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Sting and the Younger Guys?


Occasional Pre-Show
Tonight on Impact, to paraphrase, Sting said that Hogan and Bischoff were holding back the younger guys and it was his goal to put a stop to it, starting with Flair, and ending with Hogan at Bound For Glory. Again, that's paraphrasing, not directly quoting or anything. So, my question to everybody out there in Internetland is, do you think that we will start seeing more of a push for the younger guys after BFG? And I know that there are guys getting pushed right now, what I mean is, could we see somebody other than Angle, Sting, Jarrett, Hardy being in the main event? Could we start seeing a lot of these guys that many believe should be getting a hard push and title shots and title reigns, such as Styles, Roode, Storm, Daniels, Joe start getting those chances to run with the ball so to speak after BFG rather than the older vets? And do you think that this would be a good thing?

Personally, I hope that many of the up and comers start getting their shots, and those who haven't been in the main event but do deserve start to as well. I think we still need some established veterans to help make them relevant though, and by that I mean, some of these up and comers need to go over people like RVD, Anderson, and Sting to become more established as a big threat to the title. In my opinion. So what do you guys think?
Sting is holding back the young guys. How can he justify his own push when he doesn't do house shows, is irrevelant for buy rates, constantly wrestles the old guys, and does this while threatening guys with a plastic bat and cutting terrible promos which build to nothing and where he tries to convince people he's crazy by saying he's crazy and telling stupid jokes. If Sting was really about the young guys he would be jobbing to them clean and would stay out of the top of the card.
wasnt AJ the longest reigning tna champ? joe was champ, right? ok...i'll give you the other 3 when it comes to tna title....but when you say "young" do you mean young...or do you mean not wcw/wwe vets?
Sting is holding back the young guys. How can he justify his own push when he doesn't do house shows, is irrevelant for buy rates, constantly wrestles the old guys, and does this while threatening guys with a plastic bat and cutting terrible promos which build to nothing and where he tries to convince people he's crazy by saying he's crazy and telling stupid jokes. If Sting was really about the young guys he would be jobbing to them clean and would stay out of the top of the card.

I'd say Sting is just doing what he's told to do. And I wouldn't say that he's irreleant to buy rates either, because I think that there are still a number of people out there who would and did pay for the last ppv to see Sting go against Angle. But he's not constantly wrestling the old guys. Let's look at his last few major matches. Angle...who is older, but I can't really consider him one of the old guys when he is probably the best wrestler in the world today. Mr Anderson is nowhere near old, and Sting did lose to Anderson at one point. RVD, not that old. Jeff Hardy, not that old and probably would have had a decent feud if things went as originally planned. And let's not forget that he did wrestle Gunner...and he lost, thus helping to push the younger guy. He also lost to AJ Styles at Bound For Glory for the title a couple of years ago. Believe it or not, Sting really is one of the ones that is willing to push the younger guys and let them go over him. But he doesn't get final say, he's gotta do what he's told at work just like the rest of us. And honestly, this thing with Hogan will probably be his last match as I imagine he'll probably retire or at least disappear again for awhile after BFG.
wasnt AJ the longest reigning tna champ? joe was champ, right? ok...i'll give you the other 3 when it comes to tna title....but when you say "young" do you mean young...or do you mean wcw/wwe vets?

That's a good question, because I'm not really sure what Sting meant either? I would say those who aren't WWE/WCW vets who haven't been pushed as of late. Because Roode's not exactly young, he's in his mid 30s I think? And Daniels is in his 40s, but he's never had a TNA title run, and I"d kinda like to see it personally, if he went back to the Fallen Angel gimmick that is.
I'd say Sting is just doing what he's told to do. And I wouldn't say that he's irreleant to buy rates either, because I think that there are still a number of people out there who would and did pay for the last ppv to see Sting go against Angle. But he's not constantly wrestling the old guys. Let's look at his last few major matches. Angle...who is older, but I can't really consider him one of the old guys when he is probably the best wrestler in the world today. Mr Anderson is nowhere near old, and Sting did lose to Anderson at one point. RVD, not that old. Jeff Hardy, not that old and probably would have had a decent feud if things went as originally planned. And let's not forget that he did wrestle Gunner...and he lost, thus helping to push the younger guy. He also lost to AJ Styles at Bound For Glory for the title a couple of years ago. Believe it or not, Sting really is one of the ones that is willing to push the younger guys and let them go over him. But he doesn't get final say, he's gotta do what he's told at work just like the rest of us. And honestly, this thing with Hogan will probably be his last match as I imagine he'll probably retire or at least disappear again for awhile after BFG.

