Sting vs Undertaker...52 vs 46


Pre-Show Stalwart
Am I the only one who was sorta glad that the 2-21-11 thing wasn't Sting? I mean the guy is one of the best every with an awesome gimmick. Much like Undertaker his gimmicks were never bad and hes pretty much always been good in the ring. I know everyone wanted and prayed that it was Sting so we could get the Wrestlemania match of Sting vs the Deadman but...they are far out of their prime. Do you think its better as a dream match? I mean both of them are old now for wrestling and the match just wouldn't live up to the hype especially with 'takers shoulder never being 100% again. We saw how it took a toll on the match with HHH. To me this match would have been better if it happened around 2001 or so but now it wouldn't be AS good. I still think both guys would give it their all but still, you can't expect it to be amazing or anything. Better left as a dream match or do you still want it for next years 'mania (even though I seriously doubt it will happen.)
from what ive seen since sting has come back to tna he is in alot better shape.

as for undertaker hes almost ready to die it seems like when hes in the ring.

i wouldn`t want to see them fight cause i think taker would bog down
Honestly I'd still love to see it. Undertaker proved that he still can wrestle, sure he can't do everything he used to but he can still hit his spots and work a match. Sure he needs rest but imagine a build up with him and Sting, he wouldn't need to wrestle until the match and Sting at 52 is still doing great matches so I think it still can work if their given the time.
it wont ever happen most likely, but we can always hope right? (well to point of course). personally though the 2 are old they could still pull off a decent match and i think most wwe fans would just enjoy the 2 of them in the ring slugging it out with one another, even if it wasnt the greatest match ever.
Not really me. I am extremely happy with the matchgiven to us. The whole thing was amazing. Undertaker is old and to think he looked dead in the ring. Well he is the deadman. I think he is still in great shape for his age i mean year after year he gets his dive over the top rope looks better. I hate how they botched the finish by not having it properly locked but it is what it is and didn't really take away from the match. I still want sting in wwe. He always states that he doesn't like how vince treated wcw talent after the purchase. Umm hello. Booker t is a superstar and future hof er. Jericho was brought to another level. Big show is still one of the top wwe stars. Rey mysterio is even more respected as he has yet to lose his mask in years. Chris Benoit was one of the top stars before the tragedy. Eddie too! Hell eddies wife is a top performer right now too. Sting is dillisional thinking Vince would ruin his legacy. Vince is a different man than what he was during the Monday night wars. His business etiqutte has show with Bret hart. And working with savage on games and action figures. He has done nothing but reached out to sting in respect and allowed him to reach what everyone in the biz gets in to it to do. Wrestlemania. Sting doesn't do this for the fans. He is doing this for his pride and that is admirable yet not what the fans (that make it worth while for them t perform) want to see.
Sting vs taker is, dare I say it.....legendary, a matchup that you can only have in your toys r us ring. No matter how old they are. Sad!
HHH vs Undertaker was Epic! so in that sense i'm glad Sting wasn't at WM this year, but i still say the 2-2-11 promo was based on him to begin with, Even his recent reveal he was offered a contract and HOF induction suggest a deal was in place, but because he backed out they had to switch gears.

I like many fans would love to see it, do i think Taker is getting rustier? WM27 would have suggested that, but i feel there was a lot of acting like he was a lot more beaten up then he was, to sell the fact he is getting on in age, Or the main line he said "Kill the streak, then i Die".

But i def feel he can put on the Matches we have seen out of him over the years. He does work more of a schedule, but still has time off during the year, and rightfully so compared to Sting so wether or not he can deliver isn't that questionable.

