Sting Talks About Using Steroids, When He'll Retire, etc


Getting Noticed By Management
TNA Hall of Famer Sting recently spoke to MuscleandFitness about new DVD with Brian Bosworth, "Revelation Road." Here are some highlights of what he said about:

Becoming "Born Again" In 1998: "In August of 1998 my life was turned upside down. I gave my life to Jesus Christ who became my Lord and Savior, right at the peak of my career where I had all the money and power and fame you could ever want. It’s just like in this movie. God kept trying to reach me, to open my eyes. And I was like, “Don’t talk to me about Jesus. My life is fine.” But in August of 1998, I had a moment of truth with a confession I made to my wife. There was drugs, alcohol, adultery, the whole package, and I wound up coming clean and confessing it all."

At 54, How Long He Continues To Wrestle: "I’ve learned not to give a time. I can’t go on wrestling much longer. I’m taking it, literally, one month at a time. I’m under contract until January of next year, so we’ll see what’s happening. I do want to do more movies. I’m looking at a few different things, reality shows being one of them. I’m just trying to move onto the next season of my life. As far as wrestling goes, I’ve stayed away from the creative part of it all these years, I just don’t want to sit in on the meetings and babysit wrestlers and personalities and all that. But, there are things I’d like to see happen in pro wrestling and I may try to make it materialize. I don’t know."

His Past Use of Steroids: "Thankfully, I got smart somehow or another in 1990 and stopped taking steroids – totally stopped. A lot of the guys I ran with all those years continued to take steroids year after year – those guys are having their knees and their hips replaced. I’m not saying everybody who gets their knees and their hips replaced took steroids. I just noticed that the guys who did that were too big, too bulky, too heavy, and the body couldn’t handle it and it took its toll. So that was my one saving grace, but I would train differently now. I’m actually doing pretty good for a guy my age – I just turned 54 – and I’m still hanging in there. I can move a little bit in the ring. I can’t do half of what I used to be able to do, but I get around."

January heh?
Hip replacement and Steroids - Hulk Hogan fits that well
Hogan has admitted to steroid use hasn't he?

Yep, about 22 years ago on The Arsenio Hall Show. Doesn't mean potshots shouldn't be taken, though. I mean it's not like guys like Roddy Piper and The Undertaker have had hip replacements or anything.

I'm actually surprised this hasn't turned into a Sting vs. Taker at WM XXX thread yet.
I hate when he talks about Jesus. It's the same with HBK. I want to hear you talk about wrestling and your oppinions on the product, not some fucking hippy with shite super powers.
Thing is, I never said I didn't have any form of religious belief. I just don't think it needs bringing up at. All. The. Time.

Meh, its a huge thing for a lot of people. If you have a profound life changing moment, its not something you get over after a beer and a sandwich.

They most likely asked the guy too. Especially considering its an interview to hype his new christian movie.

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