Sting vs Hogan.... Not So Bad After All?

Evenflow DDT

Pre-Show Stalwart
Although it seems but hasnt been confirmed that Sting and Hogan will have a final showdown at BFG '11. People on this board have shitted all over this but the more I think about it I like it. Now hear me out. Last weekend Angle beat Sting for the title and will most likely head to BFG as champ so Sting/Hogan wont be for the title unless Sting wins his rematch (if he even gets one). As long as Kurt can make it to Oct as champ he will most likely face off against either AJ, RVD, Joe or Crimson.

Sting is 52 years old and it looks like he maybe hanging up the boots for good so why not have his final match against one of his biggest rivals? Although I'd rather see him and Flair one last time as long as Flair wears a shirt lol. And yes I know people will say why cant he put someone over on his way out but i dont wanna see him lose to any TNA Original other than AJ because none of them are even on his level. And frankly it is HIS last match so he should pick HIS final opponent.

Nostalga sells. People will buy for that match. They wont get WWE numbers but nothing they do will. Jesus could wrestle Satan and they would only get a minor spike in the buyrates. Its not gonna be a 5 star match but it will/should be the last time these 2 legends ever compete. It is a big deal. No one complains when WWE has their old guys come in even when its on PPV (Piper, Dusty, Sgt Slaughter, Bret Hart, Vince McMahon) but god forbid TNA wants to give a decent farewell to a guy who decided to come and do his best to get them some credibility and get them over with mainstream wrestling fans. Sting/Hogan much like Hart/Vince wont be the main event but will alot of focus because more people know them than know anyone else on the TNA roster besides Flair. Hopefully it ends Hogans heel run/Immortal, sends Sting off into the sunset in a good way, opens the door for an Angle heel run and possibally makes room for new title contenders (Bully Ray, Robert Roode, Matt Morgan, and Crimson). But hey it's TNA and TNA is well... TNA so I could be horribally wrong lol.

I am PRAYING that this match happens. I bought a ticket to Bound For Glory and will be heading there from NYC. For pure nostalgia, it's a fitting match to end one or both of their careers. It could be the worst "wrestling" match ever, but that wouldn't matter. Just having those 2 in the ring one last time to close the final chapter in their legendary feud is worth the price of admission (well for me at least).
Sting has said he wants Hogan to be his final opponent. My question is when this happens how much interference/controversy will there be? Has a Hogan/Sting match ever had a legit finish?
Starrcade- "fast" count, Bret Hart reffing
Nitro- controversial finish, title held up
SuperBrawl- Savage hits Hogan with a spraypaint can
Halloween Havoc- the lay down

So will it happen? yes, but will TNA let Sting win clean? most likely not. This match will be full of Immortal and possibly Fortune and Crimson coming down for the save.
ONLY if Sting wins cleanly. I don't even want to see a Flair run in! The Hogan vs Flair matches were hard to watch. Same with Hogan vs Piper. Sting seems like he can still go, allbeit at a much slower pace but Hogan is another story. I hope it happens but I also hope it's faster than a diva's match. LOL
Nostalga is good but only if it doesn't come off as pathetic. Anyone remember the ECW/ Hardcore PPV TNA put on? While I enjoyed it, I was also very saddend by it as well.
I am PRAYING that this match happens. I bought a ticket to Bound For Glory and will be heading there from NYC. For pure nostalgia, it's a fitting match to end one or both of their careers. It could be the worst "wrestling" match ever, but that wouldn't matter. Just having those 2 in the ring one last time to close the final chapter in their legendary feud is worth the price of admission (well for me at least).

And this is exactly why this match matters. Fans buy tickets to see names. Hogan and Sting, age aside, are still names. They are iconic in the industry. Building and billing this angle properly where the climax ends in a final match between the two is a best case scenario for TNA, especially when you pit it at Bound For Glory, the biggest PPV of the year.

I said before and I'll say it again — this match has too much drawing power not to put on just because the ten percenters don't want to see WCW era match-ups in TNA in 2011. When you book for the internet, you lose.
It can't be worst than Hogan - Warrior at Halloween Havoc. This will prolly be 3rd, or 2nd to last match of the night, so it won't even be in the Main Event. You might see the same thing that happened at WrestleMainia 23 I think were Hogan was heel against Rock, and ended up turning face at the end of the match.
I'd buy the PPV if it happens. I'm not going to resort to saying their old and past their prime. I'll be more optimistic, if this is Stings last match...for now I expect the best of both men. That said the mind maybe able but the body unwilling in the case of Hogan.

