Sting: How to put him over in the WWE?


Occasional Pre-Show
I got to reading the thread about "if I was Sting, how would I negotiate?" One post mentioned having full creative control. I know we have been talking Sting as his name has came up since the 2/21 promo but no one has asked. How can he be put over in the WWE. Better yet, if he were to face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, how can Sting be put over without losing his credibility as a top performer and Undertaker losing the streak?

My suggestion is this: Make Taker return to Raw also that night leading us to believe the promos were Taker all along. While Taker is out, have Sting appear from the rafters. I honestly believe if Sting is to be used right, use him where we hardly got a word from him like he did after the crow appearance in WCW. Throughout the month of March before Wrestlemania, set up matches on RAW and/or Smackdown where Sting truly dominates the match where we know Sting will be considered the top pick for the winner at Wrestlemania.

Some are questioning why Sting should dominate Taker. Same reason why most of Taker's opponents before Wrestlemania have become victors, to make it look like Taker will finally lose the streak. Undertaker is always different at Wrestlemania then anywhere else. His energy, his power is phenomenal so at Wrestlemania, make the match as even as possible. Being that we are in Atlanta and yet to really make a WCW tribute to the show whatsoever, we have a few who have ever been affiliated with WCW (Booker T, Nash, etc...) come out and attack Undertaker. However, Sting will not allow it and run off any who attack. This is the time where Undertaker will rise and end up winning the match.

Any thoughts?
I love the idea involving Taker returning and Sting just coming down from the rafters. Sting not saying a word for weeks at a time, just building up suspense would be a great touch. Have Sting cut maybe one or two promos at most during the build up for the match but no more than that. I can picture it in my mind right now and, quite frankly, it puts chills in my nuts.

As far as having Sting dominate Taker leading up to Mania, it could be a way to go because it's formula that the WWE has used time and time again and it's worked. However, I think it'd work better if the WWE did what they did with Taker vs. HBK II in which both guys were shown to be pretty much equal. They played a game of cat and mouse, one of them getting the better of the other each week. After all, these are two legendary & iconic men in pro wrestling and it needs to have that clash of titans feel about it.

Of course, that's if Sting actually does sign with the WWE and Vince does book him & Taker at WrestleMania.
It's all about his initial introduction when he debuts. If he debuts using his theme song from WCW in 1997, a lot of people in the live crowd with reconise this and immediately go nuts. If they go about this in a new way, it'll probably kill a tiny bit of the excitement about having Sting there. If Sting is coming to the WWE, he needs to be the dark character he was all those years ago. If he comes in, immediately hands out the challenge to Undertaker, than that surely is more than an enough of an initial impact. He dosen't even have to say anything, just have him point at the WrestleMania sign and then point at Undertaker.
I got to reading the thread about "if I was Sting, how would I negotiate?" One post mentioned having full creative control. I know we have been talking Sting as his name has came up since the 2/21 promo but no one has asked. How can he be put over in the WWE. Better yet, if he were to face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, how can Sting be put over without losing his credibility as a top performer and Undertaker losing the streak?

My suggestion is this: Make Taker return to Raw also that night leading us to believe the promos were Taker all along. While Taker is out, have Sting appear from the rafters. I honestly believe if Sting is to be used right, use him where we hardly got a word from him like he did after the crow appearance in WCW. Throughout the month of March before Wrestlemania, set up matches on RAW and/or Smackdown where Sting truly dominates the match where we know Sting will be considered the top pick for the winner at Wrestlemania.

Some are questioning why Sting should dominate Taker. Same reason why most of Taker's opponents before Wrestlemania have become victors, to make it look like Taker will finally lose the streak. Undertaker is always different at Wrestlemania then anywhere else. His energy, his power is phenomenal so at Wrestlemania, make the match as even as possible. Being that we are in Atlanta and yet to really make a WCW tribute to the show whatsoever, we have a few who have ever been affiliated with WCW (Booker T, Nash, etc...) come out and attack Undertaker. However, Sting will not allow it and run off any who attack. This is the time where Undertaker will rise and end up winning the match.