I give them both 2-3 years max, that they could still do this match and not have it feel like too old stars, (yeah i know they are old now but i mean before they both get to the current Ric Flair type of style wrestling, with limited moves), but it can still be done. It's just all up to Sting, i doubt we will see it, but him in TNA does nothing for me, i still watch but in all honesty i feel he is wasting an oppurtunity to have one last giant thing in wrestling, Winning another TNA title is ok, but he honestly didn't need it, that and the way TNA is lately, i don't understand why he stays but oh well. But Sting and Taker could def pull of a classic at WM no doubt!
Well like most of us know, Undertakers shoulder is messed up for life. At this point its never going to be 100% again plus his other injuries. He's definitely slower in the ring now and the match he had at W.M. 27 proved it. Its why they added the whole no holds barred stipulation because they knew he couldn't wrestle an actual match. I give him a ton of credit for still performing. I still have to stick with Undertaker vs Sting as nothing but a dream match and I hope it doesn't happen. I give 'taker 1 year and he's done, so going 20-0 basically.
OMFG you guys let these dirt sheet sites fool you every time!! There was no way in hell that promo was gonna be sting. Let's use logic here: Guys like us who've been watching the WWE since the 90's are now the minority audience. More than half of wwe's new audience don't even know what WCW is let alone sting. Use your mind people.
OMFG you guys let these dirt sheet sites fool you every time!! There was no way in hell that promo was gonna be sting.

I'm not going to pointlessly debate the fact of whether it was or wasn't as there is likely no way we'll ever know one way or the other.

What I will say is that I found it interesting that the original promo had such mystery and amibuity in it. You couldn't tell for certain whether is was or it wasn't for Sting or the Undertaker or someone else. And then for the next two promos, all doubt was erased. They played the Johnny Cash song and then went so far as to actually show the Undertaker! For what started off as a mysterious promo, the company went to great lengths for the next week or two to clearly show that they were for the Undertaker. I find it odd that if that were the intention all along, why they involved any bit of mystery in the initial promo at all.

Let's use logic here: Guys like us who've been watching the WWE since the 90's are now the minority audience. More than half of wwe's new audience don't even know what WCW is let alone sting. Use your mind people.

I definitely dispute this.

A casual fan who tunes in to wrestling when there's nothing else on? Maybe.

For a wrestling fan? Definitely not. Anyone seriously interested, young or old, does their research and knows their history of the business. And in this information age, there are vidoes of Sting and WCW to be found everywhere.

And a face-painted hero like Sting would be money for the WWE's current PG product.

There wasn't one thing done in that Wrestlemania slugfest that the 52-year old Sting wouldn't have been able to do. In fact, I'd venture to say that there would have been more athleticism with him involved.
OMFG you guys let these dirt sheet sites fool you every time!! There was no way in hell that promo was gonna be sting. Let's use logic here: Guys like us who've been watching the WWE since the 90's are now the minority audience. More than half of wwe's new audience don't even know what WCW is let alone sting. Use your mind people.
I think it's funny. Who had the biggest pop at the rumble (Nash and Booker) Who were some of the stars during the attitude era. Cause that was the same time as nitro raw wars. Everyone remembers scsa rock nwo sting were all apart of this. So to say they don't know who sting is or don't care or who would ever want him is Ludacris. That's like asking who is the rock to a wrestling fan or Tito Santana. The new generation wrestling fan (12 and under) may not. But the generation who pays for the majority of the www products knows exactly who they, sting, are!!!
As a fan of both it would've been my ultimate dream match. :worship:

Talking about undertaker dying in the ring and what not? Okay so tell me the last time cena has went out of his way, at mania or anything, to get the crowd on their feet! The only thing different he'd do is throw and gutwrench suplex or his diving top rope leg drop, and that's only when fans are chanting YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!!

Aside from HBK, the Undertaker is Wrestlemania. He's 19-0 damnit. He's beat legends, and hof's and big name superstars(Superfly, Jake the snake, diesel, sid, randy orton, hhh twice, hbk twice, kane twice, show, batista, edge,) so shut this shit up about maybe the streak being overrated and what not.

Undertaker vs sting would've sold more mania ppv's than the rock hosting, stone cold reffing, and heaven forbid, cena in the main event.