If it does happen I say let it be clean either way. They owe it to the fans to have Icons do battle. No Holds barred no excuses no run ins just whose the best...I also see Hulk Hogan returning at the end as Immortal beats down the Joker Urr Stinger Ala Rock/Hogan WM X8!
Interesting, I will look more forward to the promos and the buildup than the actual match between two 50 year olds. Similar if it was Austin vs. Hogan, I think they could build it for months and months but the actual match would be lousy at best.

So it will sell, I just don't have any expectations in the actual match. Flair and Hogan both shouldn't be wrestling much... but I do like these story lines bringing me back to WCW/ WWF days, others may not care for it at all thinking it hogs the spot and younger talents can be in there doing the same thing. I disagree "same thing" but that's just me.

The funny thing is that won't be Hogan's last match. :)

From a business standpoint, it could bring TNA ratings and possibly ppv buys. Will it generate out of this world numbers? Probably not at this stage in both men's lives and careers. People will tune into this for a nostalgia kick more than anything else because it's not going to be a hotly contested, competitive match.

It's good business and I can't fault TNA for it as I'm a realistic person. From just a personal perspective, however, I have no interest in seeing them wrestle whatsoever. I've personally seen more than enough of Hogan & Sting that nostlagia no longer plays a factor. I'm generally just tired of seeing them on my television and just want them to go away. I'm more concerned and interested in other wrestlers that could possibly be big stars at some point if the old guard stops dragging themselves back into the limelight.
I can actually see now that this match is most likely going to take place, and if so, then let's have at it. I would love to see them slugging it out to a time limit draw, literally clocking each other time after time after time. Then, shaking hands and giving each other their due respect as each walks off into the sunset. Fitting end for both men and I do like both men for what they've brought to the business and done for it.
It does seem like a Sting vs Hogan match will happen probably at Bound For Glory. This match from a beauty standpoint will indeed be bad. There is no question about it. Knowing this, I really don't care if the match is shit. I am buying this Pay Per View without a regret in the world. The nostalgia of these 2 guys is enough for me to view this match. It sounds like this could be Sting's last match and he is going out with his pride and the way HE wanted to go out and that is wrestling Hulk Hogan. I can't wait for this event in October.
I'd buy the BFG PPV to see this match. Like others have already mentioned, Hogan & Sting probably won't be putting on a wrestling-clinic that night...but the nostalgia factor, coupled with how charismatic both men are will be enough to make this (potential) a classic showdown.

I don't know if Sting will retire after this match (if it happens), but IMO this should be Hogan's final match (EVER). Hulk's had all that surgery on his back, it's crazy if he's even considering "one more match". Then again, Hulk did go to TNA in the first place to help spike interest in the company...and a Hogan vs. Sting match at BFG certainly would get TNA a fair amount of attention.

My initial thought was that we'd see Sting in a triple-threat match for the World Title at BFG (Sting vs. Angle vs. The winner of the BFG Tournament). After seeing what happened during the main event of HC Justice (when Hogan cost Sting the title, albeit indirectly), and thinking about that for the last couple of days, a Hogan/Sting match at BFG seems incredibly likely.

If the match happens, I imagine that there might be a "retirement" stipulation added to the match (maybe loser has to retire for good? I dunno). If there is a stipulation at all, I'd have to bet that it make the most sense if it happens like this: Sting retires (if Hogan wins), and Hogan returns TNA to Dixie (if Sting wins). There might not be any stipulation at all...if Hogan/Sting happens at BFG the match might only be happening to turn Hogan face again.

Regardless of how the match is booked, I'd be excited to see this theoretical/hypothetical showdown at Bound For Glory 2011.
I can actually see now that this match is most likely going to take place, and if so, then let's have at it. I would love to see them slugging it out to a time limit draw, literally clocking each other time after time after time. Then, shaking hands and giving each other their due respect as each walks off into the sunset. Fitting end for both men and I do like both men for what they've brought to the business and done for it.

The time limit would have to be 10 minutes for either of these guys to reach it. Seriously though, I guess maybe somebody somewhere might still have some interest in these two working together again, but for me this comes off like a bad indy show main event with two waaaay past their prime wrestlers playing off the nostalgia of people who have long since moved on. I am not stuck in 1997, and those matches were awful back then so I can't imagine any way this contest could be good.

