
Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
It is the name of my young cousin. Distance has kept us from knowing each other beyond the reunions with family and the connections through Facebook. Little did I actually know about her. I knew she would be entering her final year in high school, actually believe that it had started. I knew she resembled my mother more than hers with red hair. I knew that she was very unlike her nuclear family and would have fit right in with mine. But again, the distance kept us apart.

The last time I have saw her, she was just a young adolescence, similar in age to my little brother. They bonded as cousins as any like aged family will do. They had lived in the South Eastern United States, far from my family, who live in Western Canada. Again, distance kept us apart.

The last memory of you would be, sitting, in a hotel room in Vernon. Your father, nonethewiseman, figured Canada was a snow covered land. Foolish, as temperatures scored that season to 110. As my siblings and yours sat, watching Peter Park in his gritty cartoon save the world, the last memories of our time spent together were created.

Today as I watched Ted Kennedy's family celebrate his life, and I sat looking on at that respectable man, my phone would ring. My mother called to break the news that has crushed my spirit. My young cousin, just 17 years old, has taken her life.

My heart has dropped just typing those words. My eyes have filled with tears. Teenage romance has broken hearts before. But this time, one of my own, my young cousin of 17 has taken her life over the matter.

I turn to my friends on here for support, and ask those who believe in such things to pray for her family as they must now deal with the loss of their middle child. She will leave behind her two siblings, Rebecca and Christine, as well as her grieving parents, and a heart broken extended family. I am sorry for having to give you all this story, but it is what I will have to go through for a while.

Rest In Peace Stephanie.
I am really sorry to hear about this TM. My condolences go out to you and her family. This must be really hard for them and I will keep them in my prayers. If you need someone to talk to or anything at all, just send me a pm because I'll be right here to listen.
Man. I don't know what to say. When Tenta's mom died, he got to spend her last days with her. That doesn't make the pain go away, but you barely knew your cousin. And the fact that she killed herself over a dude is just disturbing. I know this more than anybody, but it just goes to show how cruel teenage boys (and girls for that matter) can be. My prayers are with you and your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss TM. It's always worst when you never got the chance to know her well nor get to say goodbye. You and your family have my deepest condolences and will be in my thoughts tonight. Take your time TM, we're always here and the support will always last.
I'm sorry for your loss, TM. Don't be afraid to talk to those around you. It often helps.
Thanks guys. I think my mom will try to go down if she can get her passport. I font think I can.
Dude, always here to talk if you need it.

& teenage romance? Jeezee.. don't even know what to say.

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