**SPOILERS** Against All Odds: T.N.A. World Heavyweight Championship:


[This Space for Rent]
Jim Cornete announced a main event for Against All Odds, a four-way for the TNA title with Sting vs Brother Ray vs Brother Devon vs Kurt Angle


Are they fucking nuts? Is 2009 the year of "Let's see how quickly we can kill any cred. our Heavyweight Championship has?! Brother Ray.. Brother Devon?!

This is Devon's greatest year ever. This will mark his 2nd, SECOND consecutive Pay per view with a Main Event match.. and this time, it's for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Obviously I wouldn't, nor do I fully expect T.N.A. to drop the title onto Ray or Devon. I'm guessing Kurt Angle will end up "mysteriously" getting the pin, causing Sting & Angle to have a rift. But why on earth would you add Brother Ray and Brother Devon, especially when you could've added A.J. Styles, and Rhino, or Samoa Joe even?!

What, was Shark Boy not wanting to fill the spot? Did Cute Kip figure one Main Event was enough for him? Are you shitting me?! The Dudleys, in a Heavyweight Fatal Four Way match?! As the top two faces?! T.N.A. won't make it to 2010, my guess is they won't even make it to Bound For Glory V. This has got to be the stupidiest match announced since.. since.. well, since Kip was the replacement in last month's Genesis ppv.
Oh man, I've heard of some clusterfucks before but this one takes the cake. Seriously, do TNA even know what the fuck they are doing with this match? Whos idea was it to even consider the Dudleys as main event contenders! The worst part is that I wouldn't even be surprised if TNA actually put the World Title strap on one of the Dudley brothers. TNA are suprising us more and more, but it's not the type of suprise that the fans want. It's more of a "what the fuck, this is lame" suprise.

I couldn't watch Genesis but I heard Kip James was replaced in the main event. That is just absurd, but this match is even worse. I am quickly losing respect (if there even was any) for the TNA bookers. Seriously, they want more pay per view buys, Kurt Angle and Sting do draw, but Devon and Brother Ray!? I'm definately not watching this pay per view, because it sounds just awful already. I hope Sting retains here, but I'm almost certain he'll drop it to either Kurt Angle or Brother Ray. I can't see why TNA would want another Angle vs Sting feud though seeing as they are both heels and faced each other not that long ago at Bound For Glory.

If one of the Dudley's wins the title, I may cry. Kurt Angle will most likely win the title and look even more dominant than what he already is (if that's even possible). Either way, we as viewers lose here unless Sting shocks the world and retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
What's to say that Will hasn't already said. I thought the Genesis main event match was bad but this one blows it out of the water. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe must be crying right now because they are the one that deserve to be in the match. Hopefully this won't be the last match on the card because if is, TNA won't be around next month. Most likely Kurt Angle would win and cause a rift between him and Sting that could end up in Sting joining the Frontline (this is TNA we're talking about). If Brother Ray or Brother Devon win the title, I pray that Hernandez comes in and cashes his title shot.
I have two possible outcomes that could flat-out save this miserable excuse for a Main Event.

1. Team 3D may or may not be the final answer in this Fatal Four Way. There is slight hope that A.J. Styles & Samoa Joe could some how get pushed into competing against Team 3D, with the winning team going on to take the spots. If that happens, a nice little Sting/Angle v. Joe/Styles set-up could turn into a nice free for all, and THAT type of Fatal Four Way would be just amazing to see happen.

2. Hernandez, depending on how they work his Feast or Fired case (and I have read a spoiler regarding it) could somehow get a redemption in this match and end up cashing in at the end. I Sincerely hope that Hernandez would be considered a far more reliable option as World Heavyweight Champion than EITHER Dudley.