You put Sting on a ppv less than 10k buys you take him off less that 10k buys, its not like you put him on a ppv and all of the sound 20k or more people get the ppv, that means he is irevelant for ppv buys. If he really care about the young guys he would do jobs where he gets dominated, what is TNA going to do send him home and still pay him. And RVD is 40 that used to mean you were mid card at best unless you were a draw he's old putting RVD over is meaningless RVD will get the same pop and draw no money if Sting jobs to him or not. A guy like Sting has pull backstage and could gets guys pushed if he wanted to, but he knows if the younger guys get pushed and get the main spots and show that they are just as capable of drawing the same shitty numbers Dixie might get it through her head to get rid of all the overpayed old guys that do nothing but provide a slightly bigger tax shelter for Panda energy.
How many times has TNA run this exact same program? It's not even the first time Sting has been involved. Before Immortal, it was the MEM, Planet Jarrett, and the Kings of Wrestling (am I missing any?). And before that, Russo/Bisch was running the same story in WCW with the New Blood vs ...I don't know, the Magnificent Seven or something? It was just two years ago that A.J Styles was passed the torch by Sting in the main event of BFG - a hard won victory for the 'young guys' after a long battle between Front Line and the MEM. If the young guys Sting is referring to have been held back this long, than I don't see why this storyline will change anything. Really, I suspect this storyline isn't so much signalling a shift in the direction of the company as it is paying lip-service to the demands of the vocal "10 percenter's" (as E.B would call us). I see things remaining as they've always been, with at least one established (former WWE/WCW) star in the main event at all times. At least until Angle/Sting/Hardy retire.

As for the futures of the young guys in question? AJ Styles has been to the mountaintop and back. He's seemingly been demoted to the mid-card for the time being, but he will outlast Bischoff/Hogan and will probably be in the main event again. Joe, I think, will not be the IW/TNA champion again. He could still have a prominent role in TNA, but I see him jumping ship to the WWE instead. Daniels will likely never be IW/TNA champion (he had his best chance at Final Resolution 2009), but he could easily be one of the cornerstones of the X division for years to come (and now that the division has a weight limit and is being emphasized again, there's nothing wrong with that). Roode and Storm, I think will either be pushed to the top soon, or lost to the WWE. Building both into main event players should be TNA's top priority right now, but instead, I think they are going to focus on the still-too-green Crimson. Additionally, Ken Anderson is still a fairly young guy, and he will likely be involved in the main-event picture again. So in a sense, yes, they will be pushing more young guys to the top. But I don't think it will be the young guys that the majority of IW/TNA fans have been hoping for.

Still, anything is possible. Here's hoping for a Storm/Roode main event at BFG 2012.
Yes. They will be pushing more younger talent. That's where this whole angle including Dixie is leading up to.

-Crimson being a main eventer. Gunner being a main eventer. Roode/Storm main eventing.

-The Rebuild of the X-Division.

-New young wrestlers to debut.

-Magnus winning the Xplosion Championship Challenge.

It's very obvious they are ready to push a wave of new talent. Rightfully so, Kurt Angle will be gone soon. Sting will want a vacation, Flair will be taking a major step back.

TNA already failed with AJ Styles and Samoa Joe becoming legit draws as main eventers. Despite AJ being top tier mainstream company wrestlers today along with Punk, Orton. He isn't on the same level of drawing power.

Samoa Joe? Great all around promo ability, he has swagger but he just has a one dimensional character that makes it hard to sell this guy anymore. He doesn't even look to lose weight and go back into his 2005 mode physically.

Crimson, Gunner, Roode even Magnus has potential to be legit draws and they all can wrestle at a high level. They'll only get better. Anyone who still thinks Crimson can't cut promos got proven wrong, anyone who says he's green after tonight's showing against Angle got proven wrong. People need to quit the crap and admit, TNA is doing the right thing with Impact Wrestling.

