Spoiler titles

Kharma Bites

Dark Match Winner
no not a list of a spoilers

i could not find an appropriate forum for this, but as it tend to apply to all wrestling companies news i landed here, apologise in advance if a move is needed

1st up i love reading the news section, then i read something like this

"*Spoiler*: Huge Title Change On Tonight's Smackdown Taping"

are you guys serious? you say its a spoiler but put the spoiler itself in the freaking title? really?

*Spoiler* Debut For TNA Impact Tapings Tonight

really? so although most people would know there is a planned debut for tonight, for those who dont you just give away part of the shock in the title again?

how about in future you just put

WWE RAW spoiler

TNA Spoiler

instead of giving away info in the title

i resisted the urge for a rant
Completely agree mate.

"*Spoiler*: Huge Title Change On Tonight's Smackdown Taping"

Suggests something obvious to me, although I haven't read it, I can pretty much guess what that means. I was really looking forward to SD this week for the first time in ages. Now I go into it thinking I know what happens.

Love the news section on WZ, it's second to none when it comes to wrestling.
well considering its against the forum rules, i find it very ironic they essentially dont follow their own rules, theres good reasons why people on the forums shouldnt post things they know in advance

and i know straight away without reading it that the injury for a diva will be caused by kharma, which in turn confirms shes showing up on both brands

its a shame as its going to force me to stop reading the news/main page section as it just gives too much away in the titles
Is everyone aware that we, on the forums, have nothing to do with the main site and their naming of articles?

Yes? Good.
Exactly how is the IC title "huge"?

It clearly isn't, however I agree with Nick, I have seen similar spoiler titles for IC titles or other lesser titles. Just because the spoiler says "huge" doesn't really mean it is. After all, I have seen spoiler titles for mid card titles for TNA as well, and the main page even had the audacity to all them "huge" too ;)
well considering its against the forum rules, i find it very ironic they essentially dont follow their own rules, theres good reasons why people on the forums shouldnt post things they know in advance
I find it very ironic you're clearly someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

Come to think of it, that's not ironic at all. So, forget that part of my sentence, and just stick with the part saying you don't know what you're talking about.

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