Any thoughts?

Not very good

You dont need to get Sting over with the crowd he already is you dont need Booker T Or Nash or anybody else

The Way I see it they can go a few ways

1.Sting can come out on 2 21 11 and directly say he wants to challenge the Undertaker and that for years he has been biding his time waiting for the right time to take on Taker at Wm and end the streak and what better time than at the Wm in the place where Sting built the company that dominated over the wwe for years

2.The Undertaker can return and issue a challenge to take on a worthy opponent at wm Sting answers the challenge
The Problem is it doesnt make sense for taker to return first because every other time he has been "buried alive" or whatever he returns for revenge against the person(s) who defeated him (kane, Wade Barrett, Nexus)

3. you essentially do what Shawn Michaels did you have Sting play mind games with the Undertaker, remember that Undertaker has never (besides Kane really) fought anybody along the lines of Sting, they are very similar, you give Sting the edge week after week playing mind games with Taker costing him matches etc. until finally they face off and Taker is victorious

question is do you make Stings very first match in wwe at wm losing to Undertaker or do u have him have matches before wm
Its been said time after time why doesnt somebody interfere in the money in the bank match and take the briefcase? Throughout the night maybe once or twice have the lights flicker on and off...then I think that during the money in the bank match the lights go out as somebody (prob John Morrison) because the E has a history of putting him down and as hes finally about to grab that briefcase boom the lights go off...when they come back on the briefcase is missing...nobody knows whats going on Vince is in a panic he doesnt know what the hell is going on....the show goes on and during the main event whether its the world heavyweight championship or wwe championship, the lights go out and the briefcase is in the middle of the ring the champion fresh off his victory is looking down at the briefcase lights go off again...the STINGER shows up in his crow appearance and points the bat at the champion hits him in the stomach then delivers the scorpion death drop boom STING ends the night as the champ! Hey WE CAN ALWAYS DREAM RIGHT?
Do you really think Sting would have to be "put over"? Real wrestling fans are going to be drooling for him to actually wrestle in the WWE not just be put in the bogus Hall of Fame.
Do you really think Sting would have to be "put over"? Real wrestling fans are going to be drooling for him to actually wrestle in the WWE not just be put in the bogus Hall of Fame.

This. Sting isn't like Daniel Bryan or other indy stars. You don't have to be a big time wrestling fan to know who Sting. He was, for all intents and purposes, WCW's Stone Cold. EVERYONE knew Sting. Hell, I knew when I was a kid, and I didn't even watch wrestling until I was a teen long after WCW folded. It'd only take a minor history lesson for kids to learn who he is, and maybe not even then, so if it is Sting he's probably gonna get a monster pop. But only if it's The Crow gimmick. If it's not the crow, then WWE have essentially shot themselves in the foot.

Although one question does need to be brought up: If Sting does come to WWE, what the hell are they going to do with the Scorpion Deathlock?
I think Sting simply debuting in WWE would get him over. There isn't any specific feud that he needs to make fans cheer to their hearts content. I'd say over 90 % of the current WWE fans today know who Sting is and have been wanting him in a WWE ring for years. To the younger generation he still has that look of pure "bad ass". So to answer your question simply Sting showing up in the WWE would get him over.
How about Sting vs either The NExus or The Corre?
Remember when the nWo was at it's peak in WCW? The only one that had sucess against all of them at the same time was Sting. He would be in the ring taking out the likes of Curt Henig, Buff Bagwell, Macho Man, Virgil, Scott Norton, Scott Hall and during all of this Hogan and Bishoff would retreat as far as they could.
So far the Nexus has dominated everyone they attack, be it Cena, Show, Orton, it does not matter. Sting could be the one that would stand up to them and not get beat down. To make it work, have CM Punk disappear. Just like it worked in WCW with the nWo.
i said that when it first happened have taker come back thinking it was him and then have sting come back same night...but i will be awesome
I understand that he will get a major pop when he goes to WWE. That will put him over big time. I'm not saying that though. More like, how can he be used to the fact that everybody thinks it'd be disappointing if he ended the streak, but everybody would think it'd be disappointing and he came in and lost his first big match there. One disappointment has to go.
Sting or anyone being in the rafters / coming down from the rafters is about as good as a wrestler coming to the ring in a Chris Benoit t-shirt.