Final Opinion (as it stands): This is a W.C.W. re-run match-up. For those who don't remember, Lex Luger & The Giant (Big Show) were a Tag team.. they were put in a "Four Corners" match, against Harlem Heat. (Booker T & Stevie Ray) The winner of the match, became a #1 contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Obviously neither member of Harlem Heat at that time would've been remotely capable of being considered a reliable option for the Heavyweight title. But a mini-feud had been working between those teams, so a match came about to settle their feuding AND to help Luger and The Giant in possibly becoming World Champion again. This is nothing more than a very bad mirror image of that. I just hope it changes before the Pay per view.
TNA gives (crumbs) with one hand and takes (my dreams and hopes) with the other, huh? Alex Shelley is X Division champion, but, if I'm totally honest, it's a pointless accolade until they let him do something with it. Anyway, that's a discussion for another topic.

Unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to greet this news - and particularly the events that lead up to it - with humour, like Will did. Maybe once I could, but not now. Not after so much bullshit, the last of which I'd hoped we'd seen at Genesis with Cute motherfuckin' Kip and Rhino. What is this? The farewell tour of the never-weres!? No, I greet this news like I think any rational human being would greet news about competitors in a scripted pro wrestling match. I greet it by losing my faith in humanity.

TNA really doesn't learn from history, does it? Kaz, shit as he was, was fucked around with to the point that I hated him slightly more than I would anyway. Now they seem to be doing it again with, y'know, that guy, except he doesn't seem to be getting any of the breaks that Antonio Banderas did.

And after all the clusterfucks that have been and gone, this may be the worst of all. Team 3D. As singles competitors. Competing for the world title. As faces. In a four way. On PPV. In the main event. At the cost of, y'know. Other people can put this into better words, because I'm lost for words. Well, except these four:

Fuck you too TNA.
I was shocked at this as well. The Duddleys leading their team and getting a shot at the heavyweight title? Let's not bring up the fact that the Duddleys are washed up, mediocre in the ring, and are not very good as faces(Brother Ray is a great heel). Let's not even bring up the fact that DVon has the charisma and personality of a pea pod. I can give TNA an ounce of credit for deciding to push other wrestlers in the mainevent instead of always being Styles, Joe, Booker, ect(WWE fans always complain they want new mainevent talent)but when they choose two over the hill, life long tag teamers to fill the mainevent spot you got to wonder why.

Maybe TNA, just wanted to feed two wrestlers to Angle & Sting at the PPV so they decided to let The Duddleys take the abuse instead of guys like Styles, Joe, ect. Even if that's the case why not just throw Rhyno in with someone else? The Duddleys being thrown into a title match mainevent just seems like a gimmick in order to progress a possible Sting/Angle feud it seems.

Anyways, It's obvious(unless TNA plans to go out of business next month)that either Angle or Sting will win it. Angle does the majority of the talking for the mafia and almost gets more exposure and time than Sting so maybe a title change will be coming. I kind of like the silent champion Sting where he just sits back and let's everyone else do the bidding. I guess either could win, but I can see the outcome being used to start a rift in the mafia between these two, eventually leading to a feud.
I skimmed through everyone else's responses VERY quickly, and I didn't see the one glaring potential storyline in any of your posts.

I think Against All Odds (maybe they should rename it "Against Better Judgement) will mark the end of the tag team run for the Dudley Boyz. I am calling it now - The Dudley Boyz split at Against All Odds.

Then, they get a big match at Destination X, and of course are on opposite teams at Lockdown.

If TNA does it right - like the way I just said it - then they will regain a lot of lost interest.
Makes sense, right? Brother Ray is such an ass in real life, and makes the best heel character because of what an ass he is. So, they took him out to see if Brother Devon could get some singles heat and earn legitimacy as a singles competitor - something he didn't do well in WWE.

So, Ray turns on D-Von in the match and joins the Main Event Mafia, talking about how he's carried the greatest Tag Team of all time for nearly two decades. He's always been one of those "don't disrespect the veterans you snot nosed punk kids" guys anyway.
I skimmed through everyone else's responses VERY quickly, and I didn't see the one glaring potential storyline in any of your posts.

We were meant to be predicting future storylines? That would make me so depressed I'd probably shoot myself.