They are in a MUCH better place financially, product wise and watchable compared to their "Red Brand" in 2010 and early 2011.
i dont even no of anybody in tna thats young instead of those no name horrible wrestlers that they just brought in
I do see this program going some where. I believe that last year when Eric B. was interviewed he said that story lines are going to take time to build like they used to do back in the day. We will get a pay off on this starting BFG. Here is why I think that:

1. Angel is going to start training for the games.
2. It is time to shift the power (story line wise) from Hogan/Eric
3. They have talent (no matter what the IWC says) that is ready to be moved into the prime time.
4. I also think us here in America don't know the impact (no bun intended) they are making overseas.

That is my thoughts
Yes. They will be pushing more younger talent. That's where this whole angle including Dixie is leading up to.

-Crimson being a main eventer. Gunner being a main eventer. Roode/Storm main eventing.

-The Rebuild of the X-Division.

-New young wrestlers to debut.

-Magnus winning the Xplosion Championship Challenge.

It's very obvious they are ready to push a wave of new talent. Rightfully so, Kurt Angle will be gone soon. Sting will want a vacation, Flair will be taking a major step back.

TNA already failed with AJ Styles and Samoa Joe becoming legit draws as main eventers. Despite AJ being top tier mainstream company wrestlers today along with Punk, Orton. He isn't on the same level of drawing power.

Samoa Joe? Great all around promo ability, he has swagger but he just has a one dimensional character that makes it hard to sell this guy anymore. He doesn't even look to lose weight and go back into his 2005 mode physically.

Crimson, Gunner, Roode even Magnus has potential to be legit draws and they all can wrestle at a high level. They'll only get better. Anyone who still thinks Crimson can't cut promos got proven wrong, anyone who says he's green after tonight's showing against Angle got proven wrong. People need to quit the crap and admit, TNA is doing the right thing with Impact Wrestling.

They are in a MUCH better place financially, product wise and watchable compared to their "Red Brand" in 2010 and early 2011.

BRAVO ,Bravo! There's somebody out there with a freaking Brain!And I tell you they are few and far between I'll tell you!

People are still complaining about this storyline and making threads about it every week,Seriously they do. Like the damn storyline is going to go away all of a sudden.They've been building this storyline basicly for two years now and it's about to end in a month and a half at BFG! and people are still complaining as if they came this far and are almost at the finish line and going to just halt the storyline unfinished.

And people complain about Hogan vs Sting at Bound for Glory! This match is probably going to be a street fight with the company on the line and have run ins, Twist and turns and surprises! This match will be pure storyline and entertainment! YET the idiots out there think they are going to wrestle 30 mins or something! Just crazy!
BRAVO ,Bravo! There's somebody out there with a freaking Brain!And I tell you they are few and far between I'll tell you!

People are still complaining about this storyline and making threads about it every week,Seriously they do. Like the damn storyline is going to go away all of a sudden.They've been building this storyline basicly for two years now and it's about to end in a month and a half at BFG! and people are still complaining as if they came this far and are almost at the finish line and going to just halt the storyline unfinished.

And people complain about Hogan vs Sting at Bound for Glory! This match is probably going to be a street fight with the company on the line and have run ins, Twist and turns and surprises! This match will be pure storyline and entertainment! YET the idiots out there think they are going to wrestle 30 mins or something! Just crazy!
5 minutes of Sting vs Hogan is totally pathetic. By the end of the night, no one will care...
BRAVO ,Bravo! There's somebody out there with a freaking Brain!And I tell you they are few and far between I'll tell you!

People are still complaining about this storyline and making threads about it every week,Seriously they do. Like the damn storyline is going to go away all of a sudden.They've been building this storyline basicly for two years now and it's about to end in a month and a half at BFG! and people are still complaining as if they came this far and are almost at the finish line and going to just halt the storyline unfinished.

And people complain about Hogan vs Sting at Bound for Glory! This match is probably going to be a street fight with the company on the line and have run ins, Twist and turns and surprises! This match will be pure storyline and entertainment! YET the idiots out there think they are going to wrestle 30 mins or something! Just crazy!

Hey I'll be the first to admit that I"ve loved this storyline and the build for it. Yes it's taken two years just about, but it has been very good I think. I know that this match will not be a classic, hell the matches between Hogan and Sting in WCW weren't classics, but the end result and the pay off I think will be worth it.

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