brand one of their shows under the name of the show they fought against for all those years, it's not how winning and ego work.
No, no, no and hell no. ;)

As others have said, this might have been something in 2001 but now it wouldn't make any sense. I don't see how they'd get there and for that same reason, there's no way they'd do it.

On a different note, now that Sting is with WWE and former WCW Legends are on good terms with WWE (Bischoff might even return once his TNA deals runs out in a few months), I really hope they decide to do an Old School Nitro at some point down the line. If Smackdown ever went live on Tuesday, they could theoretically do it on that show, but hopefully Vince could put his ego aside for one night and turn Raw into Monday Nitro just once. I'd totally mark out if I saw the old Nitro set with the dual WCW logos and that whole get-up. They could easily have Flair, Hogan, Bischoff, Sting, Booker T, Dusty Rhodes, DDP, Tony Schiavone and others. It'd be fun to see current WWE guys on the show paying tribute to their favorite WCW wrestlers.

Sort of off topic, but seeing this thread reminded how possible this show is now. With the WWE Network and the debut of the Monday Night Wars show sometime in the future, I think it makes a TON of sense. Hopefully it happens.
Hey OP, there is a troll who is stalking you:

Her name is Ricki Lake Hoe, and she's posting your thread in that pungent excuse of a forum called the coli. The people there can't even speak English correctly, they're a bunch of ne'er do wells from the ghetto.

Now, to answer your post, I do not think Vince will jive with that idea. Vince loathes all that WCW stood for. Stink Boredom is a has been, never was and never will be. He won't get over in the E, the Kliq will bury him :beli: #theKliqrunsthabiz

Instead of stanning Stink "I can't draw flies to a picnic" Boredom, you should instead stan GOAT Dallas, the next gawd of WWE. Real talk. Cokeboy co-signs on dude, dude is what's #bestforbidness

#teamnopullout2014 :youngsabo:
Why would Sting lead to WWE Friday Nitro? That makes absolutely no sense. WCW has been gone for more than a decade. If they were going to use Nitro as a brand it would have happened within the first year or so that WWE owned WCW's material. That ship sailed ages ago, now it would not make a difference. Then we have the Draft idea. Why do that? They have unified the titles and ended the brand split. The roster is no longer large enough to warrant having more than one title in any tier of the card. This would be an awful idea and every single secondary title would be vastly inferior. Keep Smackdown as the friday brand, leave the titles alone, and put Sting in some dream matches if he even does debut. That's all they need to do as anything else would not be justified.
Isn't going to happen. First the only way for Sting to get 50% would be for Vince to sell his shares and that isn't believable even in a storyline. Second, why bring back WCW? There is nothing to gain by changing one show over now that they only have one main title. And wwe proved before that they don't know how to do a brand split properly so Sting coming in isn't going to change that. In a fantasy pool, sure you could make that work but it will never happen for real.

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