The OP made a great point about their being no TNA originals worthy of having the "torch" passed to them. Sting shouldn't put any of these clowns over, not because they aren't talented, but because none of them are on the verge of becoming stars in this business. This is why Sting should have went to the WWE so people could look at the star of the future when he's headlining his 5th Wrestlemania and say "Sting helped make that guy". He was so obsessed with being the one guy who never went to the WWE that he cheated himself out of an important part of his legacy. Sting will be like that old lady who never married or had children. Sure she had a lot of fun, but in the end her life was meaningless. No offense to old single ladies.
MUDVAYNE (amazing band btw but terrible post)

I don't think Hogan should wrestler any more either. But i do believe he wants to an he is going to at BFG an i dont see whats wrong with it. Its the end of a LONG on going feud between him an Sting. I personally haven't watch to much of Hogan's wrestling matches. I seen a few but not as much as i have seen Sting. This match might sell for TNA an i hope it does 2 icons face to face in a you punch me i punch you back for ten mins may not be the greatest match but we can finally have a descion on who is the better ICON. I hope Sting wins clean as im a huge fan of sting an then Hollywood goes back an becomes HULK HOGAN!!! he should switch up his colors to the new blues an white. He was sporting a IMPACT colored bandana an it looked good on Hogan. Just a thought idk i would go nuts seeing that vs the red an yellow.

SO YES have at you 2 ICONS an hopefully this match will be better then the two old guys fighting in the episode of family guy (one had a walked an the other a cane an it took 5 mins for them to reach each other being a whole 7 feet aprat lol) an no i personally wont be buying this ppv cus im sad an a loser an never watched a ppv live b4 :(:disappointed:
MUDVAYNE (amazing band btw but terrible post)

I don't think Hogan should wrestler any more either. But i do believe he wants to an he is going to at BFG an i dont see whats wrong with it. Its the end of a LONG on going feud between him an Sting. I personally haven't watch to much of Hogan's wrestling matches. I seen a few but not as much as i have seen Sting. This match might sell for TNA an i hope it does 2 icons face to face in a you punch me i punch you back for ten mins may not be the greatest match but we can finally have a descion on who is the better ICON. I hope Sting wins clean as im a huge fan of sting an then Hollywood goes back an becomes HULK HOGAN!!! he should switch up his colors to the new blues an white. He was sporting a IMPACT colored bandana an it looked good on Hogan. Just a thought idk i would go nuts seeing that vs the red an yellow.

SO YES have at you 2 ICONS an hopefully this match will be better then the two old guys fighting in the episode of family guy (one had a walked an the other a cane an it took 5 mins for them to reach each other being a whole 7 feet aprat lol) an no i personally wont be buying this ppv cus im sad an a loser an never watched a ppv live b4 :(:disappointed:

It's bad for TNA and here is why. Over a decade and a half ago WCW put Hogan and Piper in a steel cage in what became known as Age in a Cage. They thought they could cash in on their rivarly from the 1980's and in another company to boot, while the WWE (WWF) was in the middle of a youth movement. The WWF had been mocking the WCW talents age for a while, but this one "Battle of the icons" served as a walking billboard for how out dated WCW really was with their hasbeen talent. In truth, WCW actually had amazing young talent on the lower and mid card, but the image of a hipless piper and an aging Hogan stinking up Halloween Havoc was too much to overlook. TNA, a company that should be farming new stars not serving as a playground for wrestlers of such advanced age as Hogan and Sting should be thinking about the long term interest of their brand. If TNA thinks this is the best image moving forward for their company, then by all means... keep booking matches like this. But they shouldn't get mad if people stop giving them second, third and fourth chances. TNA can settle for being the company where the old and out of touch induldge themselves until their heart stops. Literally.
No way in HELL should Hogan wrestle again. He was pretty boring in the ring in his prime so him wrestling now would be like taking a sleeping pill.
I think that if booked properly, this match could be a nice way to end of, if not both of their careers (although I fully expect a Hogan WWE match in the future :( )

As IDR said, people buy tickets to see NAMES and the possiblity of being at the Impact Zone for the final match of either Sting, Hulk Hogan (the biggest name in wrestling history) or both is going to draw. It wont be WWE numbers or anywhere close, but it will be a big benefit to TNA as people will want to see it.

The match will suck. Sting can still put on an ok match but Hogan has no business being in the ring any more, and I thought he physically wasn't able to wrestle again? So, I am not expecting this to be a good match but for the emotion and history involved in it, I think it could work.

Then, after these 2 are done....MOVE ON!! Look at building new stars, look at developing their characters to ensure long term success for TNA. The Hogan and Sting show is on its last showing, so the time for a new era to begin is right after this match.
It can't be worst than Hogan - Warrior at Halloween Havoc. This will prolly be 3rd, or 2nd to last match of the night, so it won't even be in the Main Event. You might see the same thing that happened at WrestleMainia 23 I think were Hogan was heel against Rock, and ended up turning face at the end of the match.