Like earlier posts, who gets the best pops? Legends, guys who have been around. Wrestlemania fans are the epitomy of fans imo, they love the undertaker, hhh, hbk, show, kane, edge, christian. and they boo the guys who truly suck in our eyes, John cena.

He's wwe posterboy and he gets his ass boo'd all the damn time. Suck on that cenation!!

With the right build up and both guys being healthy, that would be in the top five mania matches of all time. even at their age.

Imagine the lights going out and the big crow theme on the ceiling, and sting coming out in the black and white with his treach coat and bat.

Then, the lights go out and again, and GONG........GONG.........GONG.......

It was smart of Sting to not take this match. He obviously saw that the WWE would just bury him like they did every other past WCW star. If your a big name in wrestling like Sting is you don't come in just to job to the Undertaker.
baufan2025 posted

It was smart of Sting to not take this match. He obviously saw that the WWE would just bury him like they did every other past WCW star. If your a big name in wrestling like Sting is you don't come in just to job to the Undertaker.

I don't know what it is with fans like this posting this constantly over the past few days, but it's getting old. 2 of the Biggest names currently in wrestling came from WCW, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker himself, and did they get buried NO. I've said it many post's despite what fans like you think, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Goldberg, Ric Flair, DDP, Big Show, Mankind, Rey Mysterio, Ron Simmons, Teddy Long, Eric Bischoff, Booker T, i suppose they all got buried? Any true fan knows they didn't, sure some had a short run, DDP (was already on in age when he went to WWE, quit on his own terms), but you compare that to the others who just didn't make it, then how is that getting buried? Steiner for example had a good start but he is old, and he just couldn't hang with the top talent at the time, though he has pulled out some good matches in TNA, that is rare. But Steiner himself did have an attitude when going there as he has said in interviews the past few years, in any wrestling company if you can't put personal ego aside to better the product, and are not happy cause you r in a company that won't let the stars just run the show, then it's going to fail WCW being the greatest example, and sad to say TNA is heading the same direction. That is why a lot of the WCW guys failed, those who are smart and truly wanted it succeeded and are bigger then they ever were because of it. Again WWE isn't perfect either but still this argument is old.

Seriously i would like to see your list of who got buried, and if any are of the names above i won't agree with you on, but besides the guys who obviously didn't want it as much as those who did, Buff Bagwell being a good example, i don't see who really got so buried that it ruined careers? a lot do have jobs behind the scenes as well. Either way whether we see Sting in WWE or not is entirely up to him, as much as we want it, but the stupid burying excuse is getting old, and I'm a Sting fan, but still.

And again so what, Sting if he ever came over loses to Taker at WM, that would be a great honor, Sting can't Win the return match? Even if Sting did loose I'm sure the wrestling fans and the entire wrestling world would suddenly think "Oh well Sting is just a loser now, screw him", just like everyone else who lost to Taker, no doing that buried them, none of them ever made a big name of themselves after losing to Taker at WM, who the hell is Randy Orton, Batista, HBK, HHH, Kane, "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel, Edge, to name a few. No they are all Nobodies now.

Try being a bit unbiased and recognize fact from fiction, i'm not all WWE, i have watched WCW, i watch TNA, ROH, and hell even want to check out that JCW PPV but fact is WCW is long gone. And not everyone got buried, Sting is famous for saying Booker T did, that right there goes to show you, that even as great as Sting is, even he can be wrong. All Companies have buried people, not even the Montreal Screw job buried Bret Hart, and Vince from WWE did it, but going to WCW almost did. All i'm saying is unless WWE made Sting come out in a fucking Tutu, bright red lipstick waving a ***** around and re dubbed him "The Ring Stinger", he would not be buried, because true Legends/icons of wrestling always have their status, no matter what, even Hogan, and he is burying himself most the time.
Kidman, Kanyon, DDP, Golberg could have been handled a lot better in WWE, Raven, Sean O'Haire, Buff.

