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Steiner vs. Angle In 2007

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Source(s): PWInsider

Mike Johnson reports that Scott Steiner has signed a new long-term deal with TNA and should be back on TV very soon.

The plan is for a Scott Steiner/Kurt Angle feud sometime in 2007.

I'm excited about this feud. In WWE Steiner was never really given a chance. I know he had a Title feud with HHH but that was in '03 when Hunter weighed too much and fucked up every feud he was in ie. vs. Booker, Nash and Goldberg. Last year when Steiner went to T.N.A. I was'nt overly optimistic but he proved he could still go if he had to. Maybe it was because he was with Joe or maybe not. Both are great on the mic, Angle can still go and this would be a really stiff match, I'm really looking forward to it.
steiner was given a chance..he was just a horrible wrestler..hhh had to pretty much carry him through the whole match as i recall...it should make for a good feud....and like you sed def will be a stiff match....
I hope Steiner's drop foot syndrome doesn't continue to hinder his performances. There was a time when he was probably one of the best American workers in the business, bar none. Hell, Angle wrestles a style that is nearly a carbon copy of what Steiner and his brother Ricky used to use. I personally think Scotty needs to drop about twenty pounds of his upper body and work on his speed and flexibility again so he can try to move like he used to. Jake's right, though. This will be a very stiff match, and I'm looking forward to it more because I do feel that Steiner and Angle will mesh better than HHH did with Steiner. I still have that match on disc and it wasn't the worst I've ever seen, but it ain't the best either.
Steiner used to be one of the best mat wrestlers. Since juicing himself up, he has lost the edge he had when he tagged with his brother. I remember back when he used to deliver the Frankensteiner like it was nothing and now he's lucky to connect on a decent clothesline.
My problem with steiner is, his sells arent particularly convincing, he just falls like a tree for most moves stiff as a board. This is partly as kasey mentioned he needs to drop abotu 20 pounds of his upper body weight to get his speed and flexibility back. Then he will be on form again.

On a side note i never really liked rick steiner...dont know why...
Source(s): PWInsider

Mike Johnson reports that Scott Steiner has signed a new long-term deal with TNA and should be back on TV very soon.

The plan is for a Scott Steiner/Kurt Angle feud sometime in 2007.

I'm excited about this feud. In WWE Steiner was never really given a chance. I know he had a Title feud with HHH but that was in '03 when Hunter weighed too much and fucked up every feud he was in ie. vs. Booker, Nash and Goldberg. Last year when Steiner went to T.N.A. I was'nt overly optimistic but he proved he could still go if he had to. Maybe it was because he was with Joe or maybe not. Both are great on the mic, Angle can still go and this would be a really stiff match, I'm really looking forward to it.

Yeah, I thought Steiner was done as well when he first came to TNA. But he really impressed me in TNA. I'm really excited he's back now.
My problem with steiner is, his sells arent particularly convincing, he just falls like a tree for most moves stiff as a board. This is partly as kasey mentioned he needs to drop abotu 20 pounds of his upper body weight to get his speed and flexibility back. Then he will be on form again.

On a side note i never really liked rick steiner...dont know why...
It'd definitely help his mobility. I always liked him better as a mid-sized wrestler who relied on speed and quickness, rather than strength and blunt force. Hell, I'll take the mullet-sporting Steiner over the roid-monkey in the ring now any day of the week. He wouldn't even have to have a gimmick because he was that damn good in the ring. It's just irritating to me that no one thought to push him and Rick as singles guys when they were still in their primes.
It'd definitely help his mobility. I always liked him better as a mid-sized wrestler who relied on speed and quickness, rather than strength and blunt force. Hell, I'll take the mullet-sporting Steiner over the roid-monkey in the ring now any day of the week. He wouldn't even have to have a gimmick because he was that damn good in the ring. It's just irritating to me that no one thought to push him and Rick as singles guys when they were still in their primes.

