Star wars 3d

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
George Lucas plans to rerelease the entire Star Wars saga in 3D starting in 2012. First up: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.

According to a report in industry newspaper The Hollywood Reporter, Lucas has held off on releasing 3D versions of the films until there were enough screens available to make Star Wars 3D a sizeable event.

At present, movies are limited to 2,000-2,500 3D locations, owing to an insufficient installed base of projectors and screens in the country, the paper reported. Movie theaters are adding 3D screens at a clip of 500 a month in the U.S., however, and foreign exhibitors also are pushing into 3D as quickly as possible now that financing for the installations is flowing.

By late winter or early spring in 2012, the exhibition industry should have all the 3D screens anyone could want for such a release.

Lucasfilm would use several higher-end conversion houses to work on the project, the paper reported.

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Hmm this may be one 3d movie that I would like to see. I think these would be awesome to watch especially with the death star and the clone wars would be really cool as well.
Never let it be said that George Lucas can't hump a cash cow until it's died (and started speaking Korean).
This would be better if they would just start with Sith and skip Phantom and Clone Wars

I do not have any desire to see a 3D Jar Jar
Interesting to think about the complaints about the current WWE product in comparison to how people feel about what lucas did with the new trilogy vs old.

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