I knew when I saw Vince's face on the screen at Nitro that things where going end badly for the WCW stars. The invasion angle was botched terribly and wrestling hasn't had the excitement it used to have since then.
I would still love to see it, Give Taker time out and he'll be ready for the match, he always puts on a great match at Mania, and let's be honest, Sting still moves around the ring like a 20 yr old.. They would both give it a good match, never say never!
It was smart of Sting to not take this match. He obviously saw that the WWE would just bury him like they did every other past WCW star. If your a big name in wrestling like Sting is you don't come in just to job to the Undertaker.

Yeah i guess it was smart to turn down a shit ton more money than dixie carter can pay him? was it smarter to stay in tna and win the hardy goblin belt from that nose candy idiot in two of the worst title matches in history? it's smart not to go to the greatest wrestling company ever? yeah, what a high iq you and sting must have.

Buried like every other wcw guy? not everybody from wcw was championship material! newsflash! booker t, yeah good talent, over with fans, but a 5 time wcw champion when wcw was going down the tube. when guys like jeff jarrett are smashing guitars and running the nwo? give me a break that guy has less talent than the asian guy singing she bangs from american idol.

Booker T wasn't even buried in wwe. he was lucky to get what he got compared to the actual talent wwe had.

Was chris benoit buried? yeah i guess winning the big gold belt wcw never would let you have at wrestlmania 20 going over hbk and hhh was a damn sure burial. idiot.

eddie guerro sure as hell wasn't buried. he beat lesnar for the title and he won at mania 20 also, against kurt angle. he was 800 times more over in wwe than he ever would've been in wcw flying around in his white tights.

scott steiner wasn't even there long enough. he might've been buried, i dunno tho, coming right in and getting two world title matches? two very shittty matches, that's why he got his roided ass buried.

ddp? at his age, and his abilities and health at that point, he was lucky to even get chokeslammed by taker and kane, he had a belt and won a mania match with wwe. i'd say for what's its worth he wasn't buried.

goldberg? he wasn't buried. he came right in and beat the rock!!! and he won a title. only person who buried goldberg was goldberg himself with his god awful- worse than john cena wrestling ability. watching him vs hogan was like watching two blind kids play football.

y2j? well you already know the story on that. first ever undisputed champ beating rock and austin in the same night. damn he got buried so deep no one will ever find him!!! headlining manias and ppv's?? he got buried alive!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

big show? seeing as the route wcw went, show made a great deal bettering himself with the federation then he ever could've at DUBYA C DUBYA.

who did get buried from wcw? let's see, probably the guys who weren't worth a damn talent, charisma, or wrestling wise. vince knows way more about wrestling, talent, characters, charisma, etc than eric bischoff and ted turner will ever know. nuff said on that one. you can't just throw every wcw guy in there and let em feud with taker, rock, austin, and give them title reigns. get over yourself man, wcw died for a reason.

Now on you sting "jobbing" to the deadman?? that's complete bullshit. so im guessing hhh, hbk, and kane "jobbed" to taker, twice. and i guess big stars like orton, edge, batista, show(who jumped ship from sinking wcw) jobbed too? yeah right. think again buddy.

So in conclusion, sting, instead of going out in front of 1500 people on tapings, beating meth head hardy, and getting beat up weekly by andersen, buddy ray dudley, and matt hardy for christ's sake? yeah wwe wouldve buried him for sure.

Walking out at mania in fron of 71,617 people in the MAIN EVENT vs the undertaker? of course he would've lost, i dont care who you are, you dont beat undertaker at mania(see previous SUPERSTARS AND LEGENDS who have also "jobbed" to taker). Getting his ass tombstoned at mania would've sold more ppv's than rock hosting, austin reffing, cena in another main event, and even jeff hardy jumping off the roof of the dome through 65 tables!

To anyone who thinks sting made the best choice staying in tna, imo, you are a complete idiot. That would be like staying in the canadian football league cause you don't wanna go to the nfl and get hit by the big boys. Why do you think nash and booker left? I bet that massive pop at the rumble they both got gave them more of a rush than everything in tna combined. Tna sucks and so does sting. His old ass forgetting spots in matches. Beating on poor jeff hardy. what a loser he is, and the people who think staying in tna was the better choice. LONG LIVE THE DEADMAN.