WrestleMania 23? lol 4 yrs ago Hogan and Rock were still in WWE?
sorry you got your years way mixed up, that was Wrestlemania 18

but i'd agree with the outcome you forsee. Hogan has said that the red and yellow and Hulkamania is likely to return again and what better way then to have it happen going against Sting, that has been the thorn in Hollywood Hogan's plans/reasoning for over a decade.

I don't think the match is gonna be very good from a performance stand point, but the names alone will sell it. I'd think though as for placement, it would have to be the main event. Nothing else is that important atm then two icons going at it for nothing more then pride. It would be like @ WrestleMania 25 they had HBK vs Taker blow the roof off the arena and then putting on 2 world title matches afterwards, what happened? everyone was blown out from Taker vs HBK that the world title matches which weren't bad matches got almost no response, it should have been the final match to give everyone a huge payoff at the end
I'm sure I've mentioned before on here that I'm not completely sour on a Hogan/Sting match at BFG. The name recognition alone will directly equate to PPV buys, regardless of how old, beat up, or even crippled these two (mostly Hogan) are or further will be by the time October rolls around.

The match itself will probably result in nostalgia for nostalgias sake, but if done right could be great and memorable. Here's how I'd book it:

Sting, continuing with the crazy/Joker gimmick, is furious that Hogan cost him the title at Hardcore Justice. Though the reactions at the end of that event told otherwise, Sting firmly believes that a conspiracy abounds amongst Angle and Hogan. Sting claims Angle has turned a corner in his wrestling career where it's all about him, all about the money, and all about keeping his spot in spite of the next generation being poised for greatness. This segues into the BFG title match where the Series winner will take on a heel Angle for the title. Essentially, it's the same line Sting has been railing at Hogan/Bischoff with for the last year and a half. Sting losing his rematch against Angle under dubious circumstances just further solidifies this.

In the week or two that follows, it's apparent that Sting has seemingly flipped for good. He begins interfering in matches that have nothing to do with him or Hogan, attacking guys in the back (both heel and face) causing in-ring forfeits, and generally making a mess of the show. Sting has come to the conclusion that Hogan and Bischoff are going to have their way regardless of what Sting does. Therefore, since Sting can't fix TNA, he's going to kill the company, drive its talent away, and do so way before Hogan and Bischoff can.

As the next few weeks or so passes, Hogan and Bischoff have found that they can do nothing to truly stop Stings rampage. They suspend him, he comes back. They get the network to outright fire him, he is gone for a week but returns to resume his carnage. Even Dixie Carter tries to talk to Sting "as a friend", claiming that she has moved on from running TNA day-to-day and that he can now give up the grudge. Nothing works. Hogan finally breaks down and calls Sting out to the ring, not to fight but to talk. Hogan very earnestly and sincerely asks Sting what will make all this go away... what will make him stop.

Sting, dropping the crazy gimmick, looks Hogan dead in the eyes and says a match with him at BFG in which the loser retires for good. Sting remarks that he knows all about how "retirement" matches go in professional wresling. This one is not about contractual obligations or going to wrestle for another company after having "one last match" like Flair did. It's not about doing the senior circuit on the independents or tarnishing your legacy... further (as he eyeballs Hogan). It's about two men who absolutely despise each other, who couldn't be on more opposite sides of what's right and wrong in professional wrestling, squaring off with one winner and one loser. No run-ins, no Immortal, not even the main event at the show. Sting/Hogan... one last time for everything they individually believe in, and everything they hold so dear.

During the week or two that follows, we see Hogan having serious doubts about accepting the match, with Hogan flat out saying that he could become crippled or even dead if he goes one more time. Despite Bischoff, his family (wife, Brooke), and friends (Knobbs? Ed Leslie?) urging and even pleading with him to do otherwise, Hogan says wrestling is who he is, responsible for what he has become, and he simply can't back down from a challenge regardless of the physical shape he's in. Hogan, without his usual cockiness and "brother" mannerisms, accepts.

Depending on how the future of TNA is supposed to look, either Sting or Hogan could win. If Sting is truly done with wrestling and looking to get out, I see Hogan starting the match heel with "Hollywood" mannerisms and actions, and slowly becoming face as Sting turns back everything Hogan throws at him, resulting in the Hulk-up, big boot, legdrop storybook ending. If Hogan is going to effectively end his in-ring wrestling time or even leave TNA completely, then I see Hogan coming out to the match as the Red and Yellow, giving it everything he has left in one of the most emotional performances in years, with Sting eventually getting the better of him.
Eh, it's up to standard. It will sell.