I think Against All Odds (maybe they should rename it "Against Better Judgement) will mark the end of the tag team run for the Dudley Boyz. I am calling it now - The Dudley Boyz split at Against All Odds.

Good. It's not that interesting anyway, and it's pretty much happened. They've teased it before and left it way too long. People will care more than when VKM split, but not by much. When they separate, as you say they will and I can honestly see happening (and not happening - it's TNA!) then absolutely all remaining interest in them will dissipate and they won't be salvaged no matter how hurriedly they're glued back together.

Then, they get a big match at Destination X, and of course are on opposite teams at Lockdown.

But they're both terrible wrestlers. They only become remotely interesting when they double team. What are they gonna do, perform their own halves of the 3D on each other? Who's gonna hold Bubba's legs open for Devon's headbutt? Is he gonna lie prone on the floor and yell "Waazzzuuuuup!" as he has the move done on him?

If TNA does it right - like the way I just said it - then they will regain a lot of lost interest.

Maybe initially, but I'm sure a lot of people will switch off when they stink the place out.

Makes sense, right? Brother Ray is such an ass in real life, and makes the best heel character because of what an ass he is.

I think if you openly tout bingo wings, you're a natural heel as it is.

So, they took him out to see if Brother Devon could get some singles heat and earn legitimacy as a singles competitor - something he didn't do well in WWE.

Neither did well as singles competitors in WWE. Their biggest achievement was bringing Batista into this world. The wrestling world, that is. And they didn't, strictly speaking.

So, Ray turns on D-Von in the match and joins the Main Event Mafia, talking about how he's carried the greatest Tag Team of all time for nearly two decades. He's always been one of those "don't disrespect the veterans you snot nosed punk kids" guys anyway.

Devon's just stood there mostly. If I may make one request, it's that Ray's stutter returns in Devon's absence. It'd be fucking hilarious.

All in all, you'd be better of with Hernandez in your main event. As world heavyweight champion. Much better off.
my first reaction was to cry a little internally.
my second reaction was to cry a hell of a lot externally...........
this will surely be the worst main event of all time........even two awesome wrestlers are gonna struggle to make the duds look like anything other than dead weight......

give the belt to supermex soon please, and then we can all stop being silly
I think it's safe to say that I'm an optimist. I try to see the best in everything or at least the good in it. I know I usually do in wrestling, but this may be the one time when there is nothing good in it. The DUdleyz have had chances as singles guys and they've never worked. If TNA truly believes this could work, they've lost it. Now there are indeed ways out of this for them. There's still time bfore the PPV, and I guess there's a chance that the match could indeed be changed which would be the absolute best thing. Angle and Sting are fine, but there needs to be either more big names put in or replace the Dudleyz. If either of them win the title, TNA does two things: reaches WCW 2000 levels, and becomes my new favorite promotion. Most people won't agree though, and that's their issue. Fix yoruself TNA.
You know for the last 5 year all I have heard is how AJ styles and Joe are the perfect wrestler because their young and not washed up, I know today fans are age biased but come on Ok yes this may not be match of the year but hey either was Joe vs Kurt angle or AJ styles vs whoever.

They weren't the best matches in the world but they were at the very least functional, entertaining. They were considered pretty good by a good fiew people. AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle might not be up to Kurt's WWE stuff but it was very, very watchable. This main event, on the other hand, is a four man clusterfuck, featuring two wrestlers which - as you later point out - can't even wrestle properly.

What's most odd is how Devon wants to make his name as a singles wrestler... as long as Bubba's there to hold his hand.

Will these main event suck Yes is it because of the Dudley yes let be truthfully any wrestler from ECW is not a good wrestler unless it a hardcore match and the same is for TNA

Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero... Steve Austin for ECW.