P.S. vince you should just go ahead and write a check to dixie, double j, or whoever, buy out tna, get rid of that god awful show only drawing in the low 1's?? yeah that's ratings bischoff and hogan.



baufan2025 posted:

Kidman, Kanyon, DDP, Golberg could have been handled a lot better in WWE, Raven, Sean O'Haire, Buff.

I knew when I saw Vince's face on the screen at Nitro that things where going end badly for the WCW stars. The invasion angle was botched terribly and wrestling hasn't had the excitement it used to have since then.

Kidman won the Cruiserweight Championship twice as i recall, as i recall was legitimately injured for a time during the Invasion story, hence why he wasn't around, and he even won the Tag Titles with Paul London, while he was there i didn't see many differences in his character from his WCW counterpart, as i recall he injured someone with his Shooting Star Press, i can't remember who but it was the start of his downfall, as he also almost injured a few others so i think WWE considered him a risk, and let him go. But as it currently stands he is a trainer for FCW i think (WWE Developmental) and he did a lot of the motion capture moves for WWE games, so he is still employed by WWE, maybe you feel his character got buried but personally i don't see it.

This is the only one i FULLY agree with, i mean he started out ok, but he main reason he got fired was because he was Gay, which is wrong, i'm not gay, but i have no problem against them and don't feel they should be judged because of their sexual orientation. A lot more problems in the world then worry about same sex people. But he did win the WCW United States Championship, WWF Tag Team Championships, i think WWE started to use him to a degree but he announced his sexual preference, and the other guys refused to work with him to a degree, and that was the beginning of the end, unfortunate.

Again i disagree, DDP had a good run, i liked his introduction with him stalking Takers wife was a good way to make a impact. Him and Kanyon won the WWF Tag Team Championships and were a decent team, i think page got injured as well (he was 44 i think when he went to WWE), when he came back he debuted the "Positively Page Gimmick" (which ppl seem to think was WWE trying to ruin him, but here's the thing the character was DDP's idea). And it was a good character i liked it, he even won The European Championship, and successfully defended it at WM18 against Christian in a good bout, hardly getting buried. Nagging Injuries are why he retired. He did eventually go to TNA but here's the thing i don't remember much of his TNA run at it, cause it wasn't that good, in fact it damaged his career more the WWE ever did.

Come one, he had one of the biggest debuts in WWE, first match was against one of WWE's biggest stars ever, The Rock, and beat him clean. He went undefeated for a good portion of his run in WWE, but he had to eventually lose, no need to recreate the streak exactly as it was in WCW, so he didn't always fight big stars, but let's be honest how many stars on raw were there at the time? Goldberg fought most of them eventually, he had a decent ''bounty on his head story" (which only elevates him more as a big threat/star), and looked excellent at Summerslam that year in the Elimination Chamber. He also eventually won the World Heavyweight Title from HHH (which in all honesty was no small feat during those years as he always held it), but he held it for 3 months. Goldberg again looked good in the Rumble, and the build to his feud with Brock Lesnar was also good, it just all fell apart at WM20 with the actual match. What we did see from Goldberg looked impressive when he lifted Brock, but the majority of that match was a letdown mainly due to Goldberg and Brock leaving WWE, (which Goldberg let his contract expire and didn't renew because he felt he was under used, which he wasn't) and let's be honest they could have put on a good match, but didn't seem to concerned about doing so. They let themselves down there. But his WWE run couldn't have been to bad as he once said considering recently he was trying to work out a deal to come back, and was heavily rumored to face Taker at WM27, it didn't happen but there is still no bad blood between Goldberg and WWE.

