Steroids in wrestling


I am The Last Baron
the letter to the US Congress about the use of Steroids in Wrestling has come out. Here is the link to it, it is worth reading right the way through and not just the "highlights" that Wrestlezone has given us.

Now onto what I want to say, there are three groups of people that I feel are the cause of the massive amount of steroid use and abuse in Pro Wrestling. Ill go from the top down, and this also conforms to slyfoxism in terms of sharing of blame.

1) The Audience: That is right you read correctly, that includes you, it includes me. The Audience is one of the major causes for the use and abuse of steroids in the business. Why you might ask, Look at the majority of the main eventers in the last two decades, they have generally speaking been big and generally ripped. Why is that, because that is what the audience is paying to see, they pay for a service, they expect to get it, they have been getting it since the days of Billy Graham. It is shown that there is a belief in the idea that a ripped physique means toughness and this was able to be seen in the "Venice Beach" culture. This translates to what the audience wanted for their Main Eventers. This therefore means that a proportion of the blame is able to be lain with the Audience, not just with the other two parties of blame.

2) The Promoters: These guys are somewhat in a bind when it comes to it, but they should then show more moral character. But they will be the ones saying that they will push the Big guys and the guys with the physiques because that is what the audience wants. However this is where they should show more moral standing than what appears to be the case. They could say that they will not push anyone who has steroids in their system. They also don't have to say anything and they are still complicit in the steroid problem because of the tacit understanding of wrestlers that the higher up the card the higher the pay, therefore if the guys who are higher up the card are on steroids than that implys that it is a way up the card.

3) The Wrestlers: They are the third responsible party, the reason for this is because they are the ones that are actually taking it, the audience and the promoters aren't bending them over the table to inject the wrestlers arses with steroids. They are doing it themselves. Their motivation for doing it could be many and varied, but in the end it will come down to one thing, Money, and where it goes.

I know that there is some cases where steroid use is prescribed by doctors for injuries, I can understand that because the sport of wrestling itself is one that results in many injuries, unless they are very lucky. However it is the abuse of steroids in the hopes of moving people up the card in an effort to increase the profit margin that is the problem that is facing Wrestling.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.
I read most of the letter and skimmed over most of the statistics, and I have the same opinion on this that I had before: Congress should stay away from this. America is in the middle of the greatest financial crisis in the last 50 years, and this is what they feel best suits the use of their time? Drug use in a performance that isn't even competitive? Baseball was investigated about a year ago, and the conclusion after a lengthy investigation if I remember right was that steroids were used, they were a problem, and it could have been prevented. That's what this will come to, and that's about it. It'll be a waste of time and money and will serve the government because it looks as if they're really doing something for once. This would be a waste of time, as nothing would come of it. Why is it Congress' job to investigate this? If someone can explain that to me, then fine. Otherwise, go do something actually worthwhile, and let me watch my entertainment to get my mind off of the mess that you all got me into.
I think the report was "commissioned" (I'm not sure if that is the right word but you know what I mean) last year, well before the financial crisis hit, so it could have just been the final wording that has taken so long for it to come out, or there is a delay in the submission of the findings and the release to the public. And as to the reason that congress would be interested in getting involved it is possible that they look at the Pro wrestling industry in the same light as big business, it could also be because people may get the idea that becoming a wrestler and using steroids is fine, as far as I understand, the use of Steroids without a prescription is illegal. So if an entire industry is using it and they are in the public eye, (Which both the WWE and TNA are) then it could be considered to be in the best interest of the country to investigate. However I can't see it going too much further in the current financial climate.

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