As for TNA, well, Kurt Angle, Hernandez, Alex Shelley, James Storm, Sting (0_0), Jeff Jarrett... it's a long list.
I'm seeing the match being set up on Impact currently, and I can see what they're trying to do, but the problem is that at the end of the day, it's the Dudleyz. They're a great tag team and have been one of the best for a good number of years. However, there's a reason that they've been a team for so long. They've tried splitting them up and it works to an extent but they work so much better as a team it's not even funny. I will give TNA this though: they have me actually thinking that it could work. As long as neither of them win the title, this could actually be ok. I heavily emphasize could.
Well i see Deavon taking the title. After just killing every one. Almost like a squash match sort of....Which is what i would say if i was TNA's creative.

As for my outcome and reaction. Sting will likely retain. He wont loose it until he becomes face again. Simply as that. AS for what the other 3 people in this match will do. Well they will kill sting. Then the frontline will kill kurt. In comes MEM and kill frontline. Angle gets up gets killed by FL then sting pins Ray FTW. Honestly that is what i am thinking. Why else would TNA make a match like this???
It's an experiment long over due. The Dudleys have proven themselves time and time again as pretty much the elite tag team of the business for the last fifteen years. They are reliable, and they at least, deserve a shot at what they can do. I seem to recall Bubba Ray being pretty over during 2002, even culminating in a mini-feud with Triple H for the title. D-Von, let's just say it was a case of bad gimmick, bad time. The preacher angle wasn't going to work, and if anyone wants to dispute that, go on ahead.

I think Irish has hit the nail on the head though, Bubba Ray heel turn coming from a mile away, culminating in probably one of the nastiest feuds we'll see in the business with Dvon vs. Ray. America's Most Wanted broked up, and provided us with the match of the year from 2007 in the street fight from sacrifice. You take two sonofabitches like the Dudleys, and eventually place them in a street fight, look out.

As far as this particular match up is concerned, I see Sting dropping the belt as Kurt Angle takes advantage of a bloody and beaten D-Von. Sting is pretty much in that tweener role right now. He is in the Main Event mafia because he believes in what they stand for, but the character is obviously uncomfortable with the way the stable conducts business. Angle is the leader, and the leader will get the gold, and the MeM will get a new member.
It's an experiment long over due. The Dudleys have proven themselves time and time again as pretty much the elite tag team of the business for the last fifteen years.

That's pretty generous. They've relied on being in the right place at the right time quite a bit. And like you said, the experiment is long overdue - they're both so past it that the chances of it working are at an all-time low.

They are reliable, and they at least, deserve a shot at what they can do.

They're consistent, I'll give you that. But that just means they've become incredibly repetitive after all these years. I say become; they've been repetitive since 2000.

I seem to recall Bubba Ray being pretty over during 2002, even culminating in a mini-feud with Triple H for the title.

Was that around the same time that Hardcore Holly was feuding with Brock Lesnar? Dark, dark times.

D-Von, let's just say it was a case of bad gimmick, bad time.

First and only time that's happened to a Dudley. Well, unless you count Spike.

The preacher angle wasn't going to work, and if anyone wants to dispute that, go on ahead.

I don't think they expected it to work. It was more a case of "here, this'll keep you busy for a little while". As if they were gonna give Devon a proper push.

You take two sonofabitches like the Dudleys, and eventually place them in a street fight, look out.

I'll be playing the game of "Count how many times you can rename a street fight". My early estimate: at least seven.

As far as this particular match up is concerned, I see Sting dropping the belt as Kurt Angle takes advantage of a bloody and beaten D-Von.

Kurt having to take advantage of a washed up Devon Dudley makes me sad. I don't care if he is a heel - this the same heel who made Shawn Michaels tap out at WrestleMania.

Sting is pretty much in that tweener role right now. He is in the Main Event mafia because he believes in what they stand for, but the character is obviously uncomfortable with the way the stable conducts business.

"This is my guilty face."

Angle is the leader, and the leader will get the gold, and the MeM will get a new member.

And be sued for false advertising.
With you not posting that much over the past month I suspected something was wrong. You've just confirmed your crack addiction.