I will admit, i haven't followed much of Raven's career in ECW, i only saw him in WWE, then later TNA, but for this i will use google to give me an idea of what he did. And.. ok not much, He did have a decent Hardcore match at WM17 with Kane and Big show i remember that match and it was good. he did win the Hardcore Championship once, but lets be honest a majority of stars that get over from WCW/ECW to WWE depended on the crowd, and what they did with the opportunities WWE did give them, from what i do remember Raven's gimmick in WWE wasn't that great, it just was one of them gimmicks that never got over, even in TNA i didn't find him that interesting. I will admit i haven't seen much of his ECW stuff and because of that i will try track down some stuff, but he is a well known name i won't dispute that. But i feel TNA has buried him more the WWE ever did.

Sean O'Haire
He and Chuck Palumbo did beat the top Tag Team of the time The Hardy Boyz, but not for any titles, and true the O'Haire and Palumbo didn't do much, but WWE did try to reinvent his gimmick, when they had him a Devil's advocate character. He urged people to commit adultery, break the law, not pay taxes, and not go to church, among other things. He even had Rowdy Roddy Piper managing him to help boost his name recognition with his new gimmick. And it was ok, i mean they tried with Sean O'Haire, let's be honest but as i said, it is dependent on a few factors, Crowd Reaction, how he acts with his role etc, and i think Sean O'Haire was just one of them unfortunate guys who could never really get over, he did get injured in a motorcycle accident near the end of his run, which probably why he was released. But for a guy who only began his WCW career in 2000, (WWE brought WCW in 2001), he didn't do too bad. I recall him and Taker hang out a lot behind the scenes, because of their love for Motorcycles, not bad to have Undertaker as a good friend.

Buff Bagwell
Man i'm sorry but BUFF FUCKING BAGWELL, he wasn't that great to begin with, more of a comedy steroid character, that and when he signed with WWE he had an attitude. Actual reports : " When Bagwell arrived to the Monday Night RAW TV taping on July 9 in Atlanta, Buff was informed he was being released from his contract due to complaints about his attitude and an altercation with fellow WCW alumnus Shane Helms (he comes in and fights with his own fellow WCW stars who are trying to get over WTF!?!) There were also accusations that Bagwell faked an injury at the July 3 SmackDown! TV taping after receiving a double powerbomb from the APA. The accusations also claimed his mother, Judy Bagwell, was calling WWF offices requesting her son get time off to heal the supposed injury and to complain about her son's travel arrangements". I think that pretty much sums up his burial and in some ways deservedly so, Buff Bagwell was a joke, hard to work with behind the scenes as reported by many WCW and WWE stars, nuff said.

Here's the thing, Just because all the former WCW talent that went to WWE never all won World Heavyweight Belts, doesn't mean they never had good runs, alot of them were given story lines and stuff to, again it all came down to how they handled the stuff they were dealt, crowd reactions etc Not everyone was going to make it, or was cut out to make it, as i have stressed those who were stars, and truly wanted to make it made it, in Bagwell's case and a few others it just seemed they didn't want to be there. But were these guys buried? (again besides Bagwell) NO, most still work with WWE, have some involvement, some quietly retired, they all took paths they wanted too, if they were really buried i haven't seen any of them in interviews say they felt that was the case. Too be honest a lot of them who ended up in TNA are getting more career damage there then anything WWE gave them, WWE again isn't perfect but when i see what TNA does with talent, WWE is so much better, and like it or not just cause Sting got another heavyweight title run in TNA, doesn't mean he isn't being somewhat buried, TNA has done nothing to elevate Stings career, while it's been decent at times, it is nothing more.

The WWE did try with the Invasion, but a part of why it failed is they never had the big names, and when the big names are still getting paid to sit at home, then why not, i don't blame them for that, but it didn't help the Invasion, The Invasion wasn't the worst storyline, it failed to some degree because it didn't live up to the hype in the end, but WWE did try with the talent it had, it wasn't great but it wasn't always awful, people need to get over WCW, and the Invasion to a degree, including Sting, it was 10 years ago, times have changed.
I know that the rumors of this year went no where and Sting ended up going back to TNA.