The Mullet, and not Big Poppa Pump. Yeah he used to be incredible. I don't know if he a great singles wrestler or a good tag wrestler because his single career was based on muscle. But seeing Stiener and Angle should be a real wrestling match. Damn near colliegiate.
I can't buy into Steiner. I'm sorry but while Triple H was partially at fault in those matches, The Steiner/Triple H feud was the worst I have ever seen. Luckily Angle has a good ability to carry another wrestler that he's in the ring with. However, I am not convinced about Steiner in TNA. I think he's dead weight and the guy doesn't sell at all. All his matches, he lost and when it was him vs Joe, Joe pretty much carried him. Also keep in mind that's been one of two singles matches that he's had. One against Joe, and the other against Christian Cage. The rest they put him in with other guys around him because they don't trust him on his own. He used to be incredible back when the Steiner Brothers were in their prime and he did the Frankensteiner like a pro. It will take a lot for me to be convinced that Steiner is worth TNA's trouble
^I wouldn't blame you for not buying into Steiner these days. His feud with HHH was a heavy dud and his performance is only a small morsel of what he used to be able to do before he put on arms as big as tree trunks. He was actually a very fast, agile, high impact shooter that combined elements of a few different styles. He was so good that a young Rey Misterio Jr. once credited Steiner as being his favorite wrestler as a youngster. Steiner's ongoing problem with drop foot syndrome and his overabundance of muscle mass have chipped into his game a great deal. he'd do best to shed weight and focus on flexibility and speed, but he's obviously addicted to the weight room so I seriously doubt we'll see a candidate for reform.
The Mullet, and not Big Poppa Pump. Yeah he used to be incredible. I don't know if he a great singles wrestler or a good tag wrestler because his single career was based on muscle. But seeing Stiener and Angle should be a real wrestling match. Damn near colliegiate.
Because of the gimmick change most people forget that he and his brother Rick both attended Michigan (a top wrestling school) on a full-ride and were both solid amateurs who can shoot with the best of them. Sometimes I forget because he stopped coming to the ring in his trademark singlet and changed his wrestling style as well as looking like a anatomy chart with eyeballs from all the iron pumping and obvious juicing.
Steiner had some decent runs as a singles guy in WCW. I mean granted he did mostly tag matches with Buff Bagwell who was a perfect match for Steiner by the way. But anyways he did have some great feuds only after he came to WWE years later did I notice that Steiner lost a step.

But I can't see why he shouldn't be given some credit I mean the guy is a legend of the sport and he still has some good matches left in him. Maybe he's step it up a notch and besides Angle can get a decent match out of even the worst pieces of trash out there imagine what he can do with the Big Bad Booty Daddy.

Hopefully Steiner will bring back the Steiner Screw Driver that move was wicked as well as that backflip powerslam, and the double underhook powerbomb he used to do. Man I miss the Steiner Brothers that were the best tag team in the world.
Tna Sucks Soo Who Cares. Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe:)
Actually, WWE sucks. If you had any sense or a set of balls, you'd go jump in the TNA vs. WWE snake pit and try a real debate instead of spouting off like a specially educated nimrod. Let me put this into terms you can understand: Jump in the discussion up top, Eugene.:icon_wink:
Hopefully Steiner will bring back the Steiner Screw Driver that move was wicked as well as that backflip powerslam, and the double underhook powerbomb he used to do. Man I miss the Steiner Brothers that were the best tag team in the world.
Definitely. I miss that stuff, too. They were my favorite tag team growing up and pretty much remained there up until they split in 1997. Those moves were awesome, but I noticed that Scott had some trouble performing the double underhook powerbomb during his feud with Triple H. It could be a side-effect of having dropfoot syndrome, though. I'm sure you've also noticed that his mobility is only a fraction of what it used to be.
I've never been a big Steiner mark, and I don't know if he'd be able to hack it with Angle. Angle can usually get a good match out of anyone, but Steiner is so immobile and lazy in the ring that I don't know if even Angle could pull it off.
I think we all know this is happening soon and real soon. I mean we have Steiner and Angle two great technical athletes in one six sided ring. It is going to be like Joe vs. Steiner but better imo. Why? Because Steiners wrestling elements mixes with Angle's wrestling elements better.

We all know Christian's consultant is Steiner. You dont need spoilers for that. You can tell by Tomko wearing Steiner's beard and talking like him this week on wednesday to the announce team. Hell even the TNA fans who were at the tapings knew before they even found out Steiner was back in TNA if they are event apart of the IWC. The fans chanted ''Bootleg Steiner''. Remember these are tapings and they could of edited it that out.

Overall I think this feud with Angle and Christian is going to be long term with Steiner and Joe both getting involved making it a bit more interesting. Maybe have Joe and Angle tag against Christian and Steiner or something. Either way this feud is going to be chaotic and just seeing Steiner and Angle in the ring togeather makes me happy. Because two great wrestlers given it their all and being agressive in the ring are two elements that can either lead to a good match or a bad match with some botches. It just makes you wonder.
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