It's an experiment long over due. The Dudleys have proven themselves time and time again as pretty much the elite tag team of the business for the last fifteen years.

I don't know how long they've been together, either way, their last truly notable feud was with Edge & Christian and The Hardyz. That was 8 years ago.

They are reliable, and they at least, deserve a shot at what they can do.

Which is tag team wrestling, which they are given the oppertunity to do week in and out.

I seem to recall Bubba Ray being pretty over during 2002, even culminating in a mini-feud with Triple H for the title. D-Von, let's just say it was a case of bad gimmick, bad time. The preacher angle wasn't going to work, and if anyone wants to dispute that, go on ahead.

Mini feuds don't do shit and don't usually do much for anybody. Harly anybody remembers The Rock putting over The Hurricane, and that was way more memorable than anything Bubbah did with Triple H.

I think Irish has hit the nail on the head though, Bubba Ray heel turn coming from a mile away, culminating in probably one of the nastiest feuds we'll see in the business with Dvon vs. Ray.

They exhausted all available options for them as a team years ago, so they have nothing to lose. The problem is that if they split, they'll be stuck somewhere in the middle. They'll be in Abyss territory, not involved in the MEM/Frontline storyline, so not really worth watching.

America's Most Wanted broked up, and provided us with the match of the year from 2007 in the street fight from sacrifice. You take two sonofabitches like the Dudleys, and eventually place them in a street fight, look out.

It'll be like Bubbah Ray vs. Tazz from ECW, only nowhere near as good because Tazz had more talent than both of them. They work well as a team because when Bubbah gasses out D'Von can come in, and vice versa.

As far as this particular match up is concerned, I see Sting dropping the belt as Kurt Angle takes advantage of a bloody and beaten D-Von. Sting is pretty much in that tweener role right now. He is in the Main Event mafia because he believes in what they stand for, but the character is obviously uncomfortable with the way the stable conducts business. Angle is the leader, and the leader will get the gold, and the MeM will get a new member.

Yeah this match makes no sense at all.
It's a stupid move on TNA's part. Nobody is going to want to see Team 3D in the mainevent of a ppv. I suspect the build for the ppv will be like building for a tag team match. Then in the end Kurt Angle will get the oin and win the title from Sting. That'll piss the stinger off and he'll join the frontline and actually start wearing his make up again. Team 3D is worthless in the match. They're old fat and no one really likes them. They could have at least put AJ and Joe in the mainevent. But either way, Angle wins, Sting joins the frontline.
the way its looking i think angle will win
i see it coming from a mile away
i agree on the dudleys
their just not good single wrestlers
anything could happen
I am predicting Angle to win here. Furthermore, I think this will mark the beginning of the end of the MEM/Frontline storyline. Moreover, I would be shocked if Bubba Ray turns on D-Von, or vice versa. More than anything else, I think putting Team 3D in this match (and also with the Frontline) was just a way for TNA to reward the Dudleys for signing new contracts in the latter half of last year and also to allow them to build up new tag teams without having the Dudleys overshadow the TNA Tag Team division.

As I said in the thread about Hernandez becoming TNA World Heavyweight Champion, I think the following will unfold:

1) Angle wins the belt at Against All Odds.
2) Angle drops the belt to A.J. Styles in two or three months.
3) A.J. Styles turns heel and drops the belt to Hernandez at Bound For Glory.
angle will win then he will fight jarrett.i'm totaly against jarrett winning the belt.i like to see a younger guy,like aj styles
Well we thought it would be bad, but we didn't think it would be THIS bad. This was nothing. There was nothing of note at all to it and Sting pins Bubba cleanly? After the whole night of teasing stuff and nothing happens? What was the point of this being the main event of a show? Couldn't this have been on Impact somewhere? Or at least make it a tag match where the winner gets the title. It would have made a bit more sense then. 3D barely touched each other, Angle didn't get the belt, Sting didn't turn, what was the point? Again TNA manages to bungle another one.

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