I have just read his comments on the front page bascially saying "its in the back of his mind to work mania just once". Maybe this year wasn't right.

Now Sting usually does 1 year deals with TNA if history is to believed.

What if he has intention or its already been discussed (he admitted to talking to WWE at least) that maybe

Sting v Taker at WM28 is a better deal
Taker is going for 20 - 0
Sting is a year older and maybe ready to call it quits?

What bigger threat to 20 - 0 than a man that Undertaker has never faced, the man called Sting?

I know its unlikely at this point but he himself is saying its in his mind (to least try do a Mania) ... maybe time will be right for them next year?

I don't think the match would be that big and honestly, WWE always cuts Sting out (compared to how over he really was) of history. Any WCW history is "there was this talented guy named Sting in the early 90s, they were a crappy promotion, Bischoff is a terrible person, nWo came along for a year then got stale and they were crappy again".

the TRUE story, of course, is that in 1997 Sting was not so arguably the most over guy on the planet because he was the only guy who could stand up to the nWo and up until the finish of Hogan/Sting, Fall Brawl 96 on was the greatest build to a feud ever. you could even argue it started back when hogan first came in and took sting's spot.

Anyways I don't think this would be a good idea. I'd like to see it. However, I don't think the match itself would be very good for one and beyond a few thousand straggling WCW nostalgia fans like myself I don't think you'd add that many buyrates to what mania already gets.

I personally would like to see it though.
To be honest I feel like Sting doesnt want to go to Wrestlemania to lose.
Think about it Sting is an icon and to me it feels like he doesnt wants to go to the biggest stage of them all and lose against the Undertaker.
The way he speaks about potentially going to a Wrestlemania is for WWE tocement his legacy and put him over at the biggest stage. But WWE want him to vs Undertaker so Undertaker can go 20-0. Conflicting opinions
Nope! Wake up and quit dreaming. Not gonna happen. Sting and VKM don't have mutual respect for each other. Get out of your fantasy league and live in the now...
To be honest I feel like Sting doesnt want to go to Wrestlemania to lose.
Think about it Sting is an icon and to me it feels like he doesnt wants to go to the biggest stage of them all and lose against the Undertaker.
The way he speaks about potentially going to a Wrestlemania is for WWE tocement his legacy and put him over at the biggest stage. But WWE want him to vs Undertaker so Undertaker can go 20-0. Conflicting opinions

yep - that's it in a nutshell. I doubt taker's streak will be broken, I doubt they would bring Sting over for a one-off payday for an epic match only to be beaten, and if the streak is to end, I doubt the person to break it would be Sting. IMO

however, in light of Sting's wording about being in a wrestlemania match, what if Taker and Sting were in a tag match for the titles or something - they win, but then perhaps Sting turns on Taker and beats him up afterwards, fueding and leading up to match at summerslam or something. or maybe Sting makes an appearance after Takers 20-0 streak victory, and beats him up?
Probably wouldn't be the most popular choice, and I know it's been done, but I think it'd be perfect to have Undertaker finish off his career by burying Kane to go 20-0.

A gimmick match could help hide the fact that both of these guys are old yet still popular. You could even start the buildup six months in advance. If done right, I think it would sell. But they'd have to invest a little more in Kane as a dominant character again, and I don't really see that happening as they want to/need to continue to push these younger guys or they'll have nobody left.
Plain and simple....there is NO WAY IN HELL Sting is coming to WWE to job to The Taker at Mania....Someone said it right earlier, if Sting were to come to the WWE it would be to CEMENT His Legacy not to lay down to The Taker. I do believe Sting will make a run in WWE before his carreer is over, but his 1st match or 1st Mania match wont be to build up Takers streak
I don't think Sting would be against jobbing, he's been pretty professional about things throughout his career. If this is one instance he wouldn't job, I don't think it'd be that big of a deal.

Who else would you want him in there against?

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