It will never happen again.
Here's what I'd do...

How about at raw 2-21-11 have Sting AND undertaker return as a team or force. Have them rivial with New Nexus and Corre, playing mind games, startedowns,etc. until WM 27 where Undertaker and sting verus a united New Nexus and Corre, and along the way have the comminaters explain who sting is, the similarties b/t Taker and sting,and get the crowd into it.

The only reason why I said pair him with undertaker first is because alot of todays average fan won't know who sting is, and see him as a taker knock off,so this seemed the most locial pairings.

And besides who doesn't want to see the main event of WM 27 be:
Sting & Undertaker vs. (well just about any one, may be Rock and SCSA?)

Then Wrestlemania 28's main event:
Icon vs. Phenom
Legend vs. Legend
Sting vs. Undertaker
career vs. championship/streak/career

What do Ya'll think?
i honestly could care less about catering to the 10% of fans that dont know who Sting is because they are eithier little kids or not real wrestling fans
I understand that he will get a major pop when he goes to WWE. That will put him over big time. I'm not saying that though. More like, how can he be used to the fact that everybody thinks it'd be disappointing if he ended the streak, but everybody would think it'd be disappointing and he came in and lost his first big match there. One disappointment has to go.

Not nesecarlly how about Undertaker and Sting vs. corre and New Nexus.
Then next Wrestlemania is Undertaker vs. Sting vs. John Cena(because we all want to see taker kick his ass at the grandest stage of them all, and this match has been 4+ years in the making.)
Therefore The streak continues and sting wins his first wrestlemania, and next year Taker beats sting and John cena in a elimantion triple threat match so taker can retire 20-0, we get to see taker vs. sting, and taker vs. Cena in the same match. Everyone wins.....
i honestly could care less about catering to the 10% of fans that dont know who Sting is because they are either little kids or not real wrestling fans

Normally I'd say that's an ignorant statement, but this is one of the few times where that statistic is true. No one over the age of ten who calls themselves a fan of wrestling would say they don't know who Sting is.
Sting or anyone being in the rafters / coming down from the rafters is about as good as a wrestler coming to the ring in a Chris Benoit t-shirt.

It will never happen again.

EXACTLY what I was thinking. Even the thought of that makes me uneasy.

Back on topic;
I think Sting is very well known. The only people who may not know him is the younger WWE fans. Anyone who watched wrestling during the monday night wars/attitude era/WCW decline, whatever you wanna call it know who he is.
Sting vs Undertaker would be an amazing match but would Sting really want to lose his debut in the WWE? Not saying Sting is that kind of guy not to put someone over, but it's not the way a big star would normally want to debut in a new company.

and if it isn't Sting in those 2/21/11 commercials, I'm gonna be PISSED
Seriously, I have never seen this many people before put out a demand so big than to get Sting in WWE on 2/21 or they will be pissed.
How I put him over....let's start with the debut (if it is Sting on 2/21/11)

During a New Nexus beatdown of someone (for this exercise let's say...Orton)

Lights go out and you get the "lightning" flashes and "thunder" rumbling. And on top of the Titantron (maybe where Punk was standing during his whole "sacrifice" speech) you see a man clad in black...white facepaint wielding a baseball bat and just pointing at Nexus...similar to how he'd do it to the nWo in WCW. The lights go out and he's gone. Punk laughs it off and they continue to beat down Orton until the lights go dark again with thunder. Lights come back on and Sting is in the ring behind Punk...Vengeance DDT (the reverse DDT) on Punk and the rest of Nexus scatter out of the ring. Sting stands over Orton as Nexus drags their leader out of the ring while looking in shock that Sting is in a WWE ring. Cole and King go complete ape(you know what) and I'm sure the fans will be erupting.