I have no interest in seeing this match personally. It will be a slow, painful, plodding match, more than likely featuring interference from other wrestlers so that Hogan can take rest breaks. (See: Bret Hart vs. Anyone, 2010) But as IDR and Jack-Hammer say, it'll sell. People don't pay because of the quality of the match, they pay because they've been persuaded by the marketing. There's no reason not to do this match; what does anyone involved have to lose?

My fondest hope for this match is that no one slips and gets crippled.
People will tune into this for a nostalgia kick more than anything else because it's not going to be a hotly contested, competitive match.

For sure. This is a match you buy for the spectacle, not the ring action. During his prime, Hogan's ring repertoire was slow as molasses; we can only imagine what he'll look like now. Any fight with him requires his opponent to stand in front of him and allow Hulk to take his lumbering shots. Don't wanna make the old man move too much, do we?:gasp:

That's how I felt about Hogan's WWE match with the Rock a few years ago. Say what you will about Rock's wrestling skills, but his routine was lightning fast; he moved around the ring at high speed. Against, Hogan he had to slow down to a snail's pace to accommodate Hulk and the match itself was lousy. However, people bought in to see two legends fight it out, and many will probably do the same for Sting and Hogan.

As for Sting? Well, we saw what happened when he faced Jeff Hardy in the main event of a PPV......... he'd probably find anything preferable to that.
The main problem is not Hogan vs Sting for this ppv. The problem is Hogan, Sting, Steiner, Bubba Ray, Devon, Flair, Nasty Boys, Bischoff, Chyna, Hall, Waltman, Nash, Kendrick, Tara, etc. They keep or kept trying to use guys that lost the Monday Night Wars or are WWE rejects. I love Hogan, probably more than most people. If they were the only two old guys wrestling on the card then it would be okay. But we have had these guys shoved down our throat for 2 years now. No one cares about any of these guys. I actually like most of them, but to the average or casual fan that will bring bigger ratings, Sting pretending to be the joker is an instant channel changer. No one will tune in for this. If this had been the only storyline involving characters from 10-15 years ago over the past year it would be good, but its not. TNA is unwatchable because its a bad Nitro. I was a WCW fan, but I don't want to see these guys again with the same angles/gimmics that they used 10-15 years ago. WWE cut these guys years ago or never used them for a reason. I can think of many names that TNA & WCW failed to get over who soared in the WWE, can anyone think of more than 1 or 2 guys WWE missed and became major stars elsewhere? They need to use these guys to put over the new guys & hopefully find a diamond in the ruff, because even though I like some of the new talent TNA does not have a can't miss character or angle.
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is as out of touch with wrestling as Hulk Hogan.

Sting doesn’t draw NOW, why the hell would he do anything to draw when he’s wrestling a broken down, Hulk Hogan, who everyone knows can’t wrestle at all. Anyone who thinks nostalgia is going to work in their favour is also delusional. This isn’t 1995 anymore. Hogan’s return to wrestling and to TNA hasn’t done a damn thing to change the ratings or improve the company’s standing. No one’s going to come back to watch an old Sting, using a lame Joker gimmick, wrestle an even older Hulk Hogan who can only limp around the ring looking like his body is about to give out on him just WALKING. That’s not going to draw any fans back to TNA to buy Bound for Glory. Its not going to bring ANY interest to TNA as a whole. In fact, it might do the opposite and make loyal TNA fans not even purchase Bound for Glory. Great idea!

So instead of Sting putting over a young talent and future star at the biggest PPV for their company, he’s going to be stealing the spotlight for himself and wrestling a broken down Hulk Hogan, which does absolutely NOTHING for the company’s long term benefit. It doesn’t even do anything for the company’s short term benefit. Unbelievable. This is just more proof that Sting has done absolutely nothing to pass the torch to the young talent of TNA. Not ONE talent is better off right now based on anything Sting has done. Not one is in a better position or a main event star RIGHT NOW because of any sort of "rub" from Sting.

The only good thing that could possibly come out of this match is if both men retire afterwards and LEAVE TNA. And tell Sting to take that lame Joker gimmick with him when he goes.
I agree with you, I would so watch this match because Sting is TNA and he is probably the only reason why I watch TNA. I just hope its a clean ending with sting coming out on top and finishing this immortal nonsense once and for all. Maybe add no golds barred to keep things interesting.

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