Steve Corino retiring?

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SFW - Jim Rourke
taken from his livejournal blog:

Steve Corino said:
Although I won’t be there and it pains me more then anyone will know Colby’s second wrestling meet is on Saturday. He went 2-1 last week and made me so proud. More then the wins he showed heart and sportsmenship. Sometimes I wonder if you can teach that to kids or they just have it in them. I remember when I played baseball as a kid I was very competitive but I don’t think I was unsportsmenlike. I was never as laid back as he is though. Each week it gets harder to get on the plane or get in the car when I should be home to watch him.

That is why I came to the realization that 2007 will be my last year in the squared circle. As I approach 34 years old and my body breaks down with each match, it gets more difficult to be in the ring. It has been something that I have thought of for about 18 months to two years now but its something that I can’t stop thinking of. Believe it or not this isn’t a decision that I look at with sadness because I have done everything I ever wanted to do in professional wrestling times 1000 I have gotten to wrestle in so many countries, met so many great fans (some that have become true friends), and wrestled my heroes. I will still be involved on the other side of the business but as for wrestling in the ring December 31 will be it. It will make running WORLD-1 a little easier on me because I won’t have to worry about wrestling on the events just promote and book them.

But that also doesn’t mean I am going to just skate through the next 12 months and not try create some trouble With my return to Japan plus Canada, Germany, Ireland, and Australia and regaining the AWA World title last week I am going to have a pretty full schedule. Unlike when I wanted to retire in 2001 out of frustration and bitterness toward the wrestlng business, this decision is based on wanting to be home more and doing something different. It is was a great 12 year ride with one more year to go Thank you for everything to the fans, promoters, and wrestlers that I have had the pleasure to meet, hang out with, and perform with.

I've never been a fan. He model's himself on the like's of Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair. But the only thing that he share's with them is his willingness to juice. He's an ok wrestler but he never deserved such a high spot in ECW. You also have to take a wrestler announcing his retirement with a pinch of salt, wrestler's very rarely retire when they say they are.
Corino was a pretty okay worker, but as a personality he was tops. One of my favorite matches was when he went against Balls Mahoney in 1999 and after taking Balls off his feet he had the chance to hit him with a chair from behind while he was still seated in front of him. Instead, he unfolded the chair, sat down on it, and put Balls in a rear-chinlock. The ECW fans wanted to lynch him for it, but I thought it was one of the best smark-plays since Cactus Jack's turn in ECW doing all the headlocks and driving the fans apeshit. What really pisses me off is that WWE cockknocked him and purchased the rights to his nickname. I'd like to see Vince McMahon take a Van Terminator for that.
Yeah but Corino's been using that nickname for a while now. You would have thought he would have had it copyrighted. It's not like he's in WWE and he signed his name over to them. Also does anyone know if R.V.D., Sandman and Sabu own the right's to there name's? It would be a shame if they left WWE and then had to change thaer name's like the Dudleyz.
It's a large certainty that they do as all three RVD, Sabu, and Sandman worked in other companies or independently with those names. With regards to Corino's nickname, I just find it irritating that out of anything they could've garnered rights to...they'd go after an established wrestler's moniker. I mean, he never even worked for them, and still they're cock-blocking him.
Yeah but if Vince is going to do it to somebody who never drew nothing under him like Justin Credibe or Chris Kanyon, then he'll have no qualm's about doing it to somebody else. He probably does it because he purchased most of the old promotion's and archive footage. He need's to spend his money just so he'll go down as the most dominant wrestling promoter ever. He'll be having WWE Mexico and WWE Japan next.
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