Don't build a Taker storyline just yet. Just have him being a "savior" for a few weeks until he makes the announcement of why he's actually here. He wants the dream match. The match fans have wanted to see for 10+ years...The Phenom vs the Icon....Undertaker vs STING! Wrestlemania. In his old stomping grounds of Atlanta, Georgia.
I agree with a lot of people here. They have to have both of them appear on the same night. If they're going to bring Sting back, they have to bring him in as Crow Sting. It's arguably the biggest gimmick of all time apart from Taker. Also this was the best incarnation of Sting.

Now the way I'd do it. Throughout the night you have different signs show up that someone is in the rafters, but don't show who it is. Have people checking it out and all. Finding no one. Then when the Nexus or Corre is out involved in a match. You have the lights go out, and then come back up and their all down, laid out in the middle of the ring. Then at the end of the 2-21-11 raw Taker comes out and starts this promo about how he's back, and while everyone tried to stop him he's going to Mania once again to defend the streak. He was planning on taking on those that buried him alive, but that's already been taken care of. Boom Lights go out, thunder and lighting start. Sting then comes down from the rafters into the ring. He and Taker have a stare down. Taker with some emotion, but Sting with none. Sting then looks over at the Wrestlemania sign and points with the bat. Signaling he wants Taker at Mania. That's where you ended the show.

For the next few weeks you just continue the mind games. Let Sting actually get into Taker's head. Showing up when ever he's in a match, (with Nexus or Corre.) or cutting a promo. Never saying a word, but pointing to the sign. Finally Taker answers him, yes. At that point Sting comes from the rafter's and hits with the Scorpion Deathdrop.

In my opinion that would be the best way to build the match up. The beauty about this match is there doesn't have to be much talking leading up to it. Just Sting's presence would be enough. Along with Taker cutting a few he will rest in peace promo's. You've got it made. You get Sting over, but still have Taker win the match. Then afterwards those to can take on New Nexus and the Corre or whatever.
First thing is how to make both Sting look good and or the Undertaker still retain his streak.... If in the middle of a knock out drag out fight between Sting and Taker, Kane or The Corre or both comes out too either cheat out the Undertaker of the victory..Which Sting will see and like a stand up guy fight them off, not wanting his own glory tarnished by outside interferance, just to walk into a Tombstone by the Undertaker unaware that Sting isn't involved with the interferance. he wins again, and the interferance again rushes the ring and takes down a weaken Undertaker. Sting rolls out of the ring and grabs his bat from under the apron he goes back in and beats off whomever, around the same time Undertaker counter attacks, both men fight off the interferance before both men are left standing in the ring, they turn around both men staring at each other then a few words are said and both men give a Respectful Nod of approval as they cautiously but respectfully exit the ring from opposite sides not taking their eyes off the other.

Opens the door to Sting and Taker joining forces against the Corre or Kane and Corre. They fight together then go separate ways.
I think Undertaker will return and try to get his revenge, but because Wade Barrett is no longer with Nexus, Taker will have to take on both the New Nexus and the Corre.

During his confrontations with either group Sting will appear in the rafters or on top of the titantron, and lead people to believe he was who was behind Nexus's initial attack on the Undertaker.

It'll be Undertaker vs Barrett at Wrestlemania, when all the members of Nexus and Corre attack Sting will come in and make the save.
As stated before, I really dont see Sting coming from the rafters. Vince isn't THAT big of an asshole to pull that trick again. Just can't see a 51 year old man coming down like that.
How would I have him come in? Honestly I don't like the idea him losing his debut match, but I HIGHLY doubt that he will come in and break the streak (although who else honestly could do it other than the guy who was top dog when Taker left WCW long ago). I sorta like the idea of them teaming though I really don't see that happening either.
Have Taker Return and both the Core and Nexus come to the ring to attack him, while they are fighting have cena and orton come down.. They are still losing and the lights go out

When they come back on Sting is standing there with a bat and helps clean house.. Cena, Orton and Taker look on in suprise on one side of the ring as sting points his bat at each of them finally stopping at taker and we go off the air with Sting pointing at Taker..

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