Steve Austin Return?


I was listening to Steve Austin being interviewed on a Philadelphia radio station today and he was talking about his movie, but a lot of wrestling stuff.

They asked him about a Hogan match and he said, again, it wouldn't happen, but he was asked for the past three Wrestlemanias to do it. He said he wouldn't because their two styles wouldn't work together and not because he couldn't wrestle anymore(!) Personally I love Stone Cold, but I don't buy that. Hogan/Andre wasn't about their styles or the quality of the match but simply the atmosphere. Austin/Hogan would be bigger in my mind. I wonder if he's afraid of the same reaction Hogan got against the Rock. I don't think that
would happen.

I was shocked though because he said he could wrestle if he wanted to. He said that he could still go on the road for two years and be the top guy again.

That got me thinking. First, I think he could single-handedly bump the ratings by quite a bit. Also I know they're old, but I would love to see at least an Austin/Hogan feud, they don't ever have to wrestle. Can you imagine the reaction if Cena got more and more boos and Austin came and took the title from him?

I know it won't happen, but I think it would be huge.
Austin taking the title from Cena would be awsome...because that would just make more room for Austin to make Cena look like an ass...but from what i heard Austin say in an interview, he's not going to be wrestling...which is sad...but people will move on i guess....idk
Austin V a Heel Cena would be huge,also a programme with Edge too.Austin said he would love to work with Mr Kennedy.I think it would be something that could kick start Raw
When Stone Cold returns, it will be against a huge rising star, and he will put on a performance of a lifetime.
When Stone Cold returns, it will be against a huge rising star, and he will put on a performance of a lifetime.

What make's you think he will ever wrestle again? It's been 4 years since his last match. His back is fucked. And he must be amazingly rich. Why risk it?
Stone Cold could do himself a huge Injury if he stepped back into the ring as a wrestler, his back, his neck and his Knees are so damaged that, he could quite possibly end up losing the use of his legs. So it is just stupid to go and say that He should come back, if he only came back in a GM type role than it is all well and goodd but as a Wrestler, NO WAY.
If Shawn Micheals can return so can Stone Cold.
i don't think micheals injury is as servere as stone colds is...shawn is still leaping off the top rope and pullin risky moves for stone cold he has a diff style of wrestling and i could understand him when he saids he would rather live healthy another 10 or 15 years..him going back in that ring is a risk..a risk he should not take...
He might have meant he feels like he could, but as you know just because you feel like you can doesn't mean you can. He also said he was all together done with wrestling and wants to make great movies. I know we all want him back and the WWE could use him, but health wise and at this point in his life, that will never happen.
I think the WWE needs Austin more than Austin needs the WWE. (although I can't imagine him getting much acting work with no WWE involvement).

If Austin was to return, it would be part-time at most, and surely against someone he hasn't feuded with in the past. I don't see any point in him coming back to face off against Vince, Triple H, HBK or Undertaker for example.

Potential good feuds would be Cena (i suppose), Mr Kennedy or Edge off the top of my head. But if Austin is concerned about his health so much that he thinks just one match could cripple him, I can't see it happening.

EDIT - one more thing, I can't see any match Austin would have upon a return being any type of gimmick match. I don't think he would be willing to risk taking part in any kind of cage or ladder match.
Austin's body is just too banged up. He may feel he is physically able to return, but mentally, he won't risk it. He loses feeling in his extremities pretty frequently, so thats not a good sign.

Listen, we all love Austin. The guy was amazing and I would say he is bigger then Hulk Hogan. I don't think Austin cares if Hogan gets a bigger reaction, personally I don't see it happening. Austin Hates Hulk Hogan, plain and simple. Austin is a business man, Hogan is a money grubbing ****e. Austin was pissed at Hogan at the HoF when he hinted of a Hogan v. Austin. Austin thought that wasn't the proper platform for it, and it wasn't.

We'll be teased with Hogan v. Austin for the next few years, but Austin hates Hogan, Hogan and McMahon are fighting, and who would do the JOB. My personal feeling, Austin does one more match, it should be at WM25 against Hogan. End the damn thing there. As far as a fulltime return, no way. This is Cena's time, and you know damn well that they'll make Austin tap out in the STFU, and don't say it won't happen, because you know it would.
I have to agree with Shockmaster there. Austin would do wonders for the WWE if he came back to the ring right now, but there is no way he can physically come back and wrestle a full schedule. Hell, I have trouble believing he can even wrestle a few matches and still stay healthy. On top of all that, he's been saying in all his Condemned interviews that he wants to stay away from the ring and become known as a guy that makes movies.

Austin isn't in his best shape, which by any means isn't bad but isn't near wrestling shape. With the bad back, knees, and neck, I don't see a way he could come back and be there to stay.

However, I could see him being used in the GM role again somehow. I'm a little fuzzy on the details of his past stint as GM, so I don't know if this has a shot of actually working in with the storylines. Outside of being the GM, I can't see Austin back as a full-timer anytime soon.
Austin vs Hogan would of course, be horrible. I guess Hogan would only wrestle with creative control, so therefore he'd win. And he probably wouldn't sell a stunner.

What I wonder about when it comes to Austin and Hogan and their impacts on the wrestling business, is, is Austin or Hogan more important in the history of WWE?

Hogan helped make it massive in the 80's, but you could argue Austin helped save it from extinction in the mid-late 90's. The Austin vs Vince feud is one of the great storylines ever, plus Austin has always seemed more willing to job or not be THE star than Hogan ever was.
Austin Rest In Peace Hes Trying 2 Follow Th Better Wrestler And Actor The Rock In My View
Hey guys, i was sneaking into Goooogle videos and U Tube, and i found this, i know this is a little off the topic, cause TN A is involved, but is the closest thing i can see for a "Stone Cold" ??? in ring return.
FFWD to the last 3 minutes (First part is CRAP)

at least is freaking hilarious XD
I'd of course love to see Austin return to the ring, but the reality is that he won't. As others have said his neck and back aren't in good shape and why risk suffering a permanent injury when you can just show up every so often and stun someone. But I do have one problem. Austin has become basically a novelty act, much like Hogan is now. He, like Hogan, shows up once in a while, works a storyline for a few weeks, then disappears for a while, then shows up again etc etc. I'd actually rather have Austin just either return full time or not show up at all. And if Austin wants to be an actor now, well he's off to